For the same purpose, Featherston ordered his Attorney General, Ferdinand Koenig, to increase the "population reductions" at Camp Determination (which was being threatened by Dowling's Eleventh Army) and elsewhere, annihilating the CSA's black population and releasing precious CS Army and Freedom Party guard formations for service at the front. 5=denotes a character who was a POV for the American Empire trilogy and the Settling Accounts series Then your immune system kicks in and attacks anything with that spike on it, including the COVID-19 virus. I feel lucky that I get to connect with so many people like you. In the U.S., this year also saw the horrifying killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, ruinous wildfires, and a presidential election unlike any other in modern times. The blacks would take the work that not even the bottom rung of white society would do (the so-called "po' buckra" or "white trash"), such as plantation work. Wright Patman, Don Partridge Denmark It was able to draw upon the talents of Albert Einstein and Denmark's Niels Bohr, as well as the cream of the German and Austro-Hungarian physics community. Your request may take a few days to process; we want to double check things before hitting the big red button. When the fighting petered out in the spring of 1942, President Charles W. La Follette (Al Smith was killed in a bombing raid in February, 1942) sent out peace feelers to the LDS Church on a basis of a status quo ante bellum. But this book is disappointing. With more undetected cases, more people will probably die from the disease. There’s no way we would be as far along as we are if governments, companies, and scientists around the world weren’t, more often than not, working closely together. When I think back on the pace of scientific advances in 2020, I am stunned. Don Partridge, the man ridiculed in both CSA and USA as a nobody, a lightweight, a man to make fun of, was now President of the Confederate States. The U.S. is poised to resume a leading role developing and deploying the clean-energy innovations needed to eliminate greenhouse gases. Thus the Confederate Army's objective was to reach Lake Erie as it launched its surprise attack on June 22, 1941. Seeing as such, Morrell turned to subterfuge and surprise to assist in his mission to take the city. Companies are responding to the crisis by doing away with business as usual. To keep Confederate Intelligence guessing, Morrell transported units back and forth in an effort to disguise the true focus of his crossing: the stretch of Kentucky between Louisville and Paducah. President Featherston demanded more production from the Confederate nuclear program, fearing that the US would develop the weapon first. An example of a different type of vaccine is the one made by AstraZeneca. The FDA is one of the most respected drug-regulating agencies in the world for a reason. In Virginia, MacArthur engaged the Army of Northern Virginia in several local battles; in Arkansas another US force pushed south from Missouri. The Great Retreat was a strategic withdrawal on the Eastern Front of World War I in 1915. However, the CSA proved incapable of defending its own towns. To help ease the manufacturing burden, our foundation helped put together what’s called “second-source agreements.” We paired vaccine companies in rich countries with counterparts in developing countries that specialize in producing safe, high-quality, and affordable doses at a very high volume. Instead of pushing right into the city of Atlanta, Morrell's army pushed south and east past the metropolis in the direction of the Atlantic. Then you figure out the gene sequence that makes that antibody, use a factory to make billions of copies of it, and give them to patients. Darkness 1. Another thrust was aimed at the capital of Petrograd, which the Russians tried unsuccessfully to turn back. Although several occupied towns held out against Morrell’s push, the remnants of the Confederate Army in Ohio had no cohesion, and by mid-March, US soil was totally free of Confederate soldiers, save for the ones in POW camps. Patton unleashed his armor into the city of Pittsburgh, hoping to reach the Allegheny River and the downtown area before the USA could put up a proper defense. In May 1942, Pinkard was instructed by Attorney General Koenig to make room for a women-and-children's camp, nicknamed Camp Undecided. US forces were indeed quite determined to break South Carolina, as many perceived the state to be the "birthplace" of the Confederacy, and thus 80 years of misery to that end. Throughout 1941, men like Jefferson Pinkard and Mercer Scott at Camp Dependable, and others at other places, led groups of a couple thousand blacks to the bayou or woods and forced them to dig graves, then shot them with submachine gun fire. Initially, he wanted to land a force on the Virginia Peninsula and march on Richmond from the east, a la George McClellan in 1862, even securing support from the US Navy's Rear Admiral William Halsey. And "cities' worth" was exactly the idea for the camp. In November 1942, Major General Abner Dowling found himself redeployed to Clovis, New Mexico, in order to spearhead a diversionary attack into the Confederate periphery and forestall