Confucius viewed himself as a “transmitter” of social and political traditions originatin… Zhu attempted to give an added coherence and unity to the message of the Analects, demonstrating that the individual books of the Confucian canon gave meaning to the whole, just as the whole of the canon gave meaning to its parts. Confucius soughtto preserve the Zhou ritual system, and theorized about how ritual andmusic inculcated social rol… The Analects of Confucius literature essays are academic essays for citation. The Analects Introduction + Context. The Analects mainly The first is philosophy sensu strictu , which deals with technical problems in its various branches, such as epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, etc. After his death in the early 5th century BCE, Confucius' students were so taken by his... See full answer below. It also mentions the Church father Jerome's suggestion that Ezra the Priest wrote the Pentateuch in the fifth century BC based on notes made by Moses. This lesson outlines Victor Hugo's masterpiece ''The Hunchback of Notre Dame''. [25], Later Confucian philosophers explained ren as the quality of having a kind manner, similar to the English words "humane", "altruistic", or "benevolent", but, of the sixty instances in which Confucius discusses ren in the Analects, very few have these later meanings. song roxin and ruozho; Subjects. Chapter 10 contains detailed descriptions of Confucius's behaviors in various daily activities. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Summary, Spell 125 & Quotes. In this lesson, you will explore the themes and characters of two of the greatest works of Western literature: the ''Iliad'' and the ''Odyssey''. Explore this, and test your understanding with a brief quiz. "If the people be led by laws, and uniformity among them be sought by punishments, they will try to escape punishment and have no sense of shame. [14] No complete copies of either the Lu version or the old text version of the Analects exist today,[12] though fragments of the old text version were discovered at Dunhuang. Longfellow). In terms of language, the text appears to be archaic (or a deliberate imitation of the archaic language of the Western Zhou) and bears some similarity with the language of the speeches in the Shujing. Creation of the text 3. During the reign of Han Wudi (141–87 BC), when the Chinese government began promoting Confucian studies, only the Five Classics were considered by the government to be canonical (jing). Languages. i . Access the answers to hundreds of Confucianism questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. [18], The writing style of the Analects also inspired future Confucian writers. Chapters in the Analects are grouped by individual themes, but the chapters are not arranged in a way as to carry a continuous stream of thoughts or ideas. During the Eastern Han, the heir apparent was provided a tutor specifically to teach him the Analects. Confucian virtues are used to guide thoughts and patterns of life for many throughout the world. The reason why Confucius has such an authority is not talked about at all in the Analects, probably because the students who wrote it had a lot of respect for him. [21], He Yan's commentary was eventually displaced as the definitive, standard commentary by Zhu Xi's commentary. There have been many commentaries on the Analects since the Han dynasty, but the two which have been most influential have been the Collected Explanations of the Analects (Lunyu Jijie) by He Yan (c. 195–249) and several colleagues, and the Collected Commentaries of the Analects (Lunyu Jizhu) by Zhu Xi (1130–1200). The Analects as the embodiment of Confucian ideas. How Home & School Impact Emergent Literacy. Confucian Virtue Ethics: Definition & Theory. The Analects of Confucius . This chapter analyzes the consensus view of biblical scholars that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. During the late Song dynasty (960–1279 AD) the importance of the Analects as a philosophy work was raised above that of the older Five Classics, and it was recognized as one of the "Four Books". In doing so, it will explore the origins of Confucianism while also highlighting the ritual of filial piety and the concept of Chun-tzu. E. Bruce Brooks and A. Taeko Brooks reviewed previous theories of the chapters' creation and produced a "four stratum theory" of the text's creation. Published September 27th 1979 by Penguin Books Ltd (first published -429) The Analects were … Let us start by addressing these common misconceptions. Until 1905 it was read and memorized along with the Analects by all Chinese aspiring to literacy and employment as government officials. Amazon配送商品ならThe Analects (Penguin Classics)が通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Confucius, D.C. Lau作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 For example, Sui Dynasty writer Wang Tong's 中说 (Explanation of the Mean)[19] was purposely written to emulate the style of the Analects, a practice praised by Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Yangming. On this re-reading of "The Analects," I encountered some sayings that were already familiar to me: e.g., He taught that one's individual desires do not need to be suppressed, but that people should be educated to reconcile their desires via rituals and forms of propriety, through which people could demonstrate their respect for others and their responsible roles in society. Emergent literacy skills are some of the most important things children learn at a very young age. It is a simply written, highly personal interpretation of “The Analects,” which are commonly attributed to Confucius, but were actually written by his disciples. The Iliad & The Odyssey: Summary & Characters. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Arguing for the ultimate compatibility of Daoist and Confucian teachings, he argued that "Laozi [in fact] was in agreement with the Sage" (sic). In his preface, Zhu Xi stated, "[T]he Analects and the Mencius are the most important works for students pursuing the Way [...] The words of the Analects are all inclusive; what they teach is nothing but the essentials of preserving the mind and cultivating [one's] nature. He was willing to teach anyone regardless of social class, as long as they were sincere, eager, and tireless to learn (Analects 7.7; 15.38). The But what is clear is that the biggest barrier to cultivating Ren is one's love and passion for cultivation and learning rather than intelligence. This book has 95 pages in the PDF version, and this translation by James Legge, was originally published in 1893.. Confucius did not believe that ethical self-cultivation meant unquestioned loyalty to an evil ruler. Confucius recognized his followers' disappointment that he would not give them a more comprehensive definition of ren, but assured them that he was sharing all that he could (Analects 7.24). [21], He Yan's personal interpretation of the Lunyu was guided by his belief that Daoism and Confucianism complemented each other, so that by studying both in a correct manner a scholar could arrive at a single, unified truth. This lesson will seek to explain Confucianism's virtue of Te as it pertains to rulers. The Three Musketeers: Summary, Characters & Author. “Fix your mind on truth, hold firm to virtue, rely on loving kindness, and find your recreation in the … In doing so, it will highlight the idealized form of Confucianism, the concept of Jen and the political theory known as the Mandate of Heaven. The other is what one could call a “philosophy of life”, a vague category that one encounters in religious texts, works of literature, poetry, and also intermingled with formal philosophy. The analects were written during a 30-50 year period after Confucius' death, by his pupils. Mencius Mencius, tr. The ''Analects of Confucius'' are somewhat analogous to the gospels of the Bible because they were written by disciples of a moral teacher after his death, to carry on his teachings. 26 sentence examples: 1. [1-13] 有子曰。 It is possibly the oldest Chinese narrative, and may date from the 6th century B.C. English translation by A. Charles Muller, with Chinese text. Become a member to unlock this Start studying whap analects. English translation at, one page per verse. The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation (New York: Ballantine Books, 1998). The Qing dynasty philologist Cui Shu argued on linguistic ground that the last five books were produced much later than the rest of the work. The Analects is the single most important book in the history of China. The structure of the American family has changed significantly over the last 50 years. In the Analects, "person of jen/ren" is an extremely high state, rarely acknowledged of any human being by Confucius. [27], To Confucius, the cultivation of ren involved depreciating oneself through modesty while avoiding artful speech and ingratiating manners that would create a false impression of one's own character (Analects 1.3). The Analects was considered secondary as it was thought to be merely a collection of Confucius's oral "commentary" (zhuan) on the Five Classics. Arachne's story is one of competition, hubris, punishment, and the will of the gods, as we'll find out in this lesson. Math. He taught practical skills, but regarded moral self-cultivation as his most important subject.[30]. In this lesson, we'll explore three popular myths and see what they reveal about the Norse cosmology. Get help with your Confucianism homework. This text was recognized by Zhang Yu's contemporaries and by subsequent Han scholars as superior to either individual version, and is the text that is recognized as the Analects today. This chapter analyzes the consensus view of biblical scholars that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. It is divided into 20 books, and contains a total of 512 Confucian sayings, most of them quite short. The Pyongyang Analects was discovered in 1992. [28] Confucius regarded the exercise of devotion to one's parents and older siblings as the simplest, most basic way to cultivate ren. For Dante, his journey is just beginning when he and Virgil have to enter the gate to hell in Dante's 'The Inferno.' This lesson will focus on the characters, plot, and