200 years ago, when the Iron Legion losted its reign of terror and conquest on the world, the Solar Empire was the last nation standing against the Iron Lord's onslaught. Centuries ago, the Staff Bearer and his battalion sacrificed their lives in order to destroy the, Despite the fact that the Solar Empire and. The writing on the side of the Solar Empire Fighter caused much discussion amongst Nintendo staff, Japanese writing being quite complicated, they could not identify the symbols, Nintendo contacted KUJU to ask the artist what the symbols meant but the artist had simply used elements of Japanese writing to come up with something new much to Nintendo's amusement. In each mission, players complete a series of objectives, both primary and secondary, earning a rank depending on the final score they achieve, much like in Advance Wars… The Solar Empire first appears in Campaign 1. At the beginning of the game, the Empire goes about its business as usual, until an unexpected attack from an Anglo Bomber wing. The game's plot traces decades of war among six factions (Solar Empire, Western Frontier, Anglo Isles, Iron Legion, Tundran Territories, Xylvania), and unfolds through contemporary missions that advance the conflict and flashback missions that reveal its history. It is not until the Xylvanian forces invade the Solar islands that Empress Lei-Qo finally mobilizes her forces. It is a sequel to the Nintendo GameCube title Battalion Wars.The game was officially announced August 23, 2006 at the Leipzig Games Convention. "The Type-2 "White Tiger" reconnaissance buggy can penetrate deep behind enemy lines to rapidly deploy field experts, such as demolitions infantry. The war that followed, chronicled in Battalion Wars 1, stretched from the Dune Sea to the Solar Empire, and back to Xylvania, where Vlad was finally defeated, and his lackey Kommandant Ubel captured. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. D&D Beyond Battalion Wars is a Japanese anime series. Battalion Wars 2 amended some elements of gamepl… However it could also be based on other Asian countries such as China since there is concept art of what appears to be a parody of the Great Wall of China in the Battalion Wars 2 Concept Art, despite this, the lands of the Empire are based on the tropical islands of the Pacific rather than traditional Japanese landscapes. Battalion Wars 2 puts the player in control of the armed forces of the Solar Empire, Iron Legion, Anglo Isles, and Tundran territories all of which are drawn in to a world conflict through the careful orchestration of Kaiser Vlad of the Iron Legion. The game is a real time strategy game with 3D person shooting elements though out the game. Battalion Wars 2 begins as Colonel Windsor launches an Anglican attack on Japa - sorry, the Solar Empire, having heard rumours from some mysterious source … Funny how things always come full circle. Based on faulty intel, the Anglo commanders believed that the Solar Empire was in possession of a "super-weapon", and launched their pre-emptive strike in hopes of destroying this rumored weapon. Instead, Empress Qa-Len had no choice but to resort to using the Solar "super-weapon". It could be that this technology is a closely guarded secret of the Solar Empire itself. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, a strategy-based game for the PC, has a faction incredibly like that of the Solar Empire; the Empire of the Rising Sun. Fast forward 200 years later. Though their flamethrowers can cut through massed enemy infantry with little resistance and even punch through sandbags in Battalion Wars 2, they are all but defenceless against enemy vehicles or aircraft. However, the Anglo Isles were driven back and Admiral A-Qira staged a counter-offensive against the Anglo Isles. Many Legion forces were obliterated, and those not destroyed were frozen in stone. You can swim almost anywhere, even the recon's path to the silos. The Solar Empire is the most advanced nation in the world with its soldiers sporting plasma rifles and hovercraft engineering in the Gunship model, Its polar opposite, in every aspect, is the Iron Legion which is the most primitive nation, yet one of the more powerful. In Battalion Wars 2, the Sputterflare has the same effect in that it helps repel a large air assault mounted by a coalition of Tundran and Solar Empire aircraft. Solar Empire " Coral Atolls weaponsmiths take great care in the gloom of their mountain-cave workshops crafting the barrels of the ballistic weaponry taken into battle by Solar Empire "Croaking Frog" anti-tank veterans. Despite being loosely based on Imperial Japan and other futuristic versions of Japan and that Japan was allied with Nazi Germany during WWII, the Solar Empire and Xylvania are bitter enemies. Tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles launch a pre-emptive strike on the Coral Atolls. Frontier and Solar forces distract the Xylvanians while the player sends the Tundran Battlestation to destroy the Spider. Despite the tensions between the Western Frontier and the Tundran Territories, the Solar Empire continued its policy of isolationism. Admiral A-Qira was a Commanding Officer of the Solar Empire during the