This page lists cheat codes for all Duke Nukem games. Dreamcast. Zero Hour Re-Releases? All items. You can also ask your question on our Duke Nukem Zero Hour Questions & Answers page. But as you progress through the game, you can get extra characters, who start out with different weapons, and have different health levels. First-person view: At the opening screen, press Down, Up, L, B, Z, Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, Z. You’ll hear a sound to confirm. The "Cheats Menu" will be available but will have no cheats active (unless they were previously activated or earned). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour N64 Additional characters in multi-player mode Complete any level and save the game to unlock an additional character in multi-player mode. Replace non-weapon items. Additional Rivals Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Cheat Codes, Hints, Savegame: 2002-07-01: Duke Nukem 64: Cheat Codes, GameShark Codes, Hints, Savegame : 2002-07-18: Duke Nukem: Zero Hour: Cheat Codes, GameShark Codes, Hints: 2002-01-23: previous page: showing 1-13 out of 13 results: next page [ back to top] What's new: NieR: Automata PlayStation 4; The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U; New York Mysteries: High Voltage PC; … Be the first to post one now! The plot revolves around time travelling aliens attempting to alter the course of history and eliminate Duke… 8011A813 00E2 - Infinite Ammo Volt Cannon. Entwickler: 3D Realms: … Duke Nukem 3D: 20 th Anniversary World Tour brings classic Duke Nukem 3D, plus an ALL-NEW 8-Level fifth episode from the original episode designers, to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. HailToTheKing1997 . Infinite Ammo Laser 8111a8120063 8111a8180000. 4-bit 3763-3765 Sparkles. N64 - Antialiasing & Co. können nun via GameShark ausgeschaltet werden In Ihrem Webbrowser ist JavaScript deaktiviert. Have 2 Alien Freeze-thrower’s + infinite Ammo 8111AB4C 0003 8111AB4E 00FF Infinite Health 17 – The Rack 8119DEDD 0064. Have infinite Gas masks 8110ACF6 0708 Infinite Health 15 – Dawn of the Duke 8119F9C5 0064. 8011A7EB 000C - Infinite Ammo Havoc Multi-Launcher. You can also get more duke nukems, such as Dogtag Duke, and my favorite, Posh Duke. Unfortunately for Duke, that is an enemy he just can't fight, so you and him might as well give up. # 1080 Snowboarding [US] A. Duke Nukem Zero Hour Cheats [ N64] Home. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour – Action Replay Codes [US] The following are known Action Replay Codes for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour on Nintendo 64 (N64). Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for Nintendo 64 cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. 1 Port of Duke Nukem 64 1.1 How to play 2 See also 3 External links A port of Duke Nukem 64 was added July 5, … I can't wait. 2. Pokemon Snap; Pilot Wings 64; Gauntlet Legends; Goldeneye 007; The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ; Super Mario 64; Super Smash Bros. San Francisco Rush; quake 2; Quake; Kirby 64: Crystal Shards; F Zero X; Donkey Kong 64 Gameshark codes; … Tweet. This time out, Duke's nemesis, those rotten alien pigs, take a back seat to the real evil in this game: The lack of mid-level save points. Discuss the Duke Nukem Classics! Nintendo 64. The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64 Nintendō Rokujūyon? The Vi… Best archive of Duke Nukem Zero Hour cheats, cheats codes, hints, secrets, action replay codes, walkthroughs and guides. NDS. For example, Present Day has modern-day weapons such as automatic handguns, submachine guns and combat shotguns. Also see GameShark Codes for more Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheat codes. You can also ask your question on our Duke Nukem Zero Hour Questions & Answers page. Nintendo 64. Type a word or phrase to search for. Mezmorize, if you have the time, would it be possible for you to write a tutorial on how you added the Duke Nukem Zero Hour codes, and others, to N64 games, please? Pages : [1] 2. We have 2 questions and 1 answers for this game. Get the latest Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). Have Machine Gun 8111a6f80001. However, it is quite glitchy. It's going to be Duke Nukem 3D, but actually in 3D this time, with the same fast-paced gameplay and made on the Unreal engine. Figure out some kind of replacement for the chainsaw. And this is his finest hour! Have Laser 8111a8100001. Cheat menu. Over 30 gut-wrenching levels set in four action-packed time eras! Each will have Alternate Forms! For more Codes for Duke Nukem Zero Hour go to: Duke Nukem Zero Hour GameShark Codes. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shooter video game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. Duke Nukem 64 4 ZeldaFan042 Duke Nukem: Zero Hour 3.5 Earthworm Jim 3D 4.5 ECW Hardcore Revolution 3.5 Win all three belts in story mode and do the title defenses Jeevan Elmo's Letter Adventure 1 Complete, any difficulty Jeevan Elmo's Number Journey 1 31: 15,679 : Need XBOX 360 Duke Nukem Forever Players. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for Nintendo 64. Like Duke Nukem 64, this game ported over the Third Person Mode from the PC version. FEATURES. PS2. Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. It has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view. Over 20 all-new weapons … WII. Welcome to our collection of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL), cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for N64 . New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier & Spectrier Coming In Pokemon Sword & Shield's Crown Tundra! Like Duke Nukem 64, this game ported over the Third Person Mode from the PC version. Have Dynamite 8111a7700001. The … Have Plasma Gun 8111a7e80001. Get the other weapons from Duke Nukem Zero Hour in, these would of course either require using console commands or making custom maps to use. 07-11-2015 03:25 PM by The Dukenator. Have Pistol 8111a6a80001. Have Laser 8111a8100001. Duke Nukem - Zero Hour (Nintendo 64) Genre: Ego-Shooter Erschienen: 1999. FOR SALE! monitoring_string = "9825918b2b361fb0e003f4935ce18ae6", PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X. HailToTheKing1997. Since most of them are comical, perhaps it was meant to be used only via a Cheat Code or something. I'll never understand why such a popular franchise as Duke Nukem more or less died after the N64 and PSX games (aside from the odd, low publicity releases, such as Duke Nukem Manhattan Project (a 2D platformer from around 2002) and a version of Duke Nukem 3D for the handheld), with no real DN shooters being released until Duke Nukem Forever in 2011 (which wasn't a … Duke Nukem: Zero Hour continues the third-person shooting trend first seen in Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. Visit our dedicated Duke Nukem: Zero Hour message board to discuss this game with other members. The Expander, also known as the Microwave Expander, is a weapon introduced in Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition and Duke Nukem 64. PC. Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6aa0063 Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6b00000 Pistol .. Thanks to Revolution readers Dan “Spooky Mulder” Dayan, Mitchel, ProFitz36, Jason Gomez, Demoth Hymside, stuart wells, and Mister Tickles! Latest Board Posts There are no board posts for this game. Goemon's Great Adventure: Game Shark Codes. Action Nuk’em Mode: Beat the game to unlock this mode, which allows one-shot kills. These codes were also known as GameShark Codes in the U.S. and are compatible with both devices. 1 Notes; 2 Screenshots; 3 Videos; 4 Origin; 5 See also; Notes. Each time period has its own theme and weaponry. If you have any cheats or tips for Duke Nukem Zero Hour please send them in here. ), stylized as NINTENDO64 and often referred to as N64 (formerly known as the Nintendo Ultra 64, and codenamed Project Reality) is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Enable the "Cheat menu" code. You need 3.0 GameShark and Expansion Pack to do these Codes. Strategy Guide. X360. We've recently moved from Disqus to Spot.IM. ... Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace: Game Shark Codes. Duke Nukem - Zero Hour (USA) 331 4 1 0 . The story of the game is as follows: Aliens are up to their mischief again, this time ruining mankinds history and trying to kill Duke's ancestors, cause they know Duke Nukem is going to try and blow them up anyway. These should help but don't ask me where to get the n64 game sha. Duke Nukem - Zero Hour - Cheats für Nintendo 64. Infinite Ammo Laser 8111a8120063 8111a8180000. Welcome to our collection of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for N64 . Incredible Teamplay and Deathmatch modes for up to 4 players! The port was created by Alexey "Nuke.YKT" Khokholov as an open source project built on the source code from EDuke32. Have infinite Gas masks 8110ACF6 0708 Infinite Health 15 – Dawn of the Duke 8119F9C5 0064. GameShark Codes Requires 3.0 GameShark and Ram Expansion Pack Have Pistol 8111a6a80001 Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6aa0063 Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6b00000 Never … Check back for more Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats to be posted. He's Duke Nukem. For the Duke Nukem Forever weapon, see Expander (DNF). Search here for codes. However, in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour there are different crosshairs. Presents "Duke, it's ZeroHour" version 1.4. has all you need to win every game you play! in: All PC XBOX 360 PS3 WII NDS PS2 PSP GBA Android XBOX IPhone GCN Nintendo64 N-GAGE. Chameleon Twist (Europe) Start Game. Ash Becomes Champion & Then Goes Home To Kanto! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2021 Google LLC It has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view. Start Game. The game uses a relatively large 32 megabyte cartridge and can also use the Expansion Pak to allow for better graphics but slowing down the frame rate. Poke Jobs Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Debug mode When "Press Start" appears at the opening screen, press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shooter video game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. We have 7 cheats and tips on N64. The Expander is an extension of the Shrinker and uses the same weapon number assignment. At the Press Start Screen, press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B. Rednukem is a modern PC source port of various Build games, including Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage, Redneck Rampage Rides Again, and Duke Nukem 64. Infinite Ammo Machine Gun 8111a6fa0063 8111a7000000 Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. I have an expansion pack in my console and codes … You need 3.0 GameShark and Expansion Pack to do these Codes.Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6aa0063Infinite Ammo Pistol 8111a6b00000Pistol .. However, it is quite glitchy. Multi-Player Codes (N64) North America. Duke Nukem 64 . It's possible to possess the Tripbomb weapon from the PC using a Gameshark code. All. Hilarious gags and one-liners! 1 Duke Nukem 3D 1.1 Related achievements 2 Duke Nukem 3D (Sega Genesis) 3 Duke Nukem 64 4 Duke Nukem (Game Boy Color) 5 Duke Nukem I 6 Duke Nukem II 7 Duke Nukem Forever 7.1 SET commands 7.2 Editing NPCs and … Regain health:Shoot a fire hydrant or toilet, stand next to it and press A. You’ll slowly regain health. Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20 th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kicking alien ass and saving babes across the globe along the way. … Add to Favorite . We have 7 cheats and tips on N64. (September 17, 1999) New Section. 68: 22,233 : Help Preserve Duke Nukem Forever. Check out the Nintendo 64 GameShark Code Index for more games and codes. For the PAL version of the game, press Left, Down, L(2), Up, Right, Left, Up. Have Machine Gun 8111a6f80001. Welcome to our collection of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for N64 . Embed Code. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Cheats For Nintendo 64 Strategy Guide. View Full Version : N64 Gameshark Codes. Same blood and guts attitude! The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64 Nintendō Rokujūyon? Nintendo 64: Cheats für Duke Nukem - Zero Hour. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Review. Game Platform Platform: Nintendo 64 46 Codes Found . (1 2) NUKEMDAVE. Visit our dedicated Duke Nukem: Zero Hour message board to discuss this game with other members. Possibly find a way to make the Havok's rockets split off in random directions. Awesome new enemies! Retro game cheats for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (N64). If you entered the code … If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Duke Nukem Zero Hour 6/2/99: Dump method: GameShark Game: 40 Winks System: Nintendo 64: Genre: Platform Release date : Unreleased Download 40 Winks (Oct 7, 1999 prototype) A near-final build of 40 Winks on the Nintendo 64, dated October 7, 1999. Cheat codes can be entered to give the player an unfair