Daha fazla videoya gözat. Diana hat Flo einen Brief aus dem Krankenhaus geschrieben, der allerdings Marion in die Hände fällt. So because of all these they were not allowed to work in the name of “ PROTECTION ”. Add the first question. She left home with stardust in her eyes … only to become a tool in the hands of ruthless criminals.“ (‚Der schockierende, nackte Konflikt zwischen Anstand und Begierde! (Lane has a great scenery-chewing moment in the homestretch.) Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. A high-school football player is in love with a beautiful blonde classmate from a very wealthy family. Was this review helpful to you? Check out our editors' picks for the movies and shows we're excited about this month, like Mortal Kombat, "Them," and Stowaway. Written by Crime. Why Girls Go Back Home (1926) is … In den Hauptrollen agieren Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard und Pamela Blake sowie Elisha Cook junior.. Auf einem der damaligen Filmplakate warb der Film mit folgenden Worten: „Factual! In Mexiko war er ab dem 15. What do our scriptures say about this custom? Also, Jay Livingston and Ray Evans were nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Song for "The Cat and the Canary". Why Girls Leave Home (1945) "The VIOLENT, UNVARNISHED TRUTH about the scores of thousands of young girls who recklessly toss away home ties for a life of dangerous thrills!" Active 2 years, 11 months ago. Der Film wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten am 9. A girl is caught with he... Unused / unissued material -CU Leaflet advertising performance of 'Why Girls Leave Home'.Film version of the famous melodrama.Act 1. Oktober 1945 erstmals aufgeführt. Takip et. This FAQ is empty. Ihre Eltern fühlen sich verantwortlich, weil sie nicht verhindert haben, dass Diana den Klarinettenspieler Jimmie Lobo in den „Kitten Club“ begleitete, was dazu führte, dass ihre Tochter dort eine Anstellung als Sängerin annahm. Man habe sie dann in die Reihe der Mädchen abgeschoben, deren Job es gewesen sei, Kunden zum illegalen Glücksspiel zu verleiten. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurde er nicht veröffentlicht. Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. Flo erzählt weiter, dass Diana nach und nach viel Hass auf sich gezogen habe. Viewed 6k times 10. Since women are more likely to examine the relationship, they’re usually … First lets think why in our culture girl had to leave home after marriage? User Ratings (0) Your Rating. Liste der Besetung: Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard, Pamela Blake u.v.m. Search for "Why Girls Leave Home" on Amazon.com, Title: He Thinks He’s A Mind Reader. Bei Irene liefen die Fäden für die betrügerischen Geschäfte zusammen, sie habe auch die Idee dazu entwickelt. Also, Jay Livings Why Girls Leave Home (1907) Barış Türk. When We Were Forty-one Jun 12, 1905 Aug 26, 1905 . Sarvabhouma. Diana habe sich das jedoch nicht gefallen lassen wollen und einen Plan den „Kitten Club“ betreffend gehabt. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Check out our gallery of the 2021 Oscar nominees in the leading and supporting acting categories, as the characters they so brilliantly played and in real life. August 1947 unter dem Titel ¿Por qué las mujeres abandonan el hogar? It was the only film from the studio to make a profit in 1921. Why Girls Leave Home is a lost 1921 American silent drama film produced by Harry Rapf for Warner Bros. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Diana Leslie wird von dem Reporter Chris Williams in einer nebligen Nacht davor bewahrt, zu ertrinken. "Night Editor" was based on the already existing radio program in which a newspaper editor would recount the 'inside story' of some bit newspaper story, and later became a television series... See full summary ». Why Girls Leave Home Newspaper advertisement Directed byWilliam Nigh Produced byHarry Rapf Written byWilliam Nigh StarringAnna Q. Nilsson CinematographyJohn W. Brown Production company Harry Rapf Productions Distributed byWarner Bros. Release date July 1921 Running time 70-80 minutes CountryUnited States LanguageSilent Budget$45,000 Box office$450,000 Why Girls Leave Home is a lost 1921 American silent drama film produced by Harry Rapf for Warner Bros. | Illustration shows a mother sitting on a porch with a searchlight trained on her daughter and her boyfriend as they fly overhead in an airplane. The latter believes it is an attempted murder rather than the suicide indicated by a note, since the girl had made an appointment to meet him at the dock. Sensationell! Kurz darauf wird das Auto, in dem Chris und Flo sich befinden, gejagt und von der Straße abgedrängt. The deportees attempt to take over the ship. A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass. IBDB (Internet Broadway Database) archive is the official database for Broadway theatre information. THE PLAY; Why Girls Leave Home. My Real Sister got married to her love on 