From the air the huge drawings on the ground become a map of the ancient world. This theory held that ancient Nazca was the landing site for an extraterrestrial spacecraft. He was first convicted at age 19 for theft, then at age 29 for fraud and embezzlement. A 2004 article in Skeptic Magazine states that von Däniken took many of the book's concepts from The Morning of the Magicians, that this book in turn was heavily influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, and that the core of the ancient astronaut theory originates in H. P. Lovecraft's stories "The Call of Cthulhu" written in 1926, and At the Mountains of Madness written in 1931. 96–107. Von Däniken, a 19-year-old with a Catholic education and a passion for flying saucers, was captivated. in high school and college logic courses, as object lessons in sloppy thinking. We keep researching and the drill continues. Perhaps the most famous theory of the Nazca Lines is that of Swiss writer Erich von Däniken. signs for the gods to signal those who were moving in the sky. Follow this link to watch over 8000 Original Shows, Films and Documentaries. [10] The re-write of Chariots of the Gods? As seen in Skeptic magazine", "Ridley Scott's alien movie 'Prometheus' inspired by Erich von Däniken", Publications by and about Erich von Däniken, Däniken entry from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy and Spaceflight, "Von Däniken’s Chariots: A Primer in the Art of Cooked Science", Secret History of the Gods w/ Erich von Däniken (2014 interview), "Maybe Not; ARRIVAL OF THE GODS; By Erich von Daniken",äniken&oldid=1015820733, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Daniken: a video song directed by Samik Roy Choudhury, sung by, This page was last edited on 3 April 2021, at 19:17. Benannt sind die Linien, die Wüste und die Kultur nach der unweit der Ebene liegenden Stadt Nazca. A local priest, Father Crespi, stewarded a collection of the gold extraterrestrial relics, he said, with special permission from the Vatican. Von Däniken said that this was an "error" in the first edition, but it has not been corrected in later editions. The Nazca lines of Peru are a collection of geoglyphs on the Peruvian desert floor. I was at a side entrance." But the potter had proof that Cabrera had thanked him for providing the stones for the museum. [28][31], Consensus among archeologists is that the Nazca lines were created by pre-Columbian civilizations for cultural purposes. Ronald Story published The Space Gods Revealed: A Close Look At The Theories of Erich Von Däniken in 1976, written in response to the evidence presented in von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods?. I also hope for the continuing popularity of books like Chariots of the Gods? Utermann was a former Schriftleiter of Völkischer Beobachter and had been a Nazi bestselling author. However, the technique of construction is well understood, the tools the Egyptians used are known, marks left in the quarries by those tools are still visible, and many examples of the tools are preserved in museums. Conceding that Nazca pottery is found in association with the lines, von Däniken (1970) writes: "But it is surely oversimplifying things to attribute the geometrically arranged lines to the Nazca culture for that reason alone." 1. At this place they landed, during the landing stones was blown away by the power of rocket propulsion. His theory relies on the book of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings by Charles Hapgood. [13] He unsuccessfully entered a plea of nullity, on the grounds that his intentions were not malicious and that the credit institutions were at fault for failing adequately to research his references,[6][9][13] and on 13 February 1970 he was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment and was also fined 3,000 francs. Von Däniken claimed that the stones at the museum were very different from those made by the potter, but the Nova reporters oversaw the manufacturing of one stone and confirmed that it was very similar to those in the museum. [30], Descriptions of some Nazca line photos in Chariots of the Gods? This potter makes stones daily and sells them to tourists. ("Did our Ancestors have a Visit from Space?") 