Contracts. In December 1979, the U.S . 9 1389. A detailed community evacuation plan developed for construction on the southern zone, called for the stationing of approximately 50 school buses, police vehicles equipped with public address systems, an ambulance and a fire pumper with crew at the worksite during all working hours. Analysis of the mean age at which pregnant women had moved into each of the four study areas also showed no significant difference. .513 It has not yet been possible to correlate the geographic distribution of adverse pregnancy outcomes since 1950 with direct evidence of chemical exposure as measured in 1978 and 1979. 1.000 Women with Birth Defect ChildNumber of Birth Defect Children In effect, the storm sewer lines would be plugged in the vicinity of the four corners of the Love Canal. - - *Houses on the Canal **Normal approximation, one-sided; sample proportion compared with population proportion 6.97 (Average for period 1950-1977, white births recorded in New York State, excluding New York City) ***Normal approximation, one-sided; north of Colvin control (7.27) +Defined as ++Observed was less than Population or Control The pregnancy histories and outcomes of all women living in the general Love Canal vicinity as of June 1978 were examined, both prior to and following residence near the landfill. Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Cambridge, Massachusetts - 480, 92144 8.048 Most of these claims are based on alleged negligence and nuisance conditions, including allegations of the State's failure to inspect specific sites or conditions or to warn residents of potential health hazards. It should be noted that the Warburton/Fraser model is considered by many researchers to represent a conservative estimate of the incidence of miscarriages within the general population. A high clay content soil was used to cover the contaminated soils excavated from the drainage trenches. During July 1979, heavy rains, accompanied by hot, humid weather resulted in widespread chemical odors emanating from the landfill. Fifteen of the rats were exposed to contaminated basement air; the other 15 which served as a control group, received air that was filtered through activated carbon to remove organic chemicals. In summary, Health Department animal studies related to the Love Canal landfill have not documented any consistent pattern of toxic effects from volatile and nonvolatile components of contaminated surface soils. .242   New York State, initially joined as a defendant in the federal suit, is now a co-plaintiff with the United States Government as a result of its motion to realign being granted in U.S. District Court. M Director of Epidemiologic Services New Jersey Department of Health Trenton, New Jersey 3.761 Contracts. This unprecedented agreement was signed by the Governor and President on October 2, 1980, at ceremonies in Niagara Falls. Pregnancy History at Present Address Women with StillbirthsNumber of Stillbirths Salaries, Travel, Overtime, Other 2.985 7028 In effect, the storm sewer lines would be plugged in the vicinity of the four corners of the Love Canal. 14 By November, 1978, Department of Environmental Conservation personnel were engaged in negotiations with Conestoga-Rovers and Associates for development of a proposal and contract for continuation of remedial work in Laboratory analyses of soil and sediment samples from the Love Canal indicate the presence of more than 200 distinct organic chemical compounds; approximately 100 of these have been identified to date. On July 3, 1980, the U.S. Congress approved emergency appropriations allowing the President to spend up to $20 million on relocation of Love Canal area families. - 46.7% Sinai Hospital Fifth Avenue and 100th Street New York, New York On November 5, the last of the deep excavations at the construction site was completed and the temporary relocation program ordered by the Supreme Court was terminated; residents in hotels were notified that temporary housing in hotels would no longer be provided at State expense. Large numbers of air and soil samples were collected for extensive chemical analysis. - At present, we are totally dependent on animal models for these determinations, and these observations may not be transferable to humans. 1.000 However, examination of 1,200 rat fetuses from this study revealed no severe soil-extract-related teratological effects, with the exception of a dose-related decrease in body weight. 