Start studying Act 2 Scene 3 Lost in Yonkers. "Neil Simon Gets Serious in 'Lost in Yonkers'". Bella is thirty-five years old, mentally challenged, and living at home with her mother, stern Grandma Kurnitz. Particularly, the boys' anticipation of meeting with Grandma takes on a pressurized and doomed quality when their father tells them that they have to impress her so she will let them live with her. At 6:30 PM on an August night, we meet Arty and Jay, brothers who are at their grandmother's apartment in Yonkers, New York. Not like a man, like a child he cried. says Arty. When Bella goes in her room, Jay wants to find Grandma's money, "borrow" $9000, and send it to their father. In addition to the Pulitzer, it was nominated that year for five Tony Awards, winning best play, best actress (Mercedes Ruehl as Bella), best featured actress (Irene Worth as Grandma Kurnitz), and best featured actor (Kevin Spacey as Louie). LOST IN YONKERS GRANDMA. Jay and Arty’s mom dies and their father has to repay the financial debts so he travels selling scrap metal in order to repay the debts. Alright Alright . Grandma, an older and imperious German woman, comes out of the bedroom and greets the boys sternly. Quickly, the audience realizes that the rift between her and her progeny is about her immigrant temperment, having lived through so much. Grandma demands that Bella hand over the movie magazine she bought, and Bella eventually does before rushing into her room. Lost in Yonkers is a 1993 American film adaptation of Neil Simon's 1991 Pulitzer Prize-winning play of the same name, directed by Martha Coolidge. Scene 2 opens with the sound of a train and a letter from Eddie to the boys read in voiceover. Lost in Yonkers by Cori Hoberman If there were one place during the 1940's that I wouldn't want to get lost in, it would be Yonkers, especially if you're forced to live with a cruel grandmother while you father is off working to cure the family's financial problems. He tells them that he's convinced Grandma, even though she was unsure about it, and that they have to be on their best behavior when Grandma comes out to talk to them. She scolds Jay for having cried, asks them bluntly which one is smarter, and is vigilant about making sure that the boys will be clean and well-behaved. THIS FEATURE IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PRO MEMBERS . It is available on VHS and DVD from Columbia/Tristar Home Video. Jay, the older... Lost in Yonkers study guide contains a biography of Neil Simon, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. "Simon's Serious Comedy Of Contemporary Nostalgia". Contents. The action is set in 1942, and the action follows Jay and Arty Kurnitz, brothers aged 15 and 13 respectively. It stars Irene Worth, Mercedes Ruehl, and Richard Dreyfuss. Grandma disapproves of the match, causing Bella to break down crying and leave the house, moving in with Gert. LOST IN YONKERS by Neil Simon JAY: I hate coming to Grandma’s, don’t you? Learn lost in yonkers with free interactive flashcards. The Question and Answer section for Lost in Yonkers is a great While arguing, Jay accidentally tears Arty's collar, and the two brothers fret about how this will pique their Grandma's judgment. This quiz is a final assessment for Neil Simon's play Lost in Yonkers. The audience has heard a lot about her from different characters without ever having laid eyes on her, and the image that the other characters paint is not particularly flattering. Grandma Kurnitz does not appear as the typical loving grandma. After telling the boys to turn off the light, Grandma goes back to bed. In the final scene of the film (which implies, but does not explicitly show, Grandma's death), Bella leaves Yonkers for good and sends Eddie and the boys a postcard from Florida, where she has gotten a restaurant job. Grandma, whom Eddie has avoided visiting and w… Their mother has died and their father thinks he might be able to find work in the war industries of the South, and so Jay and Arty go to live with their grandmother in Yonkers in the opening moments of Neil Simon's "Lost in Yonkers." Basically homeless, the boys are under a lot of pressure to help their father secure his job and pay his debts, but living with their mean old grandmother is the last thing they want. Where Grandma has no pity for the young boys, who she only sees as a nuisance and a testament to her son's disloyalty, Bella loves the boys like they are her own, and delights in making them a home in the apartment in Yonkers. This is a fairly standard opening for Simon, who often sees life through the wide-open eyes of teenage boys. Their father sends them to live with their Grandma Kurnitz while he travels. Please try to answer all questions! A then she ? Director Martha Coolidge, whose Rambling Rose was a model of graceful literary adaptation, seems at a loss with the crass material."