83-205 SPR The UFO Enigma, Marcia S. Smith, 20 June 1983, Congressional Research Service, Appendix B, pp. Die Nazca-Ebene zeigt auf einer Fläche von 500 km² schnurgerade, bis zu 20 km lange Linien, Dreiecke und trapezförmig… Econ Verlag (now part of Ullstein Verlag) was willing to publish the book after a complete reworking by a professional author, Utz Utermann, who used the pseudonym of Wilhelm Roggersdorf. Erich von Däniken thinks that the Nazca lines formed an airfield for alien spacecraft*, an idea first proposed by James W. Moseley in the October 1955 issue of Fate and made popular in the early sixties by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in The Morning of the Magicians. Feature Articles – Nazca: Airport of the Gods? LSG: Archaeologists claim the Nazca lines are ancient procession routes. Erich Von Daniken is a writer, producer, and former hotel manager and convicted con artist. ... Erich von Däniken was born in Zofingen, Switzerland, in 1935. for the German-Canadian periodical Der Nordwesten. [6] At the age of 19, he was given a four-month suspended sentence for theft. Von Däniken is one of the main figures responsible for popularizing the "paleo-contact" and ancient astronauts hypotheses. He was awarded with an honorary doctorate by La Universidad Boliviana. The Nazca Lines from the point of view of Erich of Däniken n 1968, a new explorer of the phenomenon of Nazca lines appears on the scene. But Piri Reis said that he had drawn that map himself using older maps, and the map is consistent with the cartographic knowledge of that time. After the departure of these ancient astronauts, the Nazc… Transcripts of Däniken's letters to his wife Elizabeth (whom he married in 1959), during this period are provided in Krassa, pp. The map in von Däniken's book only extends five degrees south of the equator, ending in Cape São Roque, which means that it doesn't extend to Antarctica. Von Däniken later became a co-founder of the Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association (AAS RA). that a version of the Piri Reis map depicted some Antarctic mountains that were and still are buried in ice, and could only be mapped with modern equipment. [53], According to von Däniken, books in his series have altogether been translated into 32 languages and have sold more than 63 million copies.[54]. Erich von Däniken - Cargo-Cult. [11] In 1970, Der Spiegel referred to the hype over Däniken as Dänikitis. He also describes ancient artwork throughout the world as containing depictions of astronauts, air and space vehicles, extraterrestrials, and complex technology. (German Erinnerungen an die Zukunft, which literally translated is "Memories of the Future"), working on the manuscript late at night after the hotel's guests had retired. [43] Egyptologists have found artifacts and drawings of an object called a merkhet,[44] which enabled the ancient Egyptians to find true north using the North Star and other stars aligned with the merkhet. simply copied what had already been done by their predecessors of Paracas. Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles discovered new Nazca lines. So what were they doing? One example that von Däniken has tenaciously clung to by way of ‘evidence’ is that of the Nazca Lines of Peru. Although not exactly in Nazca, but in the Chincha Valley, located in the vicinity of Nazca. [17] The first edition of von Däniken's Erinnerungen an die Zukunft failed to cite Robert Charroux's One Hundred Thousand Years of Man's Unknown History despite making very similar claims, and publisher Econ-Verlag was forced to add Charroux in the bibliography in later editions, to avoid a possible lawsuit for plagiarism. He has failed to credit these authors properly or at all, even when making the same claims using similar or identical evidence. Nur im Abo erhältlich. Als Urheber der Linien gelten die Paracas-Kultur und die Nazca-Kultur. He said Moricz's expedition crew had been forced by some unknown entity to sign a "pledge of silence", which explained Moricz's refusal to corroborate his account. [42], Von Däniken states that the Great Pyramid is located on the Median line dividing the continents,[38] and that the Egyptians could not have aligned the edges so perfectly to true north without advanced technology that only aliens could give them. [29] Von Däniken's books attracted so many tourists to the Nazca region that researcher Maria Reiche had to spend much of her own time and money preserving the lines. He begins with the ancient astronaut assumption and then forces all data to fit the idea. [45] The ancient Egyptian astronomers and, possibly, farmers spent much time studying the stars in order to accurately track the agricultural seasons. The Nazca lines are giant drawings in the earth, ... One of the most controversial alternative theories, popularized by author Erich Anton Paul von Däniken, is that extraterrestrials helped the Nazca people build the geoglyphs as landing strips for their aircraft. But the PBS television series Nova determined that the stones were modern, and located the potter who made them. The ideas put forth in his books are rejected by a majority of scientists and academics, who categorize his work as pseudohistory, pseudoarchaeology, and pseudoscience. In so doing, he refuted the 1969 hypothesis of Erich von Däniken, who suggested that "ancient astronauts" had constructed these works. He was assisted a year later by Reiche who devoted the rest of her life to the study of Nazca. 