Perseus and Andromeda. Perseus is depicted flying above on his winged horse Pegasus. The hero Perseus swoops down to rescue her, his powerful vertiginous descent contrasting vividly with her vulnerable, helpless pose. Perseus is one of the greatest heroes of Greek Mythology. The hero Perseus appears at top left on his winged horse Pegasus, preparing to kill the monster and rescue the distressed princess. “Perseus and Andromeda” by Joachim Wtewael dramatically portray the Greek mythological story of Andromeda. Date: 1572. After the incident, Andromeda and Perseus fell in love with each other and following many other incidents, they were married and happily lived ever after. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This object is in the public domain (CC0 1.0).This object is Perseus and Andromeda with the accession number of 57.167.To request high-resolution files or new photography, please send an email to and include your name and the object's accession number. However, that is another story. Perseus is depicted flying above on his winged horse Pegasus. Other articles where Perseus and Andromeda is discussed: Titian: Mythological paintings: The Perseus and Andromeda was intended to be a companion to Medea and Jason, according to Titian’s letter, but for some reason the second picture was never carried out. The painting also shows Tobiano Pegasus, the goddess of glory over Perseus' head and several putti.The bottom of the painting partially shows Cetus, killed by Perseus earlier.. Important Notes About Your Painting: If you have any request to alter your reproduction of Perseus and Andromeda 1570-72, you must email us after placing your order and we'll have an artist contact you. Perseus and Andromeda was probably painted in 1554-6 and may have been sent to Philip in 1556. It was painted in 1554–1556 as part of a series of mythological paintings called "poesie" ("poetry") intended for King Philip II of Spain. scene by including pieces of coral at Andromeda's feet. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The slain Cetus (Sea-Mosnter) lies in background on the left. DESCRIPTION. The beautiful but the vain Queen, Cassiopeia’s hubris led her to boast that Andromeda is more beautiful than the sea nymphs, who were the daughters of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Perseus is in the process of attacking the sea monster with a sword, who turns to attack the hero. The Hermitage possesses one of the best collections of works by Mengs in the world, painted at different periods in his career. The painting was probably copied from a painting done by Nicias, a fourth century Greek artist. mythological subjects painted c.1550-c.1562 for King Philip II of Spain, known as the poesie. Titian heightens the mood of sexual tension by relegating Andromeda's parents to the background,concentrating our attention on her naked captive body. “Perseus and Andromeda” by Giuseppe Cesari dramatically portray the Greek mythological story of Andromeda. Soaring through the buff-colored clouds on his winged horse Pegasus, the hero Perseus grasps the princess Andromeda. Andromeda’s white body is contrasted with symbols of death on the ground and depicted as pure innocence. If you look You are welcome to review our Privacy Policies via the top menu. The paintings took subjects from the Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses, in this case Book IV, lines 663–752, and all featured female nudes. When the nymphs heard of her claims, they protested to their father, who retaliated by calling up a sea monster called Cetus to wreak havoc on Ethiopia, placing the kingdom at risk. – Francis Bacon, Photo Credit:1) Joachim Wtewael [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Sponsor a Masterpiece with YOUR NAME CHOICE for $5. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at – best visual art database. Perseus and Andromeda is the most significant work by Titian in the Wallace Collection. For details about the story of Perseus and Andromeda interested persons may visit - Perseus Andromeda Paintings The paintings shows the Gorgon's reflection on Perseus' shield. On the painting we can see Perseus and Andromeda in a vivid revival of the ancient Greek legend. Perseus used his sword to attack the sea monster, who turns to attack the hero. The story of Perseus and Andromeda is part of Perseus' larger adventures. Perseus and the rescued Andromeda reappear in the lower right corner of the composition, where the hero wins the maiden’s hand in marriage—an appropriate conclusion to this narrative painting for the matrimonial bedchamber of two powerful Florentines. Giorgio Vasari. In his early career he concentrated on history painting, and showed signs of developing symbolism. In response, the Queen, together with the King, decided to sacrifice her daughter, Princess Andromeda, to the monster. Which is your favorite painting of “Perseus and Andromeda”. Artwork analysis, large resolution images, user comments, interesting facts and much more. death. Of these works the most famous is Perseus and Andromeda, its subject taken from Ovid's "Metamorphoses", which was exhibited in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome in 1777, where it was much admired by those who saw it. The Ethiopian princess is clotehd in a saffron robe. Rubens presented the Andromeda myth, derived from Ovid's account in the 'Metamorphoses', with some narrative breadth. closely, you can see some of these changes with the naked eye. 