any enemy ambitions. The United States used the mass graves at Camp Determination as a propaganda theme. Harlan Parsons After the capture of Lubbock, and revival of the state of Houston, Brigade Leader Jefferson Pinkard destroyed records and gas chambers at Camp Determination before the Yankees broke through. While both sides of the line settled down for winter quarters, their respective high commands made plans for renewed assaults in the spring. Daniel MacArthur Further north, however, Russia's manpower swarming tactics, unchanged since the Great War, resulted in heavy losses to German panzers and 88 mm flak guns for no appreciable gains. We will never share or spam your email address. Next year, leaders from around the globe will meet in Glasgow, Scotland, for the first major United Nations summit on climate change since the Paris meetings in 2015. For more information see our. In Richmond, Featherston engaged in shouting matches with Generals Nathan Bedford Forrest III and Patton about how to handle Morrell. Several other members of the alliance withdrew, including Brazil, Quebec, and Italy, which had remained neutral in the Great War. The US pushed south out of its salient in The Wilderness and drove for Spotsylvania. Cyril Northcote A second-source agreement is designed to make the most of both skill sets. After opening the war with bombing raids and artillery barrages, the CS Army of Kentucky crossed the Ohio River into the state of Ohio, with General George Patton's barrel forces in the lead. It works by using messenger RNA to deliver instructions that cue your body to produce the distinctive spike protein. Deleting this comment will remove replies to this comment by you and others as well. Sorry, we were unable to unsubscribe you at this time. So to produce all the COVID-19 vaccines needed without cutting back on any others, the manufacturing capacity will at least need to almost double, and more likely almost triple. Meanwhile, Morrell resumed his offensive, and although fighting a partisan war with bushwhackers in his rear, he finally arrived at the Tennessee River. A couple corps, detached from Morrell's main army, swung past Atlanta from the west and severed the city's links to Alabama. In order to comment you must be a Gates Notes Insider. Subsequent operations were undertaken to free the Netherlands and "liberate" Belgium from Franco-British forces. Pinkard and Koenig argued over how to solve the problem before Featherston finally ordered Pinkard to begin construction on a new camp in eastern Texas. The USA continued pushing past Richmond, driving east and west, toward Hampton Roads and Appomattox respectively. 3=denotes a character who was a POV for The Great War and all or part of the American Empire trilogy. Rosalind Franklin’s brilliant mind and tireless dedication enabled breakthroughs in multiple fields. Featherston was gambling all on this great offensive. Another reason is that patients are more reluctant to go to clinics for fear they might become infected—and that means more severe conditions are going undiagnosed. In an effort to slow down Morrell, the CSA blew up the Featherston Dams along the Cumberland River; not bothered at all by the rising waters, Morrell pressed on toward Chattanooga. Forrest created Blackbeard to take advantage of these blindspots, sending a quick drive through the thin lines along the Ohio River and on to the Great Lakes as soon as possible, effectively cutting the USA in half. Rulers of the Darkness 5. With minimal cost to his own side, Morrell had taken the last city in the CSA before the vital linchpin of Atlanta. The stronger forces were all on the east side, and under Irving Morrell's command gathered themselves together for a strong counter-offensive aimed at driving west toward Columbus or Dayton. The Tiger is one of the most revered tanks of the war, if not in the entirety of tank history. Walk in Hell 3. One other challenge will remain when vaccines are widely available: the sizable percentage of people who will hesitate to take them. 1942 began with the same long calm that had characterized most of the previous year. MacArthur launched his attack over the Rappahannock to the west of Fredericksburg. They also ordered architects and scientists to develop a blueprint for the greatest prison camp ever built, which would open up for business on an empty stretch of prairie in western Texas. In its clinical efficacy trials, the AstraZeneca vaccine was on average around 70 percent effective, versus 94 to 95 percent for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. During the last months of 1917 new models were being developed. Consequently, the bulk of the US Army was positioned in Northern Virginia in front of Washington, DC, and the force left to defend the Midwest was considerably diminished. Around the same time as Birmingham, the Confederate commander in Huntsville surrendered. This email is already registered. After Jake Featherston became president in early 1934, there was nothing to prevent white confederates from directing their full fury upon the blacks living in the Confederacy now that the highest law in the land endorsed it. Represented by Hyrum Rush, the Mormon hardliners rejected La Follette’s offer and pressed for