25 listopada 2001 doszło do buntu ponad 500 więźniów talibskich w forcie Qala-e-Jangi. Yeastytaunt. In 2002, Lindh was found guilty of aiding and supporting the enemy and sentenced to 20 years in prison without parole. Rozpoczęły się przygotowania do szturmu na południowy dziedziniec. George Tenet, director of the CIA, dismissed the accusations of mismanagement and praised his agents as "heroes";[24] in Bush at War, the journalist Bob Woodward described Spann as a hero whose actions saved the lives of many. [13], All prisoners had retreated to the basement of a central building, where they hid and were discovered only when they killed the body collectors who tried to enter it. كانت معركة قلعة جانغي او معركة قالعة جانجي (التي يشار إليها بشكل غير صحيح باسم "معركة مزار الشريف") هي انتفاضة معسكر أسرى الحرب التي وقعت بين 25 نوفمبر و 1 ديسمبر 2001 ، في شمال أفغانستان ، بعد التدخل العسكري من قبل قوات التحالف بقيادة الولايات المتحدة للإطاحة بإمارة أفغانستان الإسلامية لطالبان ، التي كانت تؤوي عناصر القاعدة. W dniu, w którym 100 żołnierzy generała Raszida Dostuma rozpoczęło przeszukiwanie więźniów na głównym dziedzińcu fortu, nastąpił atak osadzonych na żołnierzy Dostuma. Elle s'est terminé par la victoire des États-Unis et de l'Alliance du Nord. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Shortly after the battle, an embedded journalist working for CNN, Robert Young Pelton, managed to identify the badly injured and hypothermic Lindh, who was then saved separated from other prisoners and saved by an American special forces medic,[3] and later repatriated to the United States to face charges of treason. For his actions during the battle, Major Mark E. Mitchell, a U.S. Army Special Forces officer, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the first such decoration to be awarded since the Vietnam War. The prison uprising (known as the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi) was quashed after a three-day battle, which included heavy air support from U.S. AC-130 gunships and Black Hawk helicopters. The allied forces mounted a systematic assault supported by tanks and other armored vehicles, and defeated a counterattack by the prisoners. Spann was killed during that uprising (see video). Straty afgańskie wyniosły 30 zabitych i 50 rannych. … Tymczasem jeńcy przejmując broń i amunicję (m.in. Rankiem 26 listopada, Talibowie kontrolowali połowę obszaru długiej na 500 m twierdzy. Among the surviving prisoners were two American citizens suspected of fighting with the Taliban: Yaser Esam Hamdi and John Walker Lindh. 0 references. The "Battle of Qala-i-Jangi" was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to try to overthrow the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which it had accused of harboring al-Qaeda operatives. Spann's body, recovered by a Special Operations squad, had been booby-trapped; a grenade had been hidden under the corpse of a … [3] The prisoners managed to take over the southern half of the fortress, including the armory and ammunition depot, seizing a large store of small arms, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, mortars and ammunition. It began with the uprising of Taliban prisoners held at Qala-i-Jangi fortress, and escalated into one of the bloodiest engagements of the War in Afghanistan. In late November 2001, with their military situation in northern Afghanistan becoming critical, many Taliban field commanders agreed to surrender to the Northern Alliance General Abdul Rashid Dostum, leader of the ethnic-Uzbek dominated National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, outside the besieged city of Kunduz. Rannych był też kilku żołnierzy amerykańskich i brytyjskich, których ewakuowano. Około godz. But the Taliban at Qala-i-Jangi truly did, and beyond it. The bomb's explosion killed at least four (some sources say 30[5]) allied militiamen on the northeast tower above the CAS-1 team, flipped over a friendly tank, and injured all members of the CAS-1 team, including five U.S. and two British operators. Entre los supervivientes había dos ciudadanos estadounidenses luchando junto a los talibánes, Yaser Esam Hamdi y John Walker Lindh. Mazar-e Sharif, Afghan Bazaar, Rawze-e-Sharif, Blue Mosque, Afghanistan. british special forces special boat service, battle of qala-i-jangi, war in afghanistan (2001) [10], With Spann missing in the chaos, Tyson escaped to the northern and more secure part of the fortress, where he was trapped with a television crew from the German ARD network. [6] John Kerry's report for the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations later alleged it was a pre-planned "Trojan Horse" style operation, a gambit that would allow a die-hard force of foreign fighters to take over a strategically-important fortified position at Qala-i-Jangi and capture a massive munitions stockpile. Thousands of prisoners were transported to the Sheberghan Prison (it was alleged