thank you. Pure love through the soul, heart, mind and body coupled with sex is magical. Kundalini syndrome can happen for many reasons, but the most common is a spontaneous and unprepared movement or awakening of Kundalini energy. Best wishes. "Wenn ein spirituell Praktizierender innere Reinigung nicht gründlich tut, die negativen Eigenschaften und Schwächen werden wieder kommen zu "Chela" verfolgen. Personally I have found that touching my penis in any way is to close to masturbation to be useful for seminal retention. However, due to a long story I have ejaculated and I have read that doing so brings your kundalini back down thus making one leave heaven and descending back into hell. When done properly, it is absolutely electrifying and as God said, “Let there be light; and there was light.”. So this is obvious why nobody knows that it still exists... Why does not move ? I used seminal retention technic intuitively before Secret of the golden flower was in my hands. But, during the hour of delivery, Kundalini … It starts with a Cone Beam (CBCT) Scan.You can purchase the book and search for the Belfor section or you contact him directly, as per this email I received form his office:Hi JJ,As Dr. Belfor outlined, his evaluation begins with a 3D Dental CBCT Scan, it might be possible that your local dentist or imaging center can direct you where to have one done. Kundalini can be awakened by devotion, selfless service, or by intellectual inquiry. I would essentially stop peeing in the middle and hold it for a few seconds and then release and do it for about 100 times every time I went to the bathroom. * The multifile dicom data should be emailed to;,  in a zipped file.After Dr. Belfor evaluates your scan, we will schedule an approximate 1 hour Zoom Video call for you with him to go over the evaluation which will determine how best to treat you. The docs couldn’t figure out where it was coming from nor why. weird. If you doubt about this, search for old men who marry with young ladies and make em pregnant. A young girl's journey from Roman Catholicism to Buddhism to Kundalini rising. I was in a room with eight people. I do Karezza,she loves it. I have been practising witholding the orgasm for over2years now,the benefits I can feel,although like the Author states,breathing exercises should be practiced alongside this practice. While I sleep I generally have to breathe through my mouth and sleep on my left side to allow for better airflow through my nose. the “illuminati” is like a scapegoat, why, when you focus on the “illuminati” and some other bs, it takes your attention/focus which you could be directing to improve yourself. * The CBCT scan must have a field of view of 15 cm x 15cm minimum. Thank you Matt for your interest. These days I can actually feel the sucking sensation at the base of the spine which is transporting the seminal fluid upwards. During the Hi there, can somebody tell me if this site is filled with those weird “Illuminati” stuff, because this NWO crap is really annoying me on the Internet. While I was acclimating myself to living with Kundalini, there were periods combine the power of deep-breathing, meditation. Sorry I don’t have any idea about how it works in females…:-) This is not a simple or easy task, as there have been at least half a dozen major philosophical traditions in this time, and they are certainly not in agreement with each other on many points. Maybe that's all you have, Sometimes I want back to unconscious matrix. I live in venezuela. If you have any unclear sentences, words... let me know about. This year is a great penance it has been highly relegated by what is harmless nameless Tao its Thank you so much and pardon me for my english. when I. had one option: to stop ejaculating. Umso mehr erschreckt es mich, wie leichtfertig in energetisch-spirituellen sowie in Yoga-Kreisen von Kundalini gesprochen wird, diese u. a. sogar als Heilenergie oder als von Gaia ausgehende Aufstiegsenergie dargestellt wird … Nichts davon ist – Pardon! An authoritative interpretation by someone, who, unlike Jung, Cleary, or Wilhelm, actually deciphered and practiced the method. Enlightenment, therefore, is becoming fully conscious.”. The memoir that started the Kundalini craze. I can control sexual impulse with awakening kundalini energy, when i want. In the previous post , I have written about research done by Ernst Chladni and Hans Jenny, giving us the science of acoustics and cymatic... Spirituality and the magical realm of spirits, both animate and inanimate, are as a big part of Mexican culture as tortillas. But if we examine these beliefs in the light of our current knowledge, many of the … In Siddha Mahayoga the guru awakens the kundalini and in Kundalini Yogas the will is used to awaken the kundalini and guide it"s progress. Dieses Niveau erreicht aber nicht jeder.) What is so weird about that? Siddha Mahayoga and the Kundalini Yogas use differing methods of awakening Kundalini. to guess what's happening. No pain, no gain.. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. One of them are acting automatically and subconsciously and they only get the semen put. Many female readers of my books on kundalini have asked me if seminal retention techniques could help prevent premature ejaculation, not only for men with an active kundalini, but also for men without one. One of the tools that can be used in the awakening of the kundalini or central nervous system activation is sex. Dificult sutiation. In my last article, What is the Kundalini?, I had explained that the kundalini is our central nervous system and also how the chemical energy known as phosphorus ascends up the spine via this system to our brains. I definitively agree that sexual sublimation is the healthiest thing any man can do. You'll find I would like to discuss it with people if somebody leaves a reply of course and would appreciate more information about the purpose of this site as it is very difficult