Large cold storage warehouse operators use sophisticated warehouse management software to carefully monitor their space and give preferential treatment to giants in the food and pharma industries. Big institutional investors How to Manage a Cold Storage Warehouse – A cold storage warehouse is one that is artificially cooled down to a temperature above or below zero or 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Website View Menu (312) 638-6280. All these factors affect performance, and hence, must be the most suitable for application. Our cold storage warehouse facilities are designed to accommodate multiple storage temperature settings and each room is monitored via our web-based temperature monitoring software. Cold Storage Warehouse Market – Cold storage warehouse is a place where goods at kept at a certain temperature to maintain quality. Cold storage warehouses are key waypoints in our nation’s food supply and distribution network. With over 2,400 dedicated employees at 36 world-class facilities, we are proud to offer the Best in Class Warehouse and Transportation Services. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, WORK CLOTHING FOR COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, ICE MELTING DEVICE AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE FOR PICKING例文帳に追加, REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE FOR PICKING AND REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE PICKING SYSTEM例文帳に追加, PROFESSIONAL-USE REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER, CONTAINER FOR STORAGE AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, Further, by purchasing the cold insulation warehouse 1, a drying work can be performed and thereafter, refrigeration and storage are practicable in the cold insulation warehouse 1.例文帳に追加, さらに、保冷庫1を購入することにより乾燥作業も行え、その後、保冷庫1で冷蔵保管することも可能となる。 - 特許庁, To provide a cleaning method for a freezer, a cold storage warehouse or the like and a detergent solution used therefor.例文帳に追加, Then the broccolis 30 in the corrugated boxes 10 are preserved or transported and shipped while being subjected to cold storage in a container, warehouse or cold insulation box.例文帳に追加, その後、ダンボール箱10内のブロッコリー30ーは、コンテナ、倉庫または保冷車にて保冷されながら保管または輸送され、出荷される。 - 特許庁, To provide a refrigeration and cold storage warehouse for picking can stop the introduction of air into its interior from the outside when blocking an opening on a front face.例文帳に追加, 前面開口を閉塞した場合に外部から内部への空気の導入を停止するピッキング用冷凍冷蔵倉庫を提供すること。 - 特許庁, To prevent a container filled with a sample from dewing after delivered from a warehouse, in an automatic warehouse facility for storing the medical or bio-samples under a cold storage or refrigerated condition.例文帳に追加, 薬学系や生物学系の試料類を冷蔵又は冷凍状態で保管する自動倉庫設備において、試料が入った容器が出庫後に結露することを防止する。 - 特許庁, To provide a refrigeration and cold storage warehouse of picking system in which the cold retaining performance of a shelf device is improved and energy saving effects are improved by suppressing a collected air current of an air curtain from being short-circuited in a shelf.例文帳に追加, エアカーテンの回収気流が棚内にショートサーキットするのを抑制して棚装置の保冷性能を高めた省エネ効果の高いピッキングシステムの冷凍冷蔵倉庫を提供する。 - 特許庁, To heighten heat insulating function at the connection part of a heat insulating panel without thickening the panel and to prevent dew condensation so as to be useful for a warehouse, particularly for a cold reserving storage while being effective in cold district specifications.例文帳に追加, 断熱パネルの接続箇所において断熱機能をパネルを厚くしないで高め、併せて、結露を防止して倉庫、特に保冷庫に有用とし、又、寒冷地仕様においても有効になるようにする。 - 特許庁, To provide a light source shifting raising seedling warehouse enabling to obtain the environment suitable for low temperature preservation through greatly controlling heat generation from a light source, decreasing consumption of cold storage energy, improving rate of utilization of warehouse space and decreasing construction fee and maintenance fee by decreasing the number of light sources.