But in considering Art under this double personification he has included studies upon other artists among his poetic meditations, which he has not presented as a formal literary theory because M. Séraphin has not explained to him the mechanism of his Chinese shadow-plays, and Punchinello conceals from curious viewers the thread which makes his arm move. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. [7] 'Le Gibet' was one of the supplementary pieces not included in the original 1836 manuscript, and the version of 'Scarbo' alluded to by Ravel was in the same category. David. Gina Bachauer, piano. Gaspard de la nuit, subtitled "Three Poems after Aloysius Bertrand," takes as its inspiration Bertrand's same-titled 1842 collection of medieval tales, which the author claimed were whispered to him in the night by the devil, Gaspard. CH. The next day the poet returns to restore the book to its owner, who does not come: he asks after M. Gaspard de la Nuit, to which the answer is that he is probably in Hell unless he is out on his travels - for he is, of course, the devil. Edition enriche (Préface, notes, documents sur l'oeuvre, pièces détachées, premiers états de textes, chronologie et bibliographie)En 1842, un an après la mort de son discret auteur, la première édition de Gaspard de la Nuit ne rencontre guère que le silence : vingt exemplaires à peine en sont vendus. Composed in 1908, the inspiration for Gaspard comes from three poems by Aloysius Bertrand, and the … [9] A translation and adaptation by the poet Donald Sidney-Fryer published in 2004 includes notes and introductory studies. "Each wave is a water sprite who swims in the stream, each stream is a footpath that winds … Gaspard de la Nuit (originally published in 1842) combines the haunting Gothic imagery of ETA Hoffman with the colorful romantic verve of Victor Hugo. This new edition has been entirely retranslated by renowned poet and literary historian Donald Sidney-Fryer, the author of Songs and Sonnets Atlantean who has edited four collections of prose and poetry by Clark Ashton Smith. The work was premiered in Paris, on January 9, 1909, by Ricardo Viñes. It has three movements, each based on a poem or fantaisie from the collection Gaspard de la Nuit, fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot completed in 1836 by Aloysius Bertrand. His performance of Gaspard de la Nuit, the work for which he received much enthusiastic acclaim during the competition, is equally impressive. says the poet. The Fantaisies of Gaspard de la Nuit, each of a few short paragraphs or extended strophes (and every one of them prefaced by a short literary quotation), are then arranged in six short books entitled 'Ecole Flamande' (Flemish School) (9 pieces), 'Le Vieux Paris' (Old Paris) (10), 'La Nuit et ses Prestiges' (The Night and its Marvels) (11), 'Les Chroniques' (The Chronicles) (8), 'Espagne et Italie' (Spain and Italy) (8), and 'Silves' (6). [2] The stranger recognizes him to be a poet, and speaks of how he has spent his life searching for the meaning of Art ('L'art est la science du poète'), and for the elements or principles of Art. Detailed, almost tangible images make Gaspard de la nuit unforgettable, defining its im- mortality as a masterpiece which is both a brilliant and ground-breaking technical study, and a hauntingly evocative musical recreation of Bertrand’s poetry. This Bertrand was a writer of bleak and frightening poems, three of which Ravel hand-picked and recreated in music. Far from constituting a clear-cut manifesto of the po?me en prose, Baudelaire's d?dicace to Houssaye in fact involves us in a number of rhetorical riddles which serve to … The original 'Scarbo' (a different text), and 'Ondine', are numbers (ii) and (ix) respectively of the third book of Fantaisies, La Nuit et ses Prestiges. [8] When Ravel wrote his music, the 1925 edition based on the manuscript had not yet been published. Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit (1842) is a familiar title to music lovers, thanks to Ravel's piano work of the same name, and to specialists of French literature, especially those interested in Baudelaire's prose poetry. It was first performed in 1909. Routledge, Mar 22, 2016- Foreign Language Study- 170 pages. Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit Beyond the Prose Poem (Legenda) eBook: Gosetti, Valentina: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store Listen to Poems by Louis Schwizgebel on Apple Music. By referring to Gaspard ... prose poem. Rec. Yet until very recently the collection and its author have generally been viewed almost exclusively through the prism of their pioneering role in the development of the prose poem. The work has three movements, each based on a poem or fantaisie from the collection Gaspard de la Nuit, fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot completed in 1836 by Louis Jacques Napoléon Bertrand, better known by his pen name Aloysius Bertrand (20 April 1807 — 29 April 1841), the French Romantic poet, playwright and journalist. Gaspard de la Nuit" or a coy confession of failure. The book had an important influence upon other poets, mostly French, including Charles Baudelaire, through whom the importance of the work came to be recognized. The author tells an introductory story of how he sat in a garden in Dijon, and fell into conversation with a dishevelled old man who sat near him leafing through a book. Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit (1842) is a familiar title to music lovers, thanks to Ravel’s piano work of the same name, and to specialists of French literature, especially those interested in Baudelaire’s prose poetry. After a night of storm and colic in the church of Notre-Dame of Dijon, in which clarity shone through the shadows ('Une clarté piqua les ténèbres'), he concluded that the devil did not exist, that Art existed in the bosom of God, and that we are merely the copyists of the Creator. The text includes a short address to Victor Hugo and another to Charles Nodier, and a Memoir of Bertrand written by Sainte-Beuve was included in the original 1842 edition. The book is filled with nightmarish, hallucinatory fantasies similar to the work of Edgar Allan Poe. It’s inspired by a poem about a sprite or goblin of the night and the movement that causes nightmares for pianists everywhere is the third, called ‘Scarbo’. Stream songs including "Gaspard de la Nuit, M. 55: I. Ondine", "Gaspard de la Nuit, M. 55: II. His clarity of touch and tone combined with that wondrous pacing brings a silky sensuality to ‘Ondine”s watery arabesques while ‘Scarbo’ is less grotesque, more puckish and playful, though no less dark for it. The manuscript is, naturally, Gaspard de la Nuit. 0Reviews. It has three movements, each based on a poem or fantaisie from the collection Gaspard de la Nuit – Fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot completed in 1836 by Aloysius Bertrand. In it, you will meet Scarbo the vampire dwarf, Ondine, the faerie princess of the waters, and an unforgettable assortment of lepers, alchemists, beggars, swordsmen and ghosts. Then the old stranger thrusts into the poet's hand the book, his own manuscript, telling all the attempts of his lips to find the instrument which gives the pure and expressive note - every trial upon the canvas before the subtle dawn-glow of the 'clair-obscur' or clarity in shadow appeared there - the novel experiments of harmony and colour, the only products of his nocturnal deliberations. Gaspard de la nuit (subtitled Trois poèmes pour piano d'après Aloysius Bertrand), M. 55 is a suite of piano pieces by Maurice Ravel, written in 1908. Then he became preoccupied by what constituted idea in Art, and, having studied nature and the works of man through thirty years, at the cost of his youth, he wondered if the second principle, that of idea, might be Satan. After his family settled in Dijon in 1815, Bertrand developed a consuming interest in the The book has been largely unknown outside France, particularly in English-speaking countries, owing mostly to the lack of translations. BRUGNOT - The two Spirits. Gaspard de la nuit: Trois poèmes pour piano d'après Aloysius Bertrand is a piece for solo piano by Maurice Ravel.It has three movements, each based on a poem by Aloysius Bertrand.The work was premiered on January 9, 1909 in Paris by Ricardo Viñes.. Gaspard de la nuit, poetry: 1 : Ondine (text) Christoph Eschenbach. Grab a copy of our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! Although Bertrand didn’t use that term, he was aware of creating “a new kind of prose,” which the literary critic Saint-Beuve termed “ballades in prose.” Ondine - No.1 from Gaspard de la Nuit - by Maurice Ravel Here is the French text (and English translation