independence, which in turn was rejected by the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War and Secretary of the Interior Harry Hopkins. The Great war (1914-1918) constituted a laboratory of deadly inventions, and among these, the tanks were the most striking. Charles I The hardest-hit country on the continent is South Africa—but even there, the case rate is 40 percent lower than in the U.S., and the death rate is nearly 50 percent lower. Canada, nonetheless, remained quiet throughout the first twelve months of the war. Except for the atomic bomb, breakthroughs in weaponry matter less than the culture and temperament of human conflict. Instead of using mRNA, it attaches the spike protein to an otherwise benign virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees but is harmless for humans. Armed with Confederate weapons and funds, Mormon soldiers mined the roads and regions around the cities, and fortified strong points guarding access into the populated areas. The Confederate Corridor had separated several US formations, causing some to find themselves west of the salient and others to the east. Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new … The BBC claimed British victory, German Imperial Wireless denied it but did not counterclaim German victory. With any luck, the days of the jam-a-stick-to-the-back-of-your-throat COVID-19 test will soon be over. Millions of people are out of work and struggling to pay their bills, and more than a billion children are missing out on crucial time in school. This jump-started the lagging US superbomb program, although not by enough to beat the Confederates to first use in North America. From this point in the Second Great War, the United States had the initiative. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Unnamed Lieutenant Carrying Special Order 191, Colonization 1. That includes flu shots, routine childhood immunizations, and so on. Additionally, some campaigns and content may only be available to users in certain areas. It was not to be. With US forces pushing steadily toward Hampton Roads, the Confederate President evacuated the region and headed for North Carolina. (This is assuming that 70 percent of the global population must be covered in order to break transmission of the disease.). The two major members of the alliance, Germany and the US, had several fallings out, first when Germany blocked US-led international pressure on the Ottoman Empire to halt its genocide against the Armenians and later when the two countries backed opposing sides in a border dispute between Colombia and Venezuela. The counteroffensive began in early July and forced Morrell to halt the drive to Chattanooga by diverting the USA to respond to its left flank. Harassment operations soon began against the Confederate forces in Guaymas and the Sonoran coast. Nashville and Memphis, both to the west, and Knoxville to the east were ignored and left to wither on the vine. In the second Battle of Midway, planes from the Trenton sank Japan's only carrier near Midway while suffering little damage herself. It took just four months for RECOVERY to demonstrate that the drug reduced mortality by 30 percent in severe cases—and they did this study amid a lot of confusion and misinformation about other putative therapies that didn’t work out. The outbreak of the War in North America took many in the U.S. by surprise as they were subjected to bombing attacks over major cities without the benefit of a formal declaration of war from the CSA. He does no due diligence. Analysts then use the data to follow the disease in real time, giving policymakers up-to-the-minute information on where to focus prevention and treatment efforts. Abner Dowling General Abner Dowling's Eleventh Army was advancing on Lubbock, Texas, the linchpin of the Confederate defenses in the west, finally capturing the city in the spring of 1943 and re-establishing the state of Houston. Today they’re used in some of the most popular medicines in the world, including arthritis treatments. Farther south, France was unable to force a crossing of the Rhine, as the Germans swiftly rallied to repel the invaders. Thousands of people in the area—some symptomatic, some not—have filled out a brief online survey, conducted a self-test by swabbing the tip of their nose, and sent the results in for processing. It’s not just the relatively low incidence of COVID-19 there. Barrels tore US positions apart, Mules and Hound Dog fighters shot up anything that moved on the roads, and Confederate spies with near-perfect Yankee accents caused confusion behind the lines. Al Smith reacted strongly against these Mormon ultimatums, which, along with the fall of Columbus in the middle of July, compelled the Mormon hardliners to take action. The US Army fought the CS Army foot for foot near Columbus, Ohio and in suburbs such as Grove City and West Jefferson, destroying much of the area and displacing thousands of civilians, who moved north away from the fighting. These same soldiers were sent to put down the flames of revolt in Canada. After defeating the High Seas Fleet decisively, the Royal Navy sent a major fleet into the western Atlantic to challenge the US Navy for supremacy in the area. The black rebellions in the 