Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (Delhi 2009) Nature, the Gentlest Mother shows all aspects of good poetry. Somebody’s Mother Question Answers Question 4. Here is a list of GK questions related to sports, famous or important personalities, history, geography, arts, and science. To make quizzing fun for teens, you could even let them be the quiz master every once in a while. Nature—the Gentlest Mother is / Impatient of no Child / The feeblest—or the waywardest / Her Admonition mild / In Forest—and the Hill / By Traveller—be heard / Restraining Rampant Why? Answer: Why was the old woman hesitating to cross the street? Answer: The king gave away the green parrots in a golden cage. Nature Quiz Questions with Answers Part 2 . Answer: Fuchsia. Answer: The poem To sleep’ by William Wordsworth, who is known as the high priest of Nature, is an exquisite poem that presents to us some of the finest sights, sounds and movements of Nature. Question 5. No, the boys didn’t lend a helping hand to the woman. Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face I Questions From Textbook. He opened his wings and flew right away into the blue in far lands and promised the Princess that he would return and sing songs for her whenever she wanted. GK questions for Class 7 & 8. The King had a peculiar habit. 16. When the person be-comes old he becomes weak, he needs support .both emotional and physical. Even her Maids of Honour couldn’t comfort her pain. In one such year on his birthday, he gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a golden cage. What was it? Question 2. She was weak and couldn’t cross it alone. Copland also set this Dickinson text in his Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson song cycle. They saw that a song bird ate rice out of the Princess’s hand and had his bath in her saucer. B) welcoming Question 1. Who is the speaker in the poem? The next morning when the Maids of Honour brought in the Princess’s breakfast, they noticed her in a good mood. C) Sarojini Naidu c) Because of all the boys in the group, he was the only one who had helped her. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English link of Chapter 5 is provided below. ... Short Monsoon Diary” is a book of experiences during monsoons by Ruskin Bond where he portrays the silent miracles of nature and life’s little joys and regrets. It is known to all that freedom is the birth right of every living creature and nobody should be denied of it. Nor offered a helping hand to her, So meek, so timid, afraid to stir. That night at home, the old lady prayed for the boy who had helped her to cross the road. Her aged hand on his strong young arm. She was a lone woman. Princess September felt very bad when she saw her little pet lie lifeless inside the cage as he had stopped singing and eating too. Answer: When the boy saw this old woman waiting to cross the road, he ran to her and asked in a low voice that if she agreed, he could help her to cross the road. The princesses were named after the months of the year because the Queen of Siam found it difficult to remember so many names. Why does the flower consider itself as ‘the last gift of the living to the dead’? Nature, the Gentlest Mother "Nature, the Gentlest Mother" can be found in the Ernst Bacon song collection Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2. The boy told his friends that she was somebody’s mother, aged, poor and slow, so he helped her. Contents1 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 51.1 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers1.2 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Extra Questions and Answers Students can prepare for their exams by studying NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English […] (Stanza acknoges natures friendly relationship with its subjects) Throughout the land, humans are seperate, scaring away small creatures. Answer: b) The children who came that way. c) The lady was old and bent and her feet aged and slow. 84, exercise2 complete the following story usingthebrackets in … 18. Answer: Microorganisms are broadly classified in four groups: bacteria fungi protozoa algae Question 2. We have covered answers to each and every question of the supplementary reader Moments. Her heart was overflowing with gratitude and pride. What plant was it? GK questions for Class 7 & 8. Class 10 - Biology Chapter: Life Processes Assertion Reasoning Type Questions From session 2019-20 onwards, CBSE introduces a new... CBSE Class 10/9/8 - English - Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passage) (Set-14)(#eduvictors)(#readingComprehension) The boy was full of love and compassion and he might have been taught the importance of helping the needy by his parents, when he did the same, he got satisfaction and joy. The school children came there like flocks of sheep. Elements of the verse: questions and answers. What are the children compared to? Answer: Mount Snowdon. Answer: This contributed to her beauty as she was exposed to the beautiful benefits of nature. Nature – the Gentlest mother is -8 Impatient of no Child - The feeblest - or the Waywardest - Her Admonition mild -- Nature – the Gentlest mother is SYNTAX The reverse sentence structure of the opening line places all the power and importance of them … After that, the little bird sang a beautiful song and the Princess thoroughly enjoyed it. On the other hand, all the old parrots were taught two phrases – ‘God save the King’ and ‘Pretty Polly’ in seven different Oriental languages. They were jealous when they saw that Princess September’s little pet could sing so beautifully, which their parrots couldn’t. D) digging LITERATURE READER. New questions in English. The woman was very old, poor, and very weak. The listener can almost hear birds chirping in the fast, high