[9]. Lost in Yonkers is a 1991 play by Neil Simon.. Lost in Yonkers › Customer reviews ... Jay and Arty come to live with Grandma and Aunt Bella after their mother dies. GradeSaver "Lost in Yonkers Part 2: Meeting with Grandma Summary and Analysis". With this comfort came a price, a price their father could not afford. Eddie returns from his business travels and reclaims his sons, who leave Grandma a loving farewell card. She asks Eddie to stay too, telling him that Grandma is mean, but he tells her that they'll be fine and sends her to go lie down in the bedroom so Grandma can talk to the boys, but she wants to stay. When she asks them to tell her why they want to live with her, they do their best to flatter her, but Arty tells her that they have no place to go. Nobody else knows but you. When he threatens to send them outside, they tell him they very much want to live with Grandma, and are just worried about her not letting them. Hearing this, Arty and Jay plot about ways they could make money for their father. As the boys scramble to think of reasons why they shouldn't stay—"I'm dangerous, Pop," offers the 13-year-old Arty—the audience is meant to see the humor in their desperation, their terror at being left alone with their vindictive Grandma and their flakey Aunt Bella. The boys joke about selling Grandma's hair to the army to use as barbed wire, they joke about the fact that someone "dropped a horse" on Grandma and she still hasn't gotten over it. Jay and Arty do not enjoy living under Grandma's strict rules. Siskel, Gene (May 14, 1993). A lot of tension is built around the entrance of Grandma Kurnitz. Bella agrees to move back in with Grandma on the condition that Bella will lead a more independent life. The conflict in Lost in Yonkers is a family conflict. Lost In Yonkers follows the escapades and tragedies of this unusual family. Jay is Eddie's older son. Auditioning for Grandma Kurnitz? As a result, Grandma believes people must be "like steel" in order to simply survive. Louie responded to Grandma's harsh upbringing by becoming tough and independent, and starting a life of thievery and crime at a young age. In 1942 in the Bronx, Evelyn Kurnitz has just passed away following a lengthy illness. A comical amount of pressure is put on the young teens, Arty and Jay, which adds dramatic tension and comedy to the proceedings. She then asks them who is the smarter of the two, and Arty says that Jay gets good grades and he is better at sports. Grandma Kurnitz. Produced by Emanuel Azenberg and directed by Gene Saks, the cast included Jamie Marsh as Jay, Irene Worth as Grandma, Mercedes Ruehl as Bella, Kevin Spacey as Louie, Lauren Klein as Gert, Danny Gerard as Arty, and Mark Blum as Eddie. No doubt this fine production of the Pullitzer-prize winning Lost in Yonkers, the first incidentally outside the United States, will prove a sellout for the Canberra Theatre. But it conveys all the warmth and color of the original material. Simon's stage words rarely transfer well to the more realistic arena of film, and this is no exception. You steal from your own mother? Grandma demands that Bella hand over the movie magazine she bought, and Bella eventually does before rushing into her room. He is 15½ years old and is described by his Uncle Louie as having his late mother’s eyes. Immediately, she launches into a monologue about why she doesn't want them to live with her, that she doesn't like to talk and she works every day, and that they will not be happy there. He tells them he is moving through a number of states and that he misses food from home. The film holds a score of 71% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 17 reviews. To be strong. "Siskel's Flicks Picks". When Grandma is done admonishing him, Eddie stands up to her, assenting that he was always a crybaby, but insisting that his late wife, Evelyn, did not turn him away from his mother, but only turned him towards "loving...caring...holding someone when they needed holding." This is a test for Neil Simon's play Lost in Yonkers. Grandma Eddie Arty Gert: Date premiered: December 31, 1990: Place premiered: The Center for the Performing Arts Winston-Salem, NC, United States: Original language: English: Genre: Comic drama: Setting: An apartment in Yonkers, New York, 1942: Lost in Yonkers is a play by Neil Simon. Strong as steel and twice as cold, Grandma Kurnitz (Worth) rules her roost with an iron fist. Grandma, for instance, is still steel at the end, but at least we know why. After telling the boys to turn off the light, Grandma goes back to bed. They are interrupted by their father, Eddie, who is visiting their mother;he tells the kids to mind their grandmother. by neil simon. It moved to Broadway in February 1991. What's her favorite thing in this room?" The year is 1942. The play won the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Arty is Eddie's younger son and is 13½ years old. Grandma's harsh upbringing of her own children has estranged all of them but Bella, who has the mind and emotions of a child despite being in her late 30s. The original cast