Thanks! Hey Leslie! This dresser makeover started with stripping / removing the paint from the wood. Our client brought us her Grandma’s old dresser that has been in her family for over 100 years! Required fields are marked *. Laying flat or even on a SLIGHT angle will cause the light to reflect different off of it, giving you a skewed impression! So we grabbed more 220 grit sandpaper and really worked on getting the wood grain to be even and to remove any “water” stains that the stripper and mineral spirits had left. I am doing a dresser that is very close to this one. read more... Hello! The trick with a raw wood finish is that it needs to be sealed. But I think it’s a process that is worth it. This is what the dresser looked like once it was dry. If you don’t want to use wax, you can do a whitewash instead. South-facing rooms have a warm, yellow-toned light coming in. You can also use a scotch-brite scrubbing pad with the mineral spirits. EVERYTHING! Do what you need to do. Your email address will not be published. If the stripper and the old paint or stain comes off easily, then it’s ready! It’s hard to say without seeing your home, finishes, lighting, etc… but check out BM Edgecomb Gray which is a light greige, I’ve had a lot of success with it! Natalie. Learn how your comment data is processed. Best of luck! I just bought a new house and it has skylights in both the living area and the dining/kitchen area. I’m honestly not sure if you could do this on laminate. Would you recommend mixing in more cream paint to offset this? There you go! The white paint didn’t have lead in it, but the layers underneath did. Found 4 layers of paint and I am doing my second coating of Citristrip. We tried this lead test out on this dresser and found a mix of results. Radiation Studies: Ultraviolet (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.) Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore paint colour expert. I have a similar piece that I picked up recently and would like to refinish. Basically all things should be “neutral” for a buyer, but I am an artist who favors, rich color (as evidenced by my turquoise and white kitchen). Heat, sunlight, and wind cause the overlay mixture to dry too rapidly. This means that sunlight can make colours appear warmer or cooler depending on the time of day! I love your informative posts, thank you! We have grown from modest beginnings Just let it do it’s thing. Iâm a big fan of brick (most), but the precious colours made it look dated. Hey Linda! This one is my favorite paint sprayer. The 400 grit is really fine and creates a super super smooth finish. I like to put the brush attachment onto the hose of the shop vac to brush the dust into the vacuum. The 8 Best Benjamin Moore WHITE Paint Colours, Sherwin Williams: The 10 Best Gray and Greige Paint Colours, The 9 Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors - Grays (Including Undertones), The 8 Best Blue and Green Blend Paint Colours: Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams, It can be slightly easier to pick paint colours for north-facing rooms as the light is more consistent throughout the day, North-facing rooms can still be BRIGHT if there are enough windows, but bright doesn’t mean WARM. All opinions are my own. Hey Laura! It has a medium adhesion level and is ideal for painted walls, metal, curved or uneven surfaces, wood, trim and glass. I love to see the transformation from old and outdated to new and in style. THANK YOU!! The mantle now looks like a current choice, rather than one made 20 years ago. For a dining table I would use oil based poly instead of water based. Lead is toxic and can make you sick if it’s not removed properly. If you paint a south-facing room, As the afternoon progresses, the light coming in appears warmer and warmer as the sun gets closer to setting, becoming CONSIDERABLY warmer in mid/late afternoon, West-facing rooms can handle both slightly warm and cool colours, keeping in mind that in the afternoon, SUPER warm colours will only increase in intensity, If you keep the samples on their white paper, you can move them around the room, If you have 2 or more exposure and ONE of those is either north or south (meaning the others are east or west), you will likely want to focus on the north/south as they tend to the more dominant lights, If you have an east-west, I would lean toward the warmer end (humour the eastern side) more than the western, If you have north/south, this is the best mix as you can look at both. And most importantly, it works time and time again. I’m in love. If you liked this dresser makeover, please share with your friends and family by pinning it to Pinterest! The mineral spirits really helps loosen some of the old finish, and the steel wool scrubs it away. We fixed those issues with a couple of simple tricks. Question though… with the wax process afterwards… i thought one would have to re-wax it a year afterwards and so on. Read more: The Best Paint Colours for a West-Facing Room, Let’s take a quick break to talk about paint samples…, Undoubtedly, you’ll be heading out in the near future to grab paint samples – stop right there! When you can’t resist it any longer, lift a little bit of the plastic up and use a plastic scraper to scrape off a tiny part of the stripper to make sure that it’s ready to go. You might be onto something! I am just finishing up redoing a dresser with a similar shape to this. DIY So I Can Kiss You Anytime I Want Sign, Best Places to Get Good Furniture for Cheap ». (I ‘reckon‘ most things with wine, it helps). But the plastic makes the stripper work for longer. Is it a faux pas to simply use a lightened version of the same color for darker rooms in the house (i.e., hallway)? Making sure to not sand it so dust gets in the air, etc. And while every colour has its place, thereâs only one place that dark brown belonged... Big shifts donât need to cost a fortune! 