His experience as a soldier in the Korean War left him with a lasting prejudice against Asian peoples in general, and he refers to his Hmong neighbors with a variety of racist epithets, such as “swamp rats,” “gooks,” “slopes,” and “fish heads.” Here are tons of Gran Torino quotes that will open a treasure chest of Wisdom and experiences: –, “I’ve been called a lot of things, but never funny.”, “How many swamp rats can you fit in one room?”, “God, I got more in common with these gooks than I do with my own spoiled-rotten family. I thought you Asian girls were supposed to be smart. And I’m proud to say that you’re my friend. You take me with you right now! Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. hide. 100% Upvoted. Clint Eastwood As Walt Kowalski, 142,293 Shazam, inclusa nella playlist 2000s Movie Essentials di Apple Music. You keep raising the prices all the time. The show is created by Judd Apatow, Paul Rust, and Lesley Arfin. Walt Kowalski: WALT!”, “Walt Kowalski: [sneering and aiming his gun] Get off my lawn!”, “Walt Kowalski: Jesus, Joseph and Mary. [about his son] I worked in Ford for 50 years and he sells Japanese cars.”, “Walt Kowalski: Barber Martin: See you in three weeks, prick. I was just trying to get that babbling gook off my lawn!”, “Josh Kowalski: Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone.”, “Smokie: What are you spooks up to?”, “Walt Kowalski: I was the only one who came back that day. Walt Kowalski: Walt Kowalski: That old hag hates my ass.”, “Walt Kowalski: What’re you spooks up to?”, “Thao: Hey that’s bad for you Thao: Why? I know the band was made for fun and the point was all the songs were for films that didn't have them. Father Janovich: Walt definitely had no problem calling it like he saw it. Hence, these popular Gran Torino quotes should be read with caution and proper understanding of the context. Thanks for checking out my page, make sure to like the page and stay up to date with the latest Torinos I come across! Walt Kowalski: Yeah? Now close it up. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What the hell does everybody want with my Gran Torino?”, “Ashley Kowalski: Learn how your comment data is processed. Berk ★★★★★ Whispers through my Gran Torino... Gran Torino 2008. dylan ★★★★½ . struck a nerd nerve. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. Walt Kowalski: The character that struggles the most in the film with fighting the social norms is Thao. That’s it. Why didn’t you call the police? “Yeah, you’re a real pussy for wanting to hang out with that gang. Walt Kowalski: We used to stack f**ks like you five feet high in Korea… use ya for sandbags.”, “Thao Vang Lor: Excuse me Sir, I need a haircut if you ain’t too busy you old Italian son of a b***h prick barber. Thao Vang Lor: Thao. She’s been looking at you all day, stupid! You tell your friends to stay away from Thao. That’s what I do, and I’m doing it alone. What’re you doing, huh? Smokie: Listen old man you don’t wanna fuck with me. Walt Kowalski: Yeah? Walt: [kicks the door to silence him] Shut the fuck up! Got it? Eastwood even sings a version of it. 1,238 likes. Read what our users had to say about You're My Gran Torino at Metacritic.com We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. You trying to get yourself killed? I was always hoping you’d die off and they’d get someone in here that knew what the hell they were doing. Walt: [returning] Look, you’ve come a long way. Monk: What the fuck you at? Happy birthday.”, “What are all you fish heads looking at anyway?”, “Walt Kowalski: I want you to turn around, go outside, comeback and don’t talk about having no job, no car, no girlfriend, no future, no dick.”, “Walt Kowalski: That old hag hates my ass. These Hmong broads are like badgers.”, “Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have messed with? Directed by Lynn Shelton. Barber Martin: Posted by. That’s the exact reaction they’re waiting for. Walt Kowalski: A program that follows a couple who must navigate the exhilarations and humiliations of intimacy, commitment and other things they were hoping to avoid. This was Eastwood's first starring role since 2004's Million Dollar Baby. I’m here for confession. [He leaves the basement. You fucking let me out or I’ll fucking kill you! There’s always a chance you don’t come back. Jesus Christ. Catholic cleric Father Janovich attempts to comfort him, yet Walt abhors the youthful, unpracticed man. [to Su] Get me another beer, Dragon Lady! You have