He is a respected Pencak Silat instructor who toured Europe and was one of the Pencak Silat fighters documented by the European Pencak Silat website Saudara Kaum (France). Guru Cecep Arief Rhaman Eminent Silat Guru and Actor - INDONESIA. Cecep Arif Rahman (born in Garut, August 18, 1972) is a teacher, athlete, teacher of martial arts and Indonesian actor. Born in Hong Kong, Aarif Rahman is of mixed Arab, Malay and Chinese descent. Guru Cecep Arief Rahman, born in Garut on 18 August 1972, he is a teacher and pupil of the Panglipur School Padepokan Kasundan.With a passion for Bruce Lee he began studying the Pencak Silat at the age of 8 with many Panglipur Masters, Silat ( Indonesian Martial Art) style, which collects different local styles. August 18, 1972[1]Garut, Indonesia Cecep Arif Rahman He is a respected Pencak Silat trainer who toured Europe and was one of the Pencak Silat fighters documented by European Pencak Silat website Saudara Kaum (France). dan Chikung. Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens actors. Cecep Arif Rahman adalah seorang atlet pencak silat sekaligus aktor asal Indonesia. Dalam unggahan tersebut terlihat bahwa Cecep Arif Rahman … "Poster karakter berikut adalah Jawara silat kang @ceceparifrahman yang turut berperan dalam film #wirosableng sebagai Bajak Laut Bagaspati #siapsableng #wirosablengagustus2018," tulis Vino dalam unggahannya, Minggu (17/6/2018). Bahkan, mereka muncul di trailer … Showing all 3 items. Sebelum terjun ke dunia hiburan, Cecep Arif Rahman merupakan seorang guru. [Source], Cecep Arif Rahman (born August 18, 1972[1]) is an Indonesian actor who portrayed Kanjiklub member Crokind Shand in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.[2]. In 2017, he appeared in the alien invasion movie Beyond Skyline where he played a police chief in Laos credited only as the Chief in the movie. Born in Garut, Cecep is a martial arts artist from the School of Panglipur Garut. Early life. Sources tell THR that Uwais, along with Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman are performing fight work in the movie, directed by J.J. Abrams, which wrapped official principal photography Nov. 6. Biographical information Nazar is joined by Yasmin Napper (MeloDylan), Cecep-Arif Rahman (The Raid 2, John Wick 3), Yayan Ruhiyan (Yakuza Apocalypse, The Raid 2, John Wick 3), Jerome Kurnia, Omar Daniel, ZsaZsa Utari … His career in martial arts was transferring him to the French martial festival Bercy Festival des Arts Martiaux from 2000 to 2008. Keduanya siap merenggut nyawa Wick dengan senjata dan kemampuan bertarung mereka. Occupation 1: Cecep Arif Rahman, Cecep Arif Rahman: Movies & TV View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. Cecep Arif Rahman is an Indonesian actor, martial arts teacher, and athlete. News & Entertainment 2 Film Indonesia Tayang Minggu Ini: Bangkit! Ia berhasil meraih piala juara pertama pada kejuaraan pencak silat internasional di Thailand, pada 1990-an.. Selain itu, Cecep Arif Rahman juga kerap menghadiri berbagai event pencak silat di luar negeri seperti Prancis, Italia, Inggris, Rusia, dan Amerika Serikat. In addition, co-star Sunny Pang also took to social media to confirm the addition of actress and martial artist Grace Teo in a public post. Indonesian[2] Born in Garut, Cecep is a martial arts artist from the School of Panglipur Garut. |  On an interview with the Indonesian media, he said that he is 41 years old and has a kid, who disagrees with him playing an antagonist in The Raid 2. Selain itu, Cecep Arif Rahman juga kerap menghadiri berbagai event pencak silat di luar negeri seperti Prancis, Italia, … Joko, Other Works Thanks to his high-wattage fighting scene in The Raid 2 and his cameo in blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens, silat master Cecep Arif Rahman has become an action star. Ia berhasil meraih piala juara pertama pada kejuaraan pencak silat internasional di Thailand, pada 1990-an. Pemeran Wiro Sableng, Vino G Bastian, memperkenalkan karakter ini lewat akun Instagram miliknya. Career Cecep Arif Rahman is an elementary school teacher. Awal kariernya sebagai aktor adalah di film The Raid 2: Berandal. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Born Porsi kemunculan Yayan dan Cecep bisa dibilang cukup banyak. Cecep Arif Rahman. Cecep Arif Rahman was born on August 18, 1972 in Garut which is a subdistrict and town in West Java in Indonesia . Written by Lopez’s team, GI follows “a female assassin forced to fight back through hell and everyone in her way to rescue her mother from the clutches of a rival gang. He is a respected Pencak Silat trainer who toured Europe and was one of the Pencak Silat fighters documented by European Pencak Silat website Saudara Kaum (France). Simak harapan Cecep Arif Rahman yang akan bermain di film terbaru Keanu Reeves, John Wick 3. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Berita Cecep Arif Rahman - Rizky Nazar menjalani persiapan khusus selama 3 bulan bersama Cecep Arif Rahman dan Yayan Ruhian demi proyek Gatotkaca. He also idolized Bruce Lee as a child and had many Bruce Lee posters in his room. Cecep Arif Rahman (19?? Rahman and his team will also serve as stunts and fight choreographer. 