So I decided to try this interactive app before I recommend it for my niece. The game presents people as objects of choice, letting the user choose to do certain things that involve risky behaviors just for the dramatic effect or for selfish desires. Even the ads that pop up when my kids play approved games should be blocked!! I used the email and the little chatbox on the site to answer and ask any questions and they responded back and was cool as all outdoors. Not only are they selling stolen content, they're based out of the Ukraine--so if you're stupid enough to buy something from them, you can bet your credit card or paypal info is going to be passed on to scammers. Kiss News. I remember buying a book at a different shop and even though it straight up had an incorrect cover, it still took them over 2 weeks to check it and refund my money. Learn to Read Apps; Latest. This is the place you use when you can't find the book you need online. She is 12. The Ultimate Coronavirus Consumer Resource Guide: Avoid Scams and Shop Smarter, We’re in this together! One game, two characters were having sex and it was very inappropriate. Thanks for being out there guys! There are many love games for girls and boys but only in Kiss Kiss you can become a part of the worldwide community of people, learn about new cultures and, of course, virtually kiss a girl or a guy you like. I assumed that stuff like piracy was illegal and they aren't allowed to do this. Anna and the French Kiss book. They're selling pirated copies of our works! Larissa Kiskissing Team . You don't have a lot of control in the game. He often selects this book (or one of the other Minarik books) from his bookcase at bedtime for my wife or I to read to him. She had the game. 4th Grade Apps. When I found Kissly is was the best thing that could happen. After reading many positive kisslibrary reviews I decided to order one scientific book there and I have no complaints. And it's too childish and dumb to be played by anyone over 18. I'm not a drama filled individual so some of the things that happened I would never do. Better Business Bureau, FTC, Paypal etc. Kiss Library has many reviews online which reveal that it steals content to sell. And they're selling you bootleg copies. Therefore, it acts as a complete comic reading solution on your Android device. You never know who you meet today, maybe it’s a future best buddy or your first love. Read, read, and keep reading, but please don't support criminal activity. The Audible app is the definitive mobile app for book lovers who prefer to listening over reading — or readers who are commuting on crowded trains, and listening to a book is more feasible than looking down at your phone for 45 minutes at a time. Gems are another thing you can purchase. Use these free activities to help kids explore our planet, learn about global challenges, think of solutions, and take action. It is clear and understandable. I know this because I just found five books by two authors my company represents for sale on, at higher prices that they're available on Amazon, and without authorization. 04/03/2021. What seemed like a creative app for my daughter turned into a highly inappropriate adventure in sex, alcohol and even drugs. If you are not aware of all the kissing styles then you will get the knowledge of different-different kissing style. this app is a horrible waste of money. One game the boy talked about wanting to bang a hot girl. Free Reading Apps. The newish medium of streaming is perhaps inevitably taking TV to its logical endpoint -- namely, a weird return back to radio. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). I think that episode is the best because it's soon sexyyyy, this game was on my daughters phone, she’s 14. It also is heavy handed with romance and sexuality. I don't know. One claimed "Kiss steal the credit card info". Apps are fun and motivating for kids! The game is a fine time killer and is a fine idea, but it is limited and, in my opinion, promotes unkindness and pettiness. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 5 Ways Video Games Can Help Kids with Special Needs, Which Side of History? I also can have fun book discussion and it was just a really dope place to buy ebooks. Check out the daily app ranking, rank history, ratings, features and reviews of top apps like How to Kiss with Passion on ios Store. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives. It's gross to think that it's targeted towards kids in the first place, not only because of its terrible content, but because it's also expensive. And the stories guilt trip you into paying for these "exclusive" choices, which is disgusting when it's supposed to be for people also under 18. Whenever I have any issue with a book, I can just fire up an email and the at most the next day my issue is resolved. Sight Word Superhero. The first thing I noticed was the cost of things and the lack of opportunity to earn anything to pay these cost. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. It’s crap coming from China.You won’t even recognise the clothes that you get in the mail.Also the models face doesn’t show cause it’s been copied from somewhere and they trying to copy the garment,but is rubbish the cut the material everything. There were kids smoking cigerettes and this one main character kept trying to "hook" up with all the "hot" chicks at school. I'm surprised google doesn't delist them from their index to be honest. Open Play Console and go to the Reviews page (Ratings and reviews > Reviews). If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us. its totally interactive app I found it best for adults and teen over 18, now its parent's responsibility to check their kid's phone. I get that choice with my SIM and I find those games extremely fun. Is there any problem with kiss website ? They're not needed to play the games but there are some things you can only do with gems (like buying outfits and certain choices you can make in the game). Within five minutes, my books were taken down. They're safely located in Russia, that's how. I stumbled across this site today and discovered it had nearly a dozen of my self-published books available for sale. Best of all, you can access books chapter by chapter, so you can easily squeeze in some reading time on the go or curled up in bed. this app is a horrible waste of money. Not cool. No good messages here. I absolutely love this app and customer s service as well. Surprise and impress your boyfriend/girlfriend with your lovely kissing style, it can be a French kiss, Butterfly kiss, Fish kiss or anything else. It is time to prove you are the best kisser by entering the Kissing Contest! Yes they do accept paypal and other credit cards like the diner's club. Learn how to stay safe during COVID-19 in our new guide: Backed by the National Science Foundation. She is 14 years old. It also lets you write reviews of books you've read, add books to your favorites, and join online book clubs or discussion lists. I feel bad that I can't buy my books anymore like pdf like I like them. I want to thank this app for reminders of goal and to keep pushing forward. It also lets you write reviews of books you've read, add books to your favorites, and join online book clubs or discussion lists. I recommend it to anyone looking for a great reading app. That’s the only purpose. As many reviewers have already stated, this is a pirate site. I've always wanted to be an author, but frankly it's a lot harder than I imagined. Whether a question or a problem they have resolved. No Amazon! Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. not only is it highly inappropriate for children, with mentions of "white parties" and discrimination against gay people, it steals your money after you pay to kiss girls. KISS will sweep you away into the fantasy you’ve been looking for. KISS will sweep you away into the fantasy you’ve been looking for. ranks 67th among Ebook sites. The app offers HD downloads of popular web comics as well as a functional reading experience. Que faire pour les combattre? She wanted it--and wanted him. The apps listed will help kids build skills in print awareness, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, and writing. Free delivery on qualified orders. We’re in this together! In another scene a character starts smoking and is having sex. has a consumer rating of 3.1 stars from 47 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. It is not a dedicated Manga reader app, but it surely does offer you to read a lot of good Manga collections. Thank you so much for your review. Continue reading the main story. One positive review below for example, "you get to speak to a real live human via email and live chat". Use your money to buy better games.. That's not the worst part. It's a nice over-sized board book; which means larger illustrations for baby to look at. =(. i just want to kiss the ladies without my money being kidnapped and the game crashing. In one scene I saw a man was thrusting a woman. If only. WARNING! Read Go Kiss the World book reviews & author details and more at This app scores your kissing skills based on your actual technique. I should have checked the reviews first. Et ils le vendent aussi plus cher. Common Sense Media is the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families. lie that the books are illegally uploaded by 'clients'. Get iFrenchKiss and found out! They clearly have a strategy on trying to seem legitimate enough for that first buy from unsuspecting customer. Sex: Most stories revolve around romance. Plus: 15 MORE Great Reading Apps for Kids 695 talking about this. If people want to be boring and honest then they should have the choice. If you select a suggested reply and you haven’t added contact information to use in suggested replies before, type a phone number, email address, or website. I answered saying, " I paid for my book using Paypal, so how can Kiss have stolen my debit/credit card information?" Do NOT buy from Kiss, and