62 The $15 million total would be administered by the previously created Love Canal Area Revitalization Agency, which would act as agent for purchase of eligible properties and direct the revitalization of the area. F 10.26 - Standby Evacuation Bus Service - Hear from our Royal Families! Based on continuing evaluation of environmental and health data, the Department of Health, on February 8, 1979, issued a supplemental order recommending that all pregnant women and children under the age of two (residing between 97th Street and 103rd Street and from Frontier Avenue north to Colvin Boulevard) be temporarily relocated away from the area. Mongolism In contrast, the vast majority of homes on 99th Street were occupied by the early 1960s. Joseph Fraumeni, M.D. Currently, such studies of disease associated with chemical exposure are very difficult to conduct because of the general inadequacies and inconsistencies of industrial exposure records. persons who presently or ever lived near the landfill. Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Cambridge, Massachusetts determine the nature, degree and source of excessive health risks, if any, faced by Thus, varied health studies carried out by Health Department researchers since 1978 have focused on the most likely indicators of acute and chronic chemical toxicity, including: reproductive outcome, liver function, respiratory ailments, convulsive disorders, skin problems and cancer incidence. Further investigation demonstrated the presence of a fly ash fill layer under the topsoil with some sporadic, low-level lindane contamination registered. DISTRIBUTIONS OF TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS OF ELECTRON CAPTURE ACTIVE COMPOUNDS IN RESIDENTIAL SOIL SAMPLES M   The number of persons in hotels stabilized by September 19 at about 425 individuals, all of whom had submitted physicians' affidavits which were acceptable to the State Health Department. 10.959 0 - 474 Temporary Relocation Based on Illness Associated with Remedial Construction Work: 91 families were being maintained in temporary accommodations. - 17 .478 A barrier drain and capping system was designed for the southern section by the consulting engineering firm of Conestoga-Rovers and Associates, in an effort to prevent more water from soaking into the chemical waste disposal area and to intercept contaminated groundwater migrating from the landfill. F <4.000 The State attempted to establish a policy, effective September 11, requiring a written physician's statement pertaining to illness for any resident seeking 48- hour relocation due to Love Canal remedial construction work. Legislation Health Department epidemiologists also failed to find an excessive incidence of convulsive disorders within the Love Canal population. During excavation for the tile drainage system in the southern section of the canal, a geologic sand lense (thin sand strata) was discovered four feet below the surface, apparently intersecting the landfill from east to west. - Powers of the commissioner; emergencies. 6 1386. During the placement of the barrier drains, a series of lateral drains also was constructed in the landfill to hasten the dewatering process. - - Choose us for any occasion like birthdays, anniversaries in Canada. 17 § 3. 15.66 F The Department of Health objected to the production of these records on the grounds that such would constitute a breach of the promise of confidentiality.   The Department will continue to attempt to identify previous residents of the Love Canal area to determine the true incidence of cancer and other chronic diseases. Reports. <2.500 Using the Health Department's statewide cancer registry to examine all malignancies reported from the Love Canal census tract between 1955 and 1977, researchers found no apparent excess of any form of cancer among Love Canal residents. 1.000 Health Department epidemiologists also failed to find an excessive incidence of convulsive disorders within the Love Canal population. 27 Evaluation of organic sludge and spent carbon beds also must be carried out on a routine basis. 39 Hooker Chemical & Plastics Corp.;Hooker Chemical Corp.;Occidental Petroleum Corp.; The City of Niagara Falls;The Niagara County Health DepartmentThe Board of Education of the City of Niagara Falls A disease registry of health endpoints which may signal toxic exposure, to include: The $15 million total would be administered by the previously created Love Canal Area Revitalization Agency, which would act as agent for purchase of eligible properties and direct the revitalization of the area. >.05 710 Potential Health Effects of Chemical Compounds Identified at Love Canal 17 § 3. Approximately 170 monitoring wells were installed in grid-like fashion throughout the community to monitor any shallow or bedrock contamination. Epidemiologic Studies Computerized analyses of these data will facilitate the accurate and timely evaluation of suspected health hazards in communities and areas throughout the State, thus providing government with the information necessary for making decisions about environmental problems. Robert W. Miller, M.D. Interestingly, the rise in spontaneous abortions occurring in the historic water areas began less than one year after landfilling was largely completed in the general area, which may serve to support the theory that contaminated fill dirt from the canal was used to level low-lying swale areas. The City of Niagara Falls also used the site for disposal of municipal wastes for a number of years, concluding in 1953. 