to tell. Kundalini The restrained desire will transmute the phosphorus contained in your semen through your central nervous system and up your spine to your brain. JJ Semple, your story is very interesting, we have many similar points, i have problem with my eyes, incorrect track , my eyes moves separately when I'm not try to focus attention. There is no consciousness of the physical body at that time. I have a unique way for this but I don't feel I should reveal it in a light manner to the World, however much I'd like to let everyone know. Now, thi... As someone who considers herself to be spiritual, to say that I have no interest in neuroscience would not be accurate. Semen and the brain are very similar in chemical composition, with both consisting of the most phosphorus that you can find inside your body other than your bones. Thanks! Commentators seem to use different terms when describing the symptomatology. I would liken it to the practice of ishnaan: it aides yogic practice, but by itself it will not raise Kundalini energy. What is the biggest challenge facing Kundalini acceptance? To hear these techniques being applied in a relationship, listen to. During kundalini awakenings there are some liberal squirtings of oxytocin with very interesting somatic/emotional consequences. Because you never trained it to move. One of his disciples asked the guru about kundalini. When you build up your semen and do not spill it carelessly, you are alchemically creating millions more microscopic phosphorus cells in your blood. replenish what’s been lost, you can conserve what’s left. Und sie geht auch nicht – wie in besti… The other group, almost unknown by the medical physiology, are located at the outer duct of the vesicle, JUST BEFORE the outer duct melt with the outer hole of the bladder (after that they merged together on the ureter). How and why kundalini, neuroplasticity, distance healing, mindfulness, meditation, near-death and out-of-body experience, and other metaphysical phenomena occur and how they influence evolution, creativity, and biology (DNA). I have been investigating kundaling awakening for 8 year. Before any inner-conjunction and samadhi there must be a fair amount of this chemical in order to calm one prior to the paralysis of the event. In the brain and semen, phosphorus is mainly in the form of lecithin, a phosphorized fat. A website and podcast that explores the hidden mysteries of human existence, consciousness, religion, and the very secret societies who operate their lights from within the shadows. These are words from my own experience and I invite you to boldly go into this area of human trans-physiology as I call it in my books. His YouTube Podcast That Was Zen; This is Tao is a collection of his experiences and thoughts: "I am going through a kundalini awakening process that started seven years ago. You can watch this video to get in the know about the “illuminati”. "For a week I observe my breath circulate in the opposite direction without noticing any effect. Sex is not only the fountain of life it is also the tree of life. I traded my potential to copulate at will for the capability of channeling sexual energy into my brain, a trade-off that allowed me to revitalize my entire nervous system, and subsequently rebuild my body according to its perfect blueprint.". The Biology of Consciousness: Case Studies in Kundalini, Seminal Retention and Higher Consciousness: The Sexology of Kundalini. The reason I say to JJ that it is a "secret" is because I haven't found a Google search with clear details on this method. Let me know if I put my "foot" in it or I am wrong somewhere along the line with this explanation? This way we activate the energy to the brain, the same way but strongly, I think! Martin, as another member of the Kundalini brotherhood, you describe, and reinforce many of the descriptions and notions expressed in my books and on these pages. This extra phosphorus equates to more chemical energy that rises up your spine via the twisting serpents, (AKA) the central nervous system that can then be best utilized for your brain. (Ja, unter Umständen gibt es auch Heilung, aber erst, wenn ein bestimmtes Niveau mit bestimmten Fähigkeiten etabliert ist. Well, there is a very tiny, small, millimeter muscle which never moves, never get contracted in the entire life of an untrained male individual. – wahr. “One night many years ago, my girlfriend and I were visiting friends How Vibrations Affect our Physical Reality - Part II: Using Sounds to Balance Chakras, On Becoming Self-Aware: A Mexican-American's Journey, Subscribe to The Kundalini Consortium by Email. Also since energy is conserved the requirement of food is also reduced. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism. Pardom my emglish again sorry, Inspiring this knowledge I have been trying to understand the concept and practice of seminal retention and internalising the male orgasmOver the last decade I have managed to successfully reach the point where I can choose to ejactulate or not while experiencing the orgasmThe benefits have been significant such as consciousness to impregnate or not, more substantial, intense and extended orgasms, more sexual energy, much more rapid recovery of hard phallus through the sexual encounter, developed pelvic floor and core strength to name a few physiological aspects and not to mention the psychological benefits of improved sexual encounters and personal increased energy levels.Thank you for your blog and your wisdom I personally feel the vast majority of men and humanity would be substantially benefited by the self empowerment and enlightened behaviour of these practicesGratefullyplhk, Ok, Archer. The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life. That revitalized my body ,nervous system and mind, I'm never tired as myself, Second way to wake up kundalini is in the moments when I'm listening my favourite music and experienced streams of energy from inside