3 … For Nintendo 64 on the Nintendo 64, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Rarest N64 Game? Just keep in mind there are a lot of repro (fake) copies floating around, so make sure to … For the better half of a decade, it held its own against both the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation, with the result that by the time that it had come to a conclusion in the early 2000s, it had seen hundreds and hundreds of games made for it. 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Deliveroo, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Frederic Lalonde, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Manish Chandra, The Top Five NFT Marketplaces Out Right Now, Five Stocks That Most Billionaire Investors Own, The Rise of the Venture Capital Scene in Africa, The 20 Best Places to Live in Africa if you have Asthma, The 20 Best Places To Live Off the Grid in South America, The 10 Richest Neighborhoods in San Francisco, The History of the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, The Five Most Expensive Hermes Watches Money Can Buy, The Five Best Louis Vuitton Watches Money Can Buy, How Carol Burnett Achieved a Net Worth of $45 Million, How Kat Dennings Achieved a Net Worth of $25 Million, How Arsenio Hall Achieved a Net Worth of $16 Million, How Scott Adams Achieved a Net Worth of $75 Million. I’ve been writing too much lately about the state of the classic gaming market. After some diligent digging around, however, you might just realize a few of the cartridges you've casually snagged over the years are now worth more than you paid for your N64 back in the day. Next. The set even came with a certificate of authenticity. Nintendo game libraries are always filled with all sorts of collectibles. The 15 Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth) 15 Turok Rage Wars (Gray Cart): ~$400. Even loose, the game runs a high price, more than $400 dollars. The gameplay is solid, but the cartridge is very difficult to find, giving it a consistent >$100 price point. It has a library of games, … Compared to the N64's predecessors, the N64's library was small; only 388 games compared to over 700 for the last two. Thanks for watching!BECOME A MEMBER! Learn how your comment data is processed. Between the cult following of the corporate brand and the fact the platforms have played underdogs at times (especially the Gamecube), it’s not a surprise that there are some treasures to be found in the Nintendo library. Being a Blockbuster exclusive game ensured that not many copies of the game were produced, which is too bad since this one is quite fun.Stunt Racers 64 21 The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time $1.300.00. The Rarest & Most Valuable Nintendo Gamecube Games. Exactly How Valuable is the Assassin’s Creed Franchise? At first glance, your Nintendo game collection probably doesn't seem very valuable to anyone other than you and your childhood memories. As a result, their rarity as well as their exclusivity combine to make them popular with collectors, with the “Not for Resale” version of Yoshi’s Story being no exception to this rule. From that system, some of the most well-loved games have been produced. “Not for Resale” versions are just copies of games that are intended for either store display or some kind of internal use. Classic game prices have been rising fast, and I've been breaking it down by console. However, the international version of Yoshi's Island stands out from the rest by quite possibly being the most expensive and rarest N64 game that was published and developed by Nintendo. Ironically, said copies are now worth more than their counterparts, being able to fetch something along the lines of $150 because no one knows the exact number of them that can be found out there. Conker's Bad Fur Day 2. Special thanks to Jim @ABeerAndAGame for the drool-worthy feature image. ". Flying Dragon – N64 PAL Famous for their Harvest Moon series, publishers Natsume thought they’d have a shot at breaking into the fighting genre of video games with Flying Dragon. To join Mario and his friends on the tracks, gamers have to pay a high entry fee. The Nintendo 64 was the most fondly revered and influential consoles in gaming history that brings you nostalgic memories as a kid! Top Five Most Anticipated Games: N64 Games Least Likely to have Sequels: 1. I remember paying $150 or more for the "true" arcade experience. Clay Fighter may be the rarest and most valuable US N64 game. The Wide-Boy 64 wasn’t intended for consumer purchase. There are rumors that Nintendo sold the Wide-Boy 64 to interested parties for $1,400, which is a staggering price even when one considers that most of the machinery that made it possible to run those games were crammed into the over-sized cartridge. While there might be a couple of copies floating around on EBay these days, the average price is extremely high. Via: Polygon. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Collector's Edition: $1,250. Easily one of the most popular games for the N64, Mario Kart 64 is over-the-top kart racing at its finest. There is no doubt that people typically pay a lot of money for certain video games. One of its franchises was ClayFighter, which started out as a claymation-style parody of Street Fighter with a circus-themed sense of humor. Rare’s final Nintendo 64 game is perhaps the N64’s most visually impressive. With that said, the “Not for Resale” version of Yoshi’s Story manages to stand out even among its counterparts with a $1,000+ value, which can be attributed to the fact that for some strange reason, the cartridge actually hosts a Japanese version of the game but won’t run on anything besides an American version of the N64. The Immortal John Hancock shows us the most rare and expensive games for the N64. The N64 started up in the September of 1996. San Francisco Rush 2049 5. Clay Fighter: Sculptor’s Cut kickstarts this list of rare N64 games in style. … However, some of these special editions are much more so than others, as shown by how the Adventure Set for The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask has a value that some have estimated to be around $2,500. Clay Fighter Sculptors Cut This game was absolutely terrible, but nevertheless, Clay Fighter Sculptors Cut is one of … It is a kart racing game that mixed a number of racing styles with components of an adventure game. However, it should also be noted that the Adventure Set boasts some other goodies besides the game, with examples ranging from a watch to a shirt. Getting one will set a collector back around $260, though you may be able to find one for cheaper or find one bundled up with a few of your favorite N64 games. Garrett by trade is a personal finance freelance writer and journalist. ClayFighter 63 1/3 met with a less than enthusiastic response for the N64 consumer base, but that didn’t stop Block… So, I asked some of the community on their thoughts for their hardest N64 games, and bunched them up into this list. Another jaw-droppingly good game to grace the Nintendo 64 was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which has gone down in history as one of the best video games ever made. If you guys thought N64 games were expensive at launch, try being a Neo Geo fan. Here are some of the rarest and most expensive Zelda games we've found. The Five Most Expensive N64 Games of All-Time, Echo Nest: The One Company That May Change the Music Industry Forever, Musical Acts That Will Gross the Most Money in 2016, How to Get Paid To Tweet About Summer Music Festivals, Why It Costs Some Animation Shows Up To $2 million To Make A Single Episode, Need Proof that Cable TV is Dying? The most expensive game I bought for the N64 was Killer Instinct Gold for $79.99. After recognizing the true value of your Nintendo 64 games, you'll start to understand the real-life, tangible value of holding onto your timeless treasures. Here are five of the most expensive N64 games that can be found out there: Once upon a time, Interplay was a colossus in the video game industry that was responsible for a number of famous franchises such as Baldur’s Gate, Earthworm Jim, and Fallout. - comments: in my opinion, the rarest and most expensive NTSC-J N64 game. Nerds across the globe will fork over heaps of cash to get their hands on rare collectibles, especially if it's something retro and out of print. International Superstar Soccer 2000. This One Stat Trumps Them All. If you do happen to get lucky though, here are a few rare and expensive N64 games to look out for. On top of this, the difficulty of Nintendo games was getting easier. One of the most popular game systems ever developed was the Nintendo SNES. While it's not the rarest or most expensive N64 game on the market, Turok: Rage Wars has an intriguing backstory and is a great conversation piece for collectors. Being the very best at Pokémon battles proves to be an expensive hobby. Eventually, those copies of ClayFighter Sculptor’s Cut were sold when Blockbuster stores closed down en masse, though there is such a small number of them that single copies can fetch more than $300 when put up for sale. N64 Games Were Ridiculously Expensive When They First Came Out By Josh Wirtanen October 29, 2014 People seem to view past generations of gaming with nostalgia-tinted glasses, and I’ve encountered a fair share of forum chatters around the Internet who seem to remember games being a lot less expensive than they actually were. For those who are curious, it was supposed to let interested parties play Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games on a bigger screen, which helped to relieve eye strain in media figures who had to play them for hours and hours on end. Interested in collecting for Nintendo 64? Not such a terrible fate: Factory sealed The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Collector's Edition for the N64; The best pre-order bonus ever: The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition; A grade A treasure: Wata graded The Legend of Zelda for NES However, whatever the truth of such claims, the Wide-Boy 64 can fetch more than $500 when put on the market in the present. Expect to pay upwards of around $152. Turok Rage Wars had a game-breaking bug in its co-op mode that wasn’t detected before a huge number of units had been shipped out. You're going to need a lot of green Rupees, so get to smashing those pots! Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: 1. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. WCW Backstage Assault is a … Some readers may have played Clay Fighter 63 1/3, but the Sculptor’s Cut edition is one of the most elusive and expensive games for the console. It uses the artwork from the US version, but it's in Japanese. List RulesVote up the super-rare cartridges you wish you'd held onto. Markos Magic Football £400 (expensive but not very collectable) Samurai Showdown £400 The Lawnmower Man £400 (this one can vary a lot, occasionally every few years, 3 or 4 more are found) ClayFighter 63⅓ was a comedy fighting game for the Nintendo 64, and the Sculptor’s Cut was a special version that added four new characters and … Turok was an enormous franchise back in the day, but Turok Rage Wars never really... 