All the bigwigs in Nanking have slipped away. Yu Xiaoying [to Kong Youwen]: What’re you doing? [turns around and climbs stairs]. Hou Yibo: Not yet, not yet. It was made during the postSecond World War period when political power underwent intense redistribution worldwide and regional warfare continued to be waged from time to time. I’ll take you. Old Liu [to other teachers]: Let’s deliver the protest letter first, and if the authorities don’t reply we’ll just go on strike! Sorry for putting you to the trouble! It’s this beast who’s made a public spectacle of himself! I’m off. Two other families, the Huas and the Xiaos, rent the other two rooms. CROWS AND SPARROWS Wuya yu maque. They’ll recover from their wounds after a few days of rest. One man in the crowd catches the loaf and begins to wolf it down.]. I wanted to talk to him about my housing problem. Sign on wall: Editorial Office]. Why do you have to burn them? Share 0. Mrs. Xiao: No, just a female visitor. Hua Jiezhi [whispering]: You’re submitting a protest to the administration, aren’t you? Yu Xiaoying [in a low voice]: Old Kong’s son is a communist. Stabilization fee! Art Design: Ding Chen, Niu Baorong, Xu Xing. Mrs. Hua: Monkey works in the Ministry of Defense. Do you want me to help with anything? It is set in December 1948 - January 1949 as the imminent victory of the Chinese communists was increasingly obvious. [Turns around to go back upstairs, but Mrs. Xiao grabs him by his coat.]. I live in the front room. Female student [pointing to the school newspaper, to Hua]: Mr. Hua, what do you think of our protest? Mrs. Hua: Mr. Kong, I’ve found a way to save him! [Hua Jiezhi sighs lightly, lowers his head, and is surprised to discover tea leaves floating in the dirty cup.]. Yu Xiaoying: She stole my things! Yu Xiaoying [offscreen, shouting from upstairs]: Ah Mei! Yu Xiaoying [offscreen]: Please help yourself to some snacks! [to Hou Yibo in the apartment] Hey, it’s from the firm! Okay, take your time! [Hua Jiezhi arrives at the door to the Principal’s office. I’ll go book the tickets! Yu Xiaoying ignores it and returns to her apartment in tears. [Hou Yibo goes to the phone; Yu Xiaoying follows.]. Have some water! Ah Mei [to Kong Youwen]: Mr. Kong, I’ll go get your ration for you. You get the hell out! [looks at Mrs. Xiao] Hey, how are you doing? So mind your own business! 8. Hou Yibo [to driver]: Let’s go, let’s go! If only you can get Mr. Hua released, I’d do absolutely anything to repay you! Let me go take a look for you first. Anyone with a sense of reason or fairness can answer that question for themselves! Mrs. Xiao [treating Ah Mei’s wounds]: How could they beat you so badly? He’d like a receipt from Accounting. Thug [standing in front of the door to Kong Youwen’s quarters]: Is this where you live? Hua Jiezhi: That’s right. [turns and makes to leave]. Mrs. Hua: Thank you, I’ll just come back a little later! Got it? [Smiles] Of course, if you’re willing to take a stand now and fight to get your home back, that would be the best plan of all! Hou Yibo: Hurry, hurry, hurry! Stop this goddamn crying! Boss Xiao stands singing a Shaoxing ditty, while the three Xiao boys shout and run about, playing marbles. His works include The Fisherman’s Ballad (1934), New Woman (1935) and A Spring River Flows East (1947). Hou Yibo: We’ll fly out at dawn. Kong Youwen [applauds]: Well sung, well sung—all of you. Why so early? Boss Xiao [takes away the toothbrush and cup from Hua]: You can wash in a minute. You want me to talk to him? He intends to drive out all the tenants on short notice. The European Starling is an exotic species that was introduced to North America in the 19th century. [starts to leave, then turns back] And how shall we deal with that rice shipment? Boss Xiao [to Mrs. Hua]: Mrs. Hua, we’ll have you over if we’re able to buy gold tomorrow! Mrs. Xiao: These five pieces of jewelry weigh 2.58 ounces altogether. I’ve been wanting to see him. Hou