6 1386. that pollutant concentrations in the basement air were in some cases as much as 100 times lower than air samples taken in 1978. Homeowners Consultant <21.302 Due to the slope of the drainage system, the aqueous phase leachate migrating outward from the canal is gravity fed to several underground pumping chambers. 10.959 - Relocation Of Residents Hans Popper, M.D. 22 - 20.000 10.370 The higher than expected number of miscarriages among 99th Street residents occurred between 1958 and 1964. <10.370 3.761 - Congenital dysplasia of left hip   Fraser, Am. Diaphramic hernia 85.8% .500 The data base includes the concentrations in parts per million (ppm) of 13 specific compounds as well as a measure of total organic halogens in each sample. 34 Congenital deafness Other problems still to be addressed include the clean-up of toxic contamination (including dioxin) in Black and Berkholtz creeks near the canal; evaluation of new disposal technologies for destruction of waste sludge generated at the Love Canal treatment facility and currently stored on-site; and site restoration, including demolition of vacant homes directly abutting the landfill. anesthesia (increased carboxy  hemoglobin) This engineering design not only serves to lower the water table within the landfill, but also helps to achieve a reverse flow of underground water in the overburden immediately outside of the barrier drain system. The dollar claims in these lawsuits total between $12 and $14 billion dollars in damages.  1 Section 1. - Most of these claims are based on alleged negligence and nuisance conditions, including allegations of the State's failure to inspect specific sites or conditions or to warn residents of potential health hazards. <2.000 With the aid of local health personnel and technicians from Roswell Park Memorial Institute, 4,386 blood samples were obtained from 3,919 persons, involving 114,036 separate blood tests. Women with MiscarriagesNumber of Miscarriages 611 Compared with the other study populations, the relative risk of bearing a low birth weight infant was about 2.2 times greater for women living in homes on former wetlands. .513 acid chlorides other than benzoyl - includes acetyl, caprylyl, butyryl, nitro benzoyls, Thionyl chloride and misc. 3.761 Pregnancy Histories and Age Distribution Female Residents of Specified Sections of the Love Canal and North of Colvin Area 20.000 For example, long-term exposure to benzene has been shown to cause leukemia and suppress bone marrow function; when ingested in sufficient quantity, lindane can cause convulsions; chloroform and carbon tetrachloride can cause liver damage; and dioxin -- one of the most toxic chemicals known to man -- has been linked to cancer and birth malformations in laboratory animals. Health & Environmental Testing & Services chloroform <4.000 Fencing & Security 00 2 All of the collected leachate is then pumped to an underground storage tank that acts as a reservoir for the on-site leachate treatment facility. The measure was an amendment to the Emergency Appropriations Bill (co-sponsored by Senators Javits and Moynihan of New York) which removed legal barriers to federal participation in permanent relocation. Landrigan, M.D. 49108(2) The measure was an amendment to the Emergency Appropriations Bill (co-sponsored by Senators Javits and Moynihan of New York) which removed legal barriers to federal participation in permanent relocation. Hooker Chemical & Plastics Corp.;Hooker Chemical Corp.;Occidental Petroleum Corp.; The City of Niagara Falls;The Niagara County Health DepartmentThe Board of Education of the City of Niagara Falls - TotalCost 10.700 1625 This ultimately resulted in the State lawsuit being stayed, pending resolution of similar issues in the federal action. 7 1387. As a result of a joinder motion by Hooker Chemical, granted in U.S. District Court, the State of New York and others became parties to the federal action. 10 § 1385. 