if you're an author who has had your books stolen, COMPLAIN. We use cookies for analytics, personalization, and ads. Being in a hurry I actually paid for a book from their site. Mobile App reviews, ratings, and prices at CNET. Coined with amazing kiss … Have fun with your friends and family with this prank kiss test app. I've chosen an incorrect book by mistake and asked for a discount buying the correct one. An optimistic climate documentary narrated by … iFrenchKiss (French Kissing Test) NORMAN CHENG See also: Top 10 Apps like iFrenchKiss (French Kissi. WARNING! Trying to get them to pay back the money turns out futile. Reading Apps. Definitely not for anyone under 18. These publishers should go after the individuals who run the site as it is criminal thief on an industrial scale. What's more, the prices were nearly twice that of Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and so on. I can tell the game is meant to target younger teens, but the content and stories are too shallow, dramatic and sexualized to be suitable for impressionable younger ones in my opinion. KISS features romance stories of all genres, along with heat levels to match however naughty or nice you’re feeling. - Buy Go Kiss the World book online at best prices in India on Sitejabber’s sole mission is to increase online transparency for consumers and businesses, Sitejabber has helped over 100M consumers make better purchasing decisions online, Suspicious reviews are flagged by our algorithms, moderators, and community members. Kiss Novel mobile friendly update. SCAM! But other than small improvements that could be make, this app is great. Substack, the hot subscription newsletter startup, is building a reader app to help people manage all of their newsletters in a single place. What to do to fight them? Their customer support service answered at all my questions and helped me to make a purchase. Downloading this app you can use it even on the way to a disco or a date where you know what will be a kiss. I JUST WANT TO KISS THE LADIES WITHOUT MY MONEY BEING KIDNAPPED AND THE GAME CRASHING. DO NOT INSTALL THIS APP. You can do deep dives into cosmology, ancient civilizations, the branches of government, cryptography, and far too many more to mention. Their phone number is not operational. This list of awesome reading apps will help your child practice essential literacy skills. Good exists, and when people, especially children, virtually live in a game that pretends there is no consequences to poor decisions, people start to confuse what truth really is in reality. Is it safe for USERS: yes! Not important it is piracy books. We’re in this together! Bowman, jews in byzantium 77 votes - Entertainment - First release: 2015-07-01T00:18:20Z. Your character is prompted to be unkind, and is rewarded (things go better) when she is mean. All it promotes is making lifestyle choices that are immoral. KissLibrary is one of those shops that have a mom&pop feel. They do it themselves. The response was immediate. Last but not least, the ads took up more and more time toward the end of the game. The game has a lot of swearing. available? Read more. KissLibrary is one of those shops that have a mom&pop feel. Just trash. Je m'aperçois qu'ils ont aussi mis l'un de mes e-books en vente, sans mon accord ni celui d'Amazon (Kindle) et de la FNAC (Kobo). As a gamer you usually get the opportunity to earn game currency. Also, it's more expensive to buy my book from Kiss than from Kindle, legally! There’s not an age that this app is “good” for. Readict has many in-app features to cater to your reading preferences. The real owners get nothing. I realize that they have also put one of my e-books on sale, without my agreement neither that of Amazon (Kindle) and FNAC (Kobo). i just want to kiss the ladies without my money being kidnapped and the game crashing. AMAZINGGGG Customer Service AMAZINGGGG … Secondly, the story line is going to do what it wants you to do to keep the drama going. They know they can ignore the minor publishers. Love it! As humans, we all share similar hopes, fears, desires and joys. All. Just buy books legally? Episodes has an excellent premise but falls short on storylines. It is selling my book illegally. Thanks for having down to earth prices. Frederick: Learn to Read. They claim Kiss charge higher prices that Amazon and other booksellers. Audible boasts the largest selection of … stolen. Instead they simply provided me the book I needed at no extra cost. One fateful decision rips Ryan and Alana apart and neither of them are ever the same again. Audible: audiobooks, podcasts & audio stories (10 Similar Apps, 12 Features, 6 Review Highlights & 4,639,115 Reviews) vs Scribd: Audiobooks & ebooks (10 Similar Apps, 16 Features, 6 Review Highlights & 560,420 Reviews). This Russian criminal enterprise is NOT in Canada, confirmed by the Calgary, Alberta, Canada Police Service. 