included Jamie Marsh, Irene Worth, Mercedes Ruehl, and Kevin Spacey. In 1942, following the death of their mother, 15-year-old Jay Kurnitz and his 13-year-old brother Arty move from the Bronx to Yonkersto live temporarily with their strict, stern Grandma Kurnitz and her daughter Aunt Bella, so that their father Eddie can take a traveling sales job and pay off his late wife's medical debt. "I'm going to break something. Dot's vy you Vant to live vith . Suggested Audition Pieces Auditioning for Grandma Kurnitz? Bella and Johnny plan to get married and open their own restaurant, for which they need $5000, which Bella hopes to convince Grandma to give her. Where Grandma is cold-hearted, unaffectionate, and undeniably "adult," Bella is sweet to the point of obliviousness, trapped in a perpetual childhood. Rainer, Peter (May 14, 1993). Did you steal from me? (SHE throws her cup of tea in Bella's face.) Scene 3. Grandma tell you tink live vit her for l' m an Old to don't t like in my Six children once. By America's great comic playwright, this memory play is set in Yonkers in 1942. Any left blank will be scored as incorrect! You thief!! "Reviews: Lost in Yonkers". (SHE turns quickly, looks towards her room.) When Grandma Kurnitz finally does emerge, she is at once intimidating and humanized, a relic of old-fashioned European seriousness. "[5] Janet Maslin of The New York Times described the film as "sometimes more picturesque than powerful. Lost in Yonkers is scattershot and all its different aspects don’t gel that well; and yet, ... Richard Dreyfus as the gangster uncle, Mercedes Ruehl as the sweet but off-kilter aunt, and Irene Worth as the bitter grandma, plus a couple of very solid kid actors to boot. Start: BELLA: Would you like some tea... Bella Kurnitz Grandma Kurnitz. After agonizing about how to discuss this with Grandma, Bella announces it at a family dinner attended by Louie and their sister Gert, whose fear of Grandma caused her to develop a speech impediment. Upon learning from Bella that Grandma has hidden $15,000 somewhere in the house and attached candy store, the boys try to find it so they can pay off their father's debt and he can return home. Bella says they need $5000 to open the restaurant, but that Grandma won't give her the money. Lost in Yonkers was adapted as a film by Columbia Pictures in 1993. Arty. (Picks up the bills and looks at them,) Vere did you get dis? He then says, "I'm sorry about not bringing the boys out here more. Simon premiered the show to Winston-Salem on December 31, 1990 at the Stevens Center for the Performing Arts. History Lost in Yonkers was first presented by Emanuel Azenberg at The Center for the Performing Arts in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on December 31, 1990. The film, directed by Martha Coolidge, features Richard Dreyfuss as Uncle Louie, Mercedes Ruehl as Aunt Bella, and Irene Worth as Grandma Kurnitz. In 1942, following the death of their mother, 15-year-old Jay Kurnitz and his 13-year-old brother Arty move from the Bronx to Yonkers to live temporarily with their strict, stern Grandma Kurnitz and her daughter Aunt Bella, so that their father Eddie can take a traveling sales job and pay off his late wife's medical debt. Bella has fallen in love with Johnny, the head usher at the local movie house, who like her is mentally slow and lives with his parents. (Screams al her,) Go on, hit me, Momma! Grandma tries to tell her that they are not staying, but Bella won't accept it, and threatens to go to "the Home" if Grandma sends them away. And caught in her grasp is the boys' lovely Aunt Bella (Ruehl), who has the mind of a child and the dreams of a woman. In Lost in Yonkers, laughter is a medicine, a respite from the... Arty and Jay are the main characters in Part I. He sells metals – steel, mostly – to benefit the military and contribute to the war. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Their father gave everything to make their mother’s remaining months of life as comfortable as possible. Jay thinks the entire Kurnitz side of the family is disturbed. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Gene Saks, opened on February 21, 1991, at the Richard Rodgers Theatre, where it ran for 780 performances. Another letter from Eddie tells the boys that he had to take a week off to rest, but that he plans to make up the lost time. He vas always dot vay...I buried a husband and two children und I didn't cry. Lost in Yonkers - Play. I’d hate coming here if it weren’t cool. Another letter from Eddie tells the boys that he had to take a week off to rest, but that he plans to make up the lost time. Lost In Yonkers PLOT SUMMARY Act 1, Scene 1 Lost in Yonkers begins in the apartment above "Kurnitz's Kandy Store," where Grandma and Bella Kurnitz live. She is serious and stern because her life has been difficult. Lost in Yonkers Character List Jay. The Kurnitz boys are interrupted by Bella, who comes out of Grandma's room and throws herself on the couch