1.5 Continuous testing of the effluent has indicated effective removal of toxic organic components. State Payment to City of Niagara Falls  45-59 In the aftermath of the Love Canal environmental emergency, numerous lawsuits were filed by people claiming to have suffered health and financial losses as a result of the landfill. There was also a provision for State sharing of costs. J. 121 Health & Environmental Testing & Services For example, long-term exposure to benzene has been shown to cause leukemia and suppress bone marrow function; when ingested in sufficient quantity, lindane can cause convulsions; chloroform and carbon tetrachloride can cause liver damage; and dioxin -- one of the most toxic chemicals known to man -- has been linked to cancer and birth malformations in laboratory animals. Contracts. - A barrier drain and capping system was designed for the southern section by the consulting engineering firm of Conestoga-Rovers and Associates, in an effort to prevent more water from soaking into the chemical waste disposal area and to intercept contaminated groundwater migrating from the landfill. 26 § 1388. The $15 million total would be administered by the previously created Love Canal Area Revitalization Agency, which would act as agent for purchase of eligible properties and direct the revitalization of the area. The sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), or 10 so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the department 11 of health from any moneys in the state treasury in the general fund to the credit 12 of the state purposes fund not otherwise appropriated, for its expenses, including 13 personal service, maintenance and operation, in carrying out the provisions of 14 this act. Reports. Permanent Relocation & Acquisitionof homes in Rings 1 & 2 Such moneys shall be made payable out of the state treasury after audit 15 by and on the warrant of the comptroller upon vouchers certified or approved 16 by the commissioner of health. F   Hooker Chemical & Plastics Corp.;Hooker Chemical Corp.;Occidental Petroleum Corp.; The City of Niagara Falls;The Niagara County Health DepartmentThe Board of Education of the City of Niagara Falls 20.000 Inverted testicle - F Reflux of ureters   2029 34 - The Commissioner agreed to modify the site safety plan and to restrict the time during which contaminated soils would be exposed to the atmosphere during excavation work. In January 1980, the Biogenics Corporation of Houston, under contract with the federal Environmental Protection Agency, carried out a cytogenetic study involving analysis of blood specimens from 36 Love Canal residents. narcosis (more powerful than  benzene) - - ++  1 Section 1. Dr . 14 The potential hazard believed to exist at a specific landfill site in the county of - 2.985 (1.200) <1950s - Complaints abate after canal is covered with dirt (anecdotal). In case of great and imminent 27 peril to the health of the general public from such hazards as may be identified as  1 resulting from exposure to toxic substances emanating from landfills, the  2 commissioner may declare the existence of an emergency and take such measures and  3 do such acts as he may deem reasonably necessary and proper for the preservation  4 and protection of the public health. The American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the United Way of Niagara Falls also assisted in the relocation. Born with 3 ears 1.000 All of the collected leachate is then pumped to an underground storage tank that acts as a reservoir for the on-site leachate treatment facility. 1.002 1.000 Appropriation. Duties of the commissioner. 3.4 Following issuance of the Commissioner of Health's August 2, 1978 emergency health Order, the Department of Environmental Conservation assumed overall responsibility for remedial construction work at the Love Canal landfill. 1.5 10.700 - .478 Potential Health Effects of Chemical Compounds Identified at Love Canal The remedial construction project was proceeding in the central and northern sectors and extensive repair work was being done on the southern sector. Born with 3 ears The landfill takes its name from William T. Love, whose plan it was in the 1890s to dig a power canal between the upper and lower Niagara Rivers to provide cheap hydroelectric power for a proposed model industrial city. Dr. Gabriel Plaa Professor of Pharmacology School of Medicine University of Montreal Montreal, Quebec Canada The relocation effort was to be carried out with minimum economic burden to the affected families. This ultimately resulted in the State lawsuit being stayed, pending resolution of similar issues in the federal action. 12.05 The identification and sources of soil contaminants must be accurately determined before the soil test data can be related to the epidemiological findings. 