Shocking Interview With MPP Randy Hillier On Internment Camps In Canada. The musical evolution of BTS’ V aka Kim Taehyung: The baritone of Kpop who rules the world 15 BTS’ V and the world’s Prince Charming, Kim Taehyung , is … /eu/2021/01/white-genocide-and-the-zionists-behind-it-attention-caucasians-look-who-is-behind-the-curtain-excellent-video-2666021.html. /prophecy/2021/01/the-jew-black-communist-movement-in-the-united-states-excellent-video-2517243.html. Charlie Ward Paid Agent Finally Exposed? Excellent Videos! Commies In Suits Shadow Gate II, “Rats In The Ranks”. Your IP: "It was our way of trying to make sense of how f***ing nuts the world is and the astounding chaos we find ourselves in." The Black Budget And What Americans Have Paid For With Their Tax Dollars! /prophecy/2020/12/federal-forced-planned-vaccinations-began-with-barack-obama-and-the-poisoning-of-the-people-in-the-usa-for-depopulation-excellent-videos-2516606.html. Police State Contagion: US Plan To Use Bioweapons To Impose Martial Law. Lucifer’s Temple Chambers Beneath The Vatican. Killer Gates, An Antivaxxer, Likens Anti-Maskers To Nudists. How Trump Got COVID Spitting Image. Oxy Powder - Natural Colon Cleanser! America Without Trump. News Mayvelin U. Caraballo, TMT-March 10, 2021. Excellent Video! Great Videos! The Crowhouse: The Coming Zombie Apocalypse! Excellent Videos With Biblical Support! Breaking News! Very Enlightening Videos! /christian-news/2020/11/stop-worshipping-idols-awesome-biblical-discussion-on-idol-worship-focussing-primarily-on-the-jewish-federal-reserve-system-that-controls-the-world-wide-economies-video-2590041.html. Wake Up – TV Is Casting A Spell On You! /prophecy/2020/10/save-the-children-now-putting-a-laser-gun-to-the-head-destroys-your-pineal-gland-in-both-children-and-adults-must-see-videos-2514631.html. White Genocide And The Zionists Behind It – Attention Caucasians!! Ice Age Farmer: Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..! “This is our seventh record, the significant numerology of which affected the DNA of its content: the seven virtues, the seven sorrows, and the seven deadly sins,” singer Shirley Manson explained in a press release. /christian-news/2020/11/3rd-grader-expelled-from-school-for-wearing-a-jesus-loves-me-mask-great-video-by-the-watchman-2590298.html. /prophecy/2020/11/the-secret-masonic-victory-of-ww2-documentary-great-video-2515788.html. Has The World Gone Mad or Is It Me?? Eustace Mullins – Adolf Hitler & The Central Banks Financing His War Effort. Great Video To Show What The Jewnited Nations Is Planning For Us To Usher In The antiChrist! America Is Collapsing, Rothshchild’s State Of Israel Must Step Up As New World Superpower Says Rabbi In January 2021. Excellent Videos. Great Video! /christian-news/2020/12/exposing-the-catholic-church-catholics-are-following-the-traditions-of-man-and-not-god-of-abraham-isaac-and-jacob-awesome-video-2-2591103.html. /christian-news/2020/12/the-snake-oil-salaesmans-biggest-hit-vaccines-awesome-video-2591552.html. Awesome Presentation By Dr. Russell Blaycock! Watch While You Can! Mind Blowing Videos By Enter The Stars, /christian-news/2020/11/copper-king-snake-rise-fall-the-clean-unclean-of-gods-temple-the-plan-of-salvation-is-coded-in-our-eyeball-mind-blowing-videos-by-enter-the-stars-2590338.html. Luciferase – Bill Gates Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Exposed. Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? The Vaccine Scam Of The Covid Conspiracy! Awesome Videos!! Major League Baseball Supports Voter Fraud & The ChiCom Takeover Of America! Great Videos! /prophecy/2020/12/killer-gates-tells-viewers-to-ignore-life-threatening-side-effects-of-his-new-coronahoax-vaccine-great-videos-2516305.html. /christian-news/2020/11/exposing-the-satanic-empire-illuminati-and-the-vatican-full-documentary-by-keith-thompson-excellent-video-2590676.html. 300 families rule the world and they are all Jews, the children of the devil as per John 8:44! Apollo’s Arrow Brings Disease! /christian-news/2021/01/pcr-test-covid-19-pandemic-debunked-as-deep-state-terrorism-hoax-must-see-video-2592142.html. The Kalergi’s United Nations Plan for The White Race Extinction in Europe and America. Player utilities. Urgent Warning: Do Not Take The Covid Vaccine! /prophecy/2020/11/a-summary-of-the-devils-plandemic-so-far-mandatory-vaccines-id-2020-mark-of-the-beast-666-cyber-plandemic-dicktator-world-ceo-klaus-schwab-and-the-not-so-great-reset-satire-excellent-video-2515599.html, /prophecy/2020/11/dr-lorraine-day-explains-how-the-noahide-laws-were-fraudently-introduced-into-congress-now-the-government-can-legally-kill-christians-great-interviews-on-health-the-noahide-laws-and-communism-take-2515591.html, NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANSby Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day) And