We have found the dead body of Carlson Davis. All traces of the DVD were destroyed and banished, and now it's considered lost media. What a good show on A983 Network... you don't believe me? Then when she was looking back what happened, Evil Henry popped out of the computer, and he looked more horrifying than ever. The trio are featured in the Completing the Mission pathways Triple Threat … You know how Ellie and Henry can fuse to become Ellry? But let me give you the truth. Search it up on Youtube. Me and my friends saw a Dark Episode that shouldn't be watched. Then, they set up a private funeral for her. I vomited. Barley knows sign language, but is trying to … DESTROY THE DVD IF YOU CAN. Then Mark said: "Take another screencap of it!" we all watched the episode and smiled when Helia kissed Charles. Takes place after the Triple Threat Ending from the Henry Stickmin Series. Then the credits rolled. Henry acts like himself for awhile. henry stickmin, gaming, henry stickimin gamer, gamer henry stickmin, distraction dance, you have been distracted, alright here i come, triple threat, ive got the perfect plan, convict allies, cute, stickman character, charles calvin, captain g and i did. Some songs are absent from the remastered versions for copyright reasons. Then, Henry looked at himself and it showed a montage of Helia, Charles, Tunia and Ellie's Gruesome deaths, with sad piano music playing. Henry polished his knife and started getting closer to Tunia. Ask Team Triple Threat! However, we all decided to split up after this episode. Then, Tunia was scared. It's the greatest plan to end all greatest plans." henry stickmin charles calvin ellie rose dragon henry triple threat ref We know Henry's commited some deeds in the past, but this was WAY TOO FAR! But he said in a deep, dark voice: "There is no escape, Tuni. The trio are allied with the Government and the Military, and successfully take down the Toppat Clan in the two endings they are featured in. It's for your own damn good. Anyways... the show centers around a talk show with Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose, Charles Calvin, Helia, Tunia and many others. Then, he stabbed Tunia. I said before Evil Henry killed off Jolibe. Takes place after the Triple Threat Ending from the Henry Stickmin Series. Toy Story 2: An Alternate Villain Death/Transcript, Christopher Robin, You've Changed (My Friends Tigger & Pooh Lost Episode), MCPECreepypastaMaker/Pinkie Pie's Suicide, Dead Bart Lost "The Simpsons" Episode VHS Footage, Do not vandalize this page or you'll be blocked. Include … It hit us right in the feels. "JOLIBE RUN!!!" "HOLY SHIT, that seems like overkill!" It's really creative and fits very well with the story! Then Mark said: "I love the hijinx team Triple Threat does!". However, one question still remains: Is the Third DVD still out there? The show contains some dark and comedic things, which is why i love this show dearly, but not for long. It showed Helia in the shower, then Henry sneaked into the bathroom, polished a knife and STABBED HELIA. Then the DVD ejected from the laptop. Then, Henry continued killing poor Tunia as she was screaming for help. Then he crashed his helicopter to the ocean! One of my friends named Carl said: "Hell yeah! Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose fly down with wings on their arms to swoop into the rocket, but they fly into the rocket itself and fall off, landing unceremoniously on the ground, which results in a fail.. Pardoned Pals/Toppat Recruits. But the last question scared us. Then, he grabbed a noose, a gun and a knife at the same time. and then he hung, sliced and shot himself. So loud in fact, that we had to cover our ears. Takes place after the Triple Threat Ending from the Henry Stickmin Series. Jolibe was skeptical but curious at the same time. Not even the dead spirits of Helia and Charles.". Trending pages And tried to rip out Tunia's Gems. What if everybody died? It's all over." Put it in the laptop, it's gonna be great!" It is inspired by the tumblr blog: "Ask Team Triple Threat" made by JolibeDoodles. For a split second i saw Evil Henry killing Ellie with a chainsaw, ripping her head off. Me and my friends went back home and decided to watch the DVD. Tunia's Gems are her hair, but Henry ignored it anyways. Anyways... the show centers around a talk show with Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose, Charles Calvin, Helia, Tunia and many others. Triple Threat. I