a head/brain those goes down to corpus , hands, legs whole body. I describe poetry, in my original, language for myself. However, they all seem to describe, more or less, the same phenomenon, or the same main features of the symptomatology. The spermatic fluid is rich in Phosphorus, and its emission from the system, in whatever manner produced, is, when excessive, highly injurious. I wonder how many people have the knowledge to retain the sperm inside them and still feel the orgasm? My kundalini experience felt like an orgasm. Theodore Belfor, DDS Office Manager 917.617.2704 office www.drtheodorebelfor.comYou might find this a better option than removing your septum. Along with all the bliss chemicals there must be oxytocin as well. I was being guided through a deep process of self love, much was being realized about Self and much was being released. I read all books about kundalini in polish language, and I know this spiritual masters and teachers you quote, so I know the subject and i had and still have kundalini experience. Thank you god bless, Now im in a stage where need to improve more the impact of the sexual energy in the nervous system to achieve behaviors like wake up early 3 or 4am to take advantage of levels of serotonine or melatonine during meditation to get into the subconciens where traumas and other things.lays. One of the methods you can use to conserve this chemical energy is to withdraw before orgasm, to avoid the ejaculation of your phosphorus rich semen and not to spill the semen inside or outside the womb. How sexual sublimation activates Kundalini. Their questions got me thinking about writing a book on this specific issue. But it's worth because "she" change men to better in moral and intellectual aspect also is healthy. I had to find a way to avoid It then creates unbearable tension, inability to concentrate, irritability, high blood pressure and many other closely related symptoms. In the East, people have always known about the connection between higher consciousness and what goes on below the waist. I could feel the build up of an orgasm and while I … Thank you for this article Moe. clear: First, there’s a limited amount of semen in the male body. But be careful, ask yourself , do you want trade your sexuality? Want to find the answer to your question? And all is about training the semen vesicle little tiny muscles. The Kundalini Energy, or prana shakti is powered up by the production of the sexual energy built in the root/holy bone chakra. A morbid condition is set up in which a general loss of nerve-power is manifested. Here is a taosist book if someone interested to read about it more. Really, I felt masturbation have a secret when I close my eye and try to stop ejaculation and orgasm. This will be based on my own experiences over the past few years.". When I was young I was never the popular kid, but for sure I was the most friendly ( not just from outside, I always tried/try to make people around me happier, because I don't like to see people suffer. Can you share how this translates to women’s bodies? Tap to unmute. I learnt about Kundalini, less than a month ago and I wanted to check it out. It will expedite my spiritual journey. I say, "I wonder" because I have read and seen the videos about Moola Bandha or Mula Bandha but no one goes that far into the "orgasm part", which is still felt and achieved but no ejaculation nor sperm leaves the man's body. Welcome to the Gnostic Warrior by Moe Bedard. This is the kundalini effect that gives rise to the chemical energy in your blood called phosphorus, also known in the occult as Lucifer, and the Philosopher’s Stone. A step-by-step method for awakening Kundalini. In this momment dont have to.affort your books. These techniques and exercises are meant to be shared with your partner, In fact, I used drugs like you, Read the same books And maybe all off that was the cause that kundalini arise in my body. I could get my septum removed but like to stay as natural as possible. Previously, I was not focussed on it. a quick snack before retiring to the guest room, exhausted. But it is not impossible. Instead of activating the crown chakra, the energy can get stuck in the head area. Any role kundalini might play begins with breathing (see The Science of Breathing and More Science of Breathing). Moe is the founder of I'll try to prepare more info in the near future, but my english is not very good. Retain psychic fuel, improve health and wellbeing. Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation, And The Spiritual Function of Sexual Fluids - July 17, 2003. The Christ-mas tree with the morning star on top is phosphorus the light bearer that is the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man, and when administered internally, it is one of the most powerful stimulants through a stimulation of the nervous system. A sexual beast who is plunged into darkness or madness through their inability to control their animal appetites and chemicals within their own bodies. But first, one can do a very good job even without that, as beginners, in using the other larger groups of muscles contractions and education, which had been presented in the post. Kundalini psychosis is perhaps the most negative symptom of rising kundalini energy. energy while practicing advanced energy cultivation methods. I, can change this; it’s a biological fact. In James Nestor's recent book "Breath," he describes the work of Dr. Theodore Belfor, the discoveries he's made and the practical solutions he uses to deal with issues like yours. In this video podcast, I express my thoughts on several subjects of interest related to the kundalini awakening process. I had the best results with sexual sublimation (or celibacy- whatever one might call it!) invited to host signings and discussions on these subjects. It is through the proper management of these sexual energies such as phosphorus, that we can utilize these chemical properties to awaken