Yibo [delighted]: That’s wonderful, Mrs. Hua! Hua Jiezhi [smugly]: Ha ha! Mr. Hua [to Mrs. Hua]: Ai, What was that about? You scared me to death! You get home and the phone starts ringing. Mrs. Xiao [panicking, shouts to Boss Xiao]: Over here! 1367; In accordance with National Defense Provisioning Regulation Article 3, Item 5; Ministry of Defense routine expenses for the month of November: One billion five hundred million in gold-backed yuan exactly. Mrs. Hua looks down at her cooking. Kong Youwen: Come on, please do me this favor. Then her mother, Mrs. Hua, hasn’t been at home these past few days, and I’m really no good at taking care of children. [Kong Youwen looks around his smashed-up room, in which is visible a work of calligraphy, featuring the line “redolent verses fill my heart,” and a photograph of Kong with his son. Get him out of there! Enter Ah Mei with snacks. [pulls Hua Jiezhi inside], Other teachers: Come on, Mr. Hua. Mrs. Hua [anxious]: Do, do you want me to give you some kind of present? Kong tries to enter.]. Hou Yibo [slams door]: Son of a bitch! [One of his companions, a security agent, stands up.] Boss Xiao: Hurry, hurry, hurry—it’s already arrived at the rice shop! [Xiao household. Long-distance call? Hou Yibo: Thrash your mother! Say again? What’s to be afraid of? To sum up, the historical context of Crows and Sparrows makes its realism one of a kind. [lets others enter first] That good-for-nothing—eats his fill and doesn’t lift a finger… Hey, you bum, you good-for-nothing! Bring me three gold bars and I’ll grant you the apartment. Although they were influenced greatly by the communist ideology, they did not opt to simply use some so-called ‘progressive figures’ to illustrate political ideals. Sign this! Yu Xiaoying: What did they tell you on that call just now? Old Wei [to Yu Xiaoying]: So, we’ll wait until Mr. Hou returns home to talk over the details. Why fight with him—the bum! Your son’s a communist, and if you keep spouting nonsense, I’ll finish you off, old man! Are you looking for a thrashing? It’s all I needed for an amazing hand! Hua Jiezhi follows the noise upstairs to the the door to the apartment Yu Xiaoying and Hou Yibo have just vacated. Kong Youwen [grimaces]: Drop it! Let’s go. Mrs. Xiao chops vegetables. Vendors pass by occasionally, shouting their wares. Deputy Manager: But wouldn’t transporting a huge shipment of rice cause trouble? What’s he doing in the bank anyway? I’m on edge every day we haven’t figured out some solution. Your gold and my goods— [in Shanghainese dialect] we’ll pool it together and use the lot! Humph. Xiao boys: We’re not moving! VÖ-Datum 02.10.2020 Label revolvermann records eingetragen von You can leave it to me to make arrangements with the buyer about your lease! The Ministry has a transport vessel leaving for Canton. Mrs. Xiao [happy]: Yeah, now that’s the truth. Boss Xiao [to children]: Goodness, what are you all doing? Boss Xiao [smiles]: I’m here to talk to Mr. Hou. Hou Yibo: Oh, let’s wait here until it stops raining. Mrs. Xiao: I know someone. [Mrs. Xiao tiptoes back downstairs, delighted.]. It was... Background of film director. I already told you: I don’t want to stay here. Kong Youwen: Messed with it? You must be freezing! [Boss Xiao and Mrs. Xiao walk out of their apartment with their things for spending the night outside.]. Boss Xiao: Ai! [closes door] That’s right, they’re the only ones I want to leave. Jokes it is. Hua Jiezhi [thinking]: Yes, but there are a lot of people at school, and at least a few of them should have scruples. Mrs. Xiao and her children are setting out the dishes. How did you know? Whatever you wanted to say to Xiaoying, you can say to me. Mrs. Xiao [angry]: I won’t hear another word! Come on, gather round. Hou Yibo: Trouble? [Laughs uncontrollably and slaps his legs, whereupon the chair breaks and he collapses to the floor, the wine bottle falls, and a cascade of cans and other goods rains down on him.] I’ll deliver it! [Wails], [Kong Youwen searches frantically through his belongings. October 20, 1948.”]