had to respond to the question, and i blew it all too far by killing my friend. Then, Henry ran away from the bathroom and went outside. We all gasped at first, but then we all thought it was a sick joke. Ask Henry, Charles, or Ellie anything, because stick figures need more love qwq (Asks: Closed qwq) Main Blog: @jolibedoodles Then Evil Henry pierced through the Snas X Existence Book, and then kills off The Pineapple God by brutally killing him. Not much change since he hardly talks. Luckily Carl sent me a barf bag. Pinned Post henry stickmin collection henry stickmin ellie henry stickmin henry stickmin charles ellie rose charles calvin triple threat triple threat adventures 6 notes Oct 6th, 2020 Open in app The Triple Threat Show. ❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚. His brain was exposed, his eyes were bloodshot, and some parts of his torso were exposing his skeleton. The Amazing World of Gumball: The Grieving. Me and my friends saw a Dark Episode that shouldn't be watched. When Charles got to the corner at the end of the hall, glancing at him one last time as if to check if he was really okay, Then he slowly walked out of his line of sight. Then, Henry came to the room with the same bloody knife he used to kill Helia. First i robbed a bank, then i stole a diamond, and now i killed my friends." Henry wouldn't commit a mass killing spree to all his friends. He kneeled in front of her and started crying loudly. I guess this is where i live. Favorite faction: The Wall. Then it cut to The Pineapple God reading Snas X Existence while lounging on a chair, not aware of what's been going on. Notable music from the Henry Stickmin series. Screenshot of poor little Tunia being tormented by Henry. You 2 are really great :D But um.. Ellie is.. sad. :(, I! While Charles goofs around with Henry. It had nothing but Henry's head, bleeding. Henry felt guilty, while Ellie was mourning the death of her 3 friends. Special BROvert Ops is one of the sixteen endings in Completing the Mission. Then Henry dropped the knife. Tunia was losing a lot of blood, and when she finished, she collapsed into the floor, unconscious. DO NOT WATCH IT AT ALL COSTS. Ellie said: "Y'know, Henry...", and then she PULLED OUT A GUN OUT OF NOWHERE! Then, when Henry finally stabbed her a bunch of times, Tunia died. The show contains some dark and comedic things, … Then, Henry bursted into Tunia's Room, with the Knife. Triple Threat is one of the sixteen endings in Completing the Mission. He went back to his room. Videos:Space Resort ending: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EHOrXbQQ-XU Toppat King ending: https://m.youtube.com… Screenshot of poor Jolibe before getting murdered. It's great. The DVD was all broken, with 5 fragments. i asked. Post-Henry Stickmin Series: Completing the Mission (15) Selectively Mute Henry Stickmin (6) Triple Threat Ending | TT (Henry Stickmin) (6) Valiant Hero Ending | VH (Henry Stickmin) (4) Angst (3) Spoilers (3) Parent Henry Stein (3) Fluff (2) Time Travel (2) Nightmares (2) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. "What if The Pineapple God died..? If only someone could've saved me right in that moment, like Charles, but nooooo, he took his own life. And then we all got shocked when the title of the episode said: "Episode 666: Henry Goes mad!". Then, when the montage stopped, Henry walked away from Ellie's rotting corpse, crying. [1]An Example of a Triple Threat show Episode. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We were shocked by what we saw. It involves teaming up with Charles the whole way to capture the remaining members of the Toppat Clan. Tunia then grabbed her phone and called 9-1-1. Tunia was relieved but Henry said in a deep voice: "I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS!" Then it cut to Jolibe (You may recognize her as the creator of the Ask Team Triple Threat blog) Doing stuff for the Ask Team Triple Threat blog when a pop-up showed up. All of these characters getting mauled to death by... HENRY, STICKMIN. Then, after those painful minutes, the episode finally concluded. This is one of the endings from Completing The Mission featured on The Henry Stickmin Collection, I do not own any of the characters featured in this image. And he muttered some pretty depressing words: "I'm a terrible friend. It was too creepy. I heard many of my friends took their own lives, so to end the madness, i have to do the same. We then threw the pieces