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We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In this painting she is about to be rescued by Perseus - but only just in time; ultimately of course, he will marry her. Perseus liberates Andromeda from her chains. The images on this website can enable discovery and collaboration and support new scholarship, and we encourage their use. The story of Perseus and Andromeda derives from Greek mythology and contains very deep wisdom on the interactions of male and female energy. He rescued Andromeda by killing the beast. These refer to another danger overcome by Perseus: the slaying of the Gorgon Medusa, whose snaky locks petrified into coral on her The Rape of Europa. Andromeda is shown chained to a rock; a sacrifice to appease the sea monster, sent by Neptune to punish her mother's boast that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the Nereids. The creature raises his head with gigantic open jaws and frightful teeth toward Andromeda, who stands with outstretched arms in the center of the panel. The bronze sculpture Perseus with the Head of Medusa was produced by Benvenuto Cellini in the period 1545-1554 and is located in the Loggia dei Lanzi of the Piazza della Signoria in Florence. Perseus argued with Phineus at the wedding, but the fight was drawn to a conclusion when Phineus was turned to stone after Perseus brandished the head of Medusa. Charles-Amedee-Philippe van Loo-Perseus and Andromeda.jpg 750 × 585; 68 KB. Andromeda is depicted naked, though a swirling cloak preserves her modesty. ... Painting, 1853, 43.8×33.6 cm. Another airborne drama is depicted on the opposite wall, with Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's Perseus and Andromeda, a study for a ceiling fresco the artist painted in Milan about 1730, but which was destroyed by bombing in 1943. Why was the “Perseus and Andromeda” story such a favorite subject for artists? One of the undoubted masterpieces of Rubens, created by him in the period 1620-21 years. Titian's 'Perseus and Andromeda': restoration and technique THE decision to proceed with the cleaning of Titian's Perseus and Andromeda, taken by the Trustees of the Wal-lace Collection and by its Director John Ingamells, fol-lowed a lengthy period of examination of the painting at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge. ‘Perseus Freeing Andromeda’ was created in 1578 by Paolo Veronese in Mannerism (Late Renaissance) style. Titian demonstrates his skill as a painter of the female nude: Andromeda is posed frontally, her nakedness forming a strong visual antithesis to the lightly armoured body of Perseus.Titian made several major changes to the composition during the painting process: the figure of Andromeda, for example, was originally placed on the right. Artwork analysis, large resolution images, user comments, interesting facts and much more. Perseus used his sword to attack the sea monster, who turns to attack the hero. The Athenaeum. Andromeda’s white body is contrasted with symbols of death on the ground and depicted as pure innocence. Andromeda is shown chained to a rock; a sacrifice to appease the sea monster, sent by Neptune to punish her mother's boast that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the Nereids. Style: Mannerism (Late Renaissance) Genre: mythological painting. Titian gives extra poetic resonance to the terrifying In the legend, a dragon was about to attack Andromeda, but Perseus uses Medusa’s head (which has the power to turn everything it sees into stone) and at the same time stabbed the dragon with his sword to defeat him. Location: Palazzo Vecchio (Palazzo della Signoria), Florence, Italy. A gray-bearded figure, dressed in red, peers out from the joyous crowd. Dimensions: 113.9 x 86.4 cm. X-rays of the painting reveal Kyle M. Phillips, Jr., Perseus and Andromeda, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. Perseus and Andromeda is one of artworks by Eugene Delacroix. with Nursemaid , Diana and Actaeon and Diana and Callisto and the companion piece to Perseus and Andromeda, Copyright © 2011 - Present All Rights Reserved. “The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.” The ancient story about the son of Zeus Perseus, who defeated the terrible Medusa Gorgon and the beautiful Andromeda, the daughter of Tsar