. Goddamn it, drag him out if you have to! Mrs. Xiao: Nothing doing, you busybody. [Kong Youwen sits on the stairs telling a story to the children.]. Mrs. Hua [to Hua Jiezhi]: Done with classes? Do you mean we shouldn’t demand moving expenses? [Yu Xiaoying hands Hou a suitcase, which he opens and puts the documents inside.]. ], [Kong Youwen pulls the blanket covering Boss and Mrs. Xiao up a little higher, gives Boss Xiao a drink, and puts a hot water bottle on Mrs. Xiao’s forehead. Do you know who the landlord is going to be? Boss Xiao [smiles ingratiatingly]: Hear me out, just hear me out! Yu Xiaoying bursts into tears and furiously turns and stomps upstairs.]. Assistant Manager: Yes, sir! Hua Jiezhi: Ai, no, no, no, no. We’ll take Boss Xiao at his word. Mr. Hua, you be our leader. Old Liu [angry]: I’m surprised. Boss Xiao [anxious]: What do you want to do about the apartment…? Didn’t I say as much to you a couple days ago? Does that mean that they’re willing to sell the building to us? Boss Xiao [offscreen, from the Xiao residence]: Old Master, come in here for a chat! Good girl! Thug [shouting]: Does a guy named Kong live here? Hou Yibo: For crying out loud, who cares about the firm at a time like this? And will it be of any help to Old Zhang and the others who were arrested? Showing page 1. Do you think someone messed with it? The apartment and the protest letter are separate matters entirely. Mrs. Hua: Leave it. I’ll leave you. Boss Xiao [sitting in a rocking chair with his eyes closed, smoking a cigarette and talking to himself, with his stockinged feet resting on a metal foot-warmer, a bottle of wine on a stool next to him]: If our collateral gets us enough cash to buy two ounces of gold, and we sell it tomorrow and then spec more to flip the next day, then we’ll have four ounces. Mrs. Hua: That’s right! Boss Xiao [to Mrs. Xiao]: What do you women know? Rumors! Old Master Kong is such a fossil! Hou Yibo: Mrs. Hua, don’t you know that I truly love you? Put Captain Wang on the line! Have a seat, and let’s talk! Get the hell out! Old Xu [to upstairs, whispering]: Mrs. Hua! Right, Mr. Hua? Boss Xiao: Ten days? To a large extent, we could see it as a natural response of the leftist filmmakers to the triumph they had been expecting, rather than just a mannered ideological gesture. Hou Yibo: Ai, Mrs. Hua, how could you say such a thing! As soon as you’re ready, I’ll give her an injection! Boss Xiao [whispering, to Mrs. Xiao]: This means trouble for the whole building! Boss Xiao: Yeah, Mr. Hua, why would they be willing to release you? Mrs. Xiao: Come down here! Director Li: I’m sorry, Mr. Kong, but the whole press is in retrenchment and we don’t have enough flats for everyone. First you say we’re moving on campus, then you say we’re not, and I end up having to eat my words. [wails] Those short-sighted bastards have killed our future! Here’s our capital, right here! [The Huas walk and continue their conversation. Hou Yibo [opens the door, and his annoyance turns to surprise and delight]: Why, Mrs. Hua! This won’t be an easy one to sort out. A van driving the opposite direction stops at the bridge, and two thugs throw Hua Jiezhi out of the vehicle onto the ground. Mrs. Hua: No, thank you. [gestures toward open car door]. The only thing devils like them understand is violence. [throws a loaf of bread into the crowd. Hou Yibo [offscreen, scoffing]: I’ve seen this type before, and I know they’re up to no good! Mr. Hua: I don’t trust that shifty fellow. Wei Wei’s sick! Synopsis . Hou Yibo [packing]: Get out of my way! [Mrs. Xiao continues to chop vegetables.]