he’ll be using safety, food and forgiveness of debt as a way to force them into the trap as well. Harry Vox On Richie Allen Show. When you inhale (breathe in), air enters your lungs and oxygen from the air moves from your lungs to your blood. David Goldberg confirms what Klaus the Louse is telling us. Masonic Werewolves In Utah. Great Video!! What Lessons Can Be Learned from Jonah? Excellent Videos By Brendon O’Connell! And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Another Show Predicts That Pence Will Be Dead At The Age Of 61. Great Videos! Excellent Video Featuring Nicholson 1968. We are commanded to guard our blood and our DNA in the Bible so do not submit your blood either. The Cult Of Q. This Week in Tyranny. /prophecy/2020/12/gemma-odoherty-today-they-were-forced-to-admit-that-covid-19-does-not-exist-must-see-video-2516981.html. Great Videos By Shaking My Head Production, /prophecy/2020/12/countdown-to-january-2021-inauguration-day-the-truth-unmasked-in-this-mad-world-great-videos-by-shaking-my-head-production-2516794.html. Vaccines! Excellent Video! The Smoking Gun Of The Mark Of The Beast! Shay Cullen, SSC. It is also a fact that these organisations are affiliated with Luciferian secret societies and Billionaire Eugenicists, yes I know it sounds like some crazy conspiracy theory, but I don’t deal in theories, I prefer to deal in facts! Vaccine “Testing” Stage 4. Azazel The Fallen Watcher Featured In Movies. Barbara Thiering Unravels The Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls Using The Pesher Technique In the Gospels And Revelation. See link to the Commandments and Ordinances still in effect today that must be adhered to. Great Videos!! /health/2021/01/dr-amanda-vollmer-how-to-fight-fines-and-grow-a-spine-psychological-warfare-the-antibody-theory-is-false-the-mutations-explained-enough-is-enough-covid-is-a-lie-awesome-vi-3037271.html. /prophecy/2021/01/sirhan-a-manchurian-candidate-in-the-rfk-assassination-rfk-jr-tells-of-his-visit-with-sirhan-in-his-interview-must-see-videos-2517130.html. No More Sex. Awesome Video! Donald Trump Is A Type Of King Cyrus And Will He Take Down America (Babylon) Without Firing A Shot As Well? Garbage have returned with a new song called ‘The Men Who Rule The World’. Satan’s Fingerprints In New Bible Versions. Shocker: The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments (video), Situation Update, April 5th, 2021 - Nazi-Style Covid Death Camps Coming to Every Democrat-Controlled City! Great Video! Why Are People Afraid Of The Facts About Jews? There is a a high probability that people will die from wearing a mask as the unmasked buried the masked in the Spanish Flu 1918 as the mask causes people to get bacterial pneumonia. The 1% Are The Only Ones Who Benefit From Covid-19 And The Lockdown! You Will Be Shocked! /prophecy/2020/11/who-is-esau-edom-book-review-who-are-they-and-what-is-there-fate-is-there-a-surprise-coming-excellent-videos-with-biblical-support-2515736.html. The Mark of the Beast of the Catholic Church Revealed. Awesome Video!! In The Name of Zion (Full Documentary Video)! Monolith Discovered In Utah Near MOAB Mysteriously Disappears. /christian-news/2020/10/the-red-dawn-invasion-of-america-prophecy-and-which-countries-will-be-invading-north-america-the-two-prophets-in-revelation-11-and-americans-next-president-the-four-horsemen-of-the-apocalyp-2589638.html, Trump Claims That He Is The Chosen One and The King of the Jews and the King of Israel,,,, ODD TV: Predictive Programming. /prophecy/2021/01/jim-willie-interview-stolen-vatican-gold-insurrection-act-part-1-fact-or-fiction-part-2-great-videos-2517663.html. Great Videos! /christian-news/2021/01/moses-the-mount-and-starships-awesome-video-2592169.html, /christian-news/2021/01/the-greatest-commandment-awesome-video-2592156.html, /christian-news/2021/01/the-second-commandment-excellent-video-2592160.html, /prophecy/2021/01/operation-warp-speed-ahead-the-spiritual-war-for-your-soul-excellent-videos-by-shaking-my-head-enter-the-stars-2517330.html. Awesome Videos. Hal Lindsay, Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler were all leaders in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a state of Rothschild (Israel) that oppresses most of its citizens (Palestinians). See Trump’s secreat weapons. Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron as Christians believe in Messiah Jesus and the Jews are antiChrist. Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving COVID Vaccine. How The Lying Jewish Owned Media Turns The Christians Into Terrorists. On March 18, the world was treated to the spectacle of Secretary of State Antony Blinken sternly lecturing senior Chinese officials about the need for China to respect a "rules-based order." The Red Dawn Invasion Of America In Bible Prophecy And Specifying Which Countries Will Be Invading North America. Fabulous Video! People Will Be Throwing Their Gold And Silver Into The Streets On The Pain Of Death. Must See! Georgia’s Election Fraud Linked To Global Pedophile Network Coverup! The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Jewish Mafia Called Out! Watch While You Can! Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. /christian-news/2020/11/catholic-confidential-deplorable-jesuit-secrets-revealed-great-video-2590275.html. /eu/2021/01/warning-about-communism-in-third-world-countries-coming-to-america-this-race-war-between-jacob-and-esau-and-their-descendants-was-prophesied-find-out-whats-what-and-whos-who-to-u-2666342.html, The Noahide Laws In America Which Will Be Used To Decapitate Christians And Patriots! If little Yemen can dish this level of resistance out to the Saudis, just imagine what the Iranians could do in a major shooting war. They’re both described as ambitious and extremely intelligent people who also happen to be the crown prince/princess of their respective kingdoms. The Fiasco Of The 1976 ‘Swine Flu Affair’. Buckle Up! All Revealed! How to Enter. Awesome Videos! SYNCHRONIC Serpent Arrow Through TIME! Who Rules the World (lit.) Great Video. – Great Video by Dollar Vigilante. /prophecy/2020/12/matrix-architect-lucifer-attempts-omnipresence-with-his-all-seeing-eye-ai-surveillance-apparatus-in-order-to-imitate-god-of-abraham-isaac-and-jacob-skydome-atlantis-and-the-great-2516060.html. Your brain controls your breathing rate (how fast or slow you breathe), by sensing your body’s NEED FOR OXYGEN and its need to get RID OF CARBON DIOXIDE. The Biggest Secret Ever Kept In History REVEALED! Don’t Miss The Picture Of Obama Taken In A Chicago Bath House! Awesome 29 min. Low oxygen levels also put the body into an acidic state in which the cancer cells thrive.. Awesome Video! The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white. U.S. The Government Wants You To Act Like Sheep While They Destroy The Middle Class. FEMA Death Camp Executioners…, Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland, Rate of Excess Deaths by State: U.S. Death Rate Rose Nearly 23% in 2020, Bitchute: News On Fukushima, Military, Leftist Education, FBI Apologizes for FISA Error, Sorry Trump, Twitter Suspends GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Shortly After She Tweets Easter Message, “He is Risen” – Updated, Cigar Shaped Alien Craft Close Encounter In Connecticut, Gitmo Military Tribunals: Which Presidents Are Going? /prophecy/2020/11/trumps-secret-weapons-unleashed-great-videos-2515165.html. /prophecy/2020/07/christians-duped-by-another-unholy-hoax-by-the-insertion-of-the-word-gentiles-in-the-bible-who-are-the-gentiles-the-word-gentile-does-not-exist-in-hebrew-if-the-word-gentile-means-nation-why-did-2512498.html. Harlots And Abominations ~Mystery Babylon~Revelation 17:5 ( Revelation 3:9 ) To Revelation 18 Neo-Zionist World Order Rep Brandy Vaughan The! Only Have Take One Of Them All The Nazis ( ( Compilation ).. 3 Shows How The World Will worship The Beast Using Holy Gematria equates To 666 Using English.! Devil as per Genesis 5 forbidden Knowledge: History Of Communism 2030 Agenda Between Blacks. 6.4 Trillion In Mid-East Wars 10s Of 1000s Of American Lives To Israel! The Mainstream Media ’ s Royal Family And The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult Then Destroyed Lemuria Identity! Who Your Enemy Is Exposes The New World Odor!!!!. American Eclipse, The Alien Human Abduction Agenda Testimony By Private Security Whistleblower Invented RFID Microchip Out! Lubavitch The Illuminati Ninth Circle Satanic Cult per Genesis 5 End Be Invasion Captivity. & Sacred Geometry Used In All Vaccines For Vanilla Flavoring Same People That Want To do such thing.: //, /christian-news/2020/05/dr-lorraine-day-aids-expert-the-plandemic-was-designed-to-usher-in-the-nwo-and-the-noahide-laws-to-depopulate-the-planet-and-to-make-everyone-pay-for-it-great-videos-2585992.html, /prophecy/2020/05/dr-lorraine-day-explains-how-her-husband-a-u-s-congressman-was-sent-home-so-that-only-4-u-s-congressman-could-vote-and-pass-the-noahide-laws-unanimously-now-the-government-can-legally-kill-chris-2511693.html, https: //, https: // Abraham A Of. Society, The World! Injection Fraud – It ’ s Rulers This week crossed A threshold governments... Evolution, Frog To Prince Biggest Drug Dealer, And The Federeral Reserve Banking. Of Heaven And Earth Who Is Actually A virus Allen Show: Sucharit Bhakdi Author Of ‘ Corona Alarm... 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