How isn't Frodo at the top of this list? After all, he's the one who assembled its members. The written novels were adapted into live action movies, and an Amazon Prime television series set in the Second Age will premiere in 2021. He was stripped of all his clothes and all the things he carried. Combined with a better job serving the purpose of the quest, we put Pippin over Merry. Much of Frodo's youth was spent at Brandy Hall in Buckland, the ancestral home of the Brandybuck family, including his mother (Primula Brandybuck). From organizing Théoden's men to putting defences at Minas Tirth, his battle strategy is unbeatable. Mandy is a teacher, editor, writer, and cosplayer based in New Jersey. Like, blonde is such a good color on him. Biographical information Birth Frodo meeting Strider in The Prancing Pony. He has been determined to be a member of the INFP personality type. Once outside Moria, while the Fellowship was grieving, Gimli took Frodo and Sam to look upon the Mirrormere, even in their great hurry. In the beginning, he was hostile towards Legolas because his father, Thranduil, imprisoned his father, Glóin. Frodo begged for his safety, and he was not killed, although the rift between master and servant had once again begun to open. He played Bilbo Baggins in ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ movie trilogy and reprised the role in ‘The Hobbit’. He knows the ring has power, but not that he alone holds the secret to the survival--or enslavement--of the entire world. If it had caught him in the heart, Frodo would have become like the Nazgûl, only weaker and under their control. Frodo receiving Sting from Bilbo in LEGO The Lord of the Rings. Inside the Crack of Doom, Frodo finally had the chance to destroy the ring, and rid himself of his burden, but the power of the ring was at its strongest, due to the proximity of the cracks. Alongside his admiration for Galadriel, his relationships helped resolve the strained relationship between Elves and Dwarves of Middle-Earth. Before the Fellowship departed from Lothlórien, Galadriel gave each member a gift. On the night of October the sixth, the Hobbits were attacked by five of the nine Ringwraiths at the hill of Weathertop. On 29 September SR 1421 (Fourth Age), at the age of 53, Frodo joined Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, and Círdan aboard an Elven ship. Just as it looked as though they were doomed, Gwaihir the Lord of Eagles saw them, and with his Eagle companions Landroval and Meneldor rescued Sam and Frodo and flew them to safety. Upon escaping the tunnels, Frodo thought himself safe; however, Shelob, through one of her many tunnels, managed to sneak out and jab him with her stinger. In the first part of J.R.R. If you're unfamiliar with Lord of the Rings, then you need to come out of your hobbit hole. Frodo put on the Ring and escaped to the Seat of Seeing, where he watched as war brewed across Middle-Earth and the Eye of Sauron searching for him as he traveled. Frodo, now pitying the creature, decided not to slay Gollum, but forced him to swear an oath of servitude to the master of the precious. A fragment of the Ringwraith's blade remained in Frodo's flesh, where it continued to move towards his heart. From Amon Hen onwards, player experiences Frodo's journey in a series of Session Plays, alternatively playing as either Frodo, Sam or Gollum. A one-stop shop for all things video games. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. [1], In TA 2980, when Frodo was only 12 years old, his parents drowned in a boating accident on the Brandywine River. He is able to resist because he knows he must protect Frodo and fulfill the quest. Rankin/Bass. They would often steal mushrooms from Farmer Maggot's farm Bamfurlong. J.R.R. Frodo placing the One Ring before the Council of Elrond. Despite the admiration from his father and fellow soldiers, he is ultimately flawed. At the Council of Elrond, the Fellowship of the Ring is formed. Although it seems Merry does best on his own. When he noticed a mysteriously cloaked Man sitting in the shadows and smoking a long-stemmed pipe, Frodo asked the innkeeper, Barliman Butterbur, who the man was. Frodo was not directly involved in the fighting at the Battle of Bywater; instead, he made sure that no Hobbits were harmed (saying that no Hobbit had ever intentionally harmed another in the Shire and that it was not going to begin there), and also that any ruffians that surrendered were not harmed. Samwise proved a dependable companion, and without his help, Frodo wouldn't have gotten very far. The hobbits at the Party were left confused and disgruntled, and Bilbo was never again seen in the Shire. After venturing into Ithilien, and witnessing a skirmish between a company of warriors from Haradrim (along with Oliphaunts) and rangers from Gondor, they were apprehended by the ranger's captain, Faramir. Elijah Wood is an American actor best known for portraying I'll give you Sharkey, you dirty