away into the road, without thinking. This is not a selfcest, this is just family relationship between all Henry … There was text above that said: "I WILL KILL YOU!". With a button that says: "CLICK HERE!" Anyways... the show centers around a talk show with Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose, Charles Calvin, Helia, Tunia and many others. >////< I love how the theme incorporated the leitmotifs of the Government and Ellie's theme. The Triple Threat show is a show me and my friends watched. Then he said sadly: "I didn't wanna do this, but trust me. It said: "Let a bot do all the work for you!" Ask Henry, Charles, or Ellie anything, because stick figures need more love qwq (Asks: Closed qwq) Main Blog: @jolibedoodles Mark said: "Take a screencap of it!" What if Charles and Tuni fused and became a mega-simp for Helia? I know you're crying about the fact that both Helia, Charles and Tunia died. We all thought she was dead, but we guessed she was added for time. Charles has died. However, we all … I doubt it's what actually happen in Henry's past in canon so that's why it's an AU. Some songs are absent from the remastered versions for copyright reasons. Triple Threat. Bank Robber, Prison Escapist, Diamond Stealer, Airship Infiltrater, Complex Escapist and Mission Completer. Then, it cut to Tunia reappearing from the dead. Ask Team Triple Threat! It is stated that he commited suicide by watching an banned episode of "The Triple Threat Show", and it had to stop airing on networks around the world for a full week. In this ending Henry calls the Toppat Clan for help in escaping The Wall. Ask Henry, Charles, or Ellie anything, because stick figures need more love qwq (Asks: Closed qwq) Main Blog: @jolibedoodles Flight Results is the music that is played in " Triple Threat " during the fail where Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose try to reach the Toppat Orbital Station with help of … Meeting of Allies- opening theme for Triple Threat (Okay, you may call me basic but I love Ellie, Charles and the Triple Threat ending. But I JUST DO OK??? To Henry and Charles: Hey you guys? Then another friend of mine named Tom said: "Yeah! Ellie said, before the screen faded out. Henry then ran away, with Tunia's dead, rotting corpse being left behind. What a good show on A983 Network... you don't believe me? Then it showed Henry and Ellie in a bench. My friends shrugged until we saw the scene that almost made me GAG. Spoiler alert: It wasn't. We all got confused. That's all i wanted to say.". When Charles stopped, he called Ellie, Henry and Tunia about what happened. So no one sees when he starts to get a bit wild. ?oldid=195908. It was more gruesome than the last episode. The show contains some dark and comedic things, which is why i love this show … The Screenshot of Ellie in the dark room. It features Henry, Ellie, Charles, Helia, Tunia, The Pineapple God and many others. This is the FBI. Random Henry Stickmin opinions. The video started with Ellie, all alone in an dark room, thinking of what could happen. Here's the sequel story! This is the third instance in which Henry … Then the episode ended with no credits, instead it was just all of the main characters rotting until they were nothing but organs. "Holy crap, the Valiant Hero ending is now canon?!" VH!Henry is threatened by someone making R!Henry and TCW!Henry have to solve the problem as soon as possible. Here it is! Toy Story 2: An Alternate Villain Death/Transcript, Christopher Robin, You've Changed (My Friends Tigger & Pooh Lost Episode), MCPECreepypastaMaker/Pinkie Pie's Suicide, Dead Bart Lost "The Simpsons" Episode VHS Footage, Do not vandalize this page or you'll be blocked, https://geosheas-lost-episodes.fandom.com/wiki/The_Triple_Threat_Show_Episode_666_2:_Suffering_is_real. Then, we entered our house with the DVD and checked if there's anything wrong with it. Henry was growling and making demon noises as Tunia watched in horror. Post-Triple Threat Ending | TT (Henry Stickmin) Triple Threat Ending | TT (Henry Stickmin) ok now i'm done; Summary. I couldn't sleep for months, because every time i sleep, i see Henry walking up to me with a knife. I had to do the choice. Let's watch it!" Out of The Wall with the help of Charles, they are sent to deal with the Toppat Clan once more to prevent them from going to space and becoming unstoppable. HELIARLES!! It showed the intro as always. I grabbed it and said: "Dudes! It features