Reading this in the lead-up to Brexit was also tragicomic and awful in its own special way. Paperback. Archaeologists running a dig on the long-deserted terrain of what was once Great Britain, are searching for clues to help them decipher its past history. A science fiction story about the moon crashing into the earth....or is it? This one is something of an oddity, a work of science fiction which nicely bridges the gap between HG Wells and John Wyndham. The funny and moving story of the apocalypse - as seen from one small village in England Retired teacher Edgar Hopkins lives for the thrill of winning poultry prizes. This marvellous, disturbing novel is very different from what one might call the 'typical Persephone' title. Published in 1939, it not only foreshadows the destruction Europe faced at that time but remains relevant to modern day global issues. Edgar is a retired schoolmaster (but still only in his late forties), who lives on the Sussex downs. "A superior work." A thousand years ago, Western Europe was wiped out when the moon crashed into the Atlantic. I wanted to know more about what was going on in the world, but I respect the author's decision to keep the scope so limited. Cart Originally titled An Ordinary Man, the novel was published under its present title by Victor Gollancz, then republished by The Macmillan Company in 1963, before being reprinted by Persephone Books in 2002 Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. As a member of the British Lunar Society, our hero, champion … Most of his novels now seem to be out of print, but I don’t know whether he ever wrote anything quite so strange as this. The combination of quaint English characters living through a sci fi experience works well for R C Sherriff. I was so happy to finally find a copy on my visit to Persephone Books last week. I felt like I was having an anxiety attack for half of the book, which was not pleasant but is a credit to the writing I think. Cart But this is not science fiction in the mode of H G Wells's The War of the Worlds; it is a novel about human nature. I loved it but can appreciate this style and voice is not to everyone's taste. Lesen Sie „The Hopkins Manuscript“ von R. C. Sherriff erhältlich bei Rakuten Kobo. The Hopkins Manuscript, The Fortnight in September by R C Sheriff The Death of Grass (Penguin Modern Classics) by John Christopher. Nineteen Eighty-Four. The choice of lead character was interesting and it was hilarious that he spent as much time worrying about his stamp collection and prized chickens as he did the end of the world. I also thought that the book was uneven. In fact, in my opinion it should be up there with the Greats. To see what your friends thought of this book. - Anatomy of Wonder (1987) 3-341. A Sci-Fi novel by the author of the famous World War I play Journey’s End and another superb novel re-issued by Persephone books A Fortnight in September, The Hopkins Manuscript is a brilliant imagining of the moon’s collision with the earth, and the eventual end of western civilisation. The fact that the manuscript left by Edgar Hopkins was found answers the question that the end of the world didn't actually happen but it did have considerable fallout for the world as a whole. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want more?, "Publisher Gollancz: Books Published in 1939",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 March 2021, at 19:35. But Sherriff is not prepared to sacrifice his message for the sake of a tidy dénouement. No_Favorite. I really enjoyed this book. Buy New Learn more about this copy. Published not long before the start of the Second World War, and told from the point of view of a petty, small-minded, class-obsessed Englishman, it recounts the months prior to, and years after, the Moon's collision with the Earth (a note on the science: for the most part it's rubbish - the Moon is pulled to the Earth by 'Magnetic Attraction', and contains, amongst other things, an untold wealth of oil and coal; after th. And the tragedies, both the minor petty ones perceived by the narrator, and the truly catastrophic and poignant ones, were touching and sad. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! The comedy of mundanities and pettiness (and chickens) which obsess the narrator made for true laugh-out-loud moments, particularly in the first half. Plus at one point the protaganist gives one of his friends a book on poultry raising in the hopes that he might read it so that they would FINALLY have something interesting to talk about. Reading this in the lead-up to Brexit was also tragicomic and awful in its own special way. A US effort to stop the invading armies in Spain failed due to the poor logistics arising from the destruction of almost all its port cities on the Atlantic and Caribbean sides of the nation, although many refugees managed to escape from Iberia. He is remembered for his plays, the screenplays for the films The Invisible Man (1933), Goodbye Mr Chips (1933) and The Dam Busters (1955), and the novel The Hopkins Manuscript (1939). ISBN: 9780241349076 Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Hopkins Manuscript. It is really prescient on many points and reads as though it could have been written in the 21st century. The Hopkins Manuscript [R.C. Over the past few weeks I’ve been snatching hours with ‘The Hopkins Manuscript’ by RC Sherriff, one of the books Thomas from My Porch sent me for last year’s Persephone Christmas swap.If all the books Persephone publish are as good as this my bank balance is sunk, as each book is ten pounds (worth it, but ruinous). It concerns an unassuming middle-aged ex-schoolmaster called Edgar Hopkins, who lives quietly in the Hampshire countryside, keeping poultry. The Hopkins Manuscript is a good yarn, and very witty, especially if you have experience of the English temperament. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Social-political dystopian novel written by R. C. Sherriff in 1939. Clever, funny and wonderfully written, ‘The Hopkins Manuscript’ has quickly become a new favourite sci-fi novel for me. A thousand years ago, Western Europe was wiped out when the moon crashed into the Atlantic. Trying out the 'review as you go' feature on here, to look back at my thoughts as I read this book. Set in the 1930s, it's narrated by Edgar Hopkins, a pompous little ex-schoolmaster, whose life revolves around his poultry and membership of the Lunar Society. The Hopkins Manuscript [R.C. Sherriff's. The endpapers are taken from 'Wangle', a 1932 dyed cotton three colour print by Enid Marx. The first 2/3 are building suspense but it was a little overdone and then an awful lot of plot is crammed into the final third, which could have done with more time and space to develop. Fascinating in that not much sci-fi of this nature was written back then and typical of the stilted fashion of most old UK science fiction. I really can’t say whether the book has a happy ending or not; but I do recommend that you read it, and decide for yourself. The Hopkins Manuscript (1939) isn’t my usual fare, inasmuch as it is science fiction – not a genre I usually rush towards. I really can’t say whether the book has a happy ending or not; but I do recommend that you read it, and decide for yourself. Publisher: Persephone Books, 2005. Published in 1939, this is not quite science fiction and certainly not dystopian, but in its own way the study of an individual and a society in crisis, made more interesting because the crisis is huge - global - and the individual (the narrator) is a selfish and jealousy-inclined fusspot, though not without courage. And the tragedies, both the minor petty ones perceived by the narrator, and the truly catastrophic and poignant ones, were touching and sad. Cracking read that makes me hate politicians even more than I did already. I thought it might be old-school science fiction, spread into some good drama (sans melodrama), and it was. I am such a great girlfriend. Persephone Press mostly publish novels by women which are out of print or less well known today, but there’s a few interesting novels by men in their catalogue too. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. I am such a great girlfriend. A London bookseller introduces The Hopkins Manuscript ‘I am writing by the light of a piece of string which I have pushed through a fragment of bacon fat and arranged in an egg cup. Endpaper. On the night of the 3rd of May Hopkins does not join the rest of the village in the shelter of the dugout, but instead spends the evening in his library reading Treasure Island. Hopkins records this as one of the most disappointing days of his life. I found the character of Edgar Hopkins, the narrator, took a little getting used to since he starts out as a pompous, egotistical elderly man obsessed with his chickens and social rank, but he mellows as the story progresses and turns out to be only too human after disaster strikes. I know that this wasn't really meant to be a *science fiction* tour de force, but that part of it was so comically bad that it was hard not to distracted by it. Read "The Hopkins Manuscript" by R. C. Sherriff available from Rakuten Kobo. Edgar’s manuscript tells the story of his country’s final years. The endpapers are taken from 'Wangle', a 1932 dyed cotton three colour print by Enid Marx. It moves between abject despair and good old-fashioned British stoicism with ease. There was so much potential here and so much foreshadowing that never went anywhere. Fay Weldon chose The Hopkins Manuscript for her Summer Reading in the Observer, calling it 'spectacular, skilled and moving and supremely and alarmingly relevant to our life