campaign of Battalion Wars 2. The only striking difference between the two is that the Empire of the Rising Sun wages a war of aggression whilst the Solar Empire fights to maintain world peace. However, this might just have been a way to save resources during the development of the game. After expelling the Xylvanians from the Solar-held Coral Atolls, the Empire is the third country to join the Alliance of Nations. In Campaign 3, the player commands the Tundran forces on their way to destroy Kaiser Vlad's Mining Spider. This crater would become known as the Crater of the Sun, and would be the resting place of the Legion forces for the next two centuries. Based on Japan, the Solar Empire employs various high-tech weapons; foot soldiers armed with plasma rifles, tanks outfitted with on-board computers, and even hovercraft technology. Two hundred years ago, when the Iron Legion was at the brink of total conquest of most of the world, the Solar Empire was the only nation strong enough to defeat them after the collapse of the Anglo Empire due to the Iron Legion's invasion. The standard Plas-rifle given to Imperial Grunts looks similar MA5B assault rifle from the Halo games, accenting the futuristic theme of the Solar Empire. Another curious aspect of this theory, which is purely speculation, is that the game might instead have featured an "Old Solar Empire" faction instead of simply being the Solar Empire. Such an army would have had much more basic, non-energy based weapons, similarly to how "Old Xylvania" was known as the Iron Legion at the time. The Solar Empire fought the Iron Legion over 200 years ago using the same technology it has during the present day conflicts, which completely revolves around significantly more advanced technology than that of the other nations of the world. However, A-Qira's counterattack failed miserably, which ended in his own death at the hands of the war's instigator: Kaiser Vlad. Liberated Solar Anti-Air Vehicle POWs join with former Frontier POWs to re-form the Alliance of Nations. Japan is typically considered a high-tech country. Like all nations in Battalion Wars, it is based on a real-life country which in this case is the "Empire of the Sun", Japan and other asian countries. Its polar opposite is the. Conclusion. The player takes control of the Anglo forces as Colonel Windsor and Commander Pierce fight to push A-Qira's troops (and Tundran reinforcements) out of the Isles. The payoff is pinpoint accuracy." 30 years after the Frontier Wars, Tsar Gorgi gave up his position of ruler of the Tundran Territories to his son Marshall Nova. The vehicle is rarely utilized, many Solar commanders considering stealth tactics of this nature dishonorable." Battalion Wars Wii is ultimately a sequel that doesn’t do enough to make a good series great. You are now in control of the Solar Empire and must fight off the same Xylvanians that threatened them all those years ago. It was developed by Kuju Entertainment, which also developed the GameCube predecessor, and was published by Nintendo. There are five different nations in this game. When Xylvania attacked the Western Frontier and the Tundran Territories, the Solar Empire stayed out of the conflict until it was itself attacked by the aggressive state, after losing several outer Islands, they allied themselves with the Western Frontier and together, they pushed out the Xylvanians, in gratitude, they joined the Alliance of Nations and helped invade Xylvania where they fought once again the Iron Legion but this time with the Western Frontier on their side. Each nation in the series corresponds to a real-life country; in this case, Japan. The Solar Empire is the most advanced nation in the Battalion Wars world. The Galactic Eggman Empire uses the Solar Empire's technology to have complete control of the Multiverse. The world is once again at war. Here's the coolest one. It is a sequel to the 2005 sleeper hit GameCube title Battalion Wars. When the Empire did not activate it, the Anglo forces withdrew from the islands. The Solar Empire is a major island nation in the Battalion Wars World, based on ancient Japan and China. Tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles launch a pre-emptive strike. Battalion Wars 2. A tiny Solar strike force made its way to the Iron Tower, Lord Ferrok's personal stronghold. The Solar Empire was considered a neutral country since they avoided to intervene in external conflicts such as the Frontier Wars for national reasons as they will intervene in a conflict only if the situation demands it. The Empire's next appears in Campaign 2, where Solar Admiral A-Qira launches his war of retribution against the Anglo invaders. The Solar Empire, led by Empress Qa-len, was trying to repel the invading Iron Legion, led by Lord Ferrok, who aimed to conquer the world, the Iron Legion, despite their lack of technology, used their strength in numbers to their advantage, eventually the Solar Empire was on the brink of defeat and with no more choice, Empress Qa-len allowed the use of their new weapon, a weapon that harnessed the power of the sun into a concentrated ray that could destroy the entire Legion. This page was last edited on 10 September 2011, at 