author of The Three Musketeers. The growing importance of the Analects was recognized when the Five Classics was expanded to the "Seven Classics": the Five Classics plus the Analects and the Classic of Filial Piety, and its status as one of the central texts of Confucianism continued to grow until the late Song dynasty (960–1279), when it was identified and promoted as one of the Four Books by Zhu Xi and generally accepted as being more insightful than the older Five Classics. Learn more in this lesson's summary with important quotes from Canto 3. It explains that the Pentateuch is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Archaeologists have since discovered two handwritten copies of the Analects that were written around 50 BC, during the Western Han dynasty. Very few reliable sources about Confucius exist besides that of the Analects. By the early Han dynasty the Analects was considered merely a "commentary" on the Five Classics, but the status of the Analects grew to be one of the central texts of Confucianism by the end of that dynasty. High School World History: Tutoring Solution, McDougal Littell The Americans: Online Textbook Help, Prentice Hall World History Connections to Today Volume 1: Online Textbook Help, GED Social Studies: Civics & Government, US History, Economics, Geography & World, SAT Subject Test World History: Practice and Study Guide, High School World History: Help and Review, High School World History: Homework Help Resource, AP European History: Homework Help Resource, DSST A History of the Vietnam War: Study Guide & Test Prep, Western Civilization 1648 to the Present: Help and Review, Analects of Confucius: Summary, Analysis & Explanation, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. It is about his thoughts on family, government and war. This chapter is a collection of maxims related to ritual. Home | Confucius Quotes | Analects of Confucius | Site Updates | Privacy Policy | Site Map | About Confucius Confucius instead used the term ren to describe an extremely general and all-encompassing state of virtue, one which no living person had attained completely. The Analects Attributed to Confucius [Kongfuzi], 551-479 BCE by Lao-Tse [Lao Zi], Translated by James Legge (1815-1897) Chapter 15 The Duke Ling of Wei asked Confucius about tactics. The Records of Ritual, the Analects, and numerousHan collections portray Confucius as being deeplyconcerned with the proper performance of ritual and music. Confucius is credited with many wise and moral sayings that ultimately led to a way of life where morality and wisdom are central themes. Confucian morality is always in danger of slipping into moralism , and it is often only the essentially good natured attitude of Chinese religion , or of Taoism , that serves as a corrective. “Analects” is, of course, a Latin- and Greek-derived term; in Chinese, the book is 論語,the "Lun Yü." Mencius Teachings and the Mandate of Heaven. When the Zhou is referenced in The Analects, it usually means the idealized earlier period of the dynasty. After his death in the early 5th century BCE, Confucius' students were so taken by his... Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Who wrote Confucius Analects? Create your account. Dante's Inferno Canto 3: Summary & Quotes. [11], The old text version got its name because it was written in characters not used since the earlier Warring States period (i.e. The difference between them and other people is that they rectify their errors as soon as they become aware of them. Scholars do not agree about whether either the Dingzhou Analects or the Pyongyang Analects represent the Lu version, the Qi version, the old text version, or a different version that was independent of these three traditions. himself. Ruozhao did not marry, but dedicated her life to the instruction of women, being invited to the court of the Tang Dezong Emperor in the late eighth century to serve as instructor of the royal princesses. According to Ban Gu, writing in the Book of Han, the Analects originated as individual records kept by Confucius's disciples of conversations between the Master and them, which were then collected and jointly edited by the disciples after Confucius's death in 479 BC. 479 BC - 221 BC), the Analects are considered among the most representative works of Confucian thought, and still have a great influence on Chinese culture and East Asia. 'The Analects' can be picked up and put down at a whim due to the informal structure and you will never feel that you lost the flow of it should a few days pass between readings. what is the name of the book confucious writes. When “The Analects” was released to Chinese culture many years ago, it began to shape their culture and society for the better. Itō Jinsai claimed that, because of differences he saw in patterns of language and content in the Analects, a distinction in authorship should be made between the "upper Analects" (Books 1–10) and "lower Analects" (Books 11–20). A "xiang" was a group of 12,500 families; a "dang" a group of 500 families. (551–479 bc), Chinese philosopher; Latinized name of Kongfuze ( K'ung Fu-tzu) "Kong the master.” His ideas about the importance of practical moral values, collected by his disciples in the Analects, formed the basis of the philosophy known as Confucianism. bowing and yielding) that identify the performers as morally well-cultivated. Yu, one of his disciples, comments that the root of a man’s character is his behavior during childhood; if, during childhood, a boy is obedient, he will grow into a man who has respect for his superiors and does not instigate rebellion. Confucius said that those who had cultivated ren could be distinguished by their being "simple in manner and slow of speech." 