40, 1970-09-28, p. 214. von Däniken's side of the story is given in Krassa, pp. Von Däniken's data consists mainly of archaeological sites and ancient myths. [26], Von Däniken brought the Nazca Lines to public prominence in Chariots of the Gods? Anthropological Series Vol XVIII, No. Lovecraft and the invention of ancient astronauts. [18], That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times. He was a hotel manager in Davos, Switzerland when he wrote Chariots of the Gods. [9] The draft of the book was turned down by several publishers. Von Däniken wrote his second book, Gods from Outer Space, while in prison.[6][13]. Nevertheless, some have publicly doubted the Nazca’s ability to create such works, given their earthbound perspective. Von Däniken also said that the map showed some distortions that would only happen if it was an aerial view taken from a spaceship flying above El Cairo, but in fact it doesn't extend far enough to the south to cause visible distortions in an aerial view. In his book “Arrival of The Gods“, he added that some of the pictures depicted extraterrestrials. The glyphs are most The right hand is not handling any rocket controls, but simply making a traditional Maya gesture that other figures in the sides of the lid also make, and is not holding anything. "[27] According to Richard R. Lingeman of The New York Times, it is likely that von Däniken obtained these references from UFO books that mentioned them as real documents. It was reviewed as "a coherent and much-needed refutation of von Däniken's theories". feature where "author Erich von Däniken discusses evidence he has found of alien visitations to Earth."[58]. [12], In November 1968 von Däniken was arrested for fraud, after falsifying hotel records and credit references in order to take out loans[9] for $130,000 over a period of twelve years. He also describes ancient artwork thro… This is commonly referred to as the ancient astronaut theory and generally contains that aliens are responsible for most if not all of the most ancient civilizations on earth. Without a doubt the most infamous theory about the Nazca Lines' origin was that proposed by Erich Von Däniken in his 1968 book Chariots of the Gods. Rottenburg 2013. [1][2][3] Early in his career, he was convicted and served time for several counts of fraud or embezzlement,[4] and wrote one of his books in prison. [citation needed], Playboy, August 1974 (volume 21, number 8), Der Spiegel, 5202660, Wie es unser Explorand sehr schön zeigt, by, Der Spiegel 44418148 Gläubige Gemeinde, 1970, Nr. [20] When informed by an interviewer, in 1974, that the pillar was not rust-free, and that its origin, method of construction, and relative resistance to corrosion were all well understood, von Däniken responded that he no longer believed extraterrestrials had been involved in its creation.[21][22]. [52], Speaking in a 2001 documentary, von Däniken said that although he could not conclusively prove to the scientific community that any of the items in his archive were of alien origin, he felt that "today's science" would not accept such evidence, as "the time is simply not right". The Peruvian coastal region is home to a series of mysterious lines, brought to fame by the Swiss author Erich von Däniken. Erich Von Däniken held a theory about the Nazca lines that points to the use of the Nazca pampa as a landing field for an extraterrestrial spacecraft. "And that's what I have done. was accepted for publication early in 1967, but not printed until March 1968. The book catapulted Peru’s Nazca lines to prominence among conspiracy theorists, and the discovery of Nazca … Erich von Däniken Theory The essential basis behind the Erich von Däniken Theory is that there was a certain extraterrestrial influence upon the construction of the Nazca lines. [5] Kanjilal, Dileep Kumar: Vimanas in Ancient India. [16] Many ideas from this book appeared in different form in Däniken's books. Von Däniken says that he asked Doctor Cabrera, a local surgeon who owns the museum, and Cabrera had told him that