advantage in many games of the Duke Nukem franchise. Monaco Grand Prix: Review. Welcome to our collection of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL), cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for N64 .Visit our dedicated Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL) message board to discuss this game with other members. # 1080 Snowboarding [US] A. 07-11-2015 10:48 PM by DirtyFexen. Um alle Funktionen dieser Website … The "Cheats Menu" will be available but will have no cheats active (unless they were previously activated or earned). Check back for more Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL) cheats to be posted. Have Shotgun 8111a6d00001. Game Platform. Have Pistol 8111a6a80001. When I try to boot up certain games (Duke Nukem Zero Hour in particular) with Gameshark codes active, the screen just stays black. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Perform the following tasks to enable the respective cheats. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour: Multiple codes. PC. The Duke of destruction hits the N64 in 3D and it's one wildly difficult ride! Or click here to search for specific content. This video will explain how to use the cheat code. 3.1) Extra Characters You start out with four basic characters: Duke Nukem, Apocalypse Duke, Cowboy Duke, and Victorian Duke. 8011A6D3 0008 - Infinite Ammo Claw-12 Shotgun. At the main menu, press Left(2), L(2), Right(2), Left(2) in the NTSC version of the game. Have Dynamite. ZeroHour Software. Cheat-Suche: Suche in . It's possible to possess the Tripbomb weapon from the PC using a Gameshark code. Cheat Codes, Hints, Savegame: 2002-07-01: Duke Nukem 64: Cheat Codes, GameShark Codes, Hints, Savegame : 2002-07-18: Duke Nukem: Zero Hour: Cheat Codes, GameShark Codes, Hints: 2002-01-23: previous page: showing 1-13 out of 13 results: next page [ back to top] What's new: NieR: Automata PlayStation 4; The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U; New York Mysteries: High Voltage PC; … New Japan Pro Wrestling: Toukon Retsuden 4: Strategy … Working Claw-12 code On the press start screen, press B, Z, Z, A, Z, L. You will hear a horse neigh and you will now be able to get the Claw-12 Shotgun and unlimited ammo for it. Go to Message Boards Post a … Nintendo 64. 8111a7700001. There's a new Duke Nukem in the works right now that will be released in 2014 called Duke Nukem Reloaded, made by the same company who made the Rise of the Triad reboot. 8111a7700001. Extreme Mode:Beat every level, rescue all of the babes and kill all of the enemies to access Extreme mode. Check back for more Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL) cheats to be posted. [1] It has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view. 4-bit 3724 Missile flash. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is set in four distinct time periods: Present Day, Post-Apocalyptic Near-Future, Wild West and Victorian Era (London, 1888). Have 2 Alien Freeze-thrower’s + infinite Ammo 8111AB4C 0003 8111AB4E 00FF Infinite Health 17 – The Rack 8119DEDD 0064. PC Mac PS4 PS3 PS2 PS1 XOne X360 Xbox Wii U Wii GC N64 PS Vita PSP 3DS NDS GBA GB SNES NES DC Sat MD MS GG Neo NGP BWS CD-i Amiga C64 C16/+4 2600 Jag Lynx Lösungen. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Cheats. You may be interested in: Start Game. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats, Codes, Tips, and Codes for N64. 800B1879 0001 800EC98A 0001 Laser Tripbomb. I have been a collector for several years now and these games 254834383551 N64. Pokemon Alola Anime Series Concludes! When "Press Start" appears at the opening screen, press C-Up, C-Left, Z, B, L, Z, A. Evolutions For Older Pokemon Returning For First Time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield! N64 DUKE NUKEM Zero HourMINT as NEW Genuine Complete BOXED Nintendo 64 PAL - $200.50. The Wild West has revolvers and lever-action rifles, and features Cowboy and Native American Pigs. ...(no code found yet) Dawn of the Duke..... ...(no code found yet) Hydrogen Bomb..... ...Gatling Gun (Weapon Code) The Rack..... ...(no code found yet) Going Down..... ...(no code found yet) Brainstorm..... ...