underneath) of the poem by Aloysius Bertrand which Ravel based the music on. [10], Gaspard of the Night — Fantasies in the Manner of, Gaspard de la Nuit: Trois poèmes pour piano d'après Aloysius Bertrand, idea that Paul was Rembrandt's given name, Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit: Beyond the Prose Poem, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gaspard_de_la_Nuit_(poetry_collection)&oldid=962459383, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 June 2020, at 05:39. Considered one of the first examples of modern prose poetry, it was published in the year 1842, one year after Bertrand's death from tuberculosis, as a manuscript dated 1836,[1] by his friend David d'Angers. Gaspard de la nuit (subtitled Trois poèmes pour piano d'après Aloysius Bertrand), M. 55 is a suite of piano pieces by Maurice Ravel, written in 1908. When Ravel wrote his fiendishly difficult Gaspard de la Nuit he set out to make it one of the most challenging pieces ever written (thanks, Maurice). Le Gibet" and more. 'May he roast there!' There is also a group of 13 separate pieces not in the finished collection but found among the author's manuscripts, which include 'Le Gibet', the received version of 'Scarbo', and a piece addressed to the sculptor M. Louis “Aloysius” Bertrand’s Gaspard de la nuit (Gaspard of the Night) is widely considered to be the first book of prose poems. Aloysius Bertrand, writer whose Gaspard de la nuit (“Gaspard of the Night”) introduced the prose poem into French literature and was a source of inspiration to the Symbolist poets and later to the Surrealists. Gaspard de la nuit in English is a suite of pieces for solo piano by Maurice Ravel, written in 1908. This was first performed in 1909. - It is I, it is Ondine who brushes drops of water on the resonant panes of your windows lit by the gloomy rays of the moon; and here in gown of watered silk, the mistress of the chateau gazes from her balcony on the beautiful starry night and the beautiful sleeping lake. Translated excerpts from the book appeared early on in various publications. John Gielgud reads Aloysius Bertrand's poems (translated by Christopher Fry). Gaspard de la Nuit is also a ridiculously hard piano suite written by Maurice Ravel, inspired by the poetry cited above.Let's cite the actual poems: ***** Ondine ''Listen! It has three movements, each based on a poem or fantaisie from the collection Gaspard de la Nuit – Fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot completed in 1836 by Aloysius Bertrand. Text on the front: "A rare collaboration in poetry and music - Sir John Gielgud reads Christopher Fry's new translation of Bertrand's poems of fantasy "Gaspard De La Nui" - Gina Bachauer plays Maurice Ravel's impressionist masterpiece based on the Bertrand triptych and works by Claude Debussy" Gaspard de la nuit. 'I shall publish his book.'. However, there was no complete English translation of Gaspard until that in 1977 by John T. Wright, a professor of French and English at the University of South Carolina, based on the 1925 Bertrand Guégan edition of the 1836 manuscript. He based his compositions on three poems by French poet Aloysius Bertrand (1807-1841). "Gaspard de la Nuit" was composed by Ravel in 1908. …1841, Paris, France), writer whose Gaspard de la nuit (“Gaspard of the Night”) introduced the prose poem into French literature and was a source of inspiration to the Symbolist poets and later to the Surrealists. It consists of three parts; "Ondine", "le Gibet" and "Scarbo" "Gaspard the la Nuit" is one of Ravel's most demanding works. 1. Gaspard de la Nuit inspired Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, the Surrealist Movement and composer Maurice Ravel, who wrote a suite of virtuoso piano pieces patterned after it. Ricardo Viñes of medieval Europe for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and the Gaspard! Poems after Aloysius Bertrand ( 1807-1841 ) written in 1908, and information gaspard de la nuit poem... ] When Ravel wrote his music, the work was premiered in Paris, on January 9,,!, Gaspard de la Nuit: three piano poems after Aloysius Bertrand ( )! Excerpts from the book has been largely unknown outside France, particularly in English-speaking countries, owing mostly the... Means `` treasurer of the night ''. [ 6 ] pieces for solo piano by Maurice,! 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