the potter's claims were a lie and that the stones were ancient. Calcutta 1985. Moricz told Der Spiegel that there had been no expedition; von Däniken's descriptions came from "a long conversation", and the photos in the book had been "fiddled". Swiss author Erich von Däniken was convinced some of the biomorphs depict aliens themselves, an idea he popularized in his 1968 book Chariots of the Gods.. Brought up as a Roman Catholic, he attended the Saint-Michel International Catholic School in Fribourg, Switzerland. [23], Samuel Rosenberg said that the Book of Dzyan, referred to by von Däniken,[26] was "a fabrication superimposed on a gigantic hoax concocted by Madame Blavatsky." They range in complexity from lines to geometric shapes to stylized animals, such as birds, spiders, and lizards. The geoglyphs are associated with the Paracas culture, which was located around 350 kilometres south of Lima, and is 300 years older than the Nasca culture. Although not exactly in Nazca, but in the Chincha Valley, located in the vicinity of Nazca. [3] von Däniken, Erich: Impossible truths. Article. ), Von Däniken put forward photographs of the Ica stones, ancient stones in Peru, with carvings of men using telescopes, detailed world maps, and advanced medical operations, all beyond the knowledge of ancient Peruvians. The first clue to guessing who is behind these jewels is the word: mystery. 130–135. Von Däniken a Swiss author, published the book “Chariots of the Gods?” which wrote about Nazca Lines.In this book, he proposed that the lines were built on instructions from extraterrestrial beings. [6] He left the school and was apprenticed to a Swiss hotelier for a time,[7] before moving to Egypt. [51] Archeologist Clifford Wilson wrote two books similarly debunking von Däniken: Crash Go the Chariots in 1972 and The Chariots Still Crash in 1975. Erich von Däniken, Writer: Egypt. Von Däniken had visited the potter and examined the stones himself, but he didn't mention this in his book. Von Däniken also claims that Egyptians built perfect pyramids from the beginning, but numerous pyramid precursors survive, showing the errors made and corrected by Egyptian architects while they were perfecting the technique. Von Däniken is an occasional presenter on the History Channel and H2 show Ancient Aliens, where he talks about aspects of his theories as they pertain to each episode. In 1978–1982 eight comic books were translated into 12 languages[55] and have sold over 5 million copies. Calling the Nazca lines “runways” was, by sheer chance, von Däniken’s most fateful stab in the dark. [47] (In "Chariots of the Gods?" Ma se Erich von Däniken avesse ragione e se gli alieni all'epoca fossero atterrati sulla terra per vedere cosa succedeva qui e per poter prelevare campioni del suolo, ricco di minerali? There is still no conclusive evidence as to how the pyramids were built. So, here we are forty-five years later watching Ancient Aliens S05E08 “Beyond Nazca,” where the successors to von Däniken are still promoting the Nazca lines, though with less grounded claims about what the aliens were doing with the plateau’s various zoomorphic and geometric shapes. [41] There are also tombs of workers, with some of the skeletons showing evidence of having received medical care. He reported seeing mounds of gold, strange statues, and a library containing metal tablets, all of which he considered to be evidence of ancient extraterrestrial visitation. [46], Von Däniken claimed that the Sarcophagus of Palenque depicted a spaceman sitting on a rocket-powered spaceship, wearing a spacesuit. The Nazca Lines of Peru have generated reams of commentary, from the nonsensical of von Däniken to the more profound of Maria Reiche > (1903-1998). [35] Other authors had already published this same idea, a fact that von Däniken did not recognize until 1974 in an interview with Playboy magazine.[36]. [8] While in Egypt, he was involved in a jewelry deal which resulted in a nine-month conviction for fraud and embezzlement upon his return to Switzerland. The general claim of von Däniken over several published books, starting with Chariots of the Gods? Discovery of New Nazca! However, archaeologists see nothing special about the figure, a dead Maya monarch (K'inich Janaab' Pakal) wearing traditional Maya hairstyle and jewellery, surrounded by Maya symbols that can be observed in other Maya drawings. He argued that it was first necessary to "prepare" mankind for a "wonderful new world". [37] The documentary doesn't actually demonstrate the cutting or transportation of a true 2.5 ton block but instead has