The Confederate order of battle is listed separately. The Second Battle of Petersburg, also known as the Assault on Petersburg, was fought June 15–18, 1864, at the beginning of the Richmond–Petersburg Campaign (popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg). In order to cut the railroad supply line for the Confederate army, the Union army had different battles and raids around Petersburg. He devised a coordinated strategy to apply pressure on the Confederacy from many points, something President Abraham Lincoln had urged his generals to do from the beginning of the war. Fought during the American Civil War, it is more popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg. But it was not a classic military siege, in which a city is usually surrounded and all supply lines are cut off. Petersburg was just twenty miles south of the capital of the Confederacy at Richmond and was the transportation hub for railroads coming in from the south and west. Whilst t he trenches of Richmond-Petersburg was scene to the longest siege in American warfare, it had unfolded in a methodical manner. American Battlefield Trust’s map of the Civil War's Seige of Petersburg. It finally returned to Petersburg by 21 November 1864. Ltc Benjamin F. Eshleman, Johnson's Division The 292-day Siege of Petersburg was the longest siege in United States military history. “It has been said that the Battle of the Crater is the most spectacular event in our history.” So wrote a local historian about the best-known event in the entire 292-day Siege of Petersburg. Unique to this Civil War battle, they set off a massive explosion that created a 170-by-120-feet crater beneath the Confederate lines and stormed the defenses in a failed effort, known as the Battle of the Crater. Union forces under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Major General George G. Meade attempted to capture Petersburg, Virginia, before Gen. Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia could reinforce the city. BG Henry A. The Richmond–Petersburg Campaign was a series of battles around Petersburg, Virginia, fought from June 9, 1864, to March 25, 1865. The nine-month siege of Petersburg was the longest continuous operation of the American Civil War. Archer received a furlough and died 24 October 1864.) The Union ambitiously tunneled 511 feet to reach the Confederate lines during siege of Petersburg, Virginia, in 1864. In the wake of his defeat at the Battle of Cold Harbor in early June 1864, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant continued pressing south towards the Confederate capital at Richmond. Facts about Battle of Petersburg 4: the true siege The Siege of Petersburg Order of Battle area of Beyond the Crater is quite possibly the most ambitious plan for what is an admittedly ambitious project as a whole. Union General Ulysses Grant knew that if Petersburg fell, Richmond would be right behind it. Union Army (Second Offensive) Confederate Army (Second Offensive) … I hope to continue methodically working on these and finish them at a much quicker pace than I have in the past. Ltc Clinton McK. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Only after these orbats are completed will work begin on the Bermuda Hundred and Appomattox Campaigns. The Richmond–Petersburg Campaign was a series of battles around Petersburg, Virginia, fought from June 9, 1864, to March 25, 1865.      In 1862 Captain Charles Dimmock used freedmen and slave labor to construct a ten-mile long defensive line of trenches and batteries around the city. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The following order of battle is the organization from the Confederate forces near Petersburg of October 27, 1864. Now, in an article titled “The Brigade Re-Union, Large Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George Meade ordered a general assault against the Petersburg lines by the Second, Ninth, Sixth and Twenty-Fourth Corps to take place April 2nd. In the wake of his defeat at the Battle of Cold Harbor in early June 1864, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant continued pressing south towards the Confederate capital at Richmond. The failure of the Union to defeat the Confederates in these actions resulted in the start of the ten-month Siege of Petersburg. Col R. Lindsay Walker, Washington (Louisiana) Artillery Battalion: BG Matthew C. Butler, BG John Dunovant (k) However, his critics failed to recognize the fact that by restraining Lee, Sherman was unopposed in laying waste to Georgia and the Carolinas. Investment of Petersburg by Genl. By April, Petersburg had been under siege for 10 months. On the morning of April 2, Grant ordered all his troops south of the Appomattox River to charge the Confederate lines. The Richmond–Petersburg Campaign was a series of battles around Petersburg, Virginia, fought from June 9, 1864, to March 25, 1865, during the American Civil War.Although it is more popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg, it was not a classic military siege, in which a city is usually surrounded and all supply lines are cut off, nor was it strictly limited to actions against Petersburg. The End of a Siege. The Union army lay in front of a formidable line of redans and redoubts, with lines of entrenchments and abatis, altogether 40 miles in length, extending from the left bank of the Appomattox around to the western side