20.000 When the ratio of congenital defects to live births was calculated and compared with control data, no significant excess of congenital defects was discerned in any of the Love Canal sections under study, with the possible exception of wetland homes, and then only when compared with historically dry properties (see Table IV). On the other hand, compounds not present in common household products, such as chlorobenzene and chlorotoluene showed definite clusters of contamination in homes immediately adjacent to the canal, with significantly less evidence of contamination further out. 17 § 3. - Hydrocephalic-slepian eye,  deafness Dr. Gabriel Plaa Professor of Pharmacology School of Medicine University of Montreal Montreal, Quebec Canada .060 - 3.761 ++ 712 The surveillance program, as proposed, will create a new data base of environmental and occupational exposures to toxic substances. In December 1979, the U.S . Duties of the commissioner. 1013 North of Colvin 10.57 M occupational lung diseases, such as lung cancer and pneumoconiosis; The Department's specific responsibilities included: review and approval of detailed plans for remedial construction efforts undertaken by the City of Niagara Falls; on-site environmental monitors for the construction activity at the Love Canal site; and consultation with federal, State and local agencies on the development of long-range engineering needs and solutions. - - 24 <21.302 <2.500 Fraser, Am. The commissioner of health shall conduct a 19 study of both the long and the short term effects of health hazards associated with 20 exposure to toxic substances emanating from certain landfills. 1.200 Professor and Deputy Director Institute of Environmental Medicine New York University Medical Center New York, New York About five percent of these claimants also have filed Notices of Intent to File Claim in the New York State Court of Claims, a preliminary step in claiming monetary damages from the State of New York; 50 of these Notices of Intent claim a specific amount of damage from the State, which alone totals $232,000,000. *Houses on the Canal The current status of parties in the joint action is as follows: <4.000 TotalNYS Professor Emeritus Mt. Absence of deciduous teeth   The Department's specific responsibilities included: review and approval of detailed plans for remedial construction efforts undertaken by the City of Niagara Falls; on-site environmental monitors for the construction activity at the Love Canal site; and consultation with federal, State and local agencies on the development of long-range engineering needs and solutions. 90 M By April 16, 1981, 257 homes out of a possible 550 had been purchased and 132 families who formerly lived in the LaSalle Housing Development had been permanently relocated. New York State, initially joined as a defendant in the federal suit, is now a co-plaintiff with the United States Government as a result of its motion to realign being granted in U.S. District Court. The American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the United Way of Niagara Falls also assisted in the relocation. 173 00 Incomplete left lip - - The Commissioner agreed to modify the site safety plan and to restrict the time during which contaminated soils would be exposed to the atmosphere during excavation work. To develop a plan for the alleviation of these 13 conditions, it is necessary to conduct a study to determine the extent of such hazards. This evacuation plan was scaled down during construction in the northern and central sectors based on experience in the southern portion. .050 - <10.899 To further assist Love Canal homeowners and help stabilize the area, the State approved a $1.2 million support program, including $1 million in State aid for a five-year graduated property tax relief program and a $200,000 contract with United Way of Niagara Falls to provide psychological and family counseling for area residents.  45-59 The dollar claims in these lawsuits total between $12 and $14 billion dollars in damages. M TotalCost Extra toe 6.228 Health & Environmental Testing & Services Appropriation. A barrier drain and capping system was designed for the southern section by the consulting engineering firm of Conestoga-Rovers and Associates, in an effort to prevent more water from soaking into the chemical waste disposal area and to intercept contaminated groundwater migrating from the landfill. Dr . The day following the Commissioner of Health's August 2, 1978, Order recommending temporary relocation of pregnant women and children under two years of age from the first two rings of homes, interviewers from the regional offices of the departments of Transportation and Social Services opened an on-site relocation assistance office at the 99th Street School. … 9 1389. Preliminary work indicated the need for more intensive investigations, and in October 1977, the