today'; while the Sunday Telegraph called it 'intensely readable and touching.' Originally titled An Ordinary Man, the novel was published under its present title by Victor Gollancz, then republished by The Macmillan Company in 1963, before being reprinted by Persephone Books in 2002 Before reading 'The Hopkins Manuscript' I had seen R.C. Persephone Press mostly publish novels by women which are out of print or less well known today, but there’s a few interesting novels by men in their catalogue too. It is now 1999, and the Millennium approaches. The play's enormous success enabled Sherriff to become a full-time writer. Hello, Sign in. It is absolutely compelling and chilling, particularly read in the face of the current climate crisis. Elsewhere the West’s no longer a global force, and hasn’t been for hundreds of years, its people, culture, heritage wiped out by a cataclysmic event, so distant that any memories of what happened have been totally erased. Endpaper. Sent from and sold by Amazon. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Quaint but powerful and prescient piece of science fiction. However,there were some big problems for me too. What makes the story so successfu. View all copies of this ISBN edition: Synopsis; New "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Topics similar to or like The Hopkins Manuscript. We know from the first page that Western civilisation eventually collapses entirely, and the causes will surprise no-one will a healthy cynicism regarding the behaviour of humans. The Hopkins Manuscript: lt;p|>||The Hopkins Manuscript|| is a |science fiction| novel written by |R. Very little is now known about the society back then, because the oppressed rose up and destroyed everything of the oppressors. Wikipedia. The Hopkins Manuscript is a brilliant imagining of the moon’s collision with the earth, and the eventual end of western civilisation. However,ther. It is absolutely compelling and chilling, particularly read in the face of the current climate crisis. The Hopkins Manuscript by R. C. Sherriff and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at The Hopkins Manuscript Item Preview > remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. A US effort to stop the invading armies in Spain failed due to the poor logistics arising from the destruction of almost all its port cities on the Atlantic and Caribbean sides of the nation, although many refugees managed to escape from Iberia. The foreword has the perspective of an academic society 1,000 years in the future finding the manuscript as an historical document.[4]. The Hopkins Manuscript Price New from Used from Hardcover "Please retry" $851.90 . See all 6 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. In fact, in my opinion it should be up there with the Greats. The small absurdities are only absurd until you realise that they could well happen, and whilst much has changed since the setting of the 1940s, much has not. One of these is The Hopkins Manuscript by R. C. Sherriff, who is probably best known today for his screenwriting: he wrote a good number of notable films, including The Dambusters and Goodbye Mr Chips; in his own day he was best known for plays including Journey’s End (which has just been made into a new film). [2][3], The story is set in England, where the main character, Edgar Hopkins, writes a narrative about a catastrophe in which the moon collides with the Earth, and his life afterward. Edgar Hopkins, our pompous and slightly pathetic protagonist, recounts the final months of the Earth before a collision with the moon, and a span of years afterwards. Wikipedia. On a visit to his … Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Persephone books are an auto-buy for me, but some don't please me as much as others. This is, I suppose, his diary. A London bookseller introduces The Hopkins Manuscript ‘I am writing by the light of a piece of string which I have pushed through a fragment of bacon fat and arranged in an egg cup. Octavo, pp. Be the first to ask a question about The Hopkins Manuscript. Refresh and try again. Häftad, 2018. Hello, Sign in. $851.90: $24.95: Paperback "Please retry" $11.10 . flag. It is the only surviving account of daily life in the months leading up to, and after the disaster. The Hopkins Manuscript is an odd book, a 1930s political satire wrapped up in a science fiction story. But Sherriff is not prepared to sacrifice his message for the sake of a tidy dénouement. Not a great novel but in some ways a clever companion piece to Sherriff's more well known work 'Journey's End'. Tom lent this to me, then I lost it, then I bought it and read it and gave it back to him for his birthday. Sherriff's World War 1 trench play 'Journeys End' , and read the charming novel 'A Fortnight In September'. 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