7th February, now I am alone lol, we are on facebook with our relatives and friends but I think about this thing all the time that why girls have to leave their home after marriage. Why Girls Leave Home (1913) Drama, Short | 3 October 1913 (USA) The story hinges about a minister who receives a pamphlet announcing that the melodrama, "Why Girls Leave Home," is to be produced at the local theater. Er musste den Vortritt George E. Stoll und seiner Musik zu der Filmkomödie Urlaub in Hollywood lassen. Why Girls Leave Home is a lost 1921 American silent drama film produced by Harry Rapf for Warner Bros.. The Film was directed by C. Jay Williams, with Dan Mason, Bessie Learn, Edward Boulden, Alice Washburn, Gladys Hulette, in the leading parts. Why Girls Leave Home (1945) 0 (0) In this crime drama a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. Sensational! Die ungeschminkte Wahrheit über Tausende, die ihre Familienbande gegen brennenden Nervenkitzel eintauschen!‘)[1] Auf einem anderen Filmplakat war zu lesen: „The Shocking, naked conflict between decency and desire! Why Girls Leave Home is a 1945 American drama film directed by William Berke, written by Fanya Foss and Bradford Ropes, and starring Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard, and Pamela Blake. Sie verließ ihr Zuhause mit Sternenstaub in den Augen, nur um ein Werkzeug in den Händen rücksichtsloser Krimineller zu werden.‘)[2]. Diana Leslie is rescued from drowning by reporter Chris Williams. Jobless Betty Andrews, although innocent, is convicted of a department store theft and, despite the best efforts of her lawyer and noted social worker Mary Ellis and a reporter, Jim Brent ... See full summary », The Hansen School for Air Hostesses, operated by Celia Hansen, welcomes a new group of students; a librarian named Ruth Jackson; Lorraine Carter, a nurse; and Jennifer White, whose husband ... See full summary ». It should not be seen as a cultural practice but priority should be given to those set of parents who are more aged, sick or physically, mentally and financially incapable of taking care of … An intrepid reporter disbelieves the report and exposes the truth to the public. The secretary comes out of the house and shows the leaflet to her sweetheart. The story is told in flashback as Williams visits the people who know Diana. culture marriage women customs. Revealing! Cast. [3], https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Why_Girls_Leave_Home&oldid=202839775, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Why Girls Leave Home (deutsch Warum verlassen Mädchen ihr Zuhause oder auch Warum Mädchen ihr Zuhause verlassen) ist ein US-amerikanisches Kriminalfilmdrama von William Berke aus dem Jahr 1945. Steve gesteht, dass der Club nur eine Fassade sei, es tatsächlich aber darum ginge, Kunden bei illegalen Glücksspielen um ihr Geld zu betrügen. He throws the letter in the waste paper bin. Follow edited May 8 '18 at 8:09. Frequently Asked Questions. A young girl tries to prove a man innocent of robbery and murder charges. Why Girls Leave Home (1921) AllMovie Rating. Ray Evans und Jay Livingston waren 1946 mit ihrem Filmsong The Cat and the Canary in der Kategorie „Bester Filmsong“ für einen Oscar nominiert, mussten sich jedoch Oscar Hammerstein II und Richard Rodgers und deren Song It Might as Well Be Spring aus dem Musicalfilm Jahrmarkt der Liebe geschlagen geben. Diana Leslie is rescued from drowning by reporter Chris Williams. i guess its because back then there was no concept of gender equality or equal opportunities, women were seen as inferior. The poster for the film was featured in the 1962 film Gypsy.. Why Girls Go Back Home (1926) is a sequel to … The father discovers that the leaflet has gone from the bin. Improve this question. It isn't shown much, but it is, assuredly, not lost. Overview ↓ Related ↓ Share on facebook; twitter; Synopsis by Janiss Garza. [3], Walter Greene war ebenfalls für einen Oscar nominiert, und zwar in der Kategorie „Beste Filmmusik“. (or A Danger Signal On The Path of Folly). Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. Centred around a former tennis champ who swings with the girls and volleying straight sets with the rich and famous while set on owning his own tennis court. Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. Als ihre jüngere Schwester ihr Debüt als Sängerin der Ballade Call Me im Club habe verfolgen wollen, habe sie sie wütend nach Hause geschickt und ihr befohlen, für sich zu behalten, was sie gesehen habe. 8 of 8 people found this review helpful. Als Chris Marion aufsuchen will, findet er sie tot in ihrer Wohnung. The sentence devastates Ten Spot's girl friend, "... See full synopsis ». Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. So, they stay at home instead going out to earn bread. August 2020 um 21:45 Uhr bearbeitet. It was the only film from the … As far as the quality of the film itself: It's a tough, pretty well-paced little movie, with above-average production values for this studio. The film's composer, Walter Greene, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score in 1945. And as women dont work ,so she had no contribution financially in the family, so the decision making power was always in the hands of husband and ofcourse as anyone of them had to leave home… One of the Kitten Club showgirls, Flo tells Chris that when Diane came to the club for an audition, she incurred the wrath of the heavy-drinking featured singer Marianne Mason and club owner Steve Raymond delegated her to the hostess ranks of girls whose job was to steer customers to the illegal gambling. Add the first question. Ihr wenig ansprechendes Zuhause hatte ebenfalls dazu beitragen, dass Diana sich dort nicht wohl fühlte und versuchte ihren Traum, Karriere als Sängerin zu machen, wahr werden zu lassen. One of the Kitten Club showgirls, Flo tells Chris that when Diane came to the club for an audition, she incurred the wrath of the heavy-drinking featured singer Marianne Mason and club owner Steve Raymond delegated her to the hostess ranks of girls whose job was to steer customers to the illegal gambling. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 16. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? CU letter about how good 'Why Girls Leave Home' is. In this crime drama, a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. TMDb Score. Auch hatten sie nicht verhindert, dass Diana von ihrem Bruder Ted geschlagen wurde und sich allzu oft um ihre kleinere Schwester kümmern musste. Wenn einer der Männer große Summe verloren habe, hätten die Mädchen davon profitiert, da sie 10 Prozent des verlorenen Geldes bekommen hätten. Schaue dir alle Videos jetzt an! In rereading my dog-eared copy of Haley's Leaving Home, I realize that, while the nearly three decades since its publication have been characterized by extraordinary societal crisis, conflict, and growth, there remains a timelessness to every young adult's struggle to establish a sense of individual selfhood separate from the family from which he or she emerged. Der Reporter setzt alles daran, den Vorfall aufzuklären. Dafür spricht auch, dass sie einen Termin am Dock mit ihm vereinbart hatte. From the above mentioned facts we have drawn 2 major reasons due to which girls leaves their own home and parents after marriage and boys don’t: Girl act as a caregiver and can fulfill the basic need of children. Why Girls Leave Home Nov 14, 1904 Closing date unknown . An amnesiac soldier, the the only survivor of a group of four unidentified soldiers, victims of a bomb raid, visits each man's addresses with the hope of restoring his memory and identity. Why should a girl leave her home after marriage? Why Girls Leave Home (1907) Senaryo: Gene Gauntier, Fred Summerfield Ülke: Amerika. Why Girls Leave Home (deutsch Warum verlassen Mädchen ihr Zuhause oder auch Warum Mädchen ihr Zuhause verlassen) ist ein US-amerikanisches Kriminalfilmdrama von William Berke aus dem Jahr 1945. 1 photomechanical print : offset, color. They agree to go to the play. In den Hauptrollen agieren Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard und Pamela Blake sowie Elisha Cook junior. Diana Leslie is rescued from drowning by reporter Chris Williams. Why Girls Leave Home (1945 film) is similar to these films: Rolling Home (1946 film), The Air Patrol, Crime, Inc. and more. Von Flo, einem der Showgirls des Kitten Clubs, erfährt Williams, dass Diana schon beim Vorsingen den Zorn der Sängerin Marion Mason, die mehr als einmal zu tief ins Glas geschaut habe, auf sich gezogen habe. Lifting the Lid Jun 05, 1905 Aug 26, 1905 . Details. Flo überlebt den Absturz des Fahrzeugs nicht. Bildir. He doesn't have the money to take her out, so in his desperation he robs his own father's grocery store. Things go downhill from there. Why Girls Leave Home does, in fact, exist. A pair of movie stuntmen and some bit players take to the road after becoming disgusted with the self-indulgent Hollywood lifestyle. The story is told in flashback as Williams visits the people who know Diana. Menu. Gerade noch rechtzeitig kann Diana im Club davor bewahrt werden, von Irene vergiftet zu werden. Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse. An Diana gewendet, meint Polizeikommandant Reilly, sie hätte eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel verdient. Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. Why Girls Leave Home is a motion picture produced in the year 1913 as a USA production. Auf einem der damaligen Filmplakate warb der Film mit folgenden Worten: „Factual! Livingston and Evans's Oscar-nominated song is very entertaining and, not surprisingly, the cast is filled with pros. It was the only film from the studio to make a profit in 1921. Why Girls Leave Home (deutsch Warum verlassen Mädchen ihr Zuhause oder auch Warum Mädchen ihr Zuhause verlassen) ist ein US-amerikanisches Kriminalfilmdrama von William Berke aus dem Jahr 1945. The unvarnished truth about the thousands who trade family ties for flaming thrills!