It's previous developer – who hasn't been formally revealed by Nintendo – didn't deliver a product that was up to par, forcing a restart and a switch to Retro Studios. The Metroid series commemorates its 35th anniversary in 2021, and while Metroid Prime 4 seems unlikely at this stage, a re-release of the Metroid Prime Trilogy could be on the cards. Read on to find out everything that we know about this latest installment in the Metroid franchise. For a game of Metroid Prime 4's stature, three years would seem to be the minimum amount of time required to get it off the ground and released, although it could easily take much longer. With development having been restarted from scratch at Retro Studios, we imagine the full release is … God you s&@theads are f&@king deluded. Metroid Prime 4 was officially announced during Nintendo’s livestream at E3 back in 2017 with a 42-second teaser trailer. Metroid Prime 4 may not be ready yet, but there are plenty of excellent Metroid games that could be on the Nintendo Switch right now. Samus, unfortunately, … It will be the fourth part of a storyline in the Metroid Prime series and is also the sequel to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption which released in 2007. Shinya Takahashi, a senior managing executive officer, announced in a video that the … By Jonathan … Metroid Samus Returns was in development long before AM2R was even released. Metroid Prime 4's release is likely still years away, as Retro only recently took the helm of the project. If Nintendo wants to do something slightly more adventurous, it could package up some of Samus’s 2D adventures alongside the Prime games. Metroid Prime 4 has restarted development, Nintendo revealed Friday. The Metroid Prime 4 announcement only cemented the console's stellar year, and proved once and for all that Nintendo was back. We wouldn't even be getting a Metroid Prime 4 at all if they didn't care. Metroid Prime 4 Easily one of the most anticipated titles for the Nintendo Switch following its announcement at E3 2017, Metroid Prime 4 has had some development trouble, to say the least. Metroid Prime 4 release date – When is it coming out? Metroid Prime 4 was first announced at E3 2017, but two years later in early 2019, Nintendo's senior managing executive officer, Shinya Takahashi explained in a development update that "the current development progress has not reached the standards we seek in a sequel to the Metroid Prime series." Not for a while. The real reason it takes so long for them to release a new Metroid game is because there trying to come up with ways to make it sell better. Metroid Prime 4 is the fifteenth game to be released in the Metroid series.
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