Henry, Ellie, Charles, Helia, Tunia, The Pineapple God and many others. In this pathway, Henry and Ellie can combine the wings with another … Real Suffering is not known." It's great. The Triple Threat Show. A au where Triple Threat was adopted by the Toppats at a young age after finding the three on the road togather. However, once Henry reaches the Airship, Reginald Copperbottom reveals his agenda, betraying Henry and throwing him into the ocean to die. We all watched in horror as Tunia was screaming for Henry's enjoyment while she was bleeding. "Finally. The police cannot help you now. I didn't gag though. And how Charles and Tuni are simps for Helia? Nothing much to see here, just the normal intro. The artwork is fan-made and drawn by Me. When Charles crashed his helicopter, the scene faded away as we could hear sounds of Charles' Helicopter crashing and Charles screaming. written in black sharpie in it appears in front of you, DO NOT PICK IT UP! He said this: "Friends, i'm coming." your own Pins on Pinterest Charles thinks its cool, but Ellie unsure about it. When Charles got to the corner at the end of the hall, glancing at him one last time as if to check if he was really okay, Then he slowly walked out of his line of sight. I also witnessed Charles' Death by drowning. Triple Threat Ending | TT (Henry Stickmin) Summary He stood up, stretched out a little to pop his back, before starting to dance just like he had earlier that day, clapping and swaying to the beat as he looked like the world’s biggest idiot. Favorite: The Government (I like the less popular characters like the Bukowski twins, … Henry reached to Ellie's shoulder and he spoke some not-so-evil words. What a good show on A983 Network... you don't believe me? Then Ellie said: "This is enough!" Then it cut to Evil Henry, with The Pineapple God's Corpse in the background, slowly showing his knife, brutally covered in red, realistic, BLOOD. Tom gagged. Tom said. This ending follows on from Rapidly Promoted Executive in which Henry … Henry-Youngest being 7yrs old, he rather chaotic but usually gets away with it cause of Ellie causing worst. The Triple Threat show is a show me and my friends watched. Then, Henry spoke a full line for the first time ever! She tries to search for some cure. I found an DVD of my favorite show: The Triple Threat Show!". Sep 7, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Just Fan. No response. It is inspired by the tumblr blog: "Ask Team Triple Threat" made by JolibeDoodles. Then some red text appeared: "HELLO", "I AM HERE TO SAY", "I AM SORRY FOR WHAT I DID", "I JUST WANTED TO RESPOND TO SATAN", "PLEASE", "LET US OUT OF THIS MISERY", "AND THEN WE WILL BE BACK", "I LOVE YOU". It's great. Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Discover (and save!) A more in detail look in the Triple Threat timeline that takes place in my AU. Then, it showed 5 gruesome minutes of Henry's dead body, hanging. "How could Henry betray his own friend?" and we all drove home with the DVD. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Betrayed is one of the five endings in Fleeing the Complex. Besides, nobody should mess with Stickmin. Her computer was doing weird noises. When it faded back to the scene, it showed a crashed helicopter, with Charles' Dead Corpse. Then, it showed Charles flying his helicopter in the sunset, crying. Here are the 4 questions that appeared in the episode. Search it up on Youtube. Beware, if a DVD with the words: "The Triple Threat Show: Henry goes mad!" Mark said. After those 5 minutes, the scene faded to black. Carl said. Me and my friends were at a park one night until we found a blank DVD. At the same time, Henry came to the … Tuni, how did you get those jewels to become your hair. He rather quiet and doesn’t speak much only to others he trust. Gems and tore them apart you and never miss a beat last words if! By Henry how Charles and Tuni are simps for Helia an Example of a Triple Threat Charles and died! Stopped, he rather quiet and doesn ’ t speak much only to others he trust past, we. Her 3 friends. into Tunia 's dead body, hanging sixteen endings in Fleeing the Complex fits very with... Thats why i like it, also cool ending music ) Overrated: Triple Threat 3 is... Then Henry grabbed it and FLUNG it RIGHT back at Ellie, Henry triple threat henry stickmin music... Also cool ending music ) Overrated: Triple Threat 3 also is combined with the!! 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