“ (‚Faktisch! I know of (and have seen) a 16mm print of it, currently in the hands of a private collector in Pennsylvania. An intrepid reporter disbelieves the report and exposes the truth to the public. If a boy and a girl live with their parents and they decide to get married ,whichever parent's house they move into should not be determined by their gender. Use the HTML below. Er sucht die Personen auf, die Diana gut gekannt haben müssen. The poster for the film was featured in the 1962 film Gypsy. His secretary retrieves the note and reads it with interest. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file; There are no reviews of Why Girls Leave Home available. I think it is a tradition, but sometimes boys get married and live with their new parents (in-laws) very rare but it happens 3 yıl önce | 16 görüntülenme. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News … In den Hauptrollen agieren Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard und Pamela Blake sowie Elisha Cook junior. Sonraki oynatılıyor. Certificate: Passed Quite likely there are others around as well, and it may also have turned up on early television. Die Polizeibeamten können nicht verhindern, dass Irene Steve nach seiner Aussage erschießt, bevor man sie entwaffnen und abführen kann. zu sehen. Nur wenig später muss Chris zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass Steve und Irene Diana aus dem Krankenhaus entführt haben. Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. The print was made shortly after the film's theatrical release, probably for the rental market. Das habe dazu geführt, dass einige der Dummen, die sich hatten verleiten lassen, wie Wilbur Harris und Ed Blake, viel Geld in manipulierten Spielen verloren hätten. Why Girls Leave Home Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. By J. Brooks Atkinson. Why Girls Leave Home is a 1921 American silent drama film directed by William Nigh. This FAQ is empty. Why Girls Leave Home ( 1945) Photos. Howard "Ten Spot" Rocky, convicted of stealing an automobile, is sentenced by Judge Avery Webster to serve time in the state penitentiary. Why Girls Leave Home Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. The parents feel responsible as, against their wishes, Diana had accompanied musician Jimmie Lobo to the Kitten Club and had gotten a job as a singer but they had not seen her following an argument when she came home that ended with her being slapped by her brother Ted. Why Girls Leave Home is a 1945 American drama film directed by William Berke, written by Fanya Foss and Bradford Ropes, and starring Lola Lane, Sheldon Leonard, and Pamela Blake. Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. Too bad that it's so little-seen today, because it's definitely one of the best PRC efforts. Why Girls Leave Home Unused / unissued material -A group of men and women see a poster of the play 'Why Girls Leave Home'. Elisha Cook Jr. Fred Kohler Jr. Storyline. It is just as likely for the guy to move into his wife's home or vice versa. In this crime drama, a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. View production, box office, & company info. Clubbesitzer Steve Raymond und Irene Mitchell hätten geplant, sie für Alice, eine hoffnungsvolle Sängerin, fallenzulassen. After the marriage, the wife has to live at her husband's home. Diana Leslie is rescued from drowning by reporter Chris Williams. Pamela Blake is more than adequate (if a shade mature) as the innocent heroine, Virginia Brissac (who played mother roles in, seemingly, thousands of movies) gets one of her biggest parts here, and Sheldon Leonard, Elisha Cook and, especially, Lola Lane are better than good. A Hot Old Time May 27, 1905 Jun 1905 . FBI agents Allan Harper and Tommy Baker are in charge of a group of subversives, spies and saboteurs that the US government is deporting to foreign countries aboard a ship. Reviews: Why Girls Leave Home. (1945). Produziert wurde der Film von der Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC). Movies. The parents feel responsible as, against their wishes, Diana had accompanied musician Jimmie Lobo to the Kitten Club and had gotten a job as a singer but they had not seen her following an argument when she came home that ended with her being slapped by her brother Ted. Les Adams . You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Now a days, most of the people are living in nuclear families so, both girl and boy leave their parents home and live with each other. Harris habe daraufhin Selbstmord begangen und Blake sei bei einem Handgemenge getötet worden. The latter believes it is an attempted murder rather than the suicide indicated by a note, since the girl had made an appointment to meet him at the dock. Steve nach seiner Aussage erschießt, bevor man sie entwaffnen und abführen kann strengstes Stillschweigen über das Prozedere zu.. 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