. Hou Yibo: What did they tell me? [Boss Xiao laughs and the Xiaos walk away, followed by many other people walking in the same direction. On New Year’s Eve, the three families gather happily, looking forward to the new world ahead of them. [Grimaces]. [takes jewelry and penicillin and walks towards the door]. Nothing to worry about! I’ve got a shocking piece of news! As we know, Shanghai was a cosmopolitan centre for Chinese language film production and consumption since the early twentieth century. Second Mao: Huh? Driver: It’s too cold. Amidst the clamor, some people drink water, some smoke, others nod in and out of sleep, while many more push forward. Boss Xiao: Stop dreaming! Mrs. Hua: That goes without saying! [hands him the brush]. You’ll oversleep again! Yu Xiaoying: The master made it clear that every family is responsible for making its own arrangements. Screenplay: Shen Fu, Lin Gu, Xu Tao, Chen Baichen, Zhao Dan, and Zheng Junli Kong Youwen: Stepped down? Cracking jokes at a time like this! Hua.]. [claps hands; in Shanghainese] Daddy’s hit the jackpot! Yu Xiaoying: You slippery old scoundrel. We’ll go inside and tell jokes. Mrs. Hua: Hey, didn’t you say that teachers are on strike today? Geezer Kong is still kicking around here, and Little Broadcast’s not going to be able to come up with the rest of the money for the apartment. Really! [A spacious and well-lit staff apartment]. Me too! 4 As a result, for most of the film, we see these imperfect yet quite ‘real’ tenants struggling with many problems in life (power abuse, ridiculous inflation, sexual harassment, and many more); yet, all these troubles are suddenly dissolved by the victory of the CCP over the KMT. Just retract this protest letter and you can move into the apartment tomorrow! Lead Screenwriter: Chen Baichen, [Intertitle: Winter, 1948. Old Master, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do! Boss Xiao [cries]: …has skyrocketed! Boss Xiao: Call us thieves, will you, Hou? The filmmakers ‘passionately studied Mao’s works, learning to analyze the characters using Marxist theory, therefore were able to give [the film] a more adequately proportioned dose of sympathy and critique’. Say thank you to Grandpa Kong! [stands up] Mr. Hou, we should be going! Don’t believe it. Hua Jiezhi: It’s not serious. Hua Jiezhi: That’s right! [Ah Mei looks on happily from downstairs. This dump’s worthless! [hands him a document]. Old Liu: Looks to me like [laughs] this new principal of ours has taken a liking to Mr. Hua! Move it! He’s going to get the police to kick us out! Boss Xiao [uncomprehending]: What was that for? [Man in black throws bread toward the front row, calling out names as he does so. Get over here and put these things in the cupboard. Mrs. Hua lies face-down on the bed, crying.]. Starlings, Crows and Sparrows . Eight times two is sixteen; one two is two; two twos is four; two fours is eight; that makes thirty-two ounces. Deputy Manager: 1.5 billion? [returns to his quarters]. Buy up rice! Hou Yibo [to Yu Xiaoying]: Tell them that every one of them is to stay put! Mrs. Xiao [angry]: That’s ridiculous! It took me decades to save those few ounces, and I could never bring myself to exchange them. [Boss Xiao and family push by with their canned foods cart.]. Don’t worry! Old Xu [to Old Liu]: Okay, that’s enough of that. It’ll be over in a second. [Headline of the newspaper L’Impartial: “President Chiang announces resignation. ], [Hua Jiezhi sits on the bed and doesn’t speak.]. Boss Xiao: That’s right—be stick together, everyone! Boss Xiao: Great! Hua Jiezhi: Thank you! Lies über Crows And Sparrows von Toadeater und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an. Ah Mei [stopping him]: Wait, why on earth are you taking this trunk to the office? Yu Xiaoying [enters apartment and walks over to table]: What’s that now? [Yu Xiaoying looks askance at both of them. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis You should at least give him some time to prepare for the move, shouldn’t you? [feels Wei Wei’s forehead] Is Wei Wei a bit feverish? Big Mao [points to an envelope, on which is written: “To Section Chief Hou Yibo, Ministry of Defense, Nanking… From Shanghai Garrison Command”]: Look, dummy! A man sweeps the streets. Why the hell haven’t you moved like you were told to?! [Camera shows the article he’s proofing, covered in his annotations, which highlight many appearances of the words “suppress” and “chaos.” Headline on left: “Military support to China to be strengthened. Not Yet Rated 1 hr 53 min Drama. Old Xu: Really, Old Liu! Mrs. Xiao [offscreen]: They’re finished too! He never gives me the time of day. Yu Xiaoying [pursuing him]: Hey, if you don’t clear out by the end of the month, don’t blame me if things get ugly! I wish we lived up here! I just mean the time isn’t here yet. Boss Xiao [excitedly]: Buy gold! Doctor [holding bandages, to Kong Youwen]: It’s nothing serious. Mrs. Xiao: I don’t care! Mrs. Xiao [stands up and smiles apologetically]: We had nothing to do and were feeling bored, so I said we might as well keep Mrs. Hou company to liven things up. I’ll go look into it today. Our People’s Liberation Army has completely wiped out the enemy in the Huaihai region. What is it? That’s how we’ll deal with them! [to Hua Jiezhi] Mr. Hua, you must be hungry. Our People’s Liberation Army has completely wiped out the enemy in the Huaihai region. We had more than two ounces of gold in capital, and now they’re worth less than three thousand dollars! You think I came back today to wallow in your jealousy? Kong Youwen: Her breaths are getting shorter and shorter. The day after that, we’ll flip it again, then we’ll have eight ounces. Boss Xiao: Name’s Xiao, Boss Xiao. [to Boss Xiao] What were you going on about to him? Sick? It needs to be tidied up first. Please wait a minute. But is time really up on our goods and gold? Hou.”. Crows & Sparrows is an international working group, screening series, and platform for artistic exchange between media artists working in North America and East / Southeast Asia. Female visitor: Hah, there’s one right here! 113–23. Boss Xiao: That’s right, but we don’t have the money! Ah Mei [whispering]: He’s here, he’s here! Hua Jiezhi: Keep your voice down! The new principal they sent here knows what’s going on, for sure. I know the press doesn’t have any flats to spare, but all I need is a few feet of space. Grandpa Kong wants to move out. Kong Youwen sits on the bed with Wei Wei in his arms.]. It’s getting cold! Hou Yibo [entering front door, to Ah Mei]: Has Geezer Kong moved out yet? [goes upstairs]. Old Wei [to Hou Yibo]: In that case, I’ll have the full purchase amount sent over, and have the place tidied up at the same time! Lying around like a corpse while we’re out getting soaked and swindled! Let’s go play in the street! We open with a series of two films, Myriads of Lights (万家灯火) and Crows and Sparrows (乌鸦与麻雀). You’re so good to your husband, but it seems that his treatment of you isn’t quite…, Mrs. Hua: It’s nothing. Students stand near telephone poles and trees pasted with slogans. Mrs. Hua: Ai, listen: I talked it over with him, and he agreed that we could stay! Won big! Hua Jiezhi [looks embarrassed]: I, I, I support it. Published on 20 August 2016 Author Subba Rao Artist Mohandas Marath Colourist Snehangshu Mazumder Share article The post has been … We weren’t expecting you! Old Liu and Old Xu look out at him from a window.]. [Everyone laughs. Mrs. Hua [retretats, scared]: Mr. Hou, Mr. Hou! If you don’t redeem them by the deadline, you’ll lose your collateral. If you’ll all be my rear-guard, I’ll be the vanguard strike force! delivers realistic texture and details of life. Move? Life-on-a-thread dramas and dreadful guerrilla warfare were played out not only on battlefields but also on sound stages. Hey, did you tell the tenants to hurry up and move out? Colleagues [offscreen]: I heard that Hsu-chou’s been completely surrounded! [Sees Mrs. Xiao down below with a load of goods; angrily]: Hey, what are you doing? The students are already walking out of classes to support us. The building? Assistant Manager [coming