71.5k Followers, 264 Following, 64 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cecep Arif Rahman (@ceceparifrahman) Cecep is a teacher, athlete , teacher of martial arts and Indonesian actor . He has a proficiency in the school of Silat Cimande and Panglipur Garut. Cecep Arif Rahman learned Silat from 8 years old. Cecep Arif Rahman (born August 18, 19721) is an Indonesian actor who portrayed Kanjiklub member Crokind Shand in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.2 Cecep Arif Rahman at the Internet Movie Database Iko Uwais and the Indonesian heroes of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (backup link) Profil dan Biodata Cecep Arif Rahman Foto Terbaru Lengkap - Berikut ini akan membahas seputar biodata artis indonesia yaitu Biodata Lengkap Cecep Arif Rahman profil lengkap dengan agama yang meliputi kehidupan pribadi karir, pendidikan serta akun twitter dan akun Instagram foto foto yang terbaru dan terlengkap. - ) The Raid 2 (2014) (The Raid 2: Berandal) [The Assassin]: Stabbed by Iko Uwais Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) [Crokin Shand]: Attacked by giant octopus monster along with Yayan Ruhian and Iko Uwais asHarrison Ford looks on shock. Ia pun mengungkapkan harapannya di … Cecep Arif Rahman juga merupakan seorang atlet. Official Sites. Amazon.com: Cecep Arif Rahman, Cecep Arif Rahman - Pencak Silat: Lankas; Breathe; Fight Techniques Vol. Cecep Arif Rahman (lahir di Garut, 18 Agustus 1972; umur 48 tahun) adalah seorang guru, atlet, pengajar pencak silat dan aktor Indonesia. Cecep Arif Rahman (lahir 18 Ogos 1972) ialah seorang guru, atlet, pengajar pencak silat dan pelakon lelaki Indonesia. Nationality Cecep Arif Rahman Ungkap Harapannya di Film 'JOHN WICK 3' Senin, 11 Juni 2018 Cecep Arif Rahman merasa senang ikut terjun di JOHN WICK 3. His career in martial arts was transferring him to the French martial festival Bercy Festival des Arts Martiaux from 2000 to 2008. Dalam kariernya sebagai atlet atau seniman pencak silat, Cecep aktif juga di Panglipur Galih Garut. Cecep Arif Rahman, Actor: John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum. Iko Uwais and the Indonesian heroes of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cecep_Arif_Rahman?oldid=9970113. Lahir di Garut, Cecep merupakan seniman pencak silat dari perguruan Panglipur Garut. He has a proficiency in the school of Silat Cimande and Panglipur Garut. Also joining them in the upcoming movie, which currently goes by the title “Jailbreak: Round 2”, are Indonesian martial arts stars Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman. Action maestros Cecep Arif Rahman (The Raid 2, John Wick: Chapter 3) and Yayan Ruhian (The Raid, John Wick: Chapter 3) has signed on to star in the film alongside Kelly Tandiono (Gundala). Biography. Besides acting and teaching Silat, he is a primary school English teacher. The Child Gets Even Cuter, Luke and Darth Vader Duel in LEGO, and More! In the hours since Monday’s exclusive, Ranjeet S. Marwa’s forthcoming action thriller, Blood Rush, now has Cecep Arif Rahman on board to join the cast. Action maestros Cecep Arif Rahman (The Raid 2, John Wick: Chapter 3) and Yayan Ruhian (The Raid, John Wick: Chapter 3) has signed on to star in the film with Kelly Tandiono (Gundala) in talks to join the cast. Kariernya di pencak silat membawanya ke festival bela diri Perancis Bercy Festival des Arts Martiaux sejak tahun 2000 sampai tahun 2008. Cecep is a martial arts artist from the Peguruan (Silat School) of Panglipur. Publicity Listings Indonesian martial artist, actor and stuntman, Cecep Arif Rahman was born on August 2, 1972 in Garut Regency, Indonesia. Artikel Terbaru cecep arif rahman - Geliat peningkatan sektor pariwisata di Kabupaten Bandung semakin massive pergerakannya, hal itu terlihat dengan di gelarnya acara peluncuran Calendar Jump to: Mini Bio (1) | Trivia (2) Mini Bio (1) He is a respected Pencak Silat trainer who toured Europe and was one of the Pencak Silat fighters documented by European Pencak Silat website Saudara Kaum (France). He appeared in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) as Tasu Leech, alongside his co-stars from The Raid and The Raid 2, Iko Uwais and Cecep Arif Rahman. Actor[2] Cecep Arif Rahman (born in Garut, August 18, 1972) is a teacher, athlete, teacher of martial arts and Indonesian actor. The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that martial artists/actors Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman will star in John Wick: Chapter 3.. Cecep Arif Rahman juga merupakan seorang atlet. |  He came to the limelight after he appeared in the movie The Raid 2: Rascal.He made his Hollywood debut from the Star Wars franchise movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens as Kanjiklub member Crokind Shandand later worked in John Wick: Chapter 3. dan Chikung Kamis (28/7/2016) dua film Indonesia mulai tayang di bioskop yaitu Bangkit! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Yakni, Cecep Arif Rahman (shinobi 1) dan Yayan Ruhian (shinobi 2).

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