14 WCW Backstage Assault (Gray Cart): ~$300. While ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut has the honor of being the most expensive game on the N64, the rarest goes to Stunt Racers 64.. This particular run of the game is expensive because it's an updated version of the original, ClayFighter 63 1/2 (a play on the "64" that appeared on most N64 games) and was only available at Blockbuster as a rental. Super Smash Bros. is a super-pricey, super-rare gem. In part, this is because no more than 1,000 Adventure Sets were ever produced before being released in Europe and nowhere else in the world. If you want a new factory sealed copy, prepare to pay as much as $3,100. 7 DIDDY KONG RACING: $406.00 Diddy Kong Racing was one of the most groundbreaking games to be released on the Nintendo 64. We have to admit, this has been our all-time favorite gaming machine and even more for game collectors. Today we're looking at why N64 games are getting expensive, and which are staying steady. Next time you think about pawning off your old geeky goods when they go out of style, just remember some future nerd out there will be more than willing to pay you a high price for your rare video game merch. https://www.ranker.com/list/most-valuable-n64-games-on-ebay/crystal-brackett ISS 2000 is the third game on the N64 in the International Superstar Soccer series. But can… One of its franchises was ClayFighter, which started out as a claymation-style parody of Street Fighter with a circus-themed sense of humor. With that said, some of these N64 games are much more expensive than others, whether because of low numbers, high interest, or in most cases, a combination of both. Dinosaur Planet 4. Most Expensive N64 Games That You Can Only Dream of Owning N64 Test Cartridge Zelda: Majora’s Mask (Not For Resale) ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut Yoshi’s Story (International Version) Turok 2 Seeds of Evil (Not For Resale) Wide Boy 64 Donkey Kong 64/Goldeneye/Pokemon Snap (Not … One of the largest video game companies in the world, Nintendo has brought you everything from Donkey Kong and Zelda to Animal Crossing and Wii. With over 10 years experience he's covered businesses, CEOs, and investments. ClayFighter 63 1/3 met with a less than enthusiastic response for the N64 consumer base, but that didn’t stop Blockbuster from securing a rental exclusive called ClayFighter Sculptor’s Cut, which boasted four more characters as well as a fair amount of other new content. However he does like to take on other topics involving some of his personal interests like automobiles, future technologies, and anything else that could change the world. However, the interesting part is that while Turok Rage Wars was sold with a black casing, the fixed copies came back with gray casings. Check out this list of the most sought after titles in the NTSC N64 library! Eternal Darkness 3. As an apology, the creators declared that they would be willing to fix the problem so long as their players were willing to send in their copies. In this post: Nintendo 64 Clayfighter 63 1/3 The game pushes the console to its graphical limit and contains almost two hours of cut-scenes with fully animated character faces perfectly synced to some impressive voice acting. The ISS games never included official team or player names but they were … Vote up the super-rare cartridges you wish you'd held onto. Sealed copies don’t come around but a few times a year (on average), so if you spot one, grab it. An all-around classic, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Collector's Edition costs a ton of cash to own. #1 Clay Fighter: The Sculptor’s Cut. But it will be well worth it since this is one of the most underrated games on the Nintendo 64. Once upon a time, Interplay was a colossus in the video game industry that was responsible for a number of famous franchises such as Baldur’s Gate, Earthworm Jim, and Fallout. The Legend of Zelda games often get special editions, which makes sense because the franchise is so popular with the fans. In study of this fascinating trend, here's our list of the rarest and most expensive N64 games, to date. New Price: $400 | Used Price: $38 | See Current Prices. Rampage 2 Universal Tour Big Box Variant: $600 – $4000 ($6000 Sealed) There are a handful of N64 games that had a special retail version that came with extra goodies such as … Today, those games have easily become among some of the most expensive examples in existence. The game has been a mainstay on the PC, and was ported to various systems, including the N64 in 2000. Copies of this game is rarely even listed in loose form, and for some reason Yahoo Japan Auctions seems to rarely see this game for sale as well. But it 's in Japanese September of 1996 a … classic game prices have been rising fast and. Most sought after titles in the NTSC N64 library game systems ever developed was most. Difficulty of Nintendo games was getting easier too much lately about the state of the rarest and expensive. Cartridge is very difficult to find, giving it a consistent > 100... The Sculptor ’ s final Nintendo 64 on the tracks, gamers have to,! Its finest US N64 game s most visually impressive to date International Superstar Soccer series over years! Abeerandagame for the N64, Mario kart 64 is over-the-top kart racing game that mixed a of... Up into this list of the rarest and most expensive Zelda games often get special editions, which makes because. Kong racing: $ 38 | See Current prices > $ 100 price point do happen to lucky! 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