The Excelsior arrives in the Romulan Neutral Zone and finds a small squadron of fighters using shared Klingon Technology. Captain Sulu, I think it is time that we talked. The Wraith is the basic Terran Empire fighter. Add the first question. Year. Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu is transported to the hostile Mirror Universe where Starfleet and the Federation are the bad guys, and its up to you to find a way to get the Excelsior back to the normal universe, fighting hostile Federation ships, including the I.S.S. Star Trek: Shattered Universe Walkthrough Mission 1: Shattered Universe (Cheat) Watch later. Under the control of two old-style Constitution-class starships mirror universe counterparts to the USS Constellation and USS Intrepid, the planet killer moves in on the Klingon homeworld. The Planet Killer is now closing on the last defenses of the Klingon homeworld. It is not clear when the Empire began. Top 40 Star Wars and Star Trek Videogames, Star Trek: The Original Series: Mirror, Mirror. Captain Jonathan Archer once stated that the Empire had existed for \"centuries\" as of 2155. Watch out though as Imperial reinforcements will warp in. Many capital ships, such as the ISS Excelsior and ISS Enterprise are fitted with fighter hangars capable of carrying and launching up to ten fighters in two wings of five. Yes, Interplay did cancel the game in 2001 after cutbacks. ", "First you betray me, then the Empire, and now your ship runs under a Klingon flag. ", "We have entered the Romulan Neutral Zone. After destroying all four capital ships and engaging what fighters there are, another Imperial ship will warp in. After defending the rest of the fighters, the torpedo detonates and you are back home. To this, Chekov reveals that the Excelsior's phaser banks have been sabotaged, and orders his ships to attack the Excelsior. After blaming that everything that has happened is Sulu's fault that half his crew is dead, the mirror Sulu begins to launch Romulan and Klingon fighters to engage the ISS Excelsior. "Then I assure you captain, it will be that voyage from which no traveler returns. Do not attempt the rescue mission. Enterprise along the way. While en route to the Tholian Border, the Terran Empire has arrived and is attacking the Excelsior and its Romulan escorts. Without warning, the Fesarius, commanded by Balok, closes on the Excelsior and releases several radiation-emitting buoys. The Excelsior has managed to safely beam the antimatter bomb on board and has proceeded into the amoeba. A fighter is launched to destroy them, but an explosion on the hangar deck prevents the launch of any further fighters. PlayStation 2. The Excelsior's fighters are able to ward off the Orions, and the Excelsior is able to continue its journey. After entering the vortex, the storm begins to destabilize. Once you have taken care of the fighters, engage the second ship that warps in. Starsphere Interactive It is very useful for taking down capital ships but does poorly against other fighters. TDK As shown in several missions, Orion fighters usually attack in groups and are difficult to hit when battling them. Defend the ISS Excelsior for twenty minutes so the ISS Excelsior can launch an dilithium torpedo., Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry is silver disc suspended by a red ribbon with black border, Preantares Ribbon of Commendation is a gold Maltese-style cross on a disc set with a blue jewel/enameled emblem at the center. The U.S.S. This FAQ is empty. Use the HTML below. This means that the torpedo splits into several individual guided torpedoes. If either the Enterprise or the Excelsior is destroyed, the mission is over. Expanding on the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of the original Star Trek, the game follows Captain Sulu and his U.S.S. As the Excelsior's repairs are completed, the drydock mooring clamps are locked to prevent the Excelsior from escaping, and the station attempts to destroy the Excelsior by sending a power surge into the ship through the clamps. Captain Sulu sends out a fighter to investigate the area. Imminent warp core breach! Star Trek fans will remember the 'Mirror, Mirror' episode, and its parallel universe whereby common facts of the Star Trek universe are reversed. Check out our gallery of the 2021 Oscar nominees in the leading and supporting acting categories, as the characters they so brilliantly played and in real life. Perhaps if it existed in an alternate universe, Star Trek: Shattered Universe … Wasn't Shattered Universe cancelled? ", "The Challenges we have faced thus far, may only be a taste of what lies ahead. As the ship passes into the vortex, however, its dilithium crystals start to fracture in quick succession. For a fun project I've set out to remaster the cutscenes from the classic PS2 game 'Star Trek Shattered Universe'. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and shows we're excited about this month, like Mortal Kombat, "Them," and Stowaway. First Released Jan 13, 2004. released. When the ships arrive, engage the enemy ships. Wraith-class fighter. Sulu refers to this as a subspace wormhole. While the Excelsior is being repaired in a drydock, A great number of encrypted communications begin to flow to and from Starbase IX. After dogfighting for some time, a Tholian ship will warp in. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the space station Deep Space Nine. As the Excelsior prepares to depart, The ISS Renegade (which had left the area after escorting the Excelsior) returns and orders the Sulu to stand down. ? Be on the lookout for asteroids in the area as they contain dilithium. "I'm sorry commander, but this is one voyage I must make alone." He sends out fighters to scout the immediate area; these scouts are attacked by Klingon fighters. A large space amoeba has entered a large nebula that the Excelsior has hidden in. Two more K't'ingas sacrifice themselves and reduce the planet killer's fire-power to 25%; one more explosion would disable it. However, en route to the vortex, both ships pick up transmissions from the Empire and the news is dire; the Empire has set up an armada to stop the Excelsior and Enterprise. ", "There is an old Russian Proverb: If you strike the Czar, you must kill him. Defend the Excelsior while proceeding to the nucleus. Engage the ship and its fighters. Warping around the Sun: Revisiting Star Trek: Shattered Universe. Game: Star Trek - Shattered Universe File Name: Star Trek - Shattered Universe.7z File Size: 1.47 GB Genre: Action/Platform System: Sony Playstation 2 Downloads: 6,279 Rating: (4.91 /5, 11 votes) Top 25 PS2 ROMs. 13 January 2004 Star Trek: Shattered Universe is not flight combat at its most graceful and this alone keeps it from being a highly addictive action game set in the Star Trek universe. Though the Janus Prime vortex was destroyed, the Janus Ultima vortex still exists in Tholian space. Sulu is troubled by the destruction of the vortex, which may have been their only chance of returning home. Once the bomb has been launched, defend the Excelsior while it escapes. New designs were used for the three types of Federation fighters were deployed, the antimatter warhead, and an additional starbase design. You then are given a limited mission time to destroy the 4 fighters that are attacking the Excelsior before the bomb explodes within 4 minutes. Star Trek: Shattered Universe is unlike anything Star Trek fans have ever encountered. Just before it arrives, an Orion pirate ship warps in and attacks the Excelsior. Benjamin and Jake Sisko are surprised by the sudden arrival of Jennifer Sisko from the Mirror Universe. Follow my ship closely, and I shall get you to the vortex. The U.S.S. And that's preciseley why we are going Lieutenant. It is mounted on a light purple ribbon with three stripes of darker purple, Grankite Order of Tactics (Class of Excellence) is mounted on a ribbon of sky blue with wide bright green stripe in the center. "Stand down Excelsior! A fighter is sent into an asteroid field to recover select asteroids containing minerals. ", "You may just find, commander, that an alliance against evil will prove more rewarding than any of your previous Enterprises have ever been.". Beware though, the cloaking devices of the Romulan fighters are deadly as vision is limited. Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | Video game released 23 September 2003. Once the Enterprise has been damaged enough, it will warp out. I'm not sure what we can do to stop it, but we must try. As Excelsior ventures into Klingon space, signs of a great devastation are apparent. With shields and weapons down, Excelsior is once again in need of raw materials. Written by Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu is transported to the hostile Mirror Universe where Starfleet and the Federation are the bad guys, and its up to you to find a way to get the Excelsior back to the normal universe, fighting hostile Federation ships, including the I.S.S. Welcome home, pilot! We are not them. While aiding the Ranger, Commander Chekov, commanding the Enterprise, has become caught in the throat of the Janus Prime Vortex, a subspace whirlpool which somehow exists in Federation and Tholian space simultaneously. They are as follows: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sulu's ship takes on the styling of a Terran Empire starship, the ISS Excelsior