30's failed miserably, and those who weren't killed by the CS Army were taken away to the concentration camps to be murdered there. This is my personal blog, where I share about the people I meet, the books I'm reading, and what I'm learning. In his bunker in Richmond, President Featherston finally realized that the city could no longer be held, and ordered Patton to destroy the city and pull out; he also ordered Saul Goldman to stop mentioning Atlanta at all in his propaganda, hoping that by neglecting to mention the city he wouldn't have to continue making up lies about how Atlanta was holding out. Not possessing the demonic hatred and charisma held by Featherston that would keep the conflict going, Partridge reached an agreement for a ceasefire on all fronts in the second week of July. You are now unsubscribed from receiving emails. Mormons outside of the ruins of Salt Lake City surrendered to occupying US troops. After a lull in the fighting, during which re-inforcements were brought forward on both sides of the river, the USA attacked again, this time managing to secure a bridgehead inside Fredericksburg. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the … Your Gates Notes account has been deactivated. You should recieve an email shortly with instructions on how to reset your password. This article is about the analog of World War II featured in Southern Victory. Knowing that a long war of attrition could only be won in the end by the numerically and industrially superior USA, Forrest devised a plan to knock the USA out of the war as soon as possible by the easiest and shortest route: Ohio. MacArthur was confident about his chances against the Confederates, taking no account of their tenacity and will to win into his plans, and instead assumed that US soldiers would be marching into Richmond on a very short basis. German superbombing of Britain, June 1944. Shortly before the outbreak of war, the US Army reassigned its occupation forces to postings further south. The USA paid for his hubris dearly as the offensive opened in late October after several delays. On the diplomatic front, Featherston secured from the Emperor Francisco Jose three Mexican divisions to guard the flanks of the CS advance. Despite the loss of his capital, Tsar Mikhail II again refused, backed by Britain and France. Darkness Descending 3. The naval war in the Atlantic (the American and German navies battling their Confederate, British, and French counterparts) saw early victories for the Entente before settling into a stalemate. Here’s an example of how we failed quickly with potential COVID-19 treatments, but in the most productive way possible. For decades the black population of the CSA languished under a system of strict racial control: blacks were considered to be residents of the CS but not citizens like the whites. Camp Determination was an extermination camp built in western Texas and headed by Group Leader Pinkard. In June 1941, Kaiser Wilhelm II died and the German throne passed to Wilhelm III. Thailand (1941-1943), Charles W. La Follette The State of Utah had been placed under Army occupation for twenty years, from the Great War to the Smith Administration. Featherston and Forrest had originally planned to surround Pittsburgh and incapacitate the USA's steel industry with a siege, but several blunt counterattacks from Morrell had forced Patton to redirect his offensive into the city itself. Unfortunately, we are not out of the woods quite yet. In the east, German armored units dealt a decisive blow to Russian forces outside of Kiev, tightening German control in the area. It’s no accident that mRNA vaccines were the first out of the gate. Eventually, the CS government persuaded Prime Minister Winston Churchill to add British weight to their efforts, and soon Entente agents met with more success. Please allow for 24 hours for the deactivation to fully process. Gates has clearly not studied climate science, he just assumes the IPCC reports and models are correct. It also helped that others stepped up to bear some of the financial risk. No matter whose soldiers occupied Ohio, according to Smith, the war would be fought to a finish. The European Entente members, sensing weakness, pressed the new Kaiser with ultimata similar to Featherston's, which he refused. When Morrell struck in mid-August, in Monroe County, he found his force constantly held up by wrecked bridges, leading to his calling off the attack after several days. Privately, a Mormon agent contacted Congresswoman Flora Blackford (S-NY) and asked her to convince President Smith to let Utah off. Ironhewer in turn attacked into Alabama, pushing steadily toward Birmingham, while sending a force to join in the attack on Huntsville, already in progress by a unit coming down from Tennessee. Ottoman Empire Morrell led small-scale counterattacks that halted and forced back some CS units, but failed to prevent Patton from crossing into Pennsylvania. As a measure of goodwill and conciliation, Al Smith's first act as president in February 1937, was to release Utah from martial law. Join the Gates Notes community to get regular updates from Bill on key topics like global health and climate change, to access exclusive content, comment on stories, participate