例文帳に追加, 光源からの発熱を大幅に抑制して低温保持に好ましい環境を得ることができ、冷蔵エネルギの消費低減が図れるとともに、庫内空間の利用率が向上でき、しかも光源数低減により工事費や維持費も低減できるようにする。 - 特許庁, To provide an automated warehouse to set in a cold storage and capable of preventing working failure of electric and electronic parts for control in a transfer and place device due to low temperature.例文帳に追加, 冷凍倉庫に設置する自動倉庫にいおいて、移載装置における制御用の電気・電子部品が低温によって作動不良になることを防止する。 - 特許庁, cold storage warehouseのページの著作権英和・和英辞典情報提供元は参加元一覧にて確認できます。, ピン留めアイコンをクリックすると単語とその意味を画面の右側に残しておくことができます。, JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「cold storage warehouse」の意味, クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「cold storage warehouse」の意味, 「cold storage warehouse」を解説文に含む英和和英の用語の一覧, All Rights Reserved, Copyright © Japan Science and Technology Agency. Products stored can be, amongst other things, food, especially meat, other agricultural products, pharmaceutical drugs, other chemicals and blood. Listed companies are offering one stop solutions for Cold storage warehouse in multiple cities from India. Serving customers from across Canada and around the world, Conestoga operates five automated cold storage warehouses with a total storage volume of over 64 million cubic feet which provide fully computerized warehouse facilities, distribution centres, and a chain of cross docks that enable us to deliver product efficiently from coast to coast. 1000 W Fulton Market. Cold Storage Warehouses. 2020 IARW North American Top 25 List Mumbai, India ... More 309, Apollo Complex R. K. Singh Marg, Off Parsi Panchayat Road, Old Nagardas Road, Andheri (East),Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Cold Storage Online offers a wide range of products, seafood, meats, wines and more. United States Cold Storage is the preferred leader in temperature controlled warehousing and logistics. The only difference between cold storage and dry storage is that cold storage is… cold. There are a lot of businesses out there that handle perishable or temperature sensitive products. Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved. Get hassle free Cold storage warehouse at affordable charges in India. Cold Storage. Copyright © 2021 Cross Language Inc. All Right Reserved. Copyright © Japan Patent office. Thanks to recent technological ad… 10. We also provide sliding doors and large walk through doors to accommodate personnel and equipment. The list is determined by total capacity of temperature-controlled space operated by IARW Warehouse Members. Shop for groceries and quality fresh produce online. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), >"cold storage warehouse"に完全一致する例文のみを検索する, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, WORK CLOTHING FOR COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, ICE MELTING DEVICE AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE FOR PICKING例文帳に追加, REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE FOR PICKING AND REFRIGERATION AND COLD STORAGE PICKING SYSTEM例文帳に追加, PROFESSIONAL-USE REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER, CONTAINER FOR STORAGE AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE例文帳に追加, Further, by purchasing the cold insulation warehouse 1, a drying work can be performed and thereafter, refrigeration and storage are practicable in the cold insulation warehouse 1.例文帳に追加, さらに、保冷庫1を購入することにより乾燥作業も行え、その後、保冷庫1で冷蔵保管することも可能となる。 - 特許庁, To provide a cleaning method for a freezer, a cold storage warehouse or the like and a detergent solution used therefor.例文帳に追加, Then the broccolis 30 in the corrugated boxes 10 are preserved or transported and shipped while being subjected to cold storage in a container, warehouse or cold insulation box.