weeping. Arty offers, "What if one night we cut off Grandma's braids and sold it to the army for barbed wire?". Just when it seems like Grandma will turn them all out onto the streets, Bella's arrested development and her misunderstanding of the interaction between Grandma and her grandsons makes it so that they must stay. Additionally, Bella reacts emotionally to her mother's sternness. Louie encourages the boys to have similar "moxie", but also reveals to them that Grandma herself was traumatized at age 12, when she saw police kill her father and was herself permanently disabled in the ensuing riot. Lost in Yonkers premiered at the Center for the Performing Arts in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on December 31, 1990. Monologue from Lost in Yonkers Grandma Kurnitz (pg 35-36) You haff no place else to go. The hit Broadway production featured Irene Worth, Mercedes Ruehl, and Kevin Spacey in award-winning performances. She asks the boys to keep her secret, then tells them that she wants to call the restaurant "La Bella Johnny." Choose from 97 different sets of lost in yonkers flashcards on Quizlet. Part 1: The Kurnitz Family Summary and Analysis. don't Of the Six days a and on is and not resting is long. Eddie comes out and finds the chaos, and scolds the boys for being such a mess. Jay urges him that they have to be on good behavior because their dad needs to take the job so he can pay back his debts. His earlier successful comedies used characters whose … You know veref keep my money. As Arty jumps around, Jay notices a black Studebaker outside, and tells Arty it's "the two guys who came looking for Uncle Louie." Grandma, whom Eddie has avoided visiting and who did not get along with his now-deceased wife, at first refuses to take in the boys, but Bella is happy to see them and uncharacteristically stands up to Grandma, threatening to move out into "the home" for those with mental conditions and leave Grandma all alone if she doesn't let the boys stay. She tells Eddie that Grandma was mean to her, but he comforts her by telling her that Arty and Jay are going to come live with her and Grandma, which makes her happy. GradeSaver, Read the Study Guide for Lost in Yonkers…, View the lesson plan for Lost in Yonkers…, View Wikipedia Entries for Lost in Yonkers…. The boys are left to contend with Grandma, with Bella and her secret romance, and with Louie, her brother, a small-time hoodlum in a strange new world called Yonkers. It is a hot day in August, and Jay and Arty Kurnitz sit waiting for their father in one of the rooms of the apartment. Ven dey beat us vit sticks in Germany ven ve vere children, I didn't cry...You don't survive in dis vorld vitout being like steel." The boys remark on the fact that she allegedly beat her children when they were young, which is the cause of Bella's arrested development. They complain about how they are afraid of their grandmother and how it is very hot. They beg their father not to make them stay there, but he insists that it's for the best while he's gone. Having caught a glimpse of just how whacky and inconsistent their extended family is, the audience already has a sense of why Arty and Jay would not want to be left behind, and the cause of their anxiety is clear. Lost in Yonkers continues Simon’s use of American Jewish themes begun in his Brighton Beach trilogy. Bella enters the apartment and tells the boys that something wonderful just happened to her. Living with their grandma meant, no love, no hope, no mother, and no money. 0. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this Lost in Yonkers study guide. Lost in Yonkers begins in the 1940s, as teenagers Jay and Arty Kurnitz discuss how much they hate living with their grandmother in her candy shop. I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Bella now has $5000 (later revealed to have been given to her by Louie) but discovers that Johnny is too afraid to marry her or open a restaurant. As they start to go, Bella asks the boys what they like to eat, preparing for them to stay. The main conflict in Lost in Yonkers consists of the boys living in Yonkers. The boys are in the apartment alone while Grandma and Bella are out. Another liability is that Richard Dreyfuss hams his way through a role that was played with dignity and poignancy on stage by Kevin Spacey. Maslin, Janet (May 14, 1993). It was the first theatrical feature film to be edited on Avid Media Composer. Suddenly, Bella enters, upset, and tells the boys a "sacred secret": she's met someone at the movies, an usher named Johnny, and she plans to get married. The 40+ Stage Company is proud to present Neil Simon’s “Lost in Yonkers” as our second production of the 2019 – 2020 season. 0. Lost in Yonkers. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Lost in yonkers. These competing priorities make for high stakes as well as high comedy. When Jay and Arty learn that their father gave up their apartment because the landlord raised the rent, they become suddenly terrified that they are going to have to stay with their Grandma. Characters (all images based on cast of 1993 film) Arthur (Arty) Kurnitz Pictured on the left, Arty started his journey at thirteen and a half. Louie later calls Bella to tell her he's now the "richest guy in Guadalcanal.". In this section, the premise of the play is revealed, as we learn that Arty and Jay will be left behind with their eccentric and dysfunctional extended family while their father is away settling his debts. Grandma's stern harshness is shown to be her reaction to not only her own childhood trauma, but also grief from the deaths of her husband and two of her children at young ages. In the 1993 film version of Neil Simon's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, 15-year-old Jay (Brad Stoll) and 13-year-old Arty (Mike Damus) are sent to live with their grandmother (Irene Worth) in Yonkers when their widowed father heads South to work during World War II. Grandma's harsh upbringing of her own children has estranged all of them but Bella, who has the mind and emotions of a child despite being in her late 30s. She tells them that Johnny has a learning handicap like her, and that they plan to open a restaurant together. Everyone is silent as they realize that Bella has remained oblivious to the entire conversation, but when they try and tell her that Grandma isn't letting them stay, Bella still cannot accept it, saying, "It's going to be such fun with you both here." Upgrade to … After Arty accidentally slams Jay's finger in a drawer, Jay begins to cry. "[6] Todd McCarthy of Variety wrote "Story of a domineering old woman's tyranny over two generations of offspring is adroitly structured and contains strong human elements, but what proved so affecting onstage seems a bit pat and calculated when viewed in closeup. In the summer of 1942, two young boys are sent to stay with their stern grandmother and their childlike aunt in Yonkers, New York. Produced by Emanuel Azenberg and directed by Gene Saks, the cast included Jamie Marsh as Jay, Irene Worth as Grandma, Mercedes Ruehl as Bella, Kevin Spacey as Louie, Lauren Klein as Gert, Danny Gerard as Arty, and Mark Blum as Eddie. She immediately notices that Jay has been crying and tells him, "Big boys shouldn't cry." Eddie treats her like she is a highly fragile object, preparing for the meeting between her and her grandsons with over-the-top care. Lost in Yonkers - Play. Their father, Eddie, cannot serve in the military, so he is a traveling salesman throughout the south. Pop doesn’t even like to come here and it’s his own mother…I was afraid of her when I was a kid. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Every person is involved. Suddenly we are in the apartment, and we see Arty and Jay reading the letter late at night. "[4] Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune awarded two-and-a-half stars out of four and wrote, "A wonderful play about a classically unhappy household that has been turned into a typical, mechanical Neil Simon joke machine. But neither is the play negligible; it has a felt, melancholy undertow, and Ruehl and Worth, who both won Tonys for their performances on Broadway, bring out its full, racking sadness. you do no in toys in dis don't the . Maybe the reason I didn't was because I was afraid they'd learn something here that I tried to forget....". She goes on to say that ever since Eddie married the boys' mother, they never came around and that she turned them all against her. The cast for the premier included Mercedes Ruehl as Bella and Kevin Spacey as Louie. BELLA. Their father Eddie is a recent widower, his wife Evelyn having died three months earlier after a battle with cancer., Oscar and Felix: A New Look at the Odd Couple,, American coming-of-age comedy-drama films, Films set in Westchester County, New York, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 April 2021, at 01:07. Arty and Jay must struggle living with their harsh and strict grandma for a whole year. Based on his/her attributes, we recommend you consider these audition pieces! Featured Scenes. She’d come out of that door with a limp and a can and look like she was going to kill you. "[8] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone wrote "In the film version, with Ruehl and Worth repeating their Tony-winning roles, Simon intensifies the barrage of belly laughs and bathos. Soon enough, Grandma emerges from her bedroom and scolds Bella for being out so late and for going to the movies so much. He cried in my bedroom Pulitzer Prize for Drama you consider these audition!. Nostalgia '', for instance, is still steel at the Stevens Center for the premier included Mercedes Ruehl Bella... The apartment alone while Grandma and Aunt Bella after their mother ’ s use of American Jewish themes begun his. Jamie Marsh, Irene Worth, Mercedes Ruehl, and living at home with her mother 's sternness they about... 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