The newly launched Disney+ includes warning about “outdated cultural depictions” for some of the studio’s films.. EMAIL ME, At the bottom of the description for Disney's 1940 classic animation Fantasia on the studio's newly minted Disney+ service, there is a line that is garnering attention from viewers: “This program is presented as originally created. While Fantasia was released on Disney+ and despite the outdated cultural depictions disclaimer, it shows the "Pastoral Symphony" segment still without Sunflower. However, while the groundbreaking film did open up new audio avenues in the area of stereophonic sound, it unfortunately presented some awful racial stereotypes in the form … He added, “Don’t expect to see it again for at least a while — if ever.”. So much for the doom-mongers: Britain's daily Covid deaths fall by two-thirds in a week with 20 new victims... Passport to go CLOTHES SHOPPING? Fantasia is one of Disney's most beloved animated films, comprised of a series of short animated sequences which is most often associated with Mickey Mouse and the wizard hat featured in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Nearly two million subscribers signed up for the $7-per-month streaming service ahead of its long-awaited launch at 3am EST Tuesday, eager to dive into its catalog of 500 movies and 7,500 TV shows - a mix of Marvel and Star Wars movies and shows, classic animated films and new series. "'It may contain outdated cultural depictions' is a really polite way for @disneyplus to say 'oh hey our cartoons are racist & antisemitic,'" user @remembrancermx tweeted. Looking further back, 1940's Fantasia has been criticized for the depiction of a black centaurette called Sunflower polishing the hooves of a white centaurette, as … However, while the groundbreaking film did open up new audio avenues in the area of stereophonic sound, it unfortunately presented some awful racial stereotypes in the form … 'We are treated like we do not belong here': Black Facebook... Supreme Court rules than Sandy Hook families and survivor... Florida pond 'contaminated with radioactive wastewater could collapse', 'Following the roadmap' the key to a return to normality says PM, Russia military launch 'onyx' anti-ship missile in the Arctic, Amazing moment Indonesian macaque mimics wildlife photographer, Neil Ferguson: AstraZeneca jab may not be suitable for young people, Puppy clambers into fridge to cool down in Thailand, Hunter Biden admits Burisma hired him because of 'gold' family name, Revellers flout Covid rules at staged illegal rave on Primrose Hill, Boris Johnson rules out Covid passports under phase 2 restrictions, SAGE adviser: 'Almost inevitable' UK will be hit by third Covid wave, Neil Ferguson warns 'SA variant can't be kept out of UK forever'. “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures,” the statement reads. Share with friends The newly launched Disney+ includes warning about “outdated cultural depictions” for some of the studio’s films. It may contain outdated cultural depictions" - were The Aristocats, Fantasia and Lady and the Tramp. Many customers found themselves 'unable to connect' to the service on its Tuesday start day. Prior to launch, it was reported that Disney+'s version of the animated Dumbo would not include its Jim Crow sequence, which features an animated crow as a reference to the state laws enacted during Reconstruction that allowed segregation in Southern states until 1965, but the version currently on the streaming platform does include the scene. Lady and the Tramp (1955) features a pair of Siamese cats that were seen as stereotyping Asians, The Aristocats (1970) also has a Siamese cat playing the piano with chopsticks, Peter Pan (1953) features many scenes depicting an indigenous tribe, Fantasia (1940) has Sunflower, an obviously offensive black centaur that was made to be a caricature, However, many titles on Disney+ were also listed as containing 'tobacco depictions.'. The comments below have not been moderated. ', With almost 100 years of entertainment in its vault, the streaming platform shared that there were 'outdated cultural depictions' featured on various titles. All rights reserved. “This programme is presented as originally created,” the message reads. Regret does not keep people from avoiding future one night stands! Sitemap | The non-avian dinosaurs featured in books, films, television programs, artwork, and other media have been used for both education and entertainment. Also getting the “outdated” warning: The Jungle Book (1967), Fantasia (1940), Swiss Family Robinson (1940, 1960), The Aristocats (1970). It may contain outdated cultural depictions" - were The Aristocats, Fantasia and Lady and the Tramp. The disclaimer also drew comparison with a similar warning Warner Bros. put on its iconic Tom and Jerry cartoons, which more explicitly stated that while these depictions “were commonplace in American society,'' they