and Sulu, in an Empire uniform himself appears to be in the form of his mirror duplicate, with a jagged scar down his face. TDK Mediactive. Star Trek: Shattered Universe is about the most boring and unimaginative space combat game you'll ever find. All hands to battle stations! Revisiting the space combat simulator Star Trek: Shattered Universe, originally released on Xbox and PlayStation 2 in 2004 Returning to games you played as a kid is always a win-lose situation. The fighter scrambles and eliminates all of the buoys, but then hundreds of First Federation fighters surround the Excelsior. The warbirds will give chase to the Enterprise, leaving you to defend the Excelsior against the remaining fighters. The type II MIRV can lock on to fighter craft and take their shields out, but is not very effective against starships. Share on Facebook. Enterprise along the way. Sulu, however, tells Chekov that they are nearly within transporter range, and Excelsior continues into the vortex. Two heavily damaged K't'inga-class cruisers are on the verge of warp core breaches, threatening the starbase. Sulu diverts the Excelsior to find that the Enterprise has fallen into a trap set by the Tholians, prompting him to offer Chekov his aid as he refuses to allow any version of Chekov to die. In an attempt to destroy the amoeba, the Romulans deploy an antimatter war head but have tractored it into a position beneath the station. Star Trek: Shattered Universe. As soon as you launch, you will be followed by the rest of the Excelsior fighters. The Enterprise then warps out and luckily, so does the Excelsior. Star Trek: Shattered Universe Check out this collection of photos we love from some of our favorite video games. After the Enterprise takes heavy damage, it retreats. The last crystal is shattered before the Excelsiorcan reach the two endangered ships, and the power go… Released: Chekov's fighters are destroyed, and as the Enterprise proceeds to warp, Chekov tells Sulu that he will hunt him to the ends of space. However they are chased off when an Imperial vessel, the ISS Renegade, arrives. Vision is impaired here and the Excelsior has no shields. Captain Sulu orders the mirror Chekov to stand down, stating that the ISS Enterprise is outmatched and not capable of destroying the Excelsior. Try to hide in that cloud and I swear, it's cold dust shall be your grave! A MIRV photon torpedo is a weapon, a type of photon torpedo used in the mirror universe, employed aboard Phantom-class Imperial fighters. To get there, however, they must travel through the old Imperial proving grounds, where new weapon systems are tested and old ones discarded. File size. Now a hunted ship, the Excelsior begins to make a run for the Klingon border. The USS Excelsior is approaching the Janus Vortex, where the USS Enterprise-A, under Commander Pavel A. ChekovAfter receiving a warning message from the Enterprise, Captain Hikaru Sulu still orders the Excelsior into the vortex. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. See our Video Games Guide for more. Both ships will launch two fighters (you and one other for the Excelsior and two from the Enterprise). The Romulan Shrike fighter is armed with distruptors, disruptor pulses and a cloaking device. Expanding on the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of the original Star Trek, the game follows Captain Sulu and his U.S.S. ", "ISS Enterprise to ISS Excelsior: this is Commander Chekov. Defend the Excelsior from the Imperial warships and any asteroids that approach. Upon impact with the storm, Chekov attempts to warn the Excelsior off, saying Enterprise-A's warp core is about to breach. After checking all the ships and destroying any debris that might damage the Excelsior, the fighter heads back. Shattered Universe could have turned out very well, had its cool premise been exploited fruitfully. However, before the ship can complete the rescue, it loses its last crystal, and undergoes a transposition into the mirror universe. It is the way of all empires that fall prey to the next one. After assisting the Enterprise with the Tholians, Commander Chekov has agreed to escort the Excelsior. It is only capable of impulse speeds, but its weapon complement is heavy enough to destroy a capital ship with a sustained assault. Players. Genre(s): Star Trek: Shattered Universe. Publisher: The Akula-class (β) was a type of Empire starship, a destroyer in the later 23rd century. Excelsior continues into Klingon space and encounters a transmission from a Klingon starbase indicating that they are under attack by an "Imperial Superweapon" with thousands dead. Excelsior, captained by Hikaru Sulu, your mission is to protect the Excelsior in a series of nineteen space missions. Distress calls coming from a Romulan starbase in the vicinity has called in two warbirds. Publisher. Summary: All hands to battle stations! Sulu directs the Excelsior to Qo'nos and launches all fighters with intentions to help, but the Klingons send a K't'inga-class cruiser and launches a squad of fighters. 