all our senses and tap the inner Gnosis encoded within our very DNA. It arouses kundalini and takes it to the top because the person didn’t split his semen right? If we accept the possibility that consciousness is the primary reality, rather than matter, it is at once evident that the Indian spiritual tradition, with its more than 5,000 years of unbroken study of mind and consciousness, deserves serious attention. Who knows it make sense to be around someone’s power. I realize you don’t want to give medical advice, but I’m wondering if you can give your thoughts on whether you think it would be good to get fixed or if I can practice the meditation with it. we could get to sleep, we began to hear “activity” on the other side by male practitioners who want to continue sexual relations without the Higher consciousness and sexual sublimation (diverting sexual energy to not only addresses the above, it also explains how to sublimate sexual Excerpt from a seminal retention technique: contain more information on controlling ejaculation, it explains how to Funny implications!? That's what the article is all about: you learn to squeeze PC muscle, for which, Wikipedia gives us the following definition: "The pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. I’m interested in practicing the golden flower method, but one thing I’m curious about is the importance of nasal breathing. The disease known as spermatorrhoea gives us a good clue to why conserving this most precious fluid is crucial to our health; (The term I include above are all those disorders which are primarily* dependent on an abnormal loss of semen); it furnishes us with additional evidence that excessive waste of Phosphorus is inimical to physical and mental vigor. How about if we have a female ejaculation? Superhuman Formula | Trident Formula | Tratak-Semen Retention-Mantra ChantingWho is superhuman and What is Superhuman formula? As a result of my experience with meditation and kundalini, I’ve been In a post regarding the sublimation of sexual fluids, I describe how the kundalini process compelled my testicles to produce vital fluids throughout the day in a forceful and not always pleasant manner. My Kundalini rose during sex, I ended up with “unexplained” blood in my urine. Thus, the conception, implantation and growth of a foetus is regulated by Kundalini. but Kundalini rise was in empty room, lonely. deleterious effects linked to ejaculating. In this case, the brain needs the fuel a lot more urgently. With controlled sex, phosphorus rises up the path of your central nervous system, and up your spine to your brain in order for you to see the light. Das manifest wird eine spirituelle Herbst. " I would purchase the book first so you can understand the evolution and the nature of his approach and treatment.Let me know how it turns out... Vivek Govekar is a kundalini adept and an occasional contributor to The Kundalini Consortium. One thing is As I state in Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time:"I had my ups and downs, but awakening Kundalini is a trade-off, in my case, a choice I was willing to make. I appreciate trying awake kundalini like meditation, yoga, and another safety methods. . Now, after metamorfosis I haven't orgasm in normaly meaning, A feel stream of energy when i'm on sexual desire near elaculation,and it's rise to my head begun from sacrum bone, This is my pleasure, and it's scared becouse It's weird and abnormal for medicine. It was the longest night in my life, next morning a was changed , and my sex drive disappeared. The nervous centres being deprived of their proper pabulum, fall into a state of exhaustion, and the effects ultimately produced in the economy are the same as those that we see resulting from overwork and excessive mental strain. Hi jj. Higher consciousness and sexual sublimation (diverting sexual energy to the brain) are inextricably linked in most of the world’s meditation methods, especially those that target Kundalini activation. Living with Kundalini (Shambhala Dragon Editions), Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man. Uncontrolled sex takes the higher spiritual human down to animal form. Impulse to Nervous extasy came from great music.I need to end this post, but remember, seminal retention , stop seed, is a chinese taoistic technic for beginers to initiate kundalini, and it's work. I didn’t say it’s funny m8. The terms "Kundalini Syndrome" or "Physio-Kundalini Syndrome", or the references to a "syndrome", are mostly used by writers in the field of Near-Death Studies, but also by writers in the fields of Transpersonal Psyc… personal experience notes. Have you? in New York, arriving at their apartment quite late. But before Not following methods to retain semen is like spraying gasoline on the highway just for fun when you have embarked on a journey on a desolate road and there are still a 100 miles to go before you reach civilization. Copy link. These terms are similar to, but not quite synonymous with, the term "Kundalini syndrome". Together, we had A properly working central nervous system with the healthy distribution of this powerful chemical energy in our blood known as phosphorus, is one of the most critical alchemical management tools that we humans can utilize to become enlightened, or what some call a “kundalini awakening.”. It is through this same union that we also can use to help awaken our kundalini (central nervous system). Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time, The Backward-Flowing Method: The Secret of Life and Death. It builds up phosphorus in your blood rather than spilling it in the vagina, on the floor or in a napkin. Thanks for contacting us with you account. Lot of respect for you and this subject. Techniques mentioned in this book consists of 82 Kundalini essays written over the past few.... Unter Umständen gibt es auch Heilung, aber erst, wenn ein Praktizierender! 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