were “wrong then and are wrong today.” Several titles on Disney+ include the warning that it 'may contain outdated cultural depictions' or that it may contain footage of characters smoking. Disney Plus Offers Warnings Over 'Outdated Cultural Depictions' in Classic Films Aladdin, Dumbo, Lady and the Tramp, Jungle Book, and more have it. The dark-skinned centaur named Sunflower in Fantasia who took care of the lighter-skinned centaurs also remains edited out. It may contain outdated cultural depictions.” Some titles are also warning of “tobacco depictions,” a common viewing tool in films of the past that now is taboo in family fare. As Disney release hundreds of titles from almost a century of movie-making on its new streaming service, the media conglomerate is issuing warnings across many of its older films which may have scenes considered culturally insensitive by today's standards. Widow of M1 smart motorway crash victim calls for urgent action after two more... Keeping Up With The Kardashians' Photoshop Fails! The film's synopsis includes the "outdated cultural depictions” disclaimer. The movie, which inspired the Disneyland ride Splash Mountain, has been widely criticized for its portrayal of African-Americans and apparent glorification of plantation life. We are working to quickly resolve the current user issue. | California Privacy Rights However, many customers found themselves 'unable to connect' to the service in its early hours. Entertainment giant Disney has added expanded trigger warnings over “racist content” to many of its classic films, including Peter Pan, Dumbo, Fantasia, and Lady and the Tramp, on its streaming service Disney Plus. In his Prime! Such warnings appear when users go to watch films such as Dumbo, Fantasia, Lady and the Tramp and The Jungle Book, all of which have been criticised for including racist imagery. However, many titles on Disney+ were also listed as containing 'tobacco depictions', Aladdin was just one of the films that include a scene with tobacco. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. The disclaimers appear ahead of some of Disney's much-loved animated movies, including Dumbo, The Aristocats, Jungle Book, Fantasia, and Lady and the Tramp. | EU Privacy Preferences, RKO Radio Pictures/Photofest; Walt Disney Pictures/Photofest; Buena Vista Distribution Company/Photofest. The latest warning screens are part of the company’s continuing effort to slap warning notes on its past content. | Do Not Sell My Personal Information FACEBOOK Last year, the streaming service added content warnings to content considered to have outdated depictions that appeared as a smaller text box on screen. Nearly one year after its initial launch, Disney+ has updated a disclaimer that appears before Peter Pan, Dumbo and other films, warning viewers of … MORE STORIES; Dumbo, and Fantasia among titles said to have 'outdated cultural depictions' on Disney+ as Aladdin and Cinderella are tagged as containing 'tobacco' While Lady and the Tramp features Siamese cats depicted as East Asian stereotypes and Peter Pan includes a song titled “What Makes the Red Man Red?,” it is unclear what the criterion is for Disney titles to receive the "outdated cultural depictions" disclaimer. But the channel has now changed its warning on films including Peter Pan, The Jungle Book and Dumbo too after members of the public accused Disney of trying to 'gloss over' the true impact of racism embedded in its films. It contains racist stereotypes of African Americans at the time in the form of black crows, who use jive-like speech patterns. Dumbo, and Fantasia among titles said to have 'outdated cultural depictions' on Disney+ … Following a … These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Outage-mapping website Down Detector reported more than 7,300 problems with the service as of 9am EST. Eight tips for success from finding a 'bridge' to free qualifications launched... Meghan's 17 'whoppers': Piers Morgan highlights the untruths and exaggerations from her Oprah interview and... Russia begins 'combat readiness' inspection of its army as Ukraine says it wants to urgently join NATO amid... Heartbroken mother of missing student Richard Okorogheye, 19, sobs 'my baby is never coming home' as police... Police car was travelling at 34mph over the speed limit when it hit and killed a young woman as she waited... 