18:43. However it could also be based on other Asian countries such as China since there is concept art of what appears to be a parody of the Great Wall of China in the Battalion Wars 2 Concept Art, despite this, the lands of the Empire are based on the tropical islands of the Pacific rather than traditional Japanese landscapes. The symbol of the Solar Empire seems to be a representation of the sun, as well as a stylized yin-yang symbol. Battalion Wars 2 is a real-time tactics video game for the Wii console. It is able to go online to battle against other players around the world. https://battalionwars.fandom.com/wiki/Solar_Empire?oldid=8566. This staff sent a signal to an orbiting Solar satellite, which expanded its solar panels, absorbed the sun's energy, and focused the massive beam directly down onto the Iron Tower. Qa-Len, not wanting the staff to fall into the wrong hands, traveled to a glacier in the North Tundra wastes, and disposed of it in a large fissure. Battalion Wars 2 puts the player in control of the armed forces of the Solar Empire, Iron Legion, Anglo Isles, and Tundran territories all of which are drawn in to a world conflict through the careful orchestration of Kaiser Vlad of the Iron Legion. Recruit candidates will spend many years proving their worth in the Training Dojos of the Outer Islands, acquiring the discipline needed to wield a standard-issue PlasRifle." Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Both factions are better equipped than any other nation, use energy-based weaponry, and of course are based on Japan with the Empire of the Rising Sun actually being Japan. According to Battalion Wars 2, they are one of the oldest nations of the world alongside Old Xylvania and thus, they are the most technologically advanced. The staff bearing soldier and his battalion died in order to destroy the Iron Legion, being a satirical representation of the Japanese kamikazes. The Solar Empire is the third nation to be a member of the Alliance of Nations. The Staff Bearer and the other foot soldiers scaled the tower, and activated the Staff of Qa-Len. however, fearing that his son would eventually weaken the Tundran Territories with his pacifist mentality, Gorgi launched a secret invasion into the Western Frontier. Battalion Wars 2 for Nintendo Wii cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Battalion Wars returns with its newest installment, Battalion Wars 2. Description. The Solar Empire campaign is full of interesting things to explore. After expelling the Xylvanians from the Solar-held Coral Atolls, the Empire is the third country to join the Alliance of Nations. As said before, the Solar Empire is based on a real world country, Japan. They appear to have a monarchy based on one absolute leader that rules the Islands by heritage with every generation being trained to lead the empire in case factions like the Iron Legion rises again. A war in the GB Mountains begins. This may be intentional as the Battalion Wars series does parody various medias pertaining to the military. Despite the fact that the imperial units employ high-tech, energy-based weapons and equipment as opposed to conventional weapons of the same nature, in Battalion Wars 2 each unit belonging to the Solar Empire has stats identical to the same unit type of all the other nations of the world. Another highlight of Battalion Wars 2 is that you can play the game from multiple perspectives. The resulting shock wave completely disintegrated the Iron Lord's tower, digging out an enormous crater in the process. The Solar Empire is a nation-state in the Battalion Wars Series. In WW2, the Spitfire became the iconic fighter in The Battle of Britain and helped give them the air superiority. After Xylvania's defeat, Kaiser Vlad tricked the Anglo Isles into believing that the Solar Empire had a superweapon, leading to a surprise attack on the islands. Medieval Stasis / Modern Stasis: Fluff from the second game reveals that a majority of the Solar Empire's military technology hasn't changed in two hundred years. Battalion Wars 2 Unit Dossier - Solar Empire. As said before, the Solar Empire is based on a real world country, Japan. Go to the recon helipad location. Tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles launch a pre-emptive Strike. Man in a Kilt: In Battalion Wars 2, the Anglo Empire veteran soldiers all wear kilts and have fancy handlebar mustaches. https://warswiki.org/w/index.php?title=Solar_Empire&oldid=7789. For example, the "Showdown at Big Honshu." Battalion Wars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Based on faulty intel, the Anglo commanders believed that the Solar Empire was in … The Flame Veteran is the anti-infantry specialist for short-range combat. The game features only a single-player campaign, played from a third-person perspective, in which players take control of a variety of units that form a battalion, to complete a series of missions. They then each joined the Alliance of Nations and fought alongside the Frontier, Tundra and one another against Xylvania. General Herman and Brigadier Betty of the Western Frontier are on garrison duty in the Solar Empire when the Anglos srike, and assist Empress Lei-Qo and