that many of them died due to mistreatment during and after the transport). La Batalla de Qala-i-Jangi tuvo lugar entre el 25 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2001 en el Norte de Afganistán. granatniki przeciwpancerne i moździerze) toczyli walkę z żołnierzami Dostuma ukrytym, http://www.w3.org/2006/03/wn/wn20/instances/synset-war-noun-1, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Bei den Gefechten starben bis zu 600 Taliban, 40 afghanische Sicherheitskräfte und ein US-Soldat. Dopiero po ostrzelaniu pomieszczenia z granatników oraz wpompowaniu do wewnątrz zimnej wody, niedobitki Talibów poddały się. image. Perry, Alex, "Inside the Battle at Qali i Jangi", Dodge Billingsley on location account of the event and post action interview with AC-130 105mm gunner, Articles with dead external links from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Battles of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving the United Kingdom, Battles of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving the United States, Operations involving American special forces, Page 78 - The Report of The Constitution Project's Task Force on Detainee Treatment, Tora Bora Revisited: How We Failed to Get Bin Laden and Why It Matters Today, Alex Perry, "Inside the Battle at Qala-i-Jangi", "Shrine Pilgrimage in Turkmenistan as a Means to Understand Islam among the Turkmen", At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA, Afghanistan SF leader gets first DSC since Vietnam, Lt. earned a Navy Cross he can't wear | Navy Times | navytimes.com, "CIA Honors Slain Agency Officers at Annual Ceremony Press Release. 7:41. [4], On November 25, two CIA officers, Johnny "Mike" Spann from the highly secretive Special Activities Division, and Dave "Dawson" Tyson, an Uzbek speaker and region expert,[7] arrived at Qala-i-Jangi to carry out the interrogations in the courtyard. Dostum had planned to hold the men at a nearby airfield, but the U.S. was using it to ferry in supplies. 原来这就是Battle of Qala-i-Jangi 其实我特别好奇那一个个拥有轻松生活的欧美年轻人 是如何一步步被洗脑 最后成为一名极端组织战士 的心路历程 0 有用 Die Katze 看过 2016-02-24 Archived from the original on 2006-05-13", http://web.archive.org/web/*//www.cia.gov/cia/public_affairs/press_release/2002/pr05312002.html, "Johnny Michael Spann, Captain, United States Marine Corps, Central Intelligence Agency Officer", http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/jmspann.htm, Luke Harding, Simon Tisdall, Nicholas Watt & Richard Norton-Taylor. Rankiem 27 listopada w wyniku trwającego kilka godzin ostrzału AC-130 eksplodował arsenał Talibów. A los combatientes de la Alianza del Norte, asistidos por fuerzas especiales estadounidenses y británicas, les llevó siete días sofocar la revuelta, finalmente solo quedaron vivos 86 prisioneros de entre 300 y 500 que había. For his "extraordinary heroism" in fighting off the prisoners long enough to allow his colleagues to escape, Spann was posthumously awarded the CIA's Intelligence Star;[18] because the Intelligence Star is considered analogous to the Silver Star, the Department of Defense allowed him to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Meanhwile, as the U.S. forces wanted to question the captured foreign fighters about possible links with the al-Qaeda international terrorist network, the Afghans decided to transfer such prisoners to Qala-i-Jangi ("the war fortress" in Persian), a 19th-century fortress near Mazar-i-Sharif that Dostum had previously used as his headquarters and ammunition depot. By mid-morning they were joined by U.S./British forces divided into three teams: a close air support team designated CAS-1 that went inside the fortress along the bottom of the northeast tower to direct bombing strikes into the southern courtyard, a second close air support team designated CAS-2 that positioned itself near the main gate of the fortress, and a Quick Reaction Force consisting of four more Special Forces troops, a U.S. Navy surgeon, and eight soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in Northern Afghanistan. 11 jedna z bomb GBU 32 trafiła omyłkowo w pobliże jednego z czołgów T-55, przewracając go i zabijając jego załogę. They were mostly Arabs, including 21 Saudis and nine Yemenis,[2] but also Pakistanis and others, such as Russian national Rasul Kudayev (from Kabardino-Balkaria), who had allegedly joined the Afghanistan-based Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU),[15] and Abdul Jabar, an Uzbek member of the IMU. [17], Johnny "Mike" Spann, the only U.S. fatality, was recognized as the first American killed in combat during the U.S. 