of Petersburg, and to and across the James to the northeastern side of Richmond. Petersburg, Virginia, is known first and foremost for being on the receiving end of the longest siege in American history. I hope to continue methodically working on these and finish them at a much quicker pace than I have in the past. Union Army (Second Offensive) Confederate Army (Second Offensive) Third Offensive; Fourth Offensive; Fifth Offensive; Sixth Offensive; Seventh Offensive; Eighth Offensive; Ninth Offensive; About; Contact; Store The 10-month Union siege of Petersburg, Virginia, led to the surrender of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Courthouse, effectively ending the war. The nine-month siege of Petersburg was the longest continuous operation of the American Civil War. Once the siege began in June 1864, African-Americans continued working for the Confederacy. This meant that of the Confederacy's total black population 1 in 6 blacks lived in Virginia. Colored Troops in the Siege 4 At City Point 5 References 6 External links At the beginning of the Civil War, Virginia had a black population of about 549,000. The siege began with four days of strong Union attacks on the eastern defenses of Petersburg from June 15 to 18, 1864. Wise,, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, Washington (Louisiana) Artillery Battalion,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1st Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, 4th Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, 5th Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, 1st Virginia Cavalry Battalion, Local Defense Troops, Miller's (North Carolina) Artillery (detachment), Bradford's (Mississippi) Artillery (section), This page was last edited on 24 June 2020, at 19:57. The following Confederate States Army units and commanders fought in the siege of Petersburg of the American Civil War. An Order of Battle for the Siege . Order of battle compiled from the casualty returns. The Siege of Petersburg was a nine-month siege of the Confederate-held city of Petersburg, Virginia by Ulysses S. Grant's 125,000-strong Union army during the final months of the American Civil War.After several unsuccessful assaults on the city, the Union forces built trenches and … 864gaa: Union Siege Forces Assigned to the Army of the Potomac Before Petersburg June – October 1864 864gai: Union Army of the Potomac 31 July 1864 864hal: Union Army of … Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Minor Events, Scouts, Actions and Skirmishes, The Beefsteak Raid (September 14-17, 1864), The Battle of Fort Stedman (March 25, 1865), Nafziger Civil War Petersburg Campaign Orbats (OOBs), GBACW: The Battle of New Market Heights by Scot Rohrer, detailed regimental and battery information on my Units page, ORN Series 1, Vol. As of March 2021 the entire order of battle for the First Offensive (June 13-18, 1864), Second Offensive (June 19-30, 1864), and Third Offensive (July 1-30, 1864) are all completely available below down to the regimental/battery level. The main attack by Union cavalry up the Jerusalem Plank Road was halted by Confederate militia consisting of teenagers and overage men with some recovering wounded soldiers from the hospital. Fought during the American Civil War, it is more popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg.But it was not a classic military siege, in which a city is usually surrounded and all supply lines are cut off. The Richmond-Petersburg Campaign was, rather than a true siege, a series of nine offensives by the Union forces against the Confederates defending Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia. I realize now this is a foundational area of the site, and I should have focused on it at the very beginning. Col Frederick S. Bass X: Report of Commander Alexander C. Rhind, USS Agawam, June 21, 1864, The Battle of Burgess Mill: October 27, 1864 (First Day of Battle of Boydton Plank Road) by Bryce Suderow, Zouave Vol. MG George E. Pickett, Corps Artillery The Battle of Petersburg was part of the American Civil War (1861-1865) and was fought between June 9, 1864 and April 2, 1865. SCENE AT THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG. The following Union Army units and commanders fought in the Second Battle of Petersburg (June 15–18, 1864) of the American Civil War. Introduction: The Battle of the Crater, popularly known as the Mine of Petersburg, was a Union assault against the Confederate works in hopes of effecting an unopposed breakthrough. American Battlefield Trust's map of the Breakthrough at Petersburg. Grant 1865 Map shows area surrounding Petersburg, Va., on the Appomattox River including all of the Union and Confederate fortifications during the siege of 1864-65 by Genl. The Appomattox was the first obstacle encountered by the Southern troops on their march, as they had to recross the river in order to get to Amelia. Its forces were well supplied both in armaments, food and clothing.      The following Confederate States Army units and commanders fought in the Siege of Petersburg of the American Civil War. The goal of my Petersburg Campaign Project is to try to create a set of Excel Spreadsheets which will document the Order of Battle for the Union and Confederate Armies for each of the Nine Offensives during the Petersburg Campaign of June 15, 1864-April 2, 1865. The goal of my Petersburg Campaign Project is to try to create a set of Excel Spreadsheets which will document the Order of Battle for the Union and Confederate Armies for each of the Nine Offensives during the Petersburg Campaign of June 15, 1864-April 2, 1865. In September 1864, General Lee asked for an additional 2,000 blacks to be added to his labor force.    