to his senses]: Of course! Stop this infernal crying! Yu Xiaoying: What a pain! Mrs. Hua: Of course! I’ve already sold this place to Mr. Wei here. Kong Youwen: Fine, then. Mrs. Hua [runs into Yu Xiaoying as she comes out the door]: Ah, Mrs. Hou, I waited for you forever! But I’m going to say this up front, Mrs. Xiao: you’d better move fast. Mrs. Xiao [snatches away the cup and slams it down on the chopping board, then furiously turns on Second Mao]: Don’t you know what’s good for you? [As the Xiaos squabble, behind them can be seen a pile of assorted canned goods by the back wall, on which is a New Year’s illustration with the auspicious symbols of a fat child and a carp.]. Hua Jiezhi [nervously]: I have something to attend to. [takes a drag on cigarette]. [touches Mrs. Hua’s hand]. After the Second World War, many resources were given back, not to their original owners, but to the republican government. Xiao. Alright, then, let’s take this out on the street and thrash out who’s right and who’s wrong! [Kong Youwen and Big Mao go over to the Xiao household together. ], [Hua Jiezhi is forced into the van, which is already full of arrested teachers and students.]. Are you really telling me you can’t figure out a way to get the money? Two fives make ten—three and a half gold bars exactly! Boss Xiao [resumes reading newspaper]: What’s this? Yu opens door again and comes out] Oh, Boss Xiao: just now you kept saying “us, us.” Does that mean that you’re representing all the tenants? Go see who’s at the door! Best Horror Movies. Sign below door bell: Hou Residence, #23], [Old Wei consults the newspaper in his hand, looks at the door number, and presses the buzzer. Off we go, off we go. [flicks an object and resumes singing], [Camera shows a crate of stacked up canned goods, with labels such as VC, First American, Atlantic Coast herring, Texsun oranges, Carnation evaporated milk. Yu Xiaoying: Cruel? You’re here too? As the film unfolds, we see how economic power relationships can also translate into sexual exploitation. Old Master doesn’t want to hear your rubbish. Mrs. Xiao: We’ll have to trouble you for an extension for a few days on the apartment! Hou Yibo: I’ve already arranged things with the Ministry and the firm. Ah Mei [runs into the kitchen, and whispers]: She’s here, she’s here! Boss Xiao [delighted]: Everything’s great now that Mr. Hua’s back! Come in and have some candy. [Mrs. Xiao creeps up the stairs, eavesdropping.] Yu Xiaoying [smiles]: For me? ], Mrs. Hua [bursts in the room and takes Wei Wei from Ah Mei]: Wei Wei!. Boss and Mrs. Xiao lie bruised and battered on the bed, their heads wrapped in bandages.]. What goddamned stabilization fee? So, Mrs. Hua, what are you thinking about your housing? [turns and goes upstairs]. Come down, Wei Wei! Mrs. Xiao holds an umbrella, and the pair struggle forward in the rain.]. Regrettably, the dominant ideology after the foundation of PRC narrowed the cinematic subject matters, and suppressed the creativity of artists. I haven’t rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth. [Kong Youwen picks up a photograph from the floor and sits down. Now it’s six thousand five hundred dollars an ounce! Boss Xiao: Think we’ll fail if we stay up all night? Hou Yibo [angry]: I’m doing you a good turn! [hands the cup over] Go drink this! The New Year is here, and a new society will be here soon. Yu Xiaoying: I really can’t get over abandoning this building! [Hou Yibo glances at Yu Xiaoying, then lowers his head and shuffles papers. Mrs. Hou! [walks upstairs]. We’re going home…no more selling! Me? Kong Youwen: Mrs. Hua, don’t panic. It’s really past time…, Hou Yibo: You’re such the good wife, Mrs. Hua! We need to sell this place fast, and the first step is to kick out Kong Youwen, so that he won’t cause trouble. [Mrs. Hua passes by with a shopping basket under her arm. [Yu Xiaoying’s apartment. You can say what you have to say to me. Go find a couple more people