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. On November 24, between 300 to 500[1] foreign suspects were transported on flatbed trucks to the fortress, now turned into a prison. The Afghan forces were criticized for mismanagement of the prisoners, which was believed to enable the uprising. granatniki przeciwpancerne i moździerze) toczyli walkę z żołnierzami Dostuma ukrytymi na dachu głównego budynku i przy murze północnym. Even in the heat of battle, warriors can be rational; few fight to the death. A US Navy SEAL and British SBS commando enter Qala-I-Jangi Fortress searching for two CIA agents that are missing or dead during a al Qaeda prisoner uprise. At 11 pm, a GBU-32 guided bomb, weighing 2,000 pounds (957 kg), directed by the Air Force Special Tactics combat controller on the CAS-1 team, called in the JDAM strike. "[20] Mike Spann’s family visited the fortress after his death. Johnny Michael Spann's memorial at Qala-i-Jangi in 2007. the War in Afghanistan and the Afghan Civil War. THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL (Battle of Qala-i-Jangi) mo2osman. Comenzó como una sublevación de prisioneros talibanes en la fortaleza de , y se convirtió en uno de los combates más sangrientos de la Guerra de Afganistán. It is known for being the site of a bloody 2001 Taliban uprising named the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi, in which at least 470 people were killed, including CIA agent Johnny "Mike" Spann. Questions are being asked about whether the bloody end to this week’s prison siege at the 19th-century Qala-i-Jangi, outside Mazar-i-Sharif, will provide the defining moment of the Afghan war. The pilot mistakenly punched in the wrong coordinates, hitting the combat controller's position. It took Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American special forces and air support, six days to quell the revolt. The fighters were not properly searched, and some carried grenades into the prison. The prisoners violently revolted and the ensuing fighting escalated into one of the bloodiest engagements of the conflict. SF Sgt Mario Vigil with SF and NA forces west of Konduz in November 2001.jpg 1,024 × 768; 594 KB. Afghanistan War. Tymczasem jeńcy przejmując broń i amunicję (m.in. Among the surviving prisoners were two American citizens suspected of fighting with the Taliban: Yaser Esam Hamdi and John Walker Lindh. 0:29. [2] Hundreds of Al Ansar[3] "guest" foreign fighters (mostly from Pakistan and Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East) also surrendered their weapons, including a large group that had arrived in a convoy one day earlier to a place 100 km away of the agreed capitulation site, close to Mazar-i-Sharif. Bitwa o Fort Qala-e-Jangi – bitwa, która miała miejsce w roku 2001 w trakcie wojny w Afganistanie. 85 jeńców wyciągnięto z piwnicy. O godzinie 14 do fortu dotarło kilkunastu żołnierzy Sił Specjalnych, którzy zajmując pozycję w wieżach na dachu budynku, kierowali wsparciem lotniczym. Due to the high number of prisoner casualties, and the use of heavy weaponry against them, the Northern Alliance and the foreign coalition forces were accused of breaking the Geneva Conventions by using disproportionate means. A los combatientes de la Alianza del Norte, asistidos por fuerzas especiales estadounidenses y británicas, les llevó siete días sofocar la revuelta, finalmente solo quedaron vivos 86 prisioneros de entre 300 y 500 que había. Three hundred Uncons in a not-very-wide area (according to a National Geographic Channel video on YouTube, Qala-i-Jangi is "three-quarters of a kilometer around" with walls "20 meters thick and 30 meters high") and fully supplied with ammo (they broke into the armorr, getting small arms as well as RPG-7s) should make for quite a firefight. Qala-i-Jangi (Dari / Pashto: قلعهِ جنگی) is a 19th-century fortress located near Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan. The Afghans also brought reinforcements: their personnel and a T-55 tank entered the compound and started firing into the prisoner-controlled area. Qala-i-Jangi (Dari/Pashto: قلعهِ جنگی) is a 19th-century fortress located near Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (also incorrectly referred to as the "Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif") was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to try to overthrow the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which it had accused of harboring al-Qaeda operatives. On the day of the surrender, two prisoners committed suicide with grenades and killed one of Dostum's commanders and some others in two separate incidents at the makeshift prison. Następnie czołg T-55 rozpoczął ostrzał pozycji Talibów w stajni wzdłuż murów. part of. The British Special Boat Service deserves a lot of honor and respect when we talks about the first part of the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11 in 2001. Die Schlacht von Qala-i-Jangi war ein Gefängnisaufstand, der zwischen dem 25. Comenzó como una sublevación de prisioneros talibanes en la fortaleza de , y se convirtió en uno de los combates más sangrientos de la Guerra de Afganistán. استسلم المئات من الرجال ، بما في ذلك العديد من غير الأفغان ، بالقرب من قندوز وكانوا محتجزين كمقاتلين أعداء في قلعة جانغي من قبل قوات التحالف الشمالي الأفغاني (الجبهة الإسلامية لإنقاذ أفغانستان) لاستجوابهم من قبل أمريكا الوسطى موظفوا وكالة الاستخبارات (CIA) مهتمون بالمشتبه بهم من القاعدة. Packing carpets in Afghan shop, Shopping in Mazar e Sharif, Afghanistan. [11] That night two AC-130 Spectre gunships (callsigns GRIM 11 and GRIM 14) circled over the fortress, firing thousands of rounds at the prisoners. [11] Afghan fighters looted the bodies of prisoners, extracting gold teeth, and finished off at least two who were found to be still alive. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Uprising: International Security Lessons from the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi. Bitwa o Fort Qala-e-Jangi – bitwa, która miała miejsce w roku 2001 w trakcie wojny w Afganistanie. Statements. Despite the deaths, the National Islamic Movement militia did not reinforce security at the prison. قُتل جميع السجناء باستثناء 86 شخصاً وعدد من مقاتلي التحالف الشمالي. Spann was killed during the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi when Taliban prisoners gained access to weapons and attacked. Na dziedzińcu naliczono 250 zabitych, z czego 40 to żołnierze gen. Dostuma. Qala-i-Jangi was the site of a legendary and bloody battle in November 2001, during the earliest days of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan. The prisoners had not been searched, and some had concealed weapons during the surrender. All but 86 prisoners were killed as well as a number of Northern Alliance fighters. Of the estimated 300–500 prisoners brought to the fortress, only 86 emerged still alive (some of whom later died of their wounds) from the flooded basement (where more than 60 of them have died[3]), including John Walker Lindh. كانت الوفاة الوحيدة في الولايات المتحدة هي ضابط السي آي إيه ، وهو أول أمريكي يُقتل في القتال خلال الغزو الأمريكي عام 2001 لأفغانستان. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (also incorrectly referred to as the "Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif ") was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to try to overthrow the Taliban 's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which it had accused of harboring al-Qaeda operatives. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (Also wrongly referred to as the Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif) took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in Northern Afghanistan. He borrowed their satellite phone, and called the U.S. embassy in Uzbekistan, requesting reinforcements. The SBS senior NCO led a patrol of half-a-dozen SBS commandos who rescued a member of the CIA's special activities section from the fort at Qala-i-Jangi near Mazar-i-Sharif, last November. [11] Tyson specifically requested no air support, due to the proximity of allied Afghan forces. 0 references. By questioning the prisoners in a group, rather than separately, protected by few guards, the interrogators put themselves at risk with men known to be dangerous. Inside the Battle at Qala-I-Jangi From a ruined 19th century fortress, TIME correspondent Alex Perry records the crushing of a Taliban revolt By Alex Perry Saturday, Dec. 01, 2001 Następnego dnia, ukryci w piwnicy budynku fortu Talibowie zabili pracownika służby zdrowia a dwóch ranili, gdy ci zeszli na dół w poszukiwaniu ciał zabitych. The only U.S. fatality was the CIA officer Johnny "Mike" Spann, the first American to be killed in combat during the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Drugi z Amerykanów, któremu udało się uciec zawiadomił przy pomocy telefonu satelitarnego akurat tam obecnego niemieckiego reportera Siły Specjalne Stanów Zjednoczonych w Mazar-e Szarif. In 2004, after three years of detention without trial (at first at Camp X-Ray, until his identity was discovered), the U.S. citizen Yaser Esam Hamdi won a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, which affirmed the right of U.S. citizens to habeas corpus and trial; he was released from United States custody without charges and was deported to his native Saudi Arabia. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (also incorrectly referred to as the "Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif") was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to overthrow the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which had been harboring al-Qaeda operatives. The next day, he ordered the basement flooded with frigid irrigation water;[14] the last half-dead holdouts finally surrendered on December 1. Po zaciętej walce ok. 12.30 żołnierze afgańscy opanowali mur południowy i zachodni kraniec dziedzińca. Tego dnia Amerykanie utracili 5 a Brytyjczycy 4 rannych. Several other television crews arrived on the scene of the battle, ensuring it got wide media coverage; the successive stages of the fighting were filmed extensively, providing rare footage of special forces units in combat. Afghan doctors who were present on site at the time of the riot told the Spann family they "thought Mike might run and retreat, but he held his position and fought using his AK rifle until out of ammo, and then drew and began firing his pistol," and that only reason that they and several others were able to live was "because Mike stood his position and fought off the prisoners while enabling them the time to run to safety."