Kefei and the queen Cassiopeia, doomed to become a victim of the sea monster, takes a completely new meaning from the great Flemish. Andromeda's mother angered the gods with her boast that Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids, the attendants of the god of the sea, Poseidon. Charles Napier Kennedy - Perseus and Andromeda, 1890.jpg 1,275 × 1,920; 1.93 MB. Perseus is depicted flying above on his winged horse Pegasus. The myth tells that Andromeda, daughter of the King of Ethiopia, was described by her mother as the most beautiful. Andromeda’s white body is contrasted against the darker cliff and is depicted as pure innocence. This work is a copy, with some variations, after Guido Reni’s painting of about 1635 (Pallavicini Collection, Rome). All the best Perseus And Andromeda Painting 21+ collected on this page. The monster had been unleashed by Poseidon, angry with the boastful Cassiopeia, Andromeda’s mother. “Perseus and Andromeda” by Joachim Wtewael dramatically portray the Greek mythological story of Andromeda. 72, No. Fortunately, Perseus was traveling home on his winged horse, Pegasus, after battling with Medusa. In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the … His Perseus and Andromeda is a beautiful All six paintings depict episodes taken from Ovid's Metamorphoses: Venus and Adonis and Danae 1 (Jan., 1968), pp. Andromeda was chained to a rock as an offering to the monster. The hero wears a red cloak and winged sandals and bears a sword and the head of the Gorgon Medusa in one hand. Delacroix Andromeda.jpg 1,249 × 1,632; 321 KB. 1-23 Pegasus and Perseus are … Perseus and Andromeda was probably painted in 1554-6 and may have been sent to Philip in 1556. In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of the Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. In the centre of the composition, Perseus is dealing with the sea monster that is about to attack Andromeda, daughter of the King of Ethiopia, offered as a sacrifice to placate the monster’s ire. Andromeda and the Sea Monsterdepicts a dramatic moment from the ancient Greek author Euripides' tale of Andromeda and Perseus. Joachim Wtewael was a Mannerist painter and one of the leading Dutch exponents of Northern Mannerism, and his distinctive and attractive style remained mostly untouched by the naturalistic developments in art. Check out our analysis of Perseus' Hero's Journey in our guide to Perseus and Medusa. Perseus is about to rescue Andromeda from the ketos, a snaky sea monster painted in a brilliant blue-green palette. This gorgeous painting by Piero di Cosimo (Florence, 1462 - 1522) was executed between 1510 and 1515c. Perseus and Andromeda is one of artworks by Titian Vecelli. Dodo and seashells.jpg 600 × 381; 63 KB. A masterpiece of the Florentine Renaissance depicting the myth recounted by Ovid in Book IV of the Metamorphoses. The very sculpture is positioned on a square pedestal with bronze relief featuring the story of Perseus and Andromeda. Perseus and Andromeda is a painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Titian, now in the Wallace Collection in London. The couple fell in love, but the Princess was already betrothed to Phineus. He was the son of mighty Zeus and mortal Danae. The Scenic Virtuality of a Painting: "Perseus Freeing Andromeda" by Piero di Cosimo. a tortuous creative process, the artist changing his mind about the composition at several stages: the figure of Andromeda, for example, was originally placed on the right. Order Oil Painting. Media: oil. Terms of Use | Links Feel free to explore, study and enjoy paintings with All the drama is here: Perseus’s arrow has just struck the dragon; Andromeda looks round for help but cannot see her rescuer, and her clothes are just about to come off entirely. The wall painting of Perseus and Andromeda was found in the House of the Dioscouri, and was painted around 50-79AD. In the description of a painting of Perseus and Andromeda, Achilles Tatius commented on the naturalness of the rock to which Andromeda was bound in contrast to her own 'carven' image -an effect specifically attributed to her beauty: In the picture of Andromeda, there was a hollow in the rock of about the size of the maiden, but it was of a sort that would indicate that it was not artificially made, but … It was part of his most important commission of the 1550s and 1560s: a series of erotic As Perseus, who had vanquished the dreaded Gorgon Medusa, was returning home on his winged horse, Pegasus, he caught sight of the chained Andromeda and delivered her from the threat of the monster. Andromeda, bound to the rock at the left, awaits deliverance as Perseus descends from the sky to… Donato Creti - Perseus and Andromeda.jpg 806 × 1,200; 159 KB. Georges Rochegrosse (1859–1938), Perseus and Andromeda (date not known), watercolour, further details not known. 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