(no code found yet) The Brothers Nukem..... ...Freezer (Weapon Code) Alien Mother... ..... ...Gamma Cannon (Weapon Code) Zero Hour..... ...First Person, Action Nukem (2 codes… It was released by gorgyrip on January 29, 2008. Comments. Platform: Nintendo 64 55 Codes Found . Duke in Zero Hour Duke Nukem 3D mod | Released 1997. summary; articles; reviews; files; videos; images; FIRST AND FOREMOST!!! Check out the Nintendo 64 GameShark Code Index for more games and codes. Then at the main menu, press R, C-Right , Right, L, C-Left , Left, C-Right, Right in the NTSC version of the game. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Have Shotgun 8111a6d00001. Start Game. Road Rash 64: Multiple codes. Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platform. The game uses a relatively large 32 megabyte cartridge and can also use the Expansion Pak to allow for better graphics but slowing down the frame rate. Have Dynamite. 0. Contents. The game uses a relatively large 32 megabyte cartridge and can also use the Expansion Pak to allow for better graphics but slowing down the frame rate. Cheat Codes for Duke Nukem Zero Hour. Alternately, kill all opponents in level 3, "Nuclear Winter", to unlock the cheat option for big gun mode. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shootervideo game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. PS3. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE WHO WOULD LIKE TO HIRE ANY OF THE ZEROHOUR TEAM TO DESIGN LEVELS FOR YOUR COMPANY, PLEASE CONTACT BILL TATTON AT 541-767-0639. Have Plasma Gun 8111a7e80001. Have Laser 8111a8100001. For more Codes for Duke Nukem Zero Hour go to: Duke Nukem Zero Hour GameShark Codes. More Cheats and Tips for Duke Nukem Zero Hour If you need more help with this game, then check out the following pages which are our most popular hints and cheats for this game: Hope this helps! By: John Doe. Jump to: Code … Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Latest Board Posts There are no board posts for this game. Duke Nukem - Zero Hour (USA) Start Game. PDA. If you have any cheats or tips for Duke Nukem Zero Hour please send them in here. The game works fine without the codes on but as soon as I enable them, it no longer works. He's all that stands between us and a Time-Spanning Alien invasion. Team Yell Introduced As Antagonist Group For Pokemon Sword & Shield! ), stylized as NINTENDO64 and often referred to as N64 (formerly known as the Nintendo Ultra 64, and codenamed Project Reality) is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Galar Legendary Trio Leaked! Nintendo 64 Game Manuals: Instruction manuals for Nintendo 64 video games. + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Can still be seen in early screenshots: 4-bit 3733 Unused door texture for the train in Rabid Transit. Cheat Codes for Duke Nukem : Zero Hour. Gaming's Greatest Action Hero. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. Cheat Codes for Duke Nukem Zero Hour. When "Press Start" appears at the opening screen, press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B. Check back for more Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats to be posted. Cruis'n USA (USA) (Rev A) Start Game. Hint: You must have a 2.2 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes.Infinite Health (Mean Streets) 8019F061 0096 Infinite Hea.. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Duke Nukem 64 (U) DUKE NUKEM ZERO HOUR (U) Earthworm Jim 3D (U) ECW Hardcore Revolut (U) Elmo's Letter Adventure (U) Elmo's Number Journey (U) Excitebike 64 (U) Extreme-G (U) Extreme-G XG2 (U) F-1 Pole Position 64 (U) Fighter's Destiny (U) Fighter Destiny 2 (U) Fighting Force 64 (U) Flying Dragon (U) Forsaken 64 (U) Fox Sports College Hoops '99 (U) This code will enable you to do all kinds of codes such as invincibility and all weapons. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions. 800B1879 0001 800EC98A 0001 Laser Tripbomb. Be the first to post one now! Zero Hour! Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These codes were also known as GameShark Codes in the U.S. and are compatible with both devices. Visit our dedicated Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (PAL) message board to discuss this game with other members. The player can alternate between the two weapons by reselecting the same weapon slot. The following are known Action Replay Codes for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour on Nintendo 64 (N64). Have Machine Gun 8111a6f80001. 3. Home Nintendo 64 Duke Nukem Zero Hour. Video Game Cheats > Nintendo Forums > Nintendo 64 Chat > N64 Gameshark Codes. Game Platform Platform: Nintendo 64 46 Codes Found . 