2. Built-ins, railing AND spindles! That’s such a good question! Then I used part of an old t-shirt to rub the wax onto the sealed wood. The Best Paint Colours for Rooms with 2 Exposures, The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Paint Colour Using LRV, KYLIE M INTERIORS E-DESIGN, ONLINE VIRTUAL PAINT COLOUR CONSULTING AND DIY DECORATING AND DESIGN IDEAS USING BENJAMIN MOORE AND SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT COLOURS, WRITTEN IN 2018, AWESOMELY UPDATED IN 2020. In rooms with multiple exposures, things get tricky to explain as it can depend a lot on which windows are larger and if there is any shrubbery/grass/patio overhang or any other exterior influences that could block the light, so generally speaking: Check out my affordable AND fun E-design and Online Paint Color Consulting! Looking forward to reading more of your blog. That includes wood veneered furniture just like this one too. First I settled on Revere Pewter but it looks so flat and not at all like the photos of the lovely light rooms wearing it. Filed Under: Instagram Feed, Weathered Wood. Let’s go through the steps to remove old paint or stain from any type of wood furniture. They work great on painted furniture too and can be used a few times before needing replaced. I actually chose to mix in a cream paint instead of a white paint. If you’re worried about it, you can wait 48 hours after the poly completely dries to make sure you don’t have any issues. I usually dump it out of the container onto the top of the furniture. I don’t think the cream paint would help offset the ambering at all, because the ambering would be on top of the cream paint. Check out the MASSIVE difference between pony wall and railing! It might have been the color Heavy Cream in latex paint from home depot. I do know that the more south you go, the warmer the light gets, whereas if you’re me, living in a gray, moody place, colours tend to get more muted and grayed out in this environment. What about this technique on camper cabinets? My new great room/ kitchen will face northwest. This caught the Youtuber’s attention at ‘DipYourCar’ Youtube channel, and he decided to paint a car all in Musou Black. If a Brit takes a trip to Cancun and loves all the colours at the beach house, then comes home to the misty moors of Yorkshire and paints with the same colours, how will it turn out? Author: Science Reference Section, Library of Congress. I’ve corrected quite a few painting mistakes from the past, but this one has me confused. it changes. Would Citristrip work on spray paint? If it turns red or pink, then you have lead in your paint. Your email address will not be published. Thank you so much! But once we saw the beautiful wood underneath all of that paint, we decided to stick with a wood finish. Keep in mind that this is a characteristic of all visible light and does not just apply to light bulbs! This 5 part series with amazing tips and tricks will be delivered FREE to your inbox! Here are just a FEW reasons why I recommend Samplize to my clients…. It doesn’t dry out as fast anymore. This light gets warmer/hotter closer to the evening. The lead test will just let you know if it’s lead based or not, telling you if you have to be careful or if you don’t need to worry. It responds well to the changing sunlight throughout the day. I love this look and plan to do it on a small night table that is currently layered in some type of latex paint. And then *here’s the little trick I use to make it work even better*. I’m looking to do something similar to my boys bedroom furniture. Everything felt so much more OPEN AND INVITING! Brush on the Citristrip Like it’s Going out of Style. If you have a room with 2 or 3 exposures, it’s actually not a bad thing! I’ve found that skylights will pick up a bit on their main exposure (like if they are slightly sloped south/east/north/west), but generally act a bit like an eastern light, particularly at the height of day where they can EASILY wash out a colour as they get the midday sun that is the most lightening! Related Websites. So I like to use a cheap chip brush, or a dollar store paint brush. I plan on stripping a similar old dresser that was painted probably in the 70’s or 80’s to make into a cottage bathroom vanity with a vessel sink on top. The sun swings away and in the afternoon has a west glass door. Hi Shani, it’s not a faux pas at all! Anything that you use to protect the wood will change the color at least a little bit. And then it’s time to let the wood dry completely. I removed all of the dust with my shop vac and tack cloths. Affordable and creative ideas that suit you AND your home with todays best paint colors! Your articles are awesome! There will always be some gunk or residue left over that needs to be washed off. But the old finish was in really bad shape. Kylie, when a room face a point in between two points on the compass ( for example north east or southwest), how does this effect paint choices? If you are in a parking lot, though, keep in mind these tips to help protect your car from door dings. It is stain & dirt resistant with an enhanced mildew resistant finish. I usually dump it out of the container onto the top of the furniture. Would you believe that these two photos show the same paint colour? Check out this post on how to bleach wood, to see how homemade bleach can make wood lighter! So since we knew we were working with lead paint, we knew better than to start sanding the paint to remove it. Citristrip will remove the polyurethane and the spray paint.
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