entered an incorrect email address! The bartender looks up and says, “Get the fuck out of here.”, “Thao Vang Lor: Excuse me Sir, I need a haircut if you ain’t too busy you old Italian son of a bitch prick barber. You want to know what it’s like to kill a man? Walt Kowalski: This is my prized possession, a 1972 Gran Torino. [to Father Janovich] I think you’re an overeducated 27-year-old virgin who likes to hold the hands of superstitious old ladies and promise them everlasting life.”, “Walt Kowalski: Not that I give two shits about a toad like you. [about Korea] We shot men, stabbed them with bayonets, chopped up 17 year olds with shovels.”, “Father Janovich: He rejects a proposal from one of his children to move to a retirement network detecting that they need his home and assets, and lives alone with his old canine, Daisy. You shouldn’t wait so long between hair cuts, you cheap son of a bitch. [walks off] [opens a chest] Not long after, they gave me a silver star… [pulls it out] Here, I want you to have it. There. Boy, does my ass hurt from all of the guys at my construction job.”, “Walt Kowalski: It stars Gillian Jacobs and Rust. Walt: [stops] How many what? The Lutherans brought us over. Sue Lor: And you’re a better man to him than our own father was. And if they don’t listen to you, you tell ’em you don’t wanna see them anymore. What was it like to kill someone? Tourisme dans la capitale du Piémont . So’s being in a gang.”, “Walt Kowalski: Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. [sneering and aiming his gun] Get off my lawn!”, “Thao Vang Lor: Moral refers to issues of right and wrong and how individual people should behave. It has been babied since the day it rolled off the line. Thao: The hell we won’t. You can’t get out of there. LE COMMENTAIRE. Directed by Lynn Shelton. Walt Kowalski: Well you know, I prayed for them to come but nobody answered.”, “Thao Vang Lor: You should quit. Want to be Super Spade or something? What’re you doing? You can count on that. Gran Torino opened in a restricted dramatic discharge in the United States on December 12th in the year 2008, preceding extending wide on January 9th in the year 2009. Walt: You don’t wanna know. (spits on the ground) That’s me.”, “Barber Martin: There. It’s been ten bucks for the last five years, you hard-nosed Polack son of a bitch. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or contact the property directly using the contact details in your confirmation. You loved my bathing suit, landlubber. You’re funny. [lowers his hands] Adding to his disconnection and separation are his sentiments towards his hitched children and their families. This post is probably the biggest database of Gran Torino Sayings in a single place. Thao: [hammering on the door again] Walt! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLc43YuuTw. Instead, you’re just hanging around like the doo-wop dago you are. WALT! Walt: Thirteen, maybe more. [Gets in his truck] Sue Lor: And you’re a better man to him than our own father was. The film Gran Torino co-stars Christopher Carley, Bee Vang, and Ahney Her. The bartender looks up and says, “Get the f*** out of here.”, “Walt Kowalski: Go ahead, close this up. Walt looks at her for a second, then steps on her still burning cigarette before answering. Thao is constantly being pushed by the influences in his life to be their idea of a man. Walt Kowalski: Watch your language, lady. Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, who also starred in the film. Press J to jump to the feed. Set in Detroit, Michigan, Gran Torino is the primary standard American film to highlight Hmong Americans. In … Walt Kowalski: Yeah, so is being in a gang, dipshit.”, “Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have fucked with? I may not be the most pleasant person to be around, but I got the best woman who was ever on this planet to marry me. Those things are bad for you. What’s the “Gran Torino” in your life that you’re using to protect your ego and that represents the “safe place” or default for you? Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have fucked with? Walt Kowalski: Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone.”, “Father Janovich: Walt Kowalski once said to me that I knew nothing about life or death, because I was an over-educated, 27-year-old virgin who held the hand of superstitious old women and promised them eternity. Your lucky numbers are 84, 23, 11, 78, and 99. Within the Hmong people group in the United States, Gran Torino got acclaim for Eastwood’s course and execution, yet additionally gotten analysis for its depiction of Asian generalizations. Walt Kowalski: Take it easy. I’ll blow a hole in your face then go inside and sleep like a baby.”, “Walt Kowalski: Walt holsters his gun] Walt Kowalski: Yes, I do! Enhanced Strength: Gran Torino possesses great physical strength, as he was able to knock out capable villains with quick blows. Dr. Chang: Walt Kowalski: Ten bucks? Walt Kowalski: That’s me.”, “Walt Kowalski: Oh, I’ve got one. Gran Torino earned $270 million around the world, making it Eastwood’s second most astounding netting movie to-date. Monk: [raising his palms] Oh shit. You May Also Like... Master of None. Essay Example on Argumentative Gran Torino. Go back in the house. That’s why I’m going it alone tonight. Father Janovich: Ashley tosses her cigarette when she sees Grandpa Walt. I don’t know… Your wife’s already gone through all of your mother’s jewelry.”, “Walt Kowalski: Monk: This crazy motherfucker, man. Gran Torino is absolute 10.5 !!!! I helped build these on the assembly line, which I guess means I commuted 2 hours to work since they were built in Lorain, not Detroit where I live. Trey: Way to go, old man! I confess that I have no desire to confess.”, “Father Janovich: Walt Kowalski: Orange Is The New Black. Walt Kowalski: What is? Gran Torino is a 2008 American show movie coordinated and delivered by Clint Eastwood, who additionally featured in the film. As a drama set in a multicultural neighborhood, the film captures both the differences and the similarities between two cultures,… Being one of my favorite directors, Clint Eastwood knows how to make memorable films. 11.22.63. WALT 1972. I used to stack f***s likes you five feet high in Korea… use ya for sand bags.”, “Barber Martin: Excuse me Sir, I need a haircut if you ain’t too busy you old Italian son of a bitch prick barber. Sue Lor: Walt Kowalski: You’re wrong, eggroll, I know exactly what I’m talking about. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Walt: What the hell are you spooks up to? Smokie: Are you fucking crazy? That’ll be ten bucks, Walt. That’s me.”, “Walt Kowalski: Eastwood’s most seasoned child, Kyle, gave the score. I blow a hole in your face and then I go in the house… and I sleep like a baby. [Walt reaches into his jacket] Copyright © 2018 Comicbookandbeyond/All rights reserved, 100+ Gran Torino Quotes That Are Sure To Drive Your Adrenaline, 120+ Phil McGraw Quotes From The American Psychologist, 100+ Aldous Huxley Quotes From The Dystopian Novelist, 85+ Harriet Tubman Quotes Speak About Freedom And Abolition Of Slavery, 100+ Phantom Quotes Tell Us About The Anecdotal Vigilante, 85+ Archie Quotes From The Hero Of Riverdale, 80+ Skeletor Quotes That Makes Him Evilest among the Evils, 100+ Witcher Quotes That Are Sure To Inspire And Motivate You, 40+ Terminator Dark Fater Quotes From The Science Fiction Terminator Movie, 120+ T-800 Quotes From The Terminator Series, 26 Greatest Thanos Quotes From The Marvel Cinematic Universe And Comic Books, Another Photo Released From Jurassic World Sets, Simon Reveals About His Pitch About A Superhero, Hawaii Five-0 To Bid Goodbye After 10 Years, Holland Reveals An Important Information About Back To The Future. Walt Kowalski: Get off my lawn. Though I don’t know why. You hang out with him, you teach him to fix things, you saved him from that f***ed cousin of ours. Let me out! Walt Kowalski: As Gus prepares for his band's first gig and a trip back home to South Dakota, Mickey wonders if it's time for her to meet the Cruikshank clan. [aims gun at thug] Shut your f***in’ face!” Thao: [hysterical] No! Well, I gotta go. Gran Torino 2008. ! What a load of shit.”. Monk: What the fuck are you looking at, old man? A long-term cigarette smoker, Walt experiences hacking fits, every so often hacking up blood, yet covers this from his family. Yeah? best. With Gillian Jacobs, Paul Rust, Claudia O'Doherty, Chris Witaske. I’m not gonna shoot you. The movie “Gran Torino” is an excellent example of how our own moral values define who we are as a person. Well it’s goddamn awful, that’s what it is. I knew really nothing about life or death, until I got to know Walt… and boy, did I learn.”, “Walt Kowalski: I don’t care about him. [about Thao] I don’t care about him. Sue Lor: Yeah…well, kind of. What are you, half Jew or somethin’? You're My Gran Torino (S03E09) is the ninth episode of season three of "Love" release... More You're My Gran Torino (S03E09) is the ninth episode of season three of "Love" released on Fri Mar 09, 2018. Go back in the house. His name is Trey. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy walk into a bar. [reading aloud from the newspaper] Your birthday today, Daisy. Jesus, what are you, half Jew?”, “Sue Lor: The film, Gran Torino, by Clint Eastwood, follows the life of a Korean war veteran and his relationship with his Hmong neighbors as they battle to overcome the trials that they are faced with. You’re a good man.”, “Sue Lor: My name is Thao. That hair, shooting that scene with Arya, being a badass musician. Walt Kowalski: Yeah? You finally look like a human being again. Gran Torino was even able to defeat and arrest Kurogiri while fighting off Gigantomachia. Third youth: What’s wrong with this nigga, man? With Gillian Jacobs, Paul Rust, Claudia O'Doherty, Chris Witaske. Walt Kowalski: Are you f***ing crazy? Hey, pops. Ford Torino Fans. ASHLEY Wow, Grandpa, when’d you get the vintage car? Just odd that Judd, Rust, or anyone in the writers room didn't know or said 'fuck it'. I’m no hero. Walt Kowalski: Yeah, you’re a real p***y for wanting to hang out with that gang. Walt Kowalski: And who was that goofball you were with, is he a date or something? You should be hangin’ out with your own people, with all the other Humongs! What would I want? Song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLc43YuuTw. Good day, pusscake.”, “[Walt has led Thao into his basement, as though they are preparing for revenge] Sue Lor: Walt: [To Sue] Get in the truck. It shapes and defines who they are. That’s why I’m going it alone tonight.” “Thanks for coming, Al.” Thao: How many men did you kill in Korea? The Gran Torino is in mint condition. It was the best thing ever happened to me, hands down. Thao: How many? Walt: Well, because we all knew the dangers that night, but we went in anyway. Barber Martin: These Gran Torino quotes are sure to drive your adrenaline. Those things are bad for you. Love is an American comedy Netflix series. Ascolta Gran Torino di Clint Eastwood & Jamie Cullum Feat. Duke: That’s right, bitch. Boy, does my ass hurt from all of the guys at my construction job.”, “Father Janovich: Why didn’t you call the police? Gran Torino was Eastwood’s first featuring job since 2004’s Million Dollar Baby. I wish more people could notice this show as well. Mickey is peak adorable in this episode, IMO. Yeah, some scared little gook just like you. Walt: Relax. The tv series will be a "down-to-earth look at dating," exploring male and female perspectives on romantic relationships through the characters Mickey and Gus. What’s wrong with him, man? 0 comments. report. I’m surprised you’re still around. How old are you anyway? But me, I finish things. Dr. Feldman retired three years ago, I’m his replacement, Dr. Chu.”, “Sue Lor: Love saison 3 épisode 09 : You're My Gran Torino - Vidéos, acteurs, résumé, notes, commentaires, audiences, courbe des moyennes, citations Walt Kowalski: What was your initiation anyway? Get off my lawn! Walt Kowalski: Walt Kowalski: Watch your language, lady. Thao: You let me out right now. These guys don’t want to be your bro, and I don’t blame ’em. [aiming his M1 Garand rifle]”, “(While holding a gangster he had just badly beaten at gunpoint) Alright, here’s the deal: You stay away from Thao, understand? Walt Kowalski: Yeah. Thao Vang Lor: You don’t know what you are talking about. We gonna roll up there and test the mags. [Walt’s smoking] You should quit. Vinyl . [Walt aims at each of them with his finger] You fuckin’ don’t listen, do you? I’d look down too, if I was you. (The gangster doesn’t respond) I’ll take that as a yes, ’cause if I have to come back here, it’s gonna get fucking ugly.”, “Duke: The fuck you lookin’ at old man? Monk: Man, you fuckin’ crazy, man. What was your initiation anyway?” “My Gran Torino?” “Whatever it is, they won’t have a chance.” “You wanna carry your tools in a rice bag?” “I got blood on my hands, I’m soiled. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Walt Kowalski: I used to stack fucks likes you five feet high in Korea… use ya for sand bags.”, “Oh, I’ve got one. Numerous Lao Hmong war exiles resettled in the U.S. following the socialist takeover of Laos in the year 1975. , when ’ d die off and they got someone in here that knew what the they. For films that did n't know or said 'fuck it ' ★★★★ Feeling dumb cause thought... 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