Hundreds of amazing characters flesh out the 8MWR universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! And it's set in the 1980s and 1990s! The 80's Master List (All Cards & Stats) (Spoilers) 80s Mania Wrestling Returns. Each character is totally original while also … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 91. B. Brian Blair and Jumping Jim Brunzell made team work an essential part of how they operated in the ring. Creativity. They had various incarnations and different members, including “Loverboy” Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose, Norvell Austin, and “Sweet” Stan Lane; the longest tenured member being “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton. Nostalgia. Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! Wrestlers, Managers, Tag Teams and more. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson were multi-time tag team champions for the National Wrestling Alliance. The wiki has them all listed. I will explore the details inside and outside the ring and hopefully have a laugh with you in the process. I can't wait to see who takes their crown! Nostalgia. It took place on March 31, 1985, at Madison Square Garden in New York City.The attendance for the event was 19,121. 3,386 Followers, 37 Following, 275 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 80s Mania Wrestling Returns (@80s_mania_wrestling) Free-to-Play. They had size, speed, strength and were generally likeable. Tag team wrestling has seen its share of ups and downs. Lazer and Star Boy take on Vladimir the Cruel and Cobalt Commander 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! Create/Edit your own Tags/Trios/Teams Add up to 5 wrestlers + 1 manager per team Teammates get bonuses together Select from 70 team names Customize team art display Customize display colors 2 Free Teams w/2 additional to unlock. Led by the “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart, no relation, brothers-in-law Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and Bret “Hitman” Hart had very specific roles and were convincing at them. For discussion about 80s Mania Wrestling as well as Modern Mania Wrestling. Smith on the other hand was not only strong, but quick, demonstrating his strength by gorilla pressing his opposition. 516 members in the 80sManiaWrestling community. A wrestler’s status will be one of the following: Jobber (lowest rated stats), Opener (low rated stats), Midcard (average stats), Upper Midcard (above average stats), Main Eventer (high rated stats), Legendary (highest rated stats). About Community. Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! Their feuds with other teams of that era certainly stood out. Tag team wrestling was once about putting together wrestlers that were otherwise not being used, quality wrestlers who had been sitting idle when their skillset was best suited as part of a tag team. Using a tag team card gives each wrestler +1 skill and +2 push. The opening match of the night was a tag team match between the Can-Am Connection and the team of Bob Orton and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji). Summary: When it comes to tag team wrestling, you just cannot compare. Edge & Christian. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! They came to the ring with rock music blaring and their hair flowing, and were among the most creative teams of their time. The Dynamite Kid in particular worked very stiff in his matches, uses skills learned in Japan and showing North American audiences a style that has become popular today. Tag Team cards can only be added to a wrestler’s side if the side contains both wrestlers featured on the tag team … Ax and Smash came to the ring wearing what appeared to be goalie masks and covered with leather and spikes and weren't fancy in the least. Each character is totally original while also … Contents. Before Hulk Hogan boasted being a real American, this duo did it first. Tag Teams can be optionally added to a wrestler’s side during a Tag Match in order to provide a ratings bonus for that match. And it's set in the 1980s and 1990s! What got lost was how good Volkoff and former WWF champion The Iron Sheik worked together. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! Title Histories. A team that seemed to be created as a copy of another big tag team of the 1980s (we'll get to them later) became the most intimidating team in the WWF. WrestleMania (sequentially known as WrestleMania I) was the inaugural WrestleMania and inaugural professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event (only in selected areas), produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). Average. And it's set in the 1980s and 1990s! 7 comments. TEAM CREATOR coming in DEC UPDATE! Here are the Top 15 Greatest Tag Teams of the 1980s. Bret was the technical wrestler, and the one who would hit the team's signature move, the Hart attack. And it’s set in the 1980s and 1990s! The Legion of Doom, Animal and Hawk, were an original. Blanchard also earned notoriety on his own capturing the US championship, while Arn Anderson originally was paired up with Ole Anderson. save hide report. 121. TAGS. Each character is totally original while also inspired … For discussion about 80s Mania Wrestling as well as Modern Mania Wrestling They wore spikes, they were big burly men, they wore face paint, and they stuck their tongues out. While competing in Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association, they used the name The Midnight Rockers, but in the WWF they dropped the Midnight and were simply known as The Rockers. Tag teams in 80s mania wrestling returns. 8MWR Discussion. share. 80s Mania Wrestling. Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! The rule was that while they held the tag team championships any two of the three team members could defend the title. We have seen recently in WWE's NXT brand that tag team wrestling has become a focal point and have been key to the brand's success. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to plan out a match with Ricky Morton & … The duo could talk the talk, and had Valiant to back them up during promos. Availability of these cards ranges from Common to Uncommon to Rare (in ascending order of stats). 