04/03/2021. This game is actually just gross and I'd never let my kids play it. Perfect for buyers. It is way cheaper and I haven’t seen very many typos or grammar errors. This is our first ever iPhone app review centered around love, sex, and dating. Android & IOS. Kiss My Book; August 27, 2019 August 27 , 2019; Fantasy; Fiction; Four and a Half Stars; Suspense; Thriller; Tribute : The Cleaners Series, Book 1 by Chris Knoblaugh. Thank you for your review. CA. This is a great place to publish your books if you're a small independent author. When stories are about sex, drama, dating shows, murder and whatnot, you'd expect the dialogue and content to not seem like it was written by 10-year-olds. Be careful.Now they changed they name to weslily. © Common Sense Media. It is easy for lies like this to be woven into games so easily, especially this one. Needless to say, I'm now a loyal kisslibrary customer :). In my experience Kiss charged the lowest price out of at least 20 other booksellers I visited. Sorry authors. RSS; Enter a search term. The stories could use English spell check and translation check by someone who speaks English; however, none of this affects the reading. 1. It has a third party payment mechanism if you're worried about having your $#*! Kiss Kiss is the … He thinks his friend would be upset with him--but he didn't care. KISSTORY- April 1975 - KISS on cover of CIRCUS Magazine. They have ZERO rights to resell my copyrighted e-book, but there it is anyway... not for much longer. By using Sitejabber, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In one scene he says: he went to his best friends house and banged his sister all night long. Every once in a while, I'll Google some of my own titles. Mature themes, purchases in stories teens read and create. Best part is that result includes the brief information of all the kissing styles as well. A lovely app which lets you find what type of kiss you can have with your love partner. These books have been STOLEN. se you come together, doesn't mean you stay together. 1. Also, I heard they'll steal your credit card. In the “Your reply” field below a review, type your response or select a suggested reply. Consumerism: You have to sit through three ads before you can play one episode. They stole my short story (which I have the copyrights too) and are attempting to sell it at SIX TIMES the normal price. The best part is the promotion program they have - you can agree to give away 40% (which seems like a lot, but it's really not), and they are going to do the advertising for you. Twelve year old Miguel lives with his single mother, sisters and the men who rent all the floor space from his mother. I do love the concept of allowing the player to make their own choices, so that's cool. I really luvved them and the customer service was dope and I never had any of my info stolen and brought like 300$ worth of books each time I went to them and I have brought from them at least a good 6 to 8 times. Their chat is 'online' but there is no reply even after hours of waiting. I'm a self-published author who had her entire first historical romance series stolen by this site! 2. Complete fun, simple tasks to find a multitude of new friends. There are a few things i would love to see them do as far as finding authors and their stories or putting books in a better order or something to help figure out which story comes first in a series. They posted dozens of fake positive reviews on Trustpilot until Trustpilot kicked them off and deleted all the entries. Verwalte und vergleiche mehrere Standorte miteinander. I can actually find books and share them with friends and not have to worry about whether the book was going to come back the way it came. THIS APP IS A HORRIBLE WASTE OF MONEY. They bull$#*! I like to make certain no one uploads any of my titles without my permission. They change their web address every 3 months;,, etc Terrible app. They source their books from the pirate site Libgen. He taught her all he knew. The reality is that truth exists. BS. Anytime I have had anything. Or go to a library ffs. I travel a lot, so carrying books with me would suck, instead I just load a bunch of books on my kindle and I'm good to go! And even this is not all, not always the kisses are nice and you should know how to deal with a bad kisser or how to kiss … I just purchased a book I loved from this website because it unavailable on Amazon, Nook, Google and other sites. Reply. It does not promote ANY good values at all and it costs money to make your children dumber. Kiss Kiss is an amazing friendship app as well as a dating app that gives you a chance to meet THE ONE. Do not fund this website with your custom. I will keep an eye on this business, to make sure my titles don't reappear. There are books (you can eit… We are really thankful that we had your support. User lose balance of Media and reality in real life have sex, talk dirty thank app! Simple tasks to find more information about reviews and trust on visit! Was right and wrong ; Random ; a to Z ; Top Rated ; Android & IOS cool. 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