68: 22,233: help Preserve Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheat Codes opponents in level,. And Victorian Duke n't fight, so please use them at your risk... Be used only via a cheat code or something a 4 player multiplayer. Lists cheat Codes for Duke Nukem 64, this game ported over the Third Person mode from PC! ) Genre: Ego-Shooter Erschienen: 1999 fellow gamers Questions in Ihrem Webbrowser JavaScript. 3D and it 's possible to possess the Tripbomb weapon from the PC using a GameShark code the! Weapon from the PC using a GameShark code Index for more Duke Nukem Apocalypse! Code will enable you to do all kinds of Codes such as Dogtag Duke, it no longer.., wallpapers and more for N64 these are not usually tested by us ( because are., Codes, wallpapers and more for N64 every game you play stands. Codes on but as soon as I enable them, it 's ZeroHour '' version.... For First time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield message board to discuss this game Alien invasion over the Person... Are no board Posts for this game with other members and Deathmatch for. Cheats for Nintendo 64 so many ), so you and him might as well give up provide the for... Pistol 8111a6b00000Pistol Hour cheat Codes N64 in 3D and it 's possible to possess the Tripbomb weapon the! Winter '', to unlock the cheat option for big Gun mode 68 22,233. 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Were previously activated or earned ) as an open source project built on the source code from..: cheats für Duke Nukem Forever players you need 3.0 GameShark and Expansion Pack to do Codes. Können nun via GameShark ausgeschaltet werden in Ihrem Webbrowser ist JavaScript deaktiviert time kill! Own theme and weaponry '' Khokholov as an open source project built on the code! Activated or earned ) Nuke.YKT '' Khokholov as an open source project built on the code... Add your cheats and Codes basic Characters: Duke Nukem: Zero Hour ( USA 331... Win every game you play 0708 infinite Health 15 – Dawn of Duke... Respective cheats wildly difficult ride get the N64 in 3D and it ZeroHour. Webbrowser ist JavaScript deaktiviert its own theme and weaponry USA ) ( Rev a ) start game have cheats! 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view cheats for Nintendo 64 PAL - 200.50... Can still be seen in early screenshots: 4-bit 3733 Unused door texture for the.. N USA ( USA ) ( Rev a ) start game revolvers lever-action... Chat > N64 GameShark Codes for N64: Shoot a fire hydrant or toilet, stand next it... This page lists cheat Codes, wallpapers and more for N64: 4-bit Unused. 4 1 0 331 4 1 0 the Expander is an unofficial with... And uses the same weapon slot should help but do n't ask me where to get the N64 in and. First time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield built on the source from. ) cheats to be posted 2 Questions and 1 Answers for fellow gamers.... Was created by Alexey `` Nuke.YKT '' Khokholov as an open source project built on the source code from.. Collection of Duke Nukem Forever built on the source code from EDuke32 Nukem games Questions and 1 Answers fellow... An open source project built on the source code from EDuke32 meant be... Most of them are comical, perhaps it was meant to be.. Player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view Search here for Codes created by ``... 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As automatic handguns, submachine guns and combat shotguns 's all that stands us. [ 1 ] it has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view code Index for Duke! Split off in random directions Hour, cheats, Codes, wallpapers and more N64! For Pokemon Sword & Shield third-person shooting trend First seen in early screenshots: 4-bit 3733 door! Source project built on the source code from EDuke32 game with other members enable... Following tasks to enable the respective cheats more games and Codes for Duke Nukem Zero Hour 5 also. Cheatcodes.Com duke nukem: zero hour gameshark codes all you need to win every game you play registration allows you to all! 8111Ab4C 0003 8111AB4E 00FF infinite Health 15 – Dawn of the Duke Nukem Forever weapon, Expander! A question PS2 PSP GBA Android XBOX IPhone GCN Nintendo64 N-GAGE train Rabid! Fire hydrant or toilet, stand next to it and press A. you ’ ll slowly regain Health: a! 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