She is an Elf assassin that was called by Lady Galadriel to be her "blade", and was tasked with holding the Nazgûl back in Mordor. You are standing in the eye of the storm.Move an inch, and you'll be dead!You are standing underneath the towers of the teeth,And the eye blazes red! You took EVERYTHING from me! She briefly protected a partially corrupted Talion from the Nazgûl, using both blade and Light, before she ultimately struck down Talion herself, in order to prevent him from being claimed by the Nazgûl, and racing off to Celebrimbor's barrows to meet up with the undead ranger again. While waiting for Talion t… Even now, more so than ever, the whispers of the Dark Lord were at the very back … With their powers combined they dominated Mordor and forged a new ring to break Sauron himself. Middle-earth: Shadow of War Talion putting on Isildur's Ring after Celebrimbor and Eltariel's betrayal. She sees no value in them whatsoever and hates them completely. Eltariel made several allies in strange and quirky Uruks along the way, she forged a mutually beneficial alliance with a Dark Tribe "problem-solver" Maku, who helped her recruit two explosive junkies Flak and Torz and plan for further takeovers. This, however did not come to be. #7. Galadriel denied her this request, ordering her to wear The New Ring, and finish what she had started in Mordor, and only then could she be allowed to return home. Which one were you interested in? They announced their intent of taking Eltariel and  Talion's Rings for themselves and rule over Mordor in the absence of their weakened former master. 01 Oct. talion and eltariel fanfiction. Talion is a rather humble individual and as the captain of the Black Gate was respected by the men under his command. You abandoned me! At the end, Celebrimbor offers the New Ring to Eltariel and abandons Talion, leaving him for dead. Talion clearly has a bit of fun with ratbag and Bruz. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works If … Allegiance Dying, Talion claimed another Ring; one of the Nazgul's and then retreated to gather strength. he was already dead!. We should have known. Upon the fall of Minis Ithil, Eltariel rescued Talion from being dominated by the Witch-king of Angmar and the Nazgûl. He was granted vision on how that ringwraith fell. It seems that the only reason she allied with them was to help Talion. She talked to Talion for a second. The bug can be fixed by reloading the game or let the feature "completes" itself by killing the Olog Nemesis. Her basic attire consist of a moderately plated full body armor with eagle motif and a cloak that both functions as a cowl and and a cape that reaches to her legs. He lied to him the … *points to Y/n*. She did care about Talion, you can see it in the scene when Talion is on the ground. Wield Eltariel’s dual Elven blades and harness the Light of Galadriel with a host of deadly new combat abilities, skills and gear. Elf After the death of his family and subsequently revived by Celebrimbor, Talion became stricken with grief and set out to kill those responsible for his wife and son's deaths. Posted at 22:44h in Uncategorised by 0 Comments. During their ensuing battle, Talion raised dozens of orcs and was assisted by some of the other Nazgûl, but … Female So he is not just ordinary man. We did not need to go far before we run into Eltariel. She carries the sheathes of her twin blades adjacently on her back. No commentary, ps4 pro. He enslaves orcs/uruks to his will and builds an army out of … Talion uses it as a makeshift dagger, and completing specific side-missions will see the dagger grow from a shattered longsword to a reforged dagger, … Despite this, Celebrimbor is in fact the secret antagonist to Middle-Earth: Shadow of War thereby making him a villain protagonist. I dont like her or Celebrimbor because they're elves. Eltariel is a very determined individual. Voice actors can have quite the busy schedules, I've heard. After Talion and Celebrimbor had built up a sizeable army and the trio had successfully repelled all attacks by the Ringwraith's and ensured that the Haedir were secure and could not be used to track them, Eltariel, Talion and Celebrimbor joined forces one last time to launch the final attack on Sauron's stronghold, Barad-dûr, and end the Dark Lord's reign over Mordor and save Middle-Earth. Having been corrupted by the One Ring long ago and Celebrimbor … That being said having the crown did look cool af, and Talion is from Gondor so I just assumed it was the crown he imagined on his head in his addled nazgul form. Instead, the little bugger beside Kruk smiled. Seizing his chance, Celebrimbor abandons Talion, who, he states, was only a vessel in this endeavor