actors portray the theory by pushing what is a prop rock on a prop sled based on an ancient sled that was discovered in Egypt. Von Däniken explains the origins of religions as reactions to contact with an alien race, and offers interpretations of sections of the Old Testament of the Bible. Scientific American characterized Nickell's work as "remarkable in its exactness" when compared to the existing lines. [25] A geologist found no evidence of artificial tunnels in the area. He used the money for foreign travel to research his book. 6 Mal und kostet Euro 49 pro Jahr. [33] Also, the map is not "absolutely accurate" as claimed by von Däniken, since it contains many errors and omissions;[34] a fact that von Däniken did not correct when he covered the map again in his 1998 book Odyssey of the Gods. [23] Father Crespi's gold artifacts, according to an archeologist consulted by Der Spiegel, were mostly brass imitations sold locally as tourist souvenirs. 127–130, quoting "Some trust in chariots: sixteen views on Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the gods", editors Thiering, Barry and Edgar Castle, West Books, 1972, harvnb error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFFritze2009 (, Nova, "Decoding the Great Pyramid," 2019, Nova interviews with Mark Lehner and Zahi Hawass "Who Built the Pyramids", The Space Gods Revealed: A Close Look At The Theories of Erich Von Däniken, Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology, "Wie es unser Explorand sehr schön zeigt", "The "Mythological" History of the Geoglyphs", "Tribute to Maria Reiche. [6] Two years later,[9] von Däniken was convicted for "repeated and sustained" embezzlement, fraud, and forgery, with the court ruling that the writer had been living a "playboy" lifestyle. [5], Von Däniken was born in Zofingen, Aargau. that are entirely unrelated to the calendar. He received the Huésped Ilustre award from the cities of Ica and Nazca in Peru. Von Däniken also asserts the existence of a legend saying that a god gave the map to a priest, the god being an extraterrestrial being. Erich Anton Paul von Däniken (/ˈɛrɪk fɒn ˈdɛnɪkɪn/; German: [ˈeːrɪç fɔn ˈdɛːnɪkən]; born 14 April 1935) is a Swiss author of several books which make claims about extraterrestrial influences on early human culture, including the best-selling Chariots of the Gods?, published in 1968. A.D. Crown, in Some Trust in Chariots, explains how this is simply wrong. in 1968, is that extraterrestrials or "ancient astronauts" visited Earth and influenced early human culture. Later, he said, a "leading German archaeologist", dispatched to Ecuador to verify his claims, could not locate Moricz. [23] During the 1974 interview, von Däniken asserted that he had indeed seen the library and the artifacts in the tunnels, but he had embellished some aspects of the story to make it more interesting. The rocket motor under the figure is the face of a monster, symbol of the underworld. In his book, he says that there is no evidence of Egyptian workers at the pyramid site;[38] however, archaeologists have found evidence of buildings where workers would have lived,[40] with bakeries and sewer systems. There are countless mysteries and wonders within the world. He designed Mystery Park (now known as Jungfrau Park), a theme park located in Interlaken, Switzerland, that opened in May 2003. The alien beings supposedly imparted the local people with special knowledge and technology before returning to their home planet. Egyptian builders, however, knew of simple methods to find north via star observation. The Nazca markings are indeed a mystery, although we do know who produced them--von Däniken notwithstanding. (, "Report No. Von Däniken also incorrectly states the sculpture to be from Copán, rather than Palenque. His lifelong Fascination with extraterrestrial visitors first found its expression in 1968 with the international best-seller Chariots of the Gods. Erich von Däniken's theory is the most famous approach to solve the mystery of Nazca. Of some Nazca von däniken nazca lines photos in Chariots of the Gods in Zofingen, Aargau approach. Djoser, and lizards indicate the workers were well taken care of, which suggests they were.... International best-seller Chariots of the Gods ideas from this book appeared in different form in Däniken 's theory is the... And technology before returning to their home planet the profession, as,. The Nazca lines were built by ancient astronauts as a Roman Catholic, he was a hotel in... It explored several great `` mysteries '' of the Gods? 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