[5]. battle. Afgańczycy Dostuma stanęli przy murze południowym za fortem oraz przy murze wewnętrznym. Przypuszczalnie 100-150 Talibów mogło zginąć w piwnicach, a od 100-200 zbiegło w trakcie walk z fortu. [4] Dostum described the Taliban surrender as a "great victory" for the Alliance,[5] a bloodless success that would allow the future reconciliation of citizens of Afghanistan. [8] The CIA officers questioned the prisoners, especially John Walker Lindh (at the time, the interrogators noticed only that Lindh was a European-looking prisoner and different from the others, so he was singled out). NATO hands control of Mazar-i-Sharif to Afghans. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in Northern Afghanistan. [12] One prisoner managed to escape from the fort, only to be captured and lynched by the local population. On November 28, General Dostum arrived and personally tried to persuade the last prisoners to surrender, to no effect. "Fatal errors that led to massacre", How our Afghan allies applied the Geneva Convention, Former captives alleged to have (re)joined insurgency, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Qala-i-Jangi?oldid=4378184, A number of Afghans and 1 American killed. Dostum later admitted this had been a mistake. [22] Abdulaziz al-Oshan, one of the detainees, later summarised the incident and told American authorities at Guantanamo Bay: "They called it an uprising and it's not; it's some kind of massacre. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (also incorrectly referred to as the "Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif") was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to try to overthrow the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which it had accused of harboring al-Qaeda operatives. Director of Central Intelligence, CIA. Entre los supervivientes había dos ciudadanos estadounidenses luchando junto a los talibánes, Yaser Esam Hamdi y John Walker Lindh. Fort został też ostrzelany przez dwa afgańskie czołgi T-55. Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by coalition special forces had captured over 600 Taliban & Al-Qaeda prisoners, including the so-called 'American Taliban', John Walker Lind. 19 Amerykanów zajęło stanowiska na dachu wartowni na murze wschodnim. The Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (also incorrectly referred to as the "Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif") was a prisoner-of-war camp uprising that took place between November 25 and December 1, 2001, in northern Afghanistan, following the armed intervention by United States-led coalition forces to overthrow the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which had been harboring al-Qaeda operatives. At 2 pm, a mixed special ops team, formed with nine U.S. Army Special Forces and six British Special Boat Service operators, arrived and joined the Afghans firing at the prisoners from the northern part of the fort. All but 86 prisoners and a number of Northern Alliance fighters were killed. The main ammunition depot was hit, creating a massive explosion which continued to burn throughout the night. [5] Also, as Qala-i-Jangi had been until recently a Taliban base, many of the prisoners had been there before and knew its layout. 2001 prisoner uprising in Afghanistan. W ataku tym zabito 40 Afgańczyków oraz funkcjonariusza CIA Johnny Michaela Spanna i szefa wywiadu gen. Dostuma Sayeda Kamila. 0 references. La única víctima mortal fue el oficial de operaciones paramilitares de la CIA Johnny "Mike" Spann, el primer estadounidense fallecido en combate durante la invasión de 2001 de Estados Unidos en Afganistán. استغرق الأمر بمقاتلي التحالف الشمالي ، يطلبوا المساعدة من القوات الخاصة البريطانية والأمريكية والدعم الجوي ، ستة أيام لقمع التمرد. War in Afghanistan. كانت معركة قلعة جانغي او معركة قالعة جانجي (التي يشار إليها بشكل غير صحيح باسم "معركة مزار الشريف") هي انتفاضة معسكر أسرى الحرب التي وقعت بين 25 نوفمبر و 1 ديسمبر 2001 ، في شمال أفغانستان ، بعد التدخل العسكري من قبل قوات التحالف بقيادة الولايات المتحدة للإطاحة بإمارة أفغانستان الإسلامية لطالبان ، التي كانت تؤوي عناصر القاعدة. Aditya Jayden. [25], Controversies surrounding people captured during the, Estimates of the number of prisoners vary: some sources place their number at 300. Of the 86 prisoners who survived the battle, one was found to be John Walker Lindh, who had moved to Afghanistan to help the Taliban battle the Northern Alliance. Battle of Qala-i-Jangi. [9] Attacking in a suicidal manner, the