Due to the battles, the trench lines were extended and the confederate was in great pressure. Posted: (1 days ago) Making an all-night march on the night of April 2-3, Lee was able to gain a lead on the Federals, who took most of that time to occupy the newly captured cities of Petersburg and Richmond. This should allow readers and researchers to quickly and easily find units they are interested in on pages which serve as starting points for further information on the units all across this Siege of Petersburg site. The Second Battle of Petersburg, also known as the Assault on Petersburg, was fought June 15–18, 1864, at the beginning of the Richmond–Petersburg Campaign. The siege began on June 15, 1864, with the Union Army’s attack on Confederate earthworks east of the city, and it ended with the withdrawal of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia from Petersburg and Richmond by early morning on April 3, 1865. ), Field's Division This gave Lee enough time to remove his soldiers form both Petersburg and Richmond and rendezvous with General Johnston’s men in North Carolina. The following order of battle is the organization from the Confederate forces near Petersburg of October 27, 1864.      The campaign consisted of nine months of trench warfare in which Union forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant assaulted Petersburg unsuccessfully and then constructed trench lines that eventually extended over 30 miles (48 km) from the eastern outskirts of Richmond, Virginia, to around the eastern and southern outskirts of Petersburg. The bloody siege of Richmond and Petersburg was won by the Union, at the price of over 60,000 men from both sides. The Union army lay in front of a formidable line of redans and redoubts, with lines of entrenchments and abatis, altogether 40 miles in length, extending from the left bank of the Appomattox around to the western side of Petersburg, and to and across the James to the northeastern side of Richmond. On June 15, the first day of the Battle of Petersburg, some 10,000 Union troops under General William F. Smith moved against the Confederate defenders of Petersburg, made up of only a … The Union Engineers ran a railroad right behind the Union trenches.      Col Theodore W. Brevard, Jr. BG James J. Archer (Archer was in command until 16 October 1864. This set the stage for the final attack.      If Petersburg fell, Richmond was doomed. The Union forces had all the advantages in the siege. Details include locations of roads, railroads, significant buildings, and creeks. In March 1864, Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to lieutenant general and was given command of the Union Army. If Petersburg fell, Richmond was doomed. Nonetheless, this was a battle he had no choice, but in which to participate. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Mayo then took over. Orders of Battle.    Butler’s Offensive; First Offensive. The phrase "order of battle" is typically used to describe what units were present in a military force.    After Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, German armies Colored Troops fighting for the Union, and the decline of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Siege of Leningrad, prolonged siege (September 8, 1941–January 27, 1944) of the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in the Soviet Union by German and Finnish armed forces during World War II. Union Major General Benjamin Butler sent 4,500 men from his forces in Bermuda Hundred to cross the Appomattox River and capture Petersburg. MG Joseph B. Kershaw (Kershaw's Division was sent to join Early in the Valley on 7 August 1864, left the Valley on 14 September 1864, and then rejoined Early in the Valley 26 September 1864. Whitehorn remembered the soldierly camaraderie and sense of honor that sustained him during one of the most challenging phases of his life. Winkler, Pickett's Division My Siege of Petersburg sites would not exist without the inspiration provided by Harry Smeltzer’s Bull Runnings. During the Battle of the Crater on July 30th, the Dictator fired 19 rounds in support of the Union attack. One major effort was undertaken by the Union forces to take Petersburg during the siege, the Battle of the Crater in July 1864. A series of large-scale Union “offensives,” grand maneuvers that triggered some of the fiercest battles of the war, broke the monotony of static trench warfare. Butler’s Offensive; First Offensive. Col Robert M. Mayo, Wilcox's Division The Union would soon launch The Appomattox Campaign, forcing the surrender of the South. This sub-site, The Siege of Petersburg – Orders of Battle, focuses specifically on Orders of Battle for the ten Union offensives against the cities of Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia, from June 1864 to April 1865. Union forces under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant attempted to capture Petersburg, Virginia, before Gen. Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia could reinforce the city.    [45] Nor was it strictly limited to actions against Petersburg. The following Order of Battle is the Organization from the Confederate forces near Petersburg of October 27, 1864. The Second, Ninth, and Fifth Corps from right to left attacked on June 18th but were repulsed with heavy casualties. Grant had spent May in a series of series of largely inconclusive battles fighting alongside General George G. Meade’sArmy of the Potomac—including the Battle of Cold Harbor on May 31, where both sides sustai… African Americans at Siege of Petersburg 1 In Petersburg 2 Serving the Confederacy 3 Serving the Union: U.S. Col Benjamin H. Rutledge, Fitzhugh Lee's Division      XLII), CIR: P-12 Benning’s Brigade September 8, 1864, ORN Series 1, Vol. By this point, the Confederate works were heavily manned and the greatest opportunity to capture Petersburg without a siege was lost. 66 talking about this. The Union forces had all the advantages in the siege. The Siege of Petersburg Online is a web site designed to gather and share information on the neglected Siege of Petersburg. A series of large-scale Union offensives, grand maneuvers that triggered some of the fiercest battles of the war, broke the monotony of static trench warfare. The Union Engineers ran a railroad right behind the Union trenches. MG Cadmus M. Wilcox, Corps Artillery      Battle Of Petersburg Summary: The Battle of Petersburg (aka Siege of Petersburg) was a series of battles around the cities of Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia, fought from June 15, 1864, to April 2, 1865, during the civil war. The siege actually lasted 872 days. BG Joseph Finegan Second Petersburg Union order of battle: lt;p|>The following |Union Army| units and commanders fought in the |Second Battle of Petersburg|... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. The Union siege lines around Petersburg were extended in a series of offensives launched westward around the city toward the South Side Railroad. BG Edward Porter Alexander. SCENE AT THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG.      One shell took out a cannon in the Chesterfield Battery, and another shell killed eight to ten men at the same location. The Battle of Petersburg was part of the American Civil War (1861-1865) and was fought between June 9, 1864 and April 2, 1865. It experienced the suffering of civilians, thousands of U.S. Union Army (First Offensive) Confederate Army (First Offensive) Second Offensive. 28,000 Part of the American Civil War The Siege of Petersburg, Virginia, was 864gag: Union Artillery Detonation of the Mine Siege of Petersburg 30 July 1864; 864hab: Union Forces Battle of Deep Bottom 13-20 August 1864; 864hac: Union Forces Battle of Weldon Railroad 18-21 August 1864; 864had: Union Forces Battle of Reams’ Station 25 August 1864; 864iba: Union Forces Battle of Chaffin’s Farm 29-30 September 1864 Following the Union success at the Battle of Five Forks on April 1, Generals Ulysses S. Grant and George G. Meade determined to make a frontal assault on Robert E. Lee's defenses at Petersburg with four corps of infantry. The Union lost many men, as did the Confederates, yet it was this battle, or better said, this series of battles, that caused the Rebel army and her leaders to … The regiment was engaged at Hatcher’s Run and … It was then in the protracted siege at Petersburg north of the James River, and in the battles around that city. At the time, Grant was roundly criticized for his seeming inaction. 2, No. Orders of battle will be completed for Butler’s Offensive against Petersburg on June 9, 1864, followed by oobs for Grant’s Nine Offensives against Petersburg. Introduction: The Siege of Petersburg, the longest military event of the American Civil War (1861-1865), endured nine and a half months, and sustained 70,000 casualties. Orders of Battle. My Siege of Petersburg sites would not exist without the … The following Union Army units and commanders fought in the Battle of Peebles's Farm (Sept 30, 1864) during the Petersburg Campaign of the American Civil War. Union Army (First Offensive) Confederate Army (First Offensive) Second Offensive. Grant. Siege of Petersburg Date June 9, 1864 – March 25, 1865 Location Petersburg, Virginia Victor Union victory Contenders United States (Union) Confederate States Military Leaders Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee Unit Strength 67,000–125,000 about 52,000 Casualties and Deaths approx. Grant put Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman in immediate command of all forces in the West and moved his own headquarters to be with the Army of the Potomac (still commanded by Maj. Gen. George G. Meade) in V… Battle of Sailor's Creek - HistoryNet. MG Charles W. Field, BG John Gregg Facts about Battle of Petersburg 3: the railroad supply lines. In June 1864, as Union forces closed in on the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, attempts were made to take Petersburg, Virginia, a railroad hub 20 miles south of Richmond. The Siege of Petersburg was a nine-month siege of the Confederate-held city of Petersburg, Virginia by Ulysses S. Grant's 125,000-strong Union army during the final months of the American Civil War.After several unsuccessful assaults on the city, the Union forces built trenches and … The siege would culminate in a decisive and readily apparent victory for the Union forces and would pave the way for the end of the Civil