Department of Environmental Conservation sought the assistance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in conducting an expanded study of groundwater pollution in the vicinity. .110 .513 The Commissioner agreed to modify the site safety plan and to restrict the time during which contaminated soils would be exposed to the atmosphere during excavation work. CDC-Center for Disease Control DOH-NYS Department of Health DEC-NYS Department of Environmental Conservation EPA-U .S. Preliminary evaluation of liver function tests suggested that persons residing on 97th and 99th streets bordering the landfill may face a greater than expected risk of developing liver disease. <2.000 Manufacturing of chemical and allied products was and is a major industrial enterprise of Niagara County.  Total++ DOT Ronald Altman, M.D. Practicing Internist in New York City & Research Scientist in the field of Enzymology 755 Park Avenue New York, New York 1.002 90 The surveillance program, as proposed, will create a new data base of environmental and occupational exposures to toxic substances. Within three days, the State Department of Transportation relocation team, again activated, reported that 338 applications for relocation had been received; 184 families had been relocated into hotels and 10 more into private accommodations. A detailed community evacuation plan developed for construction on the southern zone, called for the stationing of approximately 50 school buses, police vehicles equipped with public address systems, an ambulance and a fire pumper with crew at the worksite during all working hours. nervous system disorderspsychologic abnormalities acute leukemiaaplastic anemiapancytopeniachronic lymphatic leukemialymphomas (probable)   Absence of deciduous teeth - The interpretation of this large data base is continuing and a final report of the findings is expected sometime in 1981. 17 § 3. Prior to the commencement of each phase of the Love Canal remedial construction work, a group of individual residents and the Love Canal Homeowner's Association sought to obtain an injunction against the State to preclude construction work until all residents were moved from the area. M Professor of Medicine College of Medicine 100 Bergen Street Newark, New Jersey Children with Low Birth Weight+ 144 *Houses on the Canal   1.6% 6.0 The contaminated liquids are treated within the treatment plant by settling, filtration, and activated carbon. 121 Women with Low Birth Weight ChildNumber of Low Birth Weight Children Women with Birth Defect ChildNumber of Birth Defect Children The barrier drain extends 12-20 feet below the surface into a clay substrata where perforated drain tile has been installed and backfilled with a permeable material. An interesting phenomenon surfaced when researchers examined the percentage of pregnancies that resulted in spontaneous abortions during each of the past three decades among the various Love Canal study populations. ++ <6.228 The American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the United Way of Niagara Falls also assisted in the relocation. The Health Department presented this data on November 10, 1978 to an outside "blue ribbon" panel of experts in various fields of epidemiology, toxicology, hepatology, clinical and environmental medicine who concluded that the biochemical abnormalities detected did not represent a manifestation of liver disease. DOT - NYS Department of TransportationDEC - NYS Department of Environmental Conservation DOH - NYS Department of HealthDSS - NYS Department of Social ServicesUDC - NYS Urban Development Corporation <10.370 Documented Congenital Defects Among Children Born in Specified Areas of Love Canal and North of Colvin Area 2139 In April 1953, Hooker sold the Love Canal property, to which it then held title, to the City of Niagara Falls Board of Education. - Documented Congenital Defects Among Children Born in Specified Areas of Love Canal and North of Colvin Area Permanent Relocation & Acquisitionof homes in Rings 1 & 2 USEPA DOT - NYS Department of TransportationDEC - NYS Department of Environmental Conservation DOH - NYS Department of HealthDSS - NYS Department of Social ServicesUDC - NYS Urban Development Corporation Fencing & Security CDC-Center for Disease Control DOH-NYS Department of Health DEC-NYS Department of Environmental Conservation EPA-U .S. 10.959 methylene chloride Dr. Gabriel Plaa Professor of Pharmacology School of Medicine University of Montreal Montreal, Quebec Canada <6.848 <2.000 Compared with the other study populations, the relative risk of bearing a low birth weight infant was about 2.2 times greater for women living in homes on former wetlands. 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