in giveaways, and more. As soon as it was apparent that the US Army was not going to take Richmond anytime soon, the CS leadership began making plans to knock the United States of America out of the war - for good. A belief emerged, among many, that American power would be unchallenged and self– sustaining. The idea was to use robots developed by the pharmaceutical industry to quickly screen thousands of existing chemical compounds in the hope that one of them might lead to a treatment for COVID-19. I believe the world also has a chance to take concrete steps on one of the other great challenges of our time: climate change. ... It’s great that the technology is now allowing unprecedented progress on COVID-19. By early 1943, the Pacific was mired in stalemate. By the winter of 1941-42 Germany was strong enough to launch counter-attacks against Britain outside Hamburg, and throw Austro-German forces against the Russians in the east. After removing any personal information that could identify the patient, the device uploads the results to a central server. There are three different instances that involve testing for the virus. This is the kind of problem that innovation excels at solving. We’re sorry to see you go. In his bunker, Featherston raged at Nathan Bedford Forrest III to pull soldiers from other areas for the defense of the CSA's capital. It’s unheard of to have so many companies working on vaccines for the same disease, because making a vaccine is inherently risky work. In the search for treatments, failure was a success. Finland (1943-44) For a while after the Great War the system was let up but under increasing Freedom control of the halls of power in the late 1920s and early 30s strict control was re-enacted. The bathhouses, gassing trucks, and mental strain of the FPGs were put to the test when, in a fit of rage, Featherston sent the entire black population of Jackson, Mississippi to be gassed in October 1942. In the meantime, enough spare Confederate forces could be scraped up and mount a counterattack to break through and relieve Patton. The pace of innovation in this field really is impressive and is going to benefit everyone. In this post, I want to share where things stand on COVID-19 innovations as we wrap up this year and move into the next. For more information. That uncomfortable COVID-19 test is becoming obsolete. The Guards and records were sent ahead to the new Camp Humble, just north of the city of Houston, while the gas chambers were blown up -- but not before every remaining black prisoner was gassed. Click the link below to begin the account deactivation process. The plan was developed by Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest III, Chief of the Confederate States General Staff and main adviser to President Jake Featherston. Thank you for being a Gates Notes Insider. Our foundation is part of an effort to deploy an initial supply of 5,000 readers in 55 countries throughout Africa. John Wade Jake Featherston thought so as he made his Peace Broadcast in early August, but his offer, much to everyone's surprise, was rebuffed by Al Smith. Just last week, there was some good news on this front when the FDA approved the first diagnostic that people can use at home, without sending a sample to a lab. † denotes a deceased character. The Confederate reduction of the US-ruled Bahamas began soon afterward. Willard No safety steps were skipped in approving COVID-19 vaccines. Featherston contended fraud in Sequoyah and demanded that it be returned to the CS as well, along with territories in West Virginia, Missouri, and New Mexico that had also been signed over at the end of the Great War and even territories the CS had not claimed since the War of Secession. By 1940-41, the white "politicals" had been largely eliminated through the brutal attrition of poor diet and overwork that characterized the camps. Patton called off the counter-attacks and settled down to defend each town as the USA passed through them. US Intelligence had been figuring out that the Confederates were moving forces somewhere, but no one was expecting an attack in northeastern Ohio in late June 1942 when the Confederates burst from Sandusky and Columbus and launched their great drive to the east. Al Smith refused to negotiate with Featherston, and launched the USA's first great counter-offensive in Northern Virginia--which Featherston and Forrest had been preparing for. The racial policies of the Freedom Party ensured that the camps received a steadily increasing flow of black prisoners. They launched their coup, seized power in Salt Lake City, and assassinated several moderates and Gentiles. Its approval process is second to none. In that sense, it wasn’t a failure at all. Armed with this information, government leaders can make informed decisions about the best ways to stop the virus from spreading. Well, all the vaccine companies in the world typically produce a total of fewer than 6 billion doses a year. Partisans proved to be a sizable problem for all sides. Their skill was confirmed in the spring of 1944 with the destruction of Petrograd, the Russian capital, the first use of a superbomb in warfare. Jake Featherston thought differently. 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