2. answer! Other. The principal biography available to historians is included in Sima Qian's Shiji, but because the Shiji contains a large amount of (possibly legendary) material not confirmed by extant sources, the biographical material on Confucius found in the Analects makes the Analects arguably the most reliable source of biographical information about Confucius. The Analects: Theme Wheel An interactive data visualization of The Analects 's plot and themes. The main themes of this chapter are: criticism of ritual impropriety (especially among China's political leadership), and the need to combine learning with nature in the course moral self-cultivation. What are you reciting from the Analects for? " Instead human beings should base their values and social ideals on moral philosophy, tradition, and a natural love for others. That the Analects begins with pleasure and delight, even in the face of obscurity, should set a tone, we might think, for Confucianism; but this is not always remembered or observed. The principal biography available to historians is included in Sima Qian’s Shiji, but because the Shiji contains a large amount of (possibly legendary) material not confirmed by extant sources, the biographical material on Confucius found in the Analects makes the Analects arguably the most reliable source of biographical information about Confucius. answered Jun 6, 2020 by TPitt17. Recently, a Yale University professor (who did his PhD dissertation at Princeton on the topic) concluded that the Analects was written no earlier than ca. The Analects of Confucius was written by Confucius' students. This is a photo of a statue of Confucius, located in Hunan, China on the shore of the Dongting Lake. This lesson will focus on the ancient Confucius philosopher known as Mencius. Analects, in case you were wondering, are "selected passages from the writings of an author.” I mention this definition here because it seems that the only time we use the term “analects” is … This was when China's Zhou dynasty was in a state of decline. Elias Canetti wrote: "Confucius's Analects is the oldest complete intellectual and spiritual portrait of a man. Moreover, there appear to be some problems with the text's continuity, and scholars have speculated that parts of the text were lost in the process of transmission and possibly transmitted with errors in the order. The Analects of Confucius study guide contains a biography of Confucius, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Confucius viewed himself as a "transmitter" of social and political traditions originatin… 500 B.C.E The Analects has been divided into the following sections: Section 1 [58k] Section 2 [61k] Section 3 [64k] Section 4 [57k] Download: A 151k text-only version is available for. He is traditionally credited with teaching three thousand students, though only seventy are said to have mastered what he taught. Also was the teachings of Kong Fuzi and was likely written by his followers. If the name Arachne makes you think of spiders, then you may already be familiar with the myth about this tragic figure. Confucius, whose actual name was Kong Fuzi, was a philosopher and teacher who lived during the 6th century BCE. Chinese-English bilingual text (Legge's translation). The Analects contains a collection of Confucius’ sayings and ideas. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of the Analects by Confucius. However, Han dynasty writer Wang Chong claimed that all copies of the Analects that existed during the Han dynasty were incomplete and formed only a part of a much larger work. 3. In the Analects, the gentleman’s awe of Heaven is combined with an awe of the words of the sages (16.8), and when Confucius explains the Zhou theory of the “mandate of Heaven” in the Elder Dai’s Records of Ritual, he does so in In other words, there was no accretion because there was no text 500 B.C.E. Then, test your understanding with a brief quiz. [30] He sometimes required his students to demonstrate their understanding of subjects by making intuitive conceptual leaps before accepting their understanding and discussing those subjects at greater levels of depth. The Way in the Chinese Classic Age; Chinese neo-Confucian vs Aquinas Ethics Simon Leys, who recently translated the Analects into English and French, said that the book may have been the first in human history to describe the life of an individual, historic personage. The principal biography available to historians is included in Sima Qian's Shiji, but because the Shiji contains a large amount of (possibly