anyway, and offers the New Ring to Eltariel. until Talion ended all of this, in the end if Cele hadn't betrayed Talion and were once a tag team in the final battle, Sauron would had been fully legit defeated Eltariel was a good vessel but Talion was a superior one The two argued until it was too late; Talion told Eltariel that the ring was his and that Talion was no more. I do not like it because for a mere 3 hours it seems like the publisher already had this ready. Eltariel didn't necessarily need the ring to survive, she used it at Galadriel's behest to complete her mission: to destroy the Nazgûl. During the time, he had fought off Sauron's advances to dominate his mind. Seizing his chance, Celebrimbor abandons Talion, who, he states, was only a vessel in this endeavor anyway, and offers the New Ring to Eltariel. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The fact he actually wanted to control Isildur, and probably every other ringwraith as slaves if he could makes him no different than Sauron at all, he even said their good men before being corrupted by the rings, so why not finally let them rest after lord knows how long of being controlled. Quickly striking the Nazgûl and forcing him to flee, she told Talion that the wraiths injuries would slow him, before inquiring to Talion about his own, before then rushing off to continue her hunt. Eltariel responded, telling her that Talion was dead, she having left him for dead after she claimed Celebrimbor's Ring, before Galadriel informed her that the ranger now wore Anarion's Ring and he now belonged to Sauron. Think about it. Eltariel didn't necessarily need the ring to survive, she used it at Galadriel's behest to complete her mission: to destroy the Nazgûl. He was closer in mind to the elves than to men, and he was able to trick both of them into believing that they had won. She proceeds to recruit Ogg, Bow of Morgoth, Ar-Baruk the Thrall and Ar-Kaius the Architect. While Eltariel is unable to brand orcs, she can tame wild beasts just fine. Finishing Thoughts – Middle Earth: Shadow of War. Talion began to succumb to the Ring in his fingers not long after the recapture of Gorgoroth. talion and eltariel fanfiction. Also, Celebrimbor/Talion never truly dominated the orcs in the events of Shadow of Mordor, they were simply rounding up a small group by displaying their dominance and striking fear … After fighting Sauron atop Barad-Dur and defeating him, Sauron cut her ring finger while Celebrimbor was trying to dominate him, overpowering Eltariel and merging with Celebrimbor to enter a perpetual state of war as a flaming eye on top of Barad-Dur. And when it turned out it couldn’t solve it, she went back to her … Encountering the fallen ranger back at Celebrimbor's barrows, she sharpened his sword, whilst waiting for him to awaken, expressing minor surprise that Talion was indeed capable of returning from the dead, and briefly attempting to question him on how it feels to die and return to life, before Talion urgently inquired about the fate of the city and the Palantir he had attempted to protect, to which Eltariel confirmed the loss of both to The Dark Lord, Sauron. The whole dlc is some sieges and Talion didn't even move to his fortresses to defend them, because as it was shown he was with Eltariel this whole time. Talion and to a lesser extent Celebrimbor have gotten used to and accepted the orcs antics. And time has been slowly finishing off those the Orcs couldn't kill. The Blade was forced to put the newly turned Nazgul down, though unable to kill him. Race Eltariel continued her campaign to other fortresses lost to the Nazgul Sisters, resorting to non-conventional takeovers due to Talion's weakened military power. The rings were corrupt by Sauron himself once they were forged. I believe that the reason Eltariel and Celebrimbor lost the battle was because Sauron understood them. "As we've travelled, I've been seeing things, memories. This causes Talion to start to succumb to the wounds he gained in Shadow of Mordor at the hand of the Hand of Sauron. Now, a year later, he had an army of specters at his command with Uruk-Hai as well. Why did Talion become evil? Shelob saw that he and celebrimbor could dominate sauron but eltariel and celebrimbor failed. That is because she isn't using Celebrimbor's … At some point prior to the events of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Eltariel was selected by the Lady Galadriel as her "blade" and, armed with The Light of Galadriel, a powerful artifact, was sent into the realm of Mordor to hunt down the Nazgûl and keep them confined to the Land of Shadow, a task she was initially delighted with, but later came to question as she was left hunting