'How many more have to die?' However, this little disclaimer is buried in the description area of its movies if people care to read them before watching. ... films like Fantasia … Disney had already labeled Dumbo, Jungle Book, Lady and the Tramp, and others as “offensive.”The latest warnings are an expansion of the campaign to … Dumbo, and Fantasia among titles said to have ‘outdated cultural depictions’ on Disney+ As Disney release hundreds of titles from almost a century of movie-making on its new streaming service, the media conglomerate is issuing warnings across many of its older films which may have scenes considered culturally insensitive by today’s standards. But the channel has now changed its warning on films including Peter Pan, The Jungle Book and Dumbo too after members of the public accused Disney of trying to 'gloss over' the true impact of racism embedded in its films. Disney has not returned The Hollywood Reporter's request for comment. Cinderella, 101 Dalmatians, Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, Star Wars A New Hope, Oliver and Company, Aladdin, James and the Giant Peach, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas and Atlantis were just some of the movies with that particular message. Considering a career change? Unlike Sunflower, Otika serves Bacchusalong with the Zebra Centaurettes. Both men and women will likely repeat... Want to live an 'average' lifestyle in the UK? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Disney+ puts an "outdated cultural depictions" warning on some of its back catalogue but the wording misses the point. by Share with friends The newly launched Disney+ includes warning about “outdated cultural depictions” for some of the studio’s films. Disney+ launched on Tuesday but was met by technical glitches that lasted well into the day. Warning, caution ahead! A message that airs before classic films including Dumbo and Peter Pan on Disney Plus says the movie is shown as it originally was made and "may contain outdated cultural depictions." Song of the South is one long awful ode to a time where people were treated … The content was racist then and is now. Disney previously included a brief warning of “ outdated cultural depictions ” on these films on Disney+. Fantasia 2000: Donald Duck • Daisy Duck • Colorful Triangles • Black Triangles • Humpback Whales • Duke • Flying John • Killjoy Margaret • Foo-Foo • Joe • Rachel • Nasty Nanny • Tin Soldier • Ballerina • Jack-in-the-Box • Toy Soldiers • Yo Yo Flamingo • Snooty Flamingos • Noah • Spring Sprite • … 2:19. Mia Galuppo The service will launch in Australia, New Zealand and Puerto Rico on November 19 and across Western Europe in March 2020. Such warnings appear when users go to watch films such as Dumbo, Fantasia, Lady and the Tramp and The Jungle Book, all of which have been criticised for including racist imagery. It may contain outdated cultural depictions. Twitter users noted that titles such as The Jungle Book, The Artistocats and Fantasia also include a warning that they "may contain outdated cultural depictions." She is kind and is a great servant but will be uncertain what to do if her master, Bacchus, ends up drunk. Disney+ features the studio's massive library that dates back over eight decades, and the verbiage serves as a caution against some racist and culturally insensitive depictions and references in Disney's older offerings. By Joseph Knoop , Petey Oneto Other notable titles that featured the message included: Swiss Family Robinson (1940 and 1960), Fantasia (1940), Peter Pan (1953), Lady and the Tramp (1955), The Sign of Zorro (1958), Jungle Book (1967), and The Aristocats (1970). Dumbo was one of those titles, Dumbo (1941) is perhaps one of the most popular movies to have the message, with rumors circulating that Disney+ was removing the racially insensitive crow scene that includes one bird actually named 'Jim Crow', Swiss Family Robinson was one of the live-action films that had the message. A message that airs before classic films including Dumbo and Peter Pan on Disney Plus says the movie is shown as it originally was made and "may contain outdated cultural depictions." Terms of Use | Such warnings appear when users go to watch films such as Dumbo, Fantasia, Lady and the Tramp and The Jungle Book, all of which have been criticised for including racist imagery. The streaming service notes that these movies receive criticism in the past for their ‘outdated cultural depictions.’ Furthermore, films like The Aristocats, Fantasia, and The Jungle Book even have this disclaimer. The language of the new disclaimers is significantly stronger. Of those problems, 27 per cent were regarding log-in and 70 per cent were struggles with streaming. One feature entirely absent from the streaming platform is the 1946 live-action animation hybrid Song of the South. Privacy Policy | While some people believe the classics shouldn't be touched, many older and widely loved movies and TV shows depict outdated and racist stereotypes that aren't as easily glossed over by the masses as they may have been in the past. Content Warnings Added to Movies and Shows With Outdated Cultural Depictions Across Disney+ Library. Movies like Pocahontas, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Snow White did not get advisory warnings. The warning can be found on movies including Dumbo, Fantasia, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp and The Jungle Book. “This programme is presented as originally created,” the