thieving ruffians!Lobelia, The Return of the King Lobelia (Bracegirdle) Sackville-Baggins was a Hobbit of the Shire. When Frodo arrived at Buckland, where Merry was waiting, he found that Merry and Pippin already knew about Frodo's "secret" journey. Gollum then led them out of the maze and into the Dead Marshes. Instead of following Samwise and Frodo to Mordor, the Three Hunters decided it more important to rescue Merry and Pippin from their captors. And he's pretty. Frodo has a street named after him in the Dutch town of Geldrop. Like Aragorn, he is able to resist the temptation of the Ring, but not because of magic ability. This disloyalty puts him last on the list, yet he gets redemption. Tolkien's fantasy masterpiece has inspired modern greats of the same genre, such as Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. Bilbo Baggins was the first Hobbit to ever be created in the world when J.R.R. He's separated from Merry at Gondor, and decides to serve under Denethor to repay for Boromir's death. RELATED: 10 Fantasy Comics To Read If You Like Netflix's The Witcher. Titles The set is in stock and shipping now here on Amazon for $29.99 . These include their encounters with the High Elves, Farmer Maggot, and Tom Bombadil, as well as their visit to Buckland, the Old Forest, and the Barrow-downs. This character has been beloved by generations of fans, and he became especially popular again after The Hobbit movies were released. He breaks Wormtongue's hold over Théoden, and convinces the king to join in the fight against Sauron. Like Merry, Pippin demonstrates the most faith to the Fellowship when alone. An only child, Frodo stayed in Brandy Hall until his 99-year-old "uncle" Bilbo adopted him in TA 2989. Frodo puts on the One Ring to hide from Boromir. After recovering in Minas Tirith, and witnessing the coronation of King Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin all returned to the Shire. Frodo was unable to find much information about his pursuers from his conversations with the High Elves and Farmer Maggot, but what they were told was less than encouraging. Bilbo took Frodo to live with him in his home at Bag End and made him his heir. Seeing that Frodo did not intend to take the suggested course of action, Boromir tried to take the Ring from him by force. He well understood the world of Tolkien as he had previously played Frodo in a radio drama of LOTR. RELATED: 10 Comics To Read For Goth And Dark Fantasy Lovers. This shows loyalty to the Fellowship, as he will play a part to save his friends. Frodo Baggins (1978) Christopher Guard voiced Frodo in Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings (1978 film) with Sharon Baird doing the modeling. Directed by Lexi Alexander. This successfully fooled the Mordor-Orcs they encountered, but he dropped the Orc mail and helmet as he and Sam approached Mount Doom. In the next two years he tried to live as peacefully as possible. Frodo went by the name of Mr. Underhill, attempting to raise as little suspicion as possible. In order from worst to best, here is our ranking of the group. He overheard the orcs speaking of Frodo, and Sam realized that his master was not dead, but merely paralyzed. Another reason why Aragorn ranks high on this list is his diplomacy and mercy, both of which help the Fellowship. The two grew very close in the following years; Frodo learned much of the Elvish language during his time with Bilbo, as well as much of the lore of Middle-earth. Death The One Wiki to Rule Them All is a FANDOM Movies Community. Actor Sam took the Ring from around Frodo's neck upon hearing Orcish voices, and hid behind some nearby rocks. Frodo was taken to the utmost top of Cirith Ungol and imprisoned. A member of each of the Free Peoples offered to join Frodo in his quest, thus forming the Fellowship of the Ring. As an Istari, Gandalf is the most powerful member of the Fellowship. Gollum had led the two hobbits to a safe place that they could hide in. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, a shy young hobbit named Frodo Baggins inherits a simple gold ring. As a member of the Fellowship, his desperation to save his country ultimately drives him to betray his companions. The two hobbits tried to escape as the volcano erupted. And like Gandalf and Galadriel, he could discern the true destructive power of the ring. Once they had crossed the River Bruinen, the Nine Ringwraiths behind them demanded Frodo give up the Ring, but Frodo refused. He is also portrayed by Taneli Mäkelä in the Finnish 1993 production Hobbit. Like Boromir, he falls prey to the power of the Ring, so far as to proclaim "the ring is mine." 22 September, TA 2968 (SR 1368) Frodo was left with no alternative but to bring the two youngsters with him. It was then that Gollum decided to reappear, and after a brief struggle, Sam cut Gollum in the stomach, and Frodo fled up the mountain. Obviously Frodo couldn't have destroyed the Ring without some help. Elijah Wood (born January 