The matter is to me, sir, as concerning Jaquenetta. What say you, lords? In all three of these ways sir: I was seen with her in the manor-house, I sat with her on a bench, and was caught following her into the park. Why should I enjoy such an unnatural event? He is a man who is always polite, and he sits in between right and wrong, almost like an. Well, say I am; why should proud summer boast. It doth forget to do the thing it should. The time when. About the sixth hour; when beasts most graze, birds best peck, and men sit down to that nourishment which is called supper: so much for the time when. Your vision is clouded by lies and treachery; eyes, which are searching for knowledge, often make themselves unable to see properly. Make rich the ribs, but bankrupt quite the wits. I am confident that I will stick to this oath, and endure this punishment every day for three years. My dear lord, I have already promised to study here with you for three years. Forbid the smiling courtesy of love The holy suit which fain it would convince, Yet, since love's argument was first on foot, Let not the cloud of sorrow justle it From what it purposed; since, to wail friends lost Is not by much so wholesome-profitable As to rejoice at friends but newly found. Now you ask, what ground? Okay then, I will promise to study as you wish, and will hopefully find out the things which I am not meant to know. We must of force dispense with this decree;She must lie here on mere necessity. I confess that I did hear it but I didn't pay much attention to it. here thou viewest, beholdest, surveyest, or seest; but to the place where; it standeth north-north-east, and by east from the west corner of thy curious-, "So this is what happened. Now you ask, what ground? And train our intellects to vain delight. Well sir, let's hope the style is good enough for us to enjoy it. It is called the park. Let me study how to please an eye instead, by giving me a beautiful woman's eye to gaze into, I will be dazzled, and that more beautiful eye will be my focus and will give me back the power to see. She is a lady of charm and perfect dignity, and wishes to speak with you about the possibility of giving up Aquitaine to her weak, sick and bed-bound father. The first mention of Love’s Labour’s Won occurs in Francies Meres Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury (written in 1598) where he lists 12 Shakespeare plans, including the text: “for Comedy, witnes his Ge [n]tleme [n] of Verona, his [Comedy of] Errors, his Loue labors lost, his Loue labours wonne, his Midsummers night dreame, & his Merchant of Venice “. He pulls out the wheat, and leaves the weeds to keep growing. All three of these things put together have led to my arrest. And give him light that it was blinded by. In 2014 we paired Love's Labour's Lost with Love's Labour's Won (Much Ado About Nothing) at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. These things are the obstacles that stop us from studying and tempt our minds to pointless pleasures. This fantastic creature, called Armado, will be a break from our studies, and can tell us in noble words, the achievements of many knights from sunny Spain, that have been forgotten because of all the fighting we've been doing. The strange ending, attributed to special effects, received much applause. This is the same as your decision to study now. And then grace us in the disgrace of death; The endeavor of this present breath may buy, That honour which shall bate his scythe's keen edge. Yes, it is the best example of something awful. I will read these promises and then sign my name to these extreme rules. This article, my liege, yourself must break; For well you know here comes in embassy The French King's daughter with yourself to speak— A maid of grace and complete majesty— About surrender up of Aquitaine To her decrepit, sick and bedrid father: Therefore this article is made in vain, Or vainly comes the admired Princess hither. You swore to that, Biron, and to the rest. I was taken with none, sir: I was taken with a damsel. Love's Labour's Won was the 1599 sequel to the play Love's Labour's Lost, both written by William Shakespeare. David Fanstone’s verse play takes as its starting point the fact that Henslowe’s Diary includes reference to as play called Love’s Labour’s Won, but that no such script has ever been found. Oh these tasks are pointless and will be too hard to keep, not to see women, to study, and to not even eat or sleep! Look, once more studying has ignored its own boundaries. With groaning wretches; and your task shall be, With all the fierce endeavor of your wit, If you are prepared to do what is written here, then sign your names and keep these promises. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Study to break it and not break my troth. Who dazzling so, that eye shall be his heed. The manner of it is, I was taken with the manner. Yours, with respects to my devoted and burning sense of duty. Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives. If this is the purpose of study, then studying has a lot to learn itself! Did you forget that the French King's daughter is coming here as an ambassador to speak with you? Climb o'er the house to unlock the little gate. The words he speaks are like music to me, they have a magical, enchanting quality. Okay then, I will promise to study as you wish, and will hopefully find out the things which I am not meant to know. This article, my liege, yourself must break; The French King's daughter with yourself to speak—. People who know too much, only learn for the fame it brings them, but anyone can have a name. My loving lord, Dumain is mortified: The grosser manner of these world's delights He throws upon the gross world's baser slaves: To love, to wealth, to pomp, I pine and die; With all these living in philosophy. Scholars dispute whether it is a true lost work, possibly a sequel to Love's Labour's Lost, or an alternative title to a known Shakespeare play. With this in mind, I will sign my name to the rules that remain. I'll lay my head to any good man's hat,These oaths and laws will prove an idle scorn.Sirrah, come on. All three of these things put together have led to my arrest. Be to me and every man that dares not fight! Costard the swain and he shall be our sport;And so to study, three years is but short. Who came up with this punishment?! The man that breaks any of these oaths even slightly is condemned to eternal shame. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. The action took place either side of World War One and both productions featured the same company of actors and shared a set based on Charlecote Park, the National Trust stately home near Stratford-upon-Avon. Around 6pm, the time when most animals eat, most birds peck at their food, and most men sit down to enjoy their evening meal. Will you hear this letter with attention? He throws upon the gross world's baser slaves: To love, to wealth, to pomp, I pine and die; My loving lord, I am embarrassed by these things. Instant downloads of all 1427 LitChart PDFs. Sir, I will pronounce your sentence: you shall fasta week with bran and water. That is, to live and study here three years. Not to see ladies, study, fast, not sleep! "The next item, if any man is seen talking to a woman within these three years, then he will have to endure whatever public shame the rest of the court can come up with.". Or, if I have committed myself to an oath which is too hard to keep, I must learn how to break it without breaking my faith. In the left margin, we can see how the numbered camera cues are aligned with the text. My mind will indulge in knowledge, even when my body goes hungry. Or, if I have committed myself to an oath which is too hard to keep, I must learn how to break it without breaking my faith. [Reading] "The first item—that no woman will come within a mile of my court." It is called the park. There have been bad things happening abroad, this letter will tell you more. I too represent the Duke, for I am his thirdborough in this town. It was proclaimed a year's imprisonment, to be takenwith a wench. How you delight, my lords, I know not, I; Of course there is. My mind will indulge in knowledge, even when my body goes hungry. As to the place where it happened, it was somewhere in between the north and the north-east from the secret place in the west of your, I saw this vile servant, so small that he should be laughed at.". And when it hath the thing it hunteth most. He waited for a while. I was not found with a wench, sir, I was found with a damsel. Without the which I am not to be won, You shall this twelvemonth term from day to day These oaths and laws will prove an idle scorn. Fat people are stupid, and delicious things makes the stomach larger, but intelligence and wit smaller. Now that they have finished talking, I feel that I have to say something. But, boy, what do you have to say for yourself? Then I must say no, my lord, since I only promised to study with you and stay in your court for three years. In spite of time's quick passing, the things we have done while alive can embolden us to fight honorably against death and ensure we are remembered forever. Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows. Him I, as my ever-esteemed duty pricks me on, have sent to thee, to receive the meed of, punishment, by thy sweet grace's officer, Anthony, a man of good repute, carriage, bearing, and. Ay, that there is. This is the same as your decision to study now, it is completely pointless. Armado is a very renowned person, he is a man who makes up new words, and is a true knight of fashion. “There's a skirmish of wit between them.” With his mysterious title applied here to Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare’s tale of relationships beginning and ending is brought to life in this Edwardian reimagining from the Royal Shakespeare Company. If it were, I deny her virginity: I was taken with a maid. There's villanyabroad: this letter will tell you more. To scare them off with such a harsh punishment. But is there no quick recreation granted? Too much to know is to know nought but fame; Well aren't all pleasures pointless? But, sirrah, what say, I do confess much of the hearing it but little of, It was proclaimed a year's imprisonment, to be taken, If it were, I deny her virginity: I was taken with a, Sir, I will pronounce your sentence: you shall fast, And go we, lords, to put in practise that. Love's Labour's Won DVD Love's Labour's Won CD Dandy Dick Script Spamalot CD Merry Wives DVD Merry Wives CD The Likes of Us CD Rocky Horror Show DVD Fascinating Aïda CD Star Quality Script Shakespeare Revue Script Shakespeare Revue CD. Go home, Biron, see you later. When it is Christmas, I don't hope to see a rose; when it is May and the ground is covered in flowers I don't hope to see snow—I simply enjoy the things that do grow in that season. Exit. Therefore, this rule is pointless, or else it is pointless for the admired Princess to come here. Our court, you know, is visited regularly by a stylish traveler from Spain, who always appears in the latest fashions and has a variety of witty expressions to deliver. Or study where to meet some mistress fine. BOYET My Lord Biron, take him to his house immediately. Even though I have spoken more against this study, than you have been able to in favor of this "divine knowledge," I am confident that I will stick to this oath, and endure this punishment every day for three years. FERDINAND king of Navarre, BIRON, LONGAVILLE and DUMAIN enter. So study evermore is overshot:While it doth study to have what it wouldIt doth forget to do the thing it should,And when it hath the thing it hunteth most,'Tis won as towns with fire, so won, so lost. A man in all the world's new fashion planted. [Reads] 'For Jaquenetta,—so is the weaker vessel called which I apprehended with the aforesaid swain, —I keep her as a vessel of the law's fury; and shall, at the least of thy sweet notice, bring her to trial. Love's Labour's Lost provides examples of: Alliterative Title: Love's Labour's Lost. This is not so well as I looked for, but the bestthat ever I heard. Refine any search. While it doth study to have what it would. Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives, Live register'd upon our brazen tombs And then grace us in the disgrace of death; When, spite of cormorant devouring Time, The endeavor of this present breath may buy That honour which shall bate his scythe's keen edge And make us heirs of all eternity. No, my good lord. It was originally written for an elite audience, most likely a royal celebration, and has since become one of Shakespeare’s most historically neglected plays. If that's true then she is not a virgin, I was found with a maid. Come on boy. In your oath you promise to give up these things. Luckily, the RSC ’s current production up in Stratford-Upon-Avon is absolutely worthy of the brilliant script. [9] [10] Love’s Labour’s Lost features the longest scene in all of Shakespeare’s plays (5.2), which, depending upon formatting and editorial decisions, ranges from around 920 lines [11] to just over 1000 lines. Puns, rhymes, and allusions are exploding across this script like firecrackers on the 4th of July. However bad the matter is, I hope to God that he speaks with good words. He argues well and stops us in our learning. Come on, give me the paper. The matter is related to me, sir, as it concerns Jaquenetta. William Shakespeare Vs The Carrionites - Doctor Who - The Shakespeare Code - BBC, The Carrionites crash the play; all copies of the script are lost in their defeat by Shakespeare. 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