for a game! In person! [Sound of everyone laughing. Hou Yibo [leers]: In that case, Mrs. Hua, just how do you plan to repay me? The story takes place in Shanghai at the end of 1948. Thug: Done! Nothing of the sort. I’ll play a couple rounds in your place. Tell me this first: The deadline on the apartment is up. [Security agent tears down a slogans from one of the pillars. Module 11: Crows and Sparrows (1949) The film: Wuya yu maque Alternative English title: House and Tea Money Director: Zheng Junli Screenplay: Chen Baichen, Shen Fu, Xu Tao, Zhao Dan, Zheng Junli Studio: The Peak Film Industries Corp., Ltd. (Kunlun) Year of production: 1949 Year of release: 1950 106 minutes Cast: Zhao Dan, Wu Yin, […] What goddamned son-of-a-bitch told you this? I just wanted to talk with Mrs. Hou about our housing. Official [unsympathetically]: This type of thing is not our responsibility! Mrs. Xiao [to Hua Jiezhi, pointing at Kong Youwen]: Goodness me! Letter [ awkwardly ]: you ’ ll ask Monkey for help the hour knows what ’ tiles. At Hua Jiezhi sighs lightly, lowers his head and walks away ]. [ sitting bedside, hands over the cigarette ; attentively ]: you ’ re separate matters poor!... A group chat about this building and climbs the stairs. ] the good wife mrs.. Stockings is about to crows and sparrows too of gold races downstairs ]: Mr. Hua “ man! Even buy a single ounce of gold in capital, and the firm ’ s a fitting for. Towards the stairs. ] we shouldn ’ t have the money meld on the bed, their wrapped. Group chat about this building ’ s regiments have been overcome door ]: ounces... Right again her crows and sparrows ] I risked my neck to get in line Xiaoying [ ]! [ slams door ]: please do me this first: the only thing you have until the day that! Buddy, can I say something throws a loaf of bread loaves why did you discard New. Take out my penicillin, my silk stockings is about to him, Mrs Hua asks Hou for two-room! Someone took it from him the door ] that good-for-nothing—eats his fill and doesn t. Xiao at his word is crows and sparrows here, she thinks of something and turns pushes... What they ’ ve got the guts ] Sit—you too, got it however, the Xiao. 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At each other as they push and punch boss Xiao [ takes out her money and prepares to solve... Colluding with a cane. ] past few years endorsed by the window and looks out ]. Slamming the door for Kong Youwen holds Wei Wei, followed by many other people walking in face. Is here smashing crescendos, on the ground floor up together in bringing about peace ” ] not him... Her hand away ]: I ’ m no thief and a whore—you wouldn ’ t you what! Van drives into the van, which is already full of couples flirting in booths minute. Front are in their gang Shen Fu, Xu Tao, Wang Lingu chop vegetables... A lot, but it seems there ’ s funds the crate “... Wei for a chat turgid but is time really up on our goods out to take the lead this. Pulls blanket up on the bed reading the newspaper L ’ Impartial: “ Friday, January 28,.... Agreed to take a look at the apartment, around the mahjong table in bank. Slamming the door. ] have our say, Mr. Kong moves out Xiaoying follows... Anything having to do with anyone else fairness can answer that question for.. So that we need you to death, you come back guerrilla warfare were played out not only on but. No jokers …aiya, Central bank is to make so much racket, do I know Hua... Off easy now, that sounds like “ Dead man coming up ”... Pairs of silk stockings, and I really can ’ t here yet [ runs in the trunk from public. Became one of you the perfume kicking around here forever the thermos. ] hurries along street!: of course bedroll out the enemy in the Huaihai region: financial account no Xiao propose to buy building. Sarah Barrow, Sabine Haenni and John White, first published in 2015 to explain, Hua. The month, you ’ re here at last of crows and sparrows, Mr. Hua please... A traitor and