28, 1981) is an American actor and producer. But how well did the members of the Fellowship adhere to their goal? The Hobbits are pursued by the Black Riders all the way to Bucklebury Ferry on the borders of Buckland. Then Gollum bit off Frodo's finger, Ring and all, and was reunited with his treasure for a short time, until dancing with joy he toppled off the brink and fell into the depths, destroying himself and the One Ring. When he came to he saw Gollum fighting with an unseen foe (Frodo, having put on the Ring). Realizing that Sauron would be looking for the Ring, Gandalf advised the Hobbit to secretly follow Bilbo's journey to Rivendell. Bilbo gave a memorable Birthday Speech before playing a joke on his fellow hobbits by using the One Ring to disappear, at which Gandalf quickly reacted and used his staff to create a blinding flash where Bilbo had been standing. He has a certain strength which men such as Faramir and Boromir don't have. Frodo was known as something of a rascal, befriending Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck and Peregrin (Pippin) Took and causing trouble wherever they went. The influence of the Ring and the wound by the Morgul-Blade seems combined to have given him the ability to see into the spirit world, for instance he sees faraway events in his dreams on several occasions. Heir to Denethor II, Boromir is a noble man with staunch nationalism in the kingdom of Gondor. This would ultimately kill Sauron, the main antagonist. The Hobbits once again found themselves being led by Gollum. Tolkien, the story follows Frodo Baggins on his quest to destroy the One Ring. Elijah Wood. His loyalty prevails when he saves Faramir from being killed, even if he disobeys Denethor in doing so. Following the scouring of the Shire and end of the War of the Ring in November TA 3019, Frodo, from that point on, served as Deputy Mayor of the Shire until mid-years day of TA 3020, but soon realized that he still bore the wounds of his quest, and so retired, leaving the office back to Will Whitfoot. After leaving what remained of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Frodo and Sam tried to navigate through the winding paths of the Emyn Muil. With Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam, Claire Forlani, Marc Warren. With a pony named Bill that the Hobbits had acquired at Bree, Strider led Frodo and his companions into the Wild. As the ring was shown and tempers flared, argument broke out as to who should carry the Ring on this mission, until Frodo bravely volunteered to take the Ring to Mordor and cast it into the fires of Mount Doom. In The Lord of the Rings Online Frodo is first met in Rivendell, preparing for departure. RELATED: 10 Fantasy Comics To Read If You Like Netflix's The Witcher. Near death (or worse), Frodo was rescued by Glorfindel, an Elf-lord, who put the injured Hobbit upon his horse Asfaloth. Her work has been featured on Mindfray, Carbon Costume, and even Marvel's official website. Written by J.R.R. Sting and Barrow-blade He was unarmed, save for a pocketknife. He even helps Éowyn defeat The Witch King. In the novel, Faramir declared right from the first that he wanted no part of the One Ring, but in the film Faramir at first follows what he believes is his duty to bring the Ring back to Minas Tirith. At the same time, he is the chosen one to carry out this quest, and succeeds. He sold his home to the Sackville-Baggins, and, on the September 23, 3018, the day after his fiftieth birthday, Frodo left from Bag End, taking with him Sam and Pippin. J.R.R. As with the other members of the Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo received a special cloak from Galadriel in Lórien, which allowed him to blend in with natural surroundings. Everyone needs a friend like Samwise Gamgee. Sometime in or after the year 61 in the Fourth Age, fellow ring-bearer and best friend Samwise Gamgee, reunited with Frodo in the undying lands where it was presumed they lived out the remainder of their days. With the exception of his gardener Sam Gamgee, who had agreed to accompany him to Rivendell, Frodo told the other Hobbits of the Shire that he intended to move to Buckland. Before leaving Rivendell, Bilbo gave Frodo his dwarf-made coat of mithril mail and his elven blade Sting. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again is a children's fantasy novel by English author J. R. R. Tolkien.It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. Taking off the Ring, he decided to take the item to Mordor alone, without telling the other members of the Fellowship. There are several differences between Peter Jackson's Film Trilogy and the book The Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf, ever more curious about the ring's origin, power, and purpose (but not yet positive it was the One Ring), advised the young hobbit against the using the ring. Gandalf telling Frodo the story about the One Ring. Soon after Frodo, Samwise, and Gollum entered the Dead Marshes, the Witch King came on his dragon, looking for the Ring. The Fellowship consisted of Frodo, Samwise, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, Boromir of Gondor, Legolas of the Woodland Realm, and Gimli of the Dwarves. They were found and pursued by the Nazgûl, as Glorfindel rode and bore Frodo swiftly to the Ford of Bruinen, at the entrance to the valley of Rivendell. Shire-hobbit (Brandybuck family/Baggins family) This secures his spot as the best member of the Fellowship. He was allowed passage across the sea to the Undying Lands, as he was a ring-bearer, with the hope of healing the damage to his spirit that bearing the Ring had caused as much as possible. Not to mention he singlehandedly defeats Saruman. Other names There, Boromir, a Man of Gondor and a member of the Fellowship, attempted to convince Frodo to bring the Ring to Minas Tirith and regroup from there. Tolkien wrote about him. After the two tribes of orcs had slain each other in the tower of Cirith Ungol, Frodo dressed himself in Orc-garb. Frodo is stabbed by the Witch-king's Morgul-knife. On December 25, the Fellowship of the Ring departed from Rivendell and headed south. Frodo, as portrayed by Elijah Wood in Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing. However this is unlikely as Frodo likely would have passed away by this point. He then explained about a secret way into Mordor, 'Up the stairs and through the tunnel'. He led Frodo and Sam on a safe pathway through the marshes, warning them not to follow what seemed like small torches in the water. Frodo and Sam crawled onward through the empty plains of Mordor, as the Orcs had been sent to the Black Gate to stop the Men of the West's army, and, after falling in and out of a company of Orcs, started to climb Mount Doom. They journeyed on for many days with hardly any food or water, and Frodo became progressively weaker as the Ring's power over him grew the closer they came to Orodruin. At the opening of The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo and Bilbo were celebrating their thirty-third and eleventy-first (111th) birthdays, respectively. [2], Frodo with Bilbo during his 111th birthday. The player meets Frodo again at the Field of Cormallen, he later gives a speech at Aragorn and Arwen. After Frodo's discussion with Gandalf, a rumor started that he was running out of money. When they arrived though, they found it under the control of a man named Sharkey (later revealed to be Saruman) and his forces. His skill with an axe is especially impressive, and he wins the bet between Legolas as to who could kill the most orcs. Although Elrond had healed his wound, it continued to ail him yearly for as long as he lived in Middle-earth. At Imladris, he removed his Hobbit clothing upon finding new Elven clothes that fitted him perfectly. November, TA 3019 to Mid-year's Day, TA 3020 Also known as the Company of the Rings, the Nine Walkers, or more simply, the Company, its goal was to take the One Ring to Mordor and cast it into Mount Doom. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, a shy young hobbit named Frodo Baggins inherits a simple gold ring. Unknown (Last sighting September 29, 3021) (SR 1421) Denethor made it clear he preferred Boromir to his other son, Faramir. He is quick to forgive Boromir for his betrayal, respects authorities such as Elrond and Theoden. When his little group was waylaid by Barrow-wights, he lost his summer-weight clothing and was wearing a burial shrift when rescued by Tom Bombadil. Who pulls the most weight when it comes to the Fellowship in the Lord of the Rings? When the forces of Isengard were driven from Helm's Deep, he fought alongside Eomer, son of Theoden. They fled the tower, having to pass the Watchers again (although this time destroying them), and entered Mordor. We know this doesn't relate to loyalty, but it needed saying. He was, and still is, Tolkien's most renowned character for his leading role in the Quest of the Ring, in which he bore the One Ring to Mount Doom, where it was destroyed. Weapon He exhibits character growth and a loyalty to the Fellowship when he decides to fight in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Frodo, like Bilbo, was considered by many others in Hobbiton to be a little odd. The Hobbits found several long Dúnedain daggers in the wight's treasure. Before departing for his journey to Rivendell, Bilbo had a long conversation with Gandalf, who finally persuaded him to voluntarily surrender the One Ring. He isn't as compassionate towards the other members, especially the hobbits, whom he once accused of deceit. He knows the ring has power, but not that he alone holds the secret to the survival--or enslavement--of the entire world. We're ranking them to find out! Prior to departing Middle-earth, he wrote his own story "The Lord of the Rings" along with Bilbo's "There and Back Again" in the Red Book of Westmarch. As with the other people in the ad, only his mouth is actually seen.