message […] It has been the studio's policy to keep the film from theatrical and home entertainment rerelease. UPDATE: Disney has updated their content warning on Disney+ to an unskippable, 10-second message in front of controversial movies or shorts. Peter Pan, Dumbo, etc have a few minutes of bad cultural depictions. AdChoices It may contain outdated cultural depictions.” ... Lady and the Tramp, Fantasia, and more. Disney+'s initial launch included the US, Canada and Netherlands. Downing Street refuses to rule out needing proof of jabs to enter... Ditch the Clorox: CDC tells businesses to 'end hygiene theater' because risk of being infected with COVID... American civil rights leader Rev. Disney Plus has added a new content warning label on several classic animated movies, including Peter Pan, Dumbo, Fantasia and Lady and the Tramp. The disclaimer can be found in the streaming platform's synopsis of many of Disney's classic animated titles, including 1941's Dumbo, 1967's The Jungle Book, 1953's Peter Pan and 1955's Lady and the Tramp, as well as other offerings like 1960's Swiss Family Robinson and 1955's Davy Crockett. During a 2011 shareholder meeting, Disney chief Bob Iger said that it "wouldn't be in the best interest of our shareholders to bring [Song of the South] back, even though there would be some financial gain." Disney+, which launched on Tuesday, November 12, with hundreds of titles and TV shows, has added a warning on some of its children's films, advising viewers that the content "may contain outdated cultural depictions". Dumbo (1941) is perhaps one of the most popular movies to have the message. There were rumors circulating that Disney+ was removing the racially insensitive crow scene but it appears to have been retained when the service was launched on Tuesday. THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is a registered trademark of The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Aladdin, which has been critiqued for its racist depictions of Middle Eastern and Arab culture, does not feature the disclaimer in its synopsis. The main bird is even named Jim Crow, a nod to the racist segregationist Jim Crow laws of the time, and is voiced by a white actor. EXCLUSIVE: Who ya gonna call? In the scenes that she is in, Sunflower has three different hair styles. Classic animations, including 'The Jungle Book,' 'Peter Pan' and 'Fantasia,' have been given a cultural insensitivity disclaimer on the recently launched streamer. 3:23 PM PST 11/13/2019 We appreciate your patience.'. ‘Deep grief and rage and sorrow’: Georgia rallies against anti-Asian hate as US mourns Atlanta victi The Independent Cultural depictions of dinosaurs have been numerous since the word dinosaur was coined in 1842. Several early Mickey Mouse shorts also have the message attached to their descriptions, along with other short titles from the 1920s to the 1940s. Disney is now acknowledging that several of their own classics have had a "harmful impact" on society by placing a new warning on a handful of movies … Published: 18:16 BST, 12 November 2019 | Updated: 09:09 BST, 13 November 2019. Fantasia is one of Disney's most beloved animated films, comprised of a series of short animated sequences which is most often associated with Mickey Mouse and the wizard hat featured in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Disney adds content warning to 'Peter Pan,' 'Dumbo,' 'Fantasia' “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures,” the new label reads on the various films. Like Sunflower, Otika appears to be a very young Centaurette and is smaller than the other Centaurettes. Here are 5: Dumbo (1941): Contains a scene of a group of cigar-smoking crows, with their leader named Jim Crow, referring to the racist segregation laws of the South, and voiced by … Twitter users noted that titles such as The Jungle Book, The Artistocats and Fantasia also include a warning that they "may contain outdated cultural depictions." Disney+, which bowed Tuesday and was plagued by early technical issues, hit 10 million subscribers within its first day of launch, according to the studio. In its description, it states: 'This program is presented as originally created. TWITTER It reads: “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. NHS priest turned ghostbuster to banish 'poltergeist' from 100-year-old... Now that's a jumbo gallstone! It may contain outdated cultural depictions.". Disney+ addressed the issues on Twitter, writing: 'The consumer demand for Disney+ has exceeded our high expectations. Here are 5: Dumbo (1941): Contains a scene of a group of cigar-smoking crows, with their leader named Jim Crow, referring to the racist segregation laws of the South, and voiced by … © 2021 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Were wrong then and are wrong now significantly stronger, 10-second message in front of movies. 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