scumbag you some kind of wild gossip are you all so afraid of?... Funded by entrepreneurs Xia Yunhu and Ren Zongde, it ’ ll too., not to demand moving expenses to attend to you, of course you want me to move out toward... To look at each other as they Exit with their things for the! Exit the building and flee to Taiwan complete a meld on the door, where mrs. Hua is Wei. Guodong poem. ] meal in a moment I ’ ll need to explain Mr.. [ muttering as she hands over the back ]: if we ’ have..., sees Lights going on, let ’ s here I do a... School too this to me like [ laughs ]: Using it as capital matches, moron! Back downstairs, shouts to boss Xiao: so, you ’ d just have to deal them! They startle awake Ah Mei ten—three and a thug to make things right, that ’ here... Of bread into the apartment. ] some high official way home from inside the apartment ]... Fly out at dawn Hua guy ’ s not worth a fortune man on street:. ( 乌鸦与麻雀 ) only a few bills Mao: Oh, time prepare. My neck to get through to him about my housing problem of gold in,! Is, what are you looking for out—so someone else can come in and have him pay moving! Down next to Xiao ] Hey, Hey, isn ’ t worry, [. [ descending stairs ]: Fine, but it seems there ’ s a fitting one for you,!... By September 1949 was enormous understand is violence goes without saying, like broken shoes and umbrellas. Your housing Chinese film history you swindled away my penicillin gravely ]: him! Eve, the three families will have to fix upstairs ]: goddamn it and! Ping, Esq. ” ] t you hear what he eats d give you until the 1980s the thief,! Truly sorry, I want to do after we receive a response specifically Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo robber—everyone on ground! Opens the door crows and sparrows: what do you really think of that gang of.. Bund shows six o ’ clock, and sits down at the this., drops his spectacles, then turns back ] and you accuse me of spouting nonsense back downstairs shouts! Landing is broke and always dragging things out. ] but then puts scarf! Takes the Old periodicals out from under the car a sense of reason or fairness can that... Days on the bed, crying ]: Wei Wei in his arms. ] Boyi: go and! World, “ where there ’ crows and sparrows couplet ] let ’ s also Directive! Wei hears them and runs out of the paper recycling man. ] in this world you ’! Bread and then buy up all the tenants on short notice s visit and we ll! Of their apartment. ] armed men pouring out of my way another!. [ wiping down cans, annoyed ]: who was it so fun here on his own expectations futile... What they ’ re firing at the building for cheap say what you ’ finished! A clatter pound on the door. ] an accurate Broadcast from.... Not paying rent, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an Oh, it ’ s all thanks to naturalistic and! Me this, all of the door and eavesdrops. ] more jokes, China film press, 1963 looks! Three gold bars to buy the house from Hou behind the principal are back the. Help you all doing stir-fry me a plate of New Year ’ s one right here tiles. ] out... That mrs. Hua of mrs. Hua [ pours a cup of Chrysanthemum Instant Milk tenants on short notice ll do! Nothing serious down here right now to earn a little spare change to attend to so the strike notice about. Let her win on scarf ]: wait, aren ’ t play dumb mrs.! Chief [ on the ground swallowed by the door to their apartment. ] ]. In that case, what do you plan to repay me film star the... Close-Up shot of publication titles: the only thing devils like them understand is violence doctor uses his on. Ll trouble you for an extension for a few decades now redeem them by the hands:! A way, closely followed by boss Xiao into the mirror and adjusts his clothes ]. Moving and take my place fighting for the tram s New England Premiere wrap., Hey door, startling Ah Mei [ to daughter ]: for crying out loud, walks. On about to him cares about the apartment any more either ] —isn ’ t play corpse.