For example, the book covers two very basic frameworks, the profitability framework and the internal/external framework. Case Interview Secrets is the book I primarily used to land my job offer at Bain. Case Weights has an interesting way of breaking down the case interview into nine components, which make up the “Fortress of Caseitude.” The book is very structured in providing a lot of detail on tips to approach each component. Which ones are you considering reading? It provides over 60 practice problems and answers on six different case interview math topics: For each topic, the author provides ample practice questions and step-by-step solutions. Readers of the book have commented that 25% of the book is useful and the rest is fairly generic information. Reviews have consistently complimented the wide range of high-quality practice problems and practice cases that The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook provides. One, these cases are not representative of case interviews you’ll actually see on interview day as they are overly short and simplistic. For instance, the behavioural part of consulting interviews is not addressed in depth. If you want to purchase the book, we would recommend reading it to learn about the concepts it covers. Case interview casebook from Harvard 2011 is available for case interview practice as part of our extensive Practice Casebooks library. It is clear, concise, well-structured, and authoritative. Additionally, the practice cases closely simulate real case interviews. The stories and anecdotes in the book are entertaining and help paint a clear picture of what to expect in a case interview, what interviewers are looking for, and how to solve a case interview. Buy on Amazon. Additionally, the supplementary online videos repeat a lot of the contents of the book. Two, these cases are taken from publicly available resources on the internet. Additionally, there are also no practice cases in Case Interviews for Beginners, so you will need to use other books and resources to practice anything that you have learned in the book. One reviewer mentioned that out of 33 case interviews, 25 of them had cases that were similar or relevant to the practice cases in this book. Additionally, these frameworks are nothing special and will not help you distinguish yourself from other candidates. Although it has been the best-selling case interview book on Amazon for a long time, the strategies in this book are outdated and overly complex. The strategies in this framework revolve around basic mnemonics. Berkeley case book (2006) Columbia case book (2006) Darden case book (2012) Darden case book (2018) Duke case book (2011) The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook: In this book, hone your case interview skills through 65+ problems tailored towards each type of question asked in case interviews and 15 full-length cases based on real case interviews. Framework/Issue Tree Questions. Second, 9 of the 20 days in the programme are dedicated to doing a mock interview. This is all very time-consuming and repetitive, rather than getting to the point. Now a days, interviewers can easily tell when you are using memorized frameworks, so just using this book’s framework strategy will not help you stand out among other candidates. Here’s the link to the Accenture Case Interview Workbook, with more than a dozen practice cases. Rather, it focuses on just calculating the correct answer and stopping there. 2004; 2006; 2008; 2010; 2012 NEW; 2005; 2007; 2009; 2011 NEW; 2013 NEW; Kellogg casebooks. However, some strategies are unnecessarily complicated. Throughout the book there are brief anecdotes on interview experiences which make it entertaining. Consulting clubs case interview examples. The third part covers the case interview. So which ones should you go through to maximise your chances of getting a job at a top consulting firm? It begins with a general section on the interview, tackles different case types next, then moves on to a description of Cosentino's "system". Outstanding prep for case interviews. Cheng writes very authoritatively and personably. All the basic case and frameworks. This is a little bit cheeky, but we are going to start by recommending our own case interview book. Written by a formal MBB consultant in a short and straight to the point format. Input was also provided by some of the MBB ex-interviewers who serve as coaches on (more about them here). MasterTheCase is the only case interview preparation resource that covers all seven preparation areas. We find that Crack the Case System really overcomplicates case interviews. Lewis C. Lin is the former Director of Product Management at Microsoft. Case Masters is a decent case interview book to practice working through various different kinds of case interviews. However, be wary of forcing all cases into the 12 frameworks they provided. First, it assumes that you have already done substantial research on consulting interviews. It then covers a few basic case interview skills such as structure, numerical analysis, and business sense and judgment. Case Interviews Cracked Case Interviews Cracked. As a caveat, the first two books are our own case interview prep books, but we have tried to keep all of the reviews as unbiased as possible by capturing the feedback from Amazon reviews by other readers. The book provides a few drills in each section, but more practice problems are needed to really practice case interview math, market sizing, brainstorming, and interpreting charts and exhibits. 2003 NEW; 2006; 2008; 2010; 2012; 2005; 2007; 2009; 2011; 2013; Ross casebooks. However, the book is quite a long read and some concepts and principles could have been summarized in a much shorter way, without using long stories and anecdotes. And third, the book does not include practise cases which would have been helpful to apply the concepts laid out. Free Download: Case Interview Books. Consulting Case Book PDF's I went through the consulting interview process a few months ago and found these case books really useful for practicing, both with people in mock interviews and for solo issue tree practice. The other issue is that the book is a companion piece to a very large amount of online material that includes test cases and a collection of videos. Its main strength is that it gives good insights on how interviewers think, what criteria they use to assess candidates, etc. If you were to solely rely on this book 20 days before your case interview, you would not learn enough strategies to tackle case interviews and you would likely not get enough practice. Your Objective Resources The book basically teaches you two frameworks. Case Interview Secrets A Former McKinsey interviewer reveals how to get multiple job offers in consulting. I have also really benefited time and time again from WSO so thought I might give something back by leaving all this here. It briefly covers qualitative questions, quantitative questions, interpreting exhibits, and synthesizing information. In just ~150 pages, the book does a thorough job of defining different kinds of concepts, including market sizing, revenue estimates, profitability, breakeven, price elasticity, and lifetime value. As maths are an important part of case studies, we would recommend this guide. Before landing an offer at McKinsey, Bain, BCG or any similar firm, you will have to complete between four and six case interviews, divided into two rounds, with each interview lasting approximately 50-60 minutes. The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook is meant to supplement Hacking the Case Interview by providing high-quality practice problems and practice cases. Case tracker: Provides overview on case including industry, format, and concepts tested . The book teaches a 6-prong approach to structure any case interview. Numbers and communication can prove decisive Practice 50-100 cases before the first live case interview. Chetan Patil. It does not aim to do anything else. For example, one strategy provided is summarized as FRAME: form a plan, read the audience, anchor a hypothesis, mine for an answer, and end the case. Case Interview Partner Matching Service – Find candidates from around the world to practice interviews with for free as well as a library of cases to use in case interview practice. This book provides 60 different case interviews. Even when they are relevant, interviewers can tell when you are using memorized frameworks and not thinking critically. If you have read any, which ones would you recommend? We don't want you entering the interview with too much clutter in your mind. As the name itself suggests, this is a shortcut book to understand case interviews. Rationality between the lines. Therefore, the case interview books you choose to read are critical in determining the efficiency in which you master case interviews. Reviews also mention that this book is great for practicing case interviews on your own because they are written in a format such that they can be done individually or with a partner. Victor Cheng is a former management consultant at McKinsey in the US. The book is divided across twenty chapters that should be read in twenty days, as a lead up to the actual interview. He manages to cover a lot of ground using a structure that’s easy to follow. Case interview study guide (Capital One website) Capital One case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer) 13. The book breaks down the case interview into nine different components: The book provides tips on how to approach each component, shows a few examples, and then provides a few drills to reinforce the approach.

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