War. The idea is to create a page for every unit, from armies down to company level where necessary, for Butler’s June 9, 1864 offensive against Petersburg and Grant’s nine later attempts to take the city. Welcome to The Siege of Petersburg Online, an information compilation site focusing on the Siege of Petersburg during the American Civil War. The four days included repeated Union … Departing Cold Harbor on June 12, his men stole a march on General Robert E. … BG Thomas L. Rosser, Artillery Defenses X: Letter from Acting Rear Admiral Samuel P. Lee to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, June 23, 1864, Index of Richmond-Petersburg Campaign Reports in Broadfoot’s Supplement to the Official Records (OR Vol. This sub-site, The Siege of Petersburg – Orders of Battle, focuses specifically on Orders of Battle for the ten Union offensives against the cities of Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia, from June 1864 to April 1865. With the Confederate defeat at Five Forks on April 1st, Lieut.      MG Bushrod Johnson, Butler's Division The following Confederate States Army units and commanders fought in the siege of Petersburg of the American Civil War. Second Petersburg Union order of battle: lt;p|>The following |Union Army| units and commanders fought in the |Second Battle of Petersburg|... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. The Second Battle of Petersburg (1864), also known as the Assault on Petersburg, was the major attempt by the Union Army to take Petersburg, Virginia, before the main Confederate Army could reinforce the city. The Siege of Petersburg is the popular name for the series of battles, skirmishes, and trench warfare that took place around Petersburg, Virginia in the last year of the Civil War.      1: Pegram's Farm by Brian Scherzer or Clay Cooper, Battle of New Market Heights Memorial and Education Association, Fort Wiki: Defenses of Richmond and Petersburg, Interpretive Challenges (Emmanuel Dabney). Unit pages will display items such as leader names and images, unit strengths and armament, links to where the units are mentioned throughout Beyond the Crater, and links to both parent and child units. As of March 2021 the entire order of battle for the First Offensive (June 13-18, 1864), Second Offensive (June 19-30, 1864), and Third Offensive (July 1-30, 1864) are all completely available below down to the regimental/battery level.      While the siege was initiated on June 15, 1864, the Federal attackers sought a quick victory—the capture of the vital rail and road center of Petersburg, Virginia—some 23 miles south of the Confederate capital of Richmond. Nonetheless, this was a battle he had no choice, but in which to participate. instantly flashed back to the siege of Petersburg and he was again grateful to be alive.    Departing Cold Harbor on June 12, his men stole a march on General Robert E. … The Richmond–Petersburg campaign was a series of battles around Petersburg, Virginia, fought from June 15, 1864, to April 2, 1865, during the American Civil War.Although it is more popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg, it was not a classic military siege, in which a city is usually surrounded and all supply lines are cut off, nor was it strictly limited to actions against Petersburg. 42,000 approx. At the Battle of Five Forks, on April 1, 1865, Union General Sheridan's cavalry broke through and flanked the Confederate lines at Petersburg. The Battle of the Crater occurred July 30, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and was an attempt by Union forces to break the siege of Petersburg.In March 1864, President Abraham Lincoln elevated Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and gave him overall command of Union forces. Grant was ready to move. For the Fourth and later offensives, for now you can look at detailed regimental and battery information on my Units pages, another foundational area of this site. Kershaw's Division On April 1, 1865, the Union achieved victory at the Battle of Five Forks just south of Petersburg. The Dictator remained in service at Petersburg though September, firing a … The regiment reached Virginia in April 1864 and was engaged in the Battle of Drewry’s Bluff and Dutch Gap. Petersburg, Virginia, was a vital rail center that brought critical supplies to nearby Richmond, the capital of The Confederacy. The 292-day Richmond–Petersburg Campaign (Siege of Petersburg) began when two corps of the Union Army of the Potomac, which were unobserved when leaving Cold Harbor at the end of the Overland Campaign, combined with the Union Army of the James outside Petersburg, but failed to seize the city from a small force of Confederate defenders at the Second Battle of Petersburg on June 15–18, 1864. Its forces were well supplied both in armaments, food and clothing. Ltc John C. Pemberton, 1st Military District For a campaign as long as the siege of Richmond and Petersburg, of course, the units present would change as formations would be sent to other theatres of the war. The Second Battle of Petersburg, also known as the Assault on Petersburg, was fought June 15–18, 1864, at the beginning of the Richmond–Petersburg Campaign (popularly known as the Siege of Petersburg). Capture Petersburg total black population 1 in Petersburg 2 Serving the Union Engineers ran railroad... 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