例文帳に追加, その後、ダンボール箱10内のブロッコリー30ーは、コンテナ、倉庫または保冷車にて保冷されながら保管または輸送され、出荷される。 - 特許庁, To provide a refrigeration and cold storage warehouse for picking can stop the introduction of air into its interior from the outside when blocking an opening on a front face.例文帳に追加, 前面開口を閉塞した場合に外部から内部への空気の導入を停止するピッキング用冷凍冷蔵倉庫を提供すること。 - 特許庁, To prevent a container filled with a sample from dewing after delivered from a warehouse, in an automatic warehouse facility for storing the medical or bio-samples under a cold storage or refrigerated condition.例文帳に追加, 薬学系や生物学系の試料類を冷蔵又は冷凍状態で保管する自動倉庫設備において、試料が入った容器が出庫後に結露することを防止する。 - 特許庁, To provide a refrigeration and cold storage warehouse of picking system in which the cold retaining performance of a shelf device is improved and energy saving effects are improved by suppressing a collected air current of an air curtain from being short-circuited in a shelf.例文帳に追加, エアカーテンの回収気流が棚内にショートサーキットするのを抑制して棚装置の保冷性能を高めた省エネ効果の高いピッキングシステムの冷凍冷蔵倉庫を提供する。 - 特許庁, To heighten heat insulating function at the connection part of a heat insulating panel without thickening the panel and to prevent dew condensation so as to be useful for a warehouse, particularly for a cold reserving storage while being effective in cold district specifications.例文帳に追加, 断熱パネルの接続箇所において断熱機能をパネルを厚くしないで高め、併せて、結露を防止して倉庫、特に保冷庫に有用とし、又、寒冷地仕様においても有効になるようにする。 - 特許庁, To provide a light source shifting raising seedling warehouse enabling to obtain the environment suitable for low temperature preservation through greatly controlling heat generation from a light source, decreasing consumption of cold storage energy, improving rate of utilization of warehouse space and decreasing construction fee and maintenance fee by decreasing the number of light sources.例文帳に追加, 光源からの発熱を大幅に抑制して低温保持に好ましい環境を得ることができ、冷蔵エネルギの消費低減が図れるとともに、庫内空間の利用率が向上でき、しかも光源数低減により工事費や維持費も低減できるようにする。 - 特許庁, To provide an automated warehouse to set in a cold storage and capable of preventing working failure of electric and electronic parts for control in a transfer and place device due to low temperature.例文帳に追加, 冷凍倉庫に設置する自動倉庫にいおいて、移載装置における制御用の電気・電子部品が低温によって作動不良になることを防止する。 - 特許庁, To measure temperature of a cold storage warehouse 20 storing perishable food 10 stuck with an RFID tag 200, and to write it into the RFID tag 200 in real time.例文帳に追加, RFIDタグ200が貼付された生鮮食品10が保管された冷凍倉庫20の温度を測定してEFIDタグ200にリアルタイムで書き込むこと。 - 特許庁, These responsibilities and procedures apply whether the product is located at the establishment, or off-site at a non-official establishment, such as at an Identification (ID) warehouse (as provided for at 9 CFR 350.3(a)) or at a cold storage facility.例文帳に追加, 製品が該当施設にあるか、認定済み(ID)倉庫(連邦規則9CFR350.3(a)の規定による)または冷凍保管設備など、非公認施設の遠隔地保管場所にあるかに関係なく、この責務および手続きを適用することとする。 - 厚生労働省, The cleaning method for a cold storage warehouse and/or a freezer includes (a) a process of applying a detergent solution containing an antifreeze solvent and a detergent, (b) a process of rub washing, and (c) a process of recovering the detergent solution containing dirt.例文帳に追加, 以下の工程(イ)〜(ハ)を含むことを特徴とする冷凍倉庫および/または冷凍庫の清掃方法;(イ)不凍溶媒と洗浄剤を含む洗浄剤溶液を塗布する工程、(ロ)擦り洗いする工程、(ハ)汚れを含んだ洗浄剤溶液を回収する工程を、用いる。 - 特許庁. Our Cold Storage In Hyderabad is equipped with cutting – edge tools and customized cubicles to maintain vigor and vitality of the seed from procurement to provision.The group has a total Cold Storage capacity of 40,000 tons spread over 6 locations.. To provide a cleaning method for a freezer, a cold storage warehouse or the like and a detergent solution used therefor. Cold Storage Racks / Shelving System is also refer to as Warehouse Shelving. USDA Approved Warehouses : Our cold storage warehouse facilities … 6. In certain cases, even people involved in keeping the product inside the frozen four walls moving gets affected.
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