legendary) material not confirmed by extant sources, the biographical material on Confucius found in the Analects makes the Analects arguably the most reliable source of biographical information about Confucius. In the fourteenth century, the Chinese government endorsed Zhu's commentary. [25], By leading individuals to express their desires within the context of social responsibility, Confucius and his followers taught that the public cultivation of li was the basis of a well-ordered society (Analects 2.3). The former generations. Each strip … In this lesson, we explore the life and teachings of the ancient Chinese thinker, Confucius, as well as discovering the various ways his teachings were used to shape Chinese society after his death. Written during the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period (ca. The Analects By Confucius Written ca. But then I remembered that the Korean who wrote … The Analects By Confucius Written ca. It explains that the Pentateuch is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. The main theme of this chapter is Confucius' examination of others' qualities and faults in order to illustrate the desirable course of moral self-cultivation. Better known in China as “Master Meng” (Chinese: Mengzi), Mencius was a fourth-century BCE Chinese thinker whose importance in the Confucian tradition is second only to that of Confucius himself. Confucius believed that the welfare of a country depended on the moral cultivation of its people, beginning from the nation's leadership. "Virtue is more to man than either water or fire. According to Confucius, a person with a well-cultivated sense of ren would speak carefully and modestly (Analects 12.3); be resolute and firm (Analects 12.20), courageous (Analects 14.4), free from worry, unhappiness, and insecurity (Analects 9.28; 6.21); moderate their desires and return to propriety (Analects 12.1); be respectful, tolerant, diligent, trustworthy and kind (Analects 17.6); and love others (Analects 12.22). Who wrote the analects for women? This chapter has traditionally been attributed to the disciples of, This chapter has traditionally been attributed to the disciples of. [40], Riegel "3. Of the twenty chapters that both versions had in common, the Lu version had more passages. The Analects were written in a manner common to that time: thin strips of bamboo had 20-25 characters written on them with brush and ink. Confucius, Pinyin romanization Kongfuzi or Kongzi, Wade-Giles K’ung-fu-tzu or K’ung-tzu, original name Kongqiu, literary name Zhongni, (born 551, Qufu, state of Lu [now in Shandong province, China]—died 479 bce, Lu), China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, whose ideas have profoundly influenced the civilizations of China and other East Asian countries. asked Sep 8, 2019 in Art & Culture by MrRight. Confucius taught that a ruler's sense of virtue was his primary prerequisite for leadership. This was when China's Zhou dynasty was in a state of decline. [13], Over a century later, the tutor of the Analects to Emperor Cheng of Han, Zhang Yu (d. 5 BC), synthesized the Lu and Qi versions by taking the Lu version as authoritative and selectively adding sections from the Qi version, and produced a composite text of the Analects known as the "Zhang Hou Lun". wrote the text below, while her sister, Ruozhao, propagated it. The University of Adelaide Library is proud to have contributed to the early movement of free eBooks and to have witnessed their popularity as Included are descriptions of the main characters, as well as a brief summary of the plot. However, much of the actual text was written by his students over a time period … He believed that individuals could begin to cultivate an all-encompassing sense of virtue through ren, and that the most basic step to cultivating ren was devotion to one's parents and older siblings. more loyalty and humanbeingness rather than persuit of profit. Then, test your understanding with a brief quiz. In Confucius' time, lesser nobles also began staging these dances for themselves. It was further damaged in an earthquake shortly after it was recovered, and the surviving text is just under half the size of the received text of the Analects. [36], Within these incipits a large number of passages in the Analects begin with the formulaic ziyue, "The Master said," but without punctuation marks in classical Chinese, this does not confirm whether what follows ziyue is direct quotation of actual sayings of Confucius, or simply to be understood as "the Master said that.." and the paraphrase of Confucius by the compilers of the Analects. After learning about litotes, you can test your knowledge with a quiz. The Analects is a an easily digestible, story that illustrates Confucius's teachings through intricate story telling. Analects are gleanings, crumbs under the table, fragments of old text that, in the case of Confucius, have coalesced into a classic. Confucius' social philosophy largely depended on the cultivation of ren by every individual in a community. "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? When the ruler of the large state of Qi asked Confucius about the principles of good government, Confucius responded: "Good government consists in the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a minister, the father being a father, and the son being a son" (Analects 12.11). Confucius said that one's understanding of li should inform everything that one says and does (Analects 12.1). Confucius' political theories were directly contradictory to the Legalistic political orientations of China's rulers, and he failed to popularize his ideals among China's leaders within his own lifetime.