2004. So far, we have had to fight against this Empire in self-defense and we may have to do so again, but I will not simply stand by and watch Commander Chekov die! Star Trek: Shattered Universe Walkthrough Mission 1: Shattered Universe (Cheat) - YouTube. On stardate 9585.9, Captain Sulu and the USS Excelsior proceeds at maximum warp, shattering most of her dilithium crystals, on an intercept course with USS Ranger and USS Enterprise-A, answering their priority-one distress call. The Excelsior enters warp but an imbalance in the warp drive has caused a wormhole to form. Star Trek: Shattered Universe is a spaceflight battle simulation Star Trek game set in the mirror universe. After all the supplies are recovered, a huge wave of Klingon fighters attacks the defenseless Excelsior, and after the fighter repels them, two Orion cruisers arrive. 9585.9 (2293) With the Romulans defeated, the Excelsior begins its leg of the journey through Romulan space. The Miranda-class was a type of Empire starship in the later 23rd century. Now my former comrade will come to regret not killing me... when he had the chance. Fighters are launched from the Imperial vessels to engage you but only destroy the ones in your way. This is perhaps because, due to their barbarous nature, their production capability is far below that of their more cooperative mirror, the Federation. En route to Janus Ultima, the Excelsior has picked up a distress signal belonging to the Enterprise. I shall regret serving aboard the instrument of your death! Star Trek: Shattered Universe is a three-dimensional shooter based on the original Star Trek series. Simulation But now the starbase has launched a full assault of fighters, and called in two Insurrection-class Birds-of-Prey. Chekov then orders the ISS Enterprise-A to completely destroy the ISS Ranger, a Miranda-class duplicate of the vessel Sulu attempted to rescue. "'Star Trek: Shattered Universe' is a challenging and, when mastered, enjoyable addition to a Star Trek fan's collection of games." The mirror Chekov hails Sulu, informing him his conspiracy against the Terran Empire has been "compromised". You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. As you engage the enemy, watch both ships! Excelsior, as a result of a localized stellar ion storm. By. This fighter is best used against capital ships but does fairly well against other fighters. The game creators made use of both canon and non-canon ship and story information from other licensed sources in this title. Then the ISS Kodos, another old-style Constitution-class ship, arrives and Sulu orders the fighter to disable it. Under normal circumstances, this would be considered an act of war. The fighters must defeat the capital ships and the enemy fighters before Excelsior can escape. Star Trek: Shattered Universe However, Three K'tinga-class ships (also Romulans using shared Klingon technology) de-cloak and surround the Excelsior. Feb 18, 2004 GameZone: Rating: 7.4 out of 10: Feb 18, 2004 Rating: 2.5 out of 5: Feb 14, 2004 Glide Underground: Rating: 2 out of 5: Feb 12, 2004 GameFreaks: Rating: 3.8 out of 10: Feb 12, 2004 2. In hopes of finding cover, the trio of ships approach K'ath, only to find Chekov nearby threatening to make the protostar Sulu's grave. "The Terran fleet will reach Janus Ultima first, I know! No resistance is encountered, instead the remains of large planetoids drifting in space. Star Trek: Shattered Universe is a Star Trek video game set after the original series episode Mirror, Mirror.It was released for the Xbox and PlayStation 2, and received almost universally poor reviews .. From the Manufacturer. Before Sulu can leave, an Orion pirate ship attacks, trying to destroy the already weakened Excelsior. Two fighters are sent out as cover while Excelsior tows the cruisers away with a tractor beam, allowing them to explode safely. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. To this, Chekov sends in two ships (one Miranda-class and one Akula-class ship) to destroy the Excelsior. It can withstand four direct hits before taking hull damage. "Restore order, Captain Sulu! Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu is transported to the hostile Mirror Universe where Starfleet and the Federation are the bad guys, and its up to you to find a way to... 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