Admiral A-Qira in repelling the invaders. Solar Grunts are dressed similar to feudal Japanese peasant soldiers, and the Vets are modeled on samurai. Gameplay features a mixture of elements from both third-person shooters and real-time tacticsgames, with players taking control of a single unit fully, while giving orders to the rest of their battalion, whether to a single unit, a company of the same type, or the entire battalion. In Battalion Wars 2 . Then, over centuries of perfecting the art of war, the Solar Empire would have developed the high-tech weapons used in present day conflicts. Battalion Wars returns with its newest installment, Battalion Wars 2. Also, 200 years into the future, one would think that all of the nations of the world would have discovered high-tech equipment and weapons for themselves, or at the very least, reverse-engineered it from bits and pieces recovered from imperial forces. Gameplay features a mixture of elements from both third-person shooters and real-time tactics games. 1 Summary 1.1 Dual Strike 1.2 Days of Ruin 1.3 Black Hole Rising 1.4 Under Fire 2 Characters 3 Plot Elements 3.1 Dual Strike 3.2 Days of Ruin 3.3 Black Hole Rising 3.4 Under Fire 4 Notes 4.1 Dual Strike 4.2 Days of Ruin 4.3 Black Hole Rising 4.4 Under Fire A war in the Famicom Fields begins. The Solar Empire Fighter, an example of their Advanced Technology. Like its predecessor, the game is played from a third-person perspective, in which players take control of a variety of units that form a battalion, in order to complete missions and battles. However, they were di… The Solar Empire is the most advanced nation in the world, their weapons and vehicles uses plasma and hovering technology that only they know how to craft, they train their soldiers in dojos all across the outer isles and develop their weapons in caves were they are crafted only by the blacksmiths that have inherited the secrets of plasma crafting. According to VGchartz, BWii, as it is commonly abbreviated, has been more successful than its GameCube companion. Even when the two nations are unexpectedly attacked by Xylvania, the Empire refrains from getting involved. She sent a staff bearer along with a team of guards to the iron tower but Lord Ferrok discovered the battalion and they were bombed. The Solar Empire first appears in Campaign 1. What is most curious about this is that for one thing, they have not made any visible advancements in their weaponry since then. However, a single grunt of the Solar Empire survived the invasion of the Iron Legion outer defenses of quad cannons and went to rendezvous with the staff bearer but found the entire strike battalion dead, he took the staff to the top of the iron tower with the help of other surviving grunts and activated an orbital satellite that harnessed the power of the sun and destroyed Lord Ferrok and his Iron Legion, ending the Lightning Wars, Qa-len then took the staff and disposed of it into a Tundran crater so that none may ever harness its power again. The Solar Empire was at war with the Iron Legion in a conflict known as the Lightning Wars. It is possible that generations of Solars have grown up learning this, and that Solar troops will go to great lengths to distinguish themselves in the eyes of their nation, peers and ancestors. The Solar Empire is the most advanced nation in the Dens with its soldiers sporting plasma rifles and hovercraft engineering in the Gunship model. It probably has the most secrets, too. General Herman and Brigadier Betty of the Western Frontier are on garrison duty in the Solar Empire when the Anglos strike, and assist Empress Lei-Qo and … Technology. The Solar Empire is an island nation from the Battalion Wars series. Solar Empire. Much like Japan and China, the countries it is based on, the Solar Empire puts great importance on the concept of honour, both that of the individual and the nation as a whole. This sequel to Battalion Wars plays much like its predecessor, blending real-time strategy with third-person shooting. Tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles launch a pre-emptive strike. Solar Empire "A posting in the Imperial battalions must be earned. Battalion Wars II (also called Battalion Wars 2) is a video game for the Wii that uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk attachment. When facing large numbers of enemy infantry, this makes it all the more necessary to keep anti-armor and … Look at the map. At the beginning of the game, the Empire goes about its business as usual, until an unexpected attack from an Anglo Bomber wing. It was then that the Solar Empire and Anglo Isles signed a peace treaty ending the brief war between the two nations. The Man Behind the Man: Kaiser Vlad in both Battalion Wars games. In the final days of the Lightning Wars, it was clear that there was no way to end the fighting by conventional means. World country, Japan and Anglo Isles signed a peace treaty ending the brief war the! It could be that this technology is a real-time tactics video game for the Wii console the Tundran forces their... And never miss a beat almost anywhere, even the recon 's path to the 2005 hit! 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