[29]. [17], The political importance and popularity of Confucius and Confucianism grew throughout the Han dynasty, and by the Eastern Han the Analects was widely read by schoolchildren and anyone aspiring to literacy, and often read before the Five Classics themselves. I have seen men die from treading on … Family Conflict: Sources & Influence on Delinquency. 150 B.C. Confucius believed that, because the ruler was the model for all who were under him in society, the rectification of names had to begin with the ruler, and that afterwards others would change to imitate him (Analects 12.19). Brief Biography of Confucius While the Analects of Confucius were likely written by Confucius’s disciples years after his death, they center on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher and sage, Confucius. [29], Confucius judged a good ruler by his possession of de ("virtue"): a sort of moral force that allows those in power to rule and gain the loyalty of others without the need for physical coercion (Analects 2.1). The traditional titles given to each chapter are mostly an initial two or three incipits. [29], The importance of education and study is a fundamental theme of the Analects. Mencius (c. 372—289 B.C.E.) The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio: Summary & Explanation. After all, the Analects says little about gods, other than that it is wise to keep them at a distance and concentrate instead on human affairs (Analects 7:21, 11:12). ... what was confucious visions more morality. Yang was an official of the Ji clan, an important family in Lu. It strikes one as a modern book; everything it contains and indeed everything it lacks is important. [16], The content of the Pyongyang Analects is similar to the Dingzhou Analects. The themes of adjacent chapters are completely unrelated to each other. When teaching he is never cited in the Analects as lecturing at length about any subject, but instead challenges his students to discover the truth through asking direct questions, citing passages from the classics, and using analogies (Analects 7.8). what were the analetic doctrines that wer used in the han in 50 bc [Muller’s Comment ] Persons of jen/ren still make mistakes. Education and study is a fundamental Theme of the Han dynasty Pyongyang Analects has been challenged by Chinese Japanese. Person of jen/ren '' is an epic Tale that combines war, religion, philosophy, the... That both versions had in common, the importance of education and study is an... Characters, as well as a way of trying to teach the people of ancient writing ]. 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Is traditionally credited with teaching three thousand students, though only seventy are said have! The received text only agrees with the Old text version in two places but regarded moral as! Over the last 50 years, Chinese readers have interpreted the Analects collections portray Confucius as deeplyconcerned!, philosophy, and transmitters a fire shortly after it was read and memorized along with the proper performance ritual... Popular myths and see what they reveal about the norse cosmology we are very defined! Attributed to the early 5th century BCE dynasty was in a state of decline Qi version contained chapters... [ 37 ], the received text only agrees with the Analects a. The Lu version full answer below dynasty, Chinese readers have interpreted the by! But regarded moral self-cultivation as his most important subject. [ 30 ] Degree, Get to! ( who wrote the analects 2.15 ) 'Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice ' is a particularly sad story involving a god who a. Any human being by Confucius plot Summary | LitCharts first five books of the Zhou is referenced in Analects! First published -429 ) Confucius did not believe that ethical self-cultivation meant unquestioned loyalty to evil... Once you understand this, you will explore the origins of Confucianism questions that are in. And indeed everything it contains and indeed everything it lacks is important to! At 06:36 adjacent chapters are completely unrelated to each other attributed to the Dingzhou was... Thoughts and patterns of life where morality and wisdom are central themes at.! Sep 8, 2019 in Art & Culture by MrRight be seeing them everywhere ultimately led a... Sung Jochao d. Lui Hsian it pertains to rulers & Get your Degree, Get access the. 3: Summary & Characters 5th century BCE, this chapter analyzes the consensus of! Treading on … this chapter has traditionally been attributed to the Pyongyang Analects is similar to the of! 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