revolting prisoners overran and killed Spann and several Afghan guards; they also appeared to be often much better trained than their Northern Alliance fighters, many of whom got shocked and frightened by their enemies' display of skill and fanaticism. From 4 pm until nightfall, they directed two U.S. fighter-bomber aircraft for nine airstrikes against the entrenched prisoners, who continued to put up a fierce resistance. instance of. W tym momencie wielu żołnierzy Dostuma nie kontynuowało walki, zajmując się plądrowaniem ciał zabitych Talibów. ثار السجناء بعنف وتصاعد القتال الذي ادى إلى أكثر الاشتباكات دموية في الصراع. [13] Some survivors later claimed they did not take part in the riot; one told The Observer reporter Luke Harding that they wanted to surrender earlier, but a group of seven Arabs did not let them. One of the prisoners was the so-called American Taliban, John Walker Lyndh, who Spann interrogated shortly before Spann’s death. Despite Tyson's requests, 500-pound precision-guided bombs were dropped on the armory, which was serving as a firebase for the prisoners. The only U.S. fatality was the CIA officer Johnny "Mike" Spann, the first American to be killed in combat during the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. By the end of the day, they had recaptured most of the fort, at that point facing only sporadic gunfire and some suicide grenade attacks. 25 listopada 2001 doszło do buntu ponad 500 więźniów talibskich w forcie Qala-e-Jangi. Drugi z Amerykanów, któremu udało się uciec zawiadomił przy pomocy telefonu satelitarnego akurat tam obecnego niemieckiego reportera Siły Specjalne Stanów Zjednoczonych w Mazar-e Szarif. Восстание в Кала-и Джанги — восстание пленных талибов, содержавшихся силами «Северного альянса» в старинной крепости в 17 километрах к юго-западу от Мазари-Шарифа, в 2001 году. [3], By the morning of November 27, prisoner resistance had slackened. وكان من بين السجناء الناجين مواطنين أمريكيين يشتبه في قتالهما مع طالبان: ياسر حمدي و جون ووكر ليند. Approximately two hours after the interviews began, prisoners, some of them with concealed grenades, suddenly rose up and attacked their captors, who were outnumbered four to one. La Batalla de Qala-i-Jangi tuvo lugar entre el 25 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2001 en el Norte de Afganistán. Po godzinie 16 rozpoczął się pierwszy atak lotnictwa przeciwko Talibom skoncentrowanym na południowym dziedzińcu. Battle of Qala-i-Jangi: part our commitment to scholarly and academic excellence, all articles receive editorial review.|||... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. Par son intensité, elle a pris les allures d'une véritable bataille. It is known for being the site of a bloody 2001 Taliban uprising named the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi , in which at least 470 people were killed including CIA agent Johnny "Mike" Spann . Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American special forces and air support, took seven days to quell the revolt. [3] Northern Alliance fighters fired into the area, threw in hand grenades, and even poured oil in and lit it on fire, but nevertheless the resistance continued. Yaser Esam Hamdi - … La mutinerie de Qala-e-Jangi dure du 25 novembre au 1er décembre 2001. He was captured and detained at Qala-i-Jangi fortress, used as a prison. He and the German journalists were rescued when a relief action by four U.S. troops enabled them to escape. 0 references. Hundreds of men, including many non-Afghans, surrendered near Kunduz and were being held as enemy combatants at Qala-i-Jangi fortress by the Afghan Northern Alliance (United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan) forces for an interrogation by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel interested in al-Qaeda suspects. Qala-i-Jangi This 19th century fortress is the site of the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi Po południu bitwa o Fort była zakończona. [2], Major Mark E. Mitchell being decorated for his combat actions during the battle by General Bryan D. Brown, chief of the U.S. Special Operations Command. Through gripping accounts of the people who lived through the battle, Uprising details the gruesome fight for control of Qala-i-Jangi that had been overrun by Taliban prisoners who had subsequently seized a well-stocked armed depot and began a fight to the death against the Afghan Northern Alliance and a contingent of British and American special forces including the secretive Special Boat Service. W ataku tym zabito 40 Afgańczyków oraz funkcjonariusza CIA Johnny Michaela Spanna i szefa wywiadu gen. Dostuma Sayeda Kamila. Is CRITICAL ( Battle of Qala-i-Jangi when Taliban prisoners gained access to weapons and attacked allied mounted... Brought reinforcements: their personnel and a number of the conflict Northern Afghanistan na naliczono... 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