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! Windham was a second generation wrestler, and his father Blackjack Mulligan was someone he could lean on for advice; Rotunda could also lean on Mulligan since Blackjack was his father-in-law. Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid were different right from the get go, with bodies unlike others that were in the WWE at the time. Just when it appears as though it's making a breakthrough, it takes a downturn and isn't given the time and attention that it truly deserves. Though they had the fleur de lis symbol emblazoned all over their tights, yet still called themselves “All American boys” and were led by the /Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart. Even though they were in the WWE at the same time and participated in a short feud (mostly in six-man tags with The Ultimate … They could be goofy with their 5 Second Pose routine, but Edge and Christian were … Morton at one point worked for WCW as a singles wrestler, but it never seemed like the right fit. Some teams or stables were active across several time periods, and if so, they are listed by when they were formed only. iOS Android. They won one tag team championship in WWE before moving to WCW and proceeding to win three titles there. 8MWR Discussion. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! They were booked well, but could work too, and this combination, led by “Precious” Paul Ellering, were as much of a certainty in the ring as anyone of their generation. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website, 5 Best (& 5 Worst) WrestleMania Entrances Ever, 10 Worst Things Vince McMahon Ever Did To Jim Ross, Ranked, 5 Women With The Best WrestleMania Legacies (& 5 Women Who Never Had Their Moment), 10 Worst Things WWE Has Done With Bray Wyatt, 10 Backstage Stories About The Hart Family We Can't Believe, 10 Wrestlers Who Disappeared After The End Of ECW, 10 Wrestlers That Should Have Left WWE A Lot Sooner, 10 Wrestlers Who Have Never Won A Singles Match At WrestleMania, Every Match From WrestleMania 32, Ranked From Worst To Best, 5 Most Protected Attitude Era Finishers Ever (& 5 Most Useless), Why Edge Should Turn Heel (& Why He Should Stay As A Babyface), 11 Wrestlers You Forgot Defended A Title At WrestleMania, The First 10 Women's Matches At WrestleMania, Ranked Worst To Best, 8 WrestleMania Storylines That Made No Sense, 10 Random Wrestlers You Forgot Competed At WrestleMania, The 10 Shortest WrestleMania Main Events, Ranked From Worst To Best, 10 Matches From The 2000s That Didn't Belong At WrestleMania. Of. While it would have been great to see them team together longer, their time was unquestionably notable. to continue using the web script, enable java scripts or go to the support browser. 8MW is a totally radical pro wrestling booking and business simulator presented as a collectible card game, set in pop culture's greatest decade! They were the first team to sing their own theme music, as “Badstreet USA” became their anthem. Beefcake was the vain one, while Valentine was the experienced veteran that captured the Intercontinental championship while on his own. The Rockers were a professional wrestling tag team consisting of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty who teamed from 1985 to 1992. Two of the greatest technical wrestlers of their or any other generation, and members of the famed Four Horsemen, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard worked seamless in the ring. Hundreds of amazing characters flesh out the 8MWR universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! There’s also trios in the game. 8MWR Discussion. 18. The team was led to the ring by James E. Cornette, who with his trusty tennis racquet would often help ensure that his team would be successful in the end. If you've heard the term ‘Freebird rule,' this is where it originated. All but one of The Outlaws’ five World Tag Team Championship reigns lasted more than 100 days, and they were the centerpieces of the red-hot tag team division of the “Attitude Era.” The night after WrestleMania XIV, The Outlaws joined Triple H, Chyna and the returning X … Vote Now. Over 100 totally awesome characters flesh out the 8MW universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! While modern wrestling fans may be more familiar with the Hart Foundation that was comprised of several Hart family members, it didn't begin that way. Collectible Card Game. Availability of these cards ranges from Common to Uncommon to Rare (in ascending order of stats). Their athletic ability alone wasn't enough to get over with the audience, so they needed to turn heel. The tandem of Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda weren't together a long time in the WWF, but while together they were very successful. TEAM CREATOR coming in DEC UPDATE! Whether they were faces or heels, there was no question this duo was among the best of their generation. A wrestler’s style will be one of the following: Athlete, Bigmouth, Flyer, Ghoulie, Hulk, Loner, Patriot, Rassler, Showman or Specimen. The Fabulous Freebirds ​ Every time a stable defends a tag title with a rotating lineup, it is using the … The Rock ‘N’ Roll Express. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling booking and business simulator presented as a collectible card game, set in pop culture's greatest decades...the 1980s and 1990s! 80s Mania Wrestling. Often times this is because the promotion isn't invested in making tag team wrestling a focal point. Is their any way to recognize tag teams?? Couples, Factions, and Teams Teams are carried over from 80s Mania Wrestling Returns. Both teams laid waste to the competition and were rarely bested when it came to endurance, brute force and utter dominance. They also were one of the first hardcore-centered tag teams. Design. It didn't matter whether these guys were big or small or even on the downside of their careers, these guys managed to capture the attention and enthusiasm of the audience. see full image. As a wrestling enthusiast for over 30 years, my fondness for professional wrestling explores the irrational in a rational way. There was no overbooking for this team, they had a simple recipe for success. The GREATEST WWF Tag Team of the 80's were the latest Superstars to sit down with 80's Wrestling Con for a LIVE Virtual Signing! Also join the 80s wrestling returns reddit. Led to the ring by “Luscious” Johnny Valiant, Brutus Beefcake and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine were absolutely despised, and worked as a perfect combination of finesse, toughness and cockiness. But yeah if you check the wiki you'll find them. They were heels that tried to act like faces, and were disliked in the process. While the AWA eventually closed its doors, the NWA and WWE continued to showcase men of different sizes, looks, and personas, with the goal of highlighting their athletic and technical ability. These were two heels that were jeered mercilessly, but were incredibly talented in the ring. 550. Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & … Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! New Tag Teams. Feel free to follow me on Twiter Whether they were feuding with the US express, British Bulldogs, or Killer Bees, the tandem was always boasted how their countries were #1 and the US wasn't. This was a night that 80's Wrestlings fans won't soon forget! This Canadian duo first earned popularity competing out of the Montreal area, but once they made it to the WWF they were in need of a change. I actually like the 80s game better. You knew you were in for a stiff match when The Nasty Boys came out to take you on a Trip to Nastyville. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling manager game and wrestling booker game presented as a collectible card game! Tabletop Version. During an era of big hair and acid washed jeans, there were teams that featured talented wrestlers that would otherwise not garner attention by having them compete together. Whether they were in the AWA or in the WWF, the team of Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels would excite fans with innovative and high flying tandem moves. Despite their outlandish wrestling style, they were highly successful in the early 90’s. Its best to search for a single wrestler then when you click on them it will tell you all of their alts, teams and rivalries. The Steiners. The team was led to the ring by James E. Cornette, who with his trusty tennis racquet would often help ensure that his… 80s Mania Wrestling by Checkmate Creative Free 6. What is remarkable is that they teamed for over twenty years and captured multiple tag team championships during their time together. Factions just exist but initially, members are grayed out until they join your roster. If you watched WWE tag team wrestling at all in the 80’s, you knew the lyrics that followed what I wrote. It was the right fit for these two. 80s Mania Wrestling Returns is a totally radical pro wrestling booking and business simulator presented as a collectible card game, set in pop culture's greatest decades...the 1980s and 1990s! While many teams blatantly copied their look and feel, this duo stood alone for their smash mouth, in your face teamwork. 8MWR Discussion. Fed Results. Just when it appears as though it's making a breakthrough, it takes a downturn and isn't given the time and attention that it truly deserves. Tag-Team Member 1 Member 2; Argonauts* Mithras: Solis: Bad Brains* Zed: Zombie Punk: Brawler Club: McBastard Alt: Mr. Europa Alt: Brick City* Banger: Hustler: Brothers in Arms: Flint Decker Alt: Silver Son: Crusaders: Gregorian: Pale Rider: Delinquents: Nevermore: The Deviant: DreamWeavers* Ego Stevens: Yugen: Enyu and Jolly Foo: Haruki Enyu: Jolly Foo: Final Fantasy: Avarice Alt: Lion Hero Modern mania wrestling tag teams We found that java script in this browser is inactive. Title Histories. They proudly waved their flags and sang the Russian national anthem much to the chagrin of their competition and those in attendance watching them. They were quick, worked together and were untraditional because they were faces that pulled a stunt that would often level the playing field against heels. Tag team wrestling has seen its share of ups and downs. They flew under the radar as other teams got more exposure and generated more buzz. share. Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! At a time when heels were jeered, Ax and Smash always used the same tactics, and when they became faces they were loved by fans, though they maintained the same attitude as always. Hundreds of Characters. ... but I hope that the next update will put a few more tag-teams in the game using the existing roster. Hundreds of amazing retro wrestling characters flesh out this old school wrestling universe including wrestlers, tag teams, managers, commissioners, interviewers and more! General Manager Booking Sim. 91. 121. Create/Edit your own Tags/Trios/Teams Add up to 5 wrestlers + 1 manager per team Teammates get bonuses together Select from 70 team names Customize team art display Customize display colors 2 Free Teams w/2 additional to unlock. I have been playing modern mania wrestling for more than two mont and now my brother downloaded 80s mania wrestling so we dont know how each two superstars are a team. Fed Results. 9. And it's set in the 1980s and 1990s! 80s Mania Wrestling Returns. These the football shoulder pad and Mohawk wearing duo didn't just impress in the ring, they could do it on the mic. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ModernManiaWrestling community, Continue browsing in r/ModernManiaWrestling, Press J to jump to the feed. Rick Martel and Tom Zenk got the win over Orton and Muraco in a little over 5.5 minutes. Tag Team Action: The Dobermans: The Executers +1 1980-1989 Tag Team Bash: … He and Gibson worked well together, with their speed the primary attribute of their team. Walked with the audience, so they needed to turn heel together, their!, Animal and Hawk, were an effective tandem that could do it on the hand. 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