a foe that ultimately remains unkillable, leaving her questioning what the point of her quest is. Witnessing an angry confrontation between Talion and Celebrimbor, the former of which disagreed with the latter's method of dominating the Ringwraith's, and his intentions to try dominate Sauron and claim the Dark Lord's armies for his own, Eltariel sided with the Wraith, and was quickly offered the chance to don Celebrimbor's new Ring of Power, becoming his vessel and providing her the chance to end her quest and destroy the threat of Sauron and the Nazgûl once and for all. We know that Eltariel comes to Minas Morgul right after Sauron merged with Celebrimbor. Upon arriving in Cirith Ungol. After witnessing that the New Ring was capable of severing Sauron's hold on a Ringwraith (and thus rendering him/her vulnerable to death), Elatriel became somewhat willing to wear the Ring and attempted dominating Sauron with the help of Celebrimbor. She didn't took the ring, Celebrimbor had the ring and gave it to her If he isn't, Celebrimbor is certainly right on the very edge of being evil. Talion refuses to follow his. Sure cele still sees them as tools but he atleast values them in that way and gives credit where credit is due. He didn't deceive Talion, but he did betray him by leaving him for another. If you are charging 30 or 40 bucks half the price of the full game give me at least a 1/4 to a half of the playtime. Shelob decided to return the ring to Talion thereafter, and Talion left to begin his campaign against Sauron. If the Big C betrayal was supposed to be the end, why did they officially end talion? When killed by an Olog Captain when playing as Eltariel, she might resurrect with her left blade missing, as if it goes through the "sword-breaker" feature in the main campaign. 1 Portrayal in adaptations 2 Personality 3 Skills and abilities … Upon reaching the citadel, Eltariel fights Talion before he reveals that he has not yet succumbed to the power of the ring of Anarion. Why? Voice Celebrimbor was a Ñoldorin prince, last of the House of Fëanor left in Middle-earth, ruler of the Second Age realm of Eregion, He was the son of Curufin, fifth son of Fëanor and Nerdanel. Before we left Eltariel walked up to me. If she give the ring to Talion, he wouldn't be corrupt. I'd say that yes, Celebrimbor did lie to Talion. The fates of Baranor, Idril and Eltariel were left vague to entice people to buy the DLC, I'm sure. Firstly, this question is a major spoiler for the games end. Teaming up with Talion they ventured to the icy peaks of Seregost where Hammerhand had fled after Eltariel and Talion repulsed his attempts to reclaim Seregost, and the two defeated the ringwraith. The elf, shockingly, only briefly hesitates before accepting it. Other Knew they wouldn't have the guts though. Whilst conversing with Talion, Celebrimbor noticed her possession of the Light of Galadriel, telling Talion they could use it to recover the ring, assuming that Eltariel like most inhabitants of Middle-Earth were unaware of the Wraiths presence, before she proved him wrong. Eltariel: Talion, do not betray the Man you were. Wrecked Weapon: Acharn is the broken hilt of Dirhael's sword, doubling as a Tragic Keepsake. Secondly he did not join the Nazgul on his will. Firstly she is so arragont and conceded and it is frustrating to play as her or be near her because of it. As Talion picks up Isildur's ring, he becomes a ringwraith and decided to take back … Talion took decades to fall and the BoG storyline, even though it doesn't seem like it, also took decades to play out. "Barely a company's worth of men managed to fight our way out of Mordor when Castamir betrayed the city. I continued fighting him until Talion finished him banishing him. }); Normally, Week 1 is the only time "Monday Night Football" has a doubleheader. I dislike her for a few reasons. Eltariel: Y/n hang on. So, what brings a wizard to archives of Gondor?" Downfall of Talion and After the War of the Ring. No I'm not confused. Progressing through the city and leading Talion and Celebrimbor, during in which the Ranger and Wraith duo dominated a small number of Orcs, they eventually made their way to the upper city, where the Witch-King had secured his dominion with a veil of Shadow, and a Nazgûl in ornate armour descended to confront them on the stairs to the Great Hall, proclaiming that the Witch-King possessed the city, and would soon possess Talion as well. Held a stance against domination, until suddenly, it was too late ; Talion told Eltariel that only! 'Annatar the Lord of gifts ' the time he was approached by himself! New ring to Talion, you can see it in the following,! 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