figures in the right hand of the piano. We can see a flock of sheep leisurely passing by one after one; we can the sound of rain and the murmuring of bees. Edmund Hilary trained on which British mountain in preparation for his ascent up Mount Everest? (i) What persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again? Question 1. She was grief-stricken when her parrot died. Nature Quiz Questions with Answers Part 2 . Question 2. Answer: According to the speaker of Emily Dickinson's "Nature — the Gentlest Mother is," as her human children travel over hillsides or ride through forests, those children are likely to hear their gentle Mother, "Restraining Rampant Squirrel," or muffling a "too impetuous Bird." While she lay in her bed crying, she saw a little bird hop into her room. Question 3. Princess September adhered to their advice and kept her little pet in a golden cage. Thus it becomes the part of joy and sorrow. Somebody’s Mother Poem Question Answer Question 2. Answer: Ageing is a natural process. This made the King have a low opinion about all his Councillors who blabbered the same thing repeatedly. C1. With even the weakest or oddest creature, She still treats the creature with care. Question 4. She was waiting for a long time. A) clearing Her heart was overflowing with gratitude and pride. CBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources – Detailed explanation of the chapter ‘Resources’ along with question answers. The sisters were very jealous of Princess September’s singing bird. Metals and Non Metals Class 8 Science Chapter 4 as per NCERT Book used in CBSE and other Schools. In this way, it is also personification. The Princess was really upset and depressed over the sudden demise of her parrot and wept continuously. Are the sisters unkind and cruel? Answer: Tsunami is a very large and powerful wave caused by earthquakes under the sea. My Mother at Sixty -Six Important Questions Short Answer Type Questions (3 – 4 MARKS) Question 1. Somebody’s Mother Questions And Answers Question 6. Suddenly children come out of school as it closed for the day. The woman was standing at the crossroad to cross the road. Answer: Did the boys lend the old woman a helping hand? Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. This beautiful tale depicts the love and affection between the princess and the singing bird. CBSE Class 8 Science Notes , Question Answers provided for NCERT Science Textbook for Class 8. Why was the woman very anxious? However, the bird returned as he felt that the Princess might be worried if he didn’t return on time. (iii) What do the reactions indicate about the nature and temperament of each? My Mother At Sixty-six Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type. We do feel the presence of a listener, who is her son. Discuss the following questions in small groups. Name the groups in which microorganisms are broadly classified. What is Tsunami? The royal couple of Siam had nine daughters who were named after the months of a year. The bird didn’t like being trapped in a cage and felt like he was imprisoned. What did the sisters advise the Princess to do about her bird? Answer: Metaphor. Answer: Simile. 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D) Rudyard Kipling Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Class 8 Extra Questions Science Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Class 8 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Questions Question 1. What are the boys compared to? Princess September kept her window open day and night. POEM: The Listeners By walter De La Mare. Princess September kept her window open day and night. The new bird was full of new songs but the old parrots always repeated themselves. What happened on 26 Dec, 2004? Find a range of interesting nature based questions and answers that feature fun facts and awesome trivia. What made the boy happy? All the textbook and additional exercise questions have been solved by subject-matter experts, according to the updated CBSE English syllabus. 1 English textbook page no. One fine day, she releases the bird in the open air from the golden cage. How did the Maids of Honour come to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends? She was not able to tolerate that severe cold. They would say the same phrases repeatedly when asked. Walter John de la Mare was an English poet, short story writer and novelist, probably best remembered for his works for children and The Listeners.He came from a family of French Huguenots, and was educated at … However, writing answers in exams to express authors’ sentiments and the true meaning of the chapter in one's own words can be quite challenging for students. Out of jealousy, they offered to contribute some money to their younger sister to buy a similar parrot as theirs. a) Who is ‘her’? Answer: She put her aged hand on his strong young arm. Princess September Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English It So Happened Princess September Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. See Video Explanation of Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources Their parrots appeared sad and repeated the same phrases over and again. The piano and voice are both gentle and lyrical throughout the first stanza of the poem, mirroring the text. She prayed, “God be kind to him, Somebody’s Son. b) Who is the noble boy referred to? NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face I. B) Isaac Watts Yes, I like this poem. The poem ‘Somebody’s Mother’ is written by He felt that he lost his freedom and gradually stopped singing and eating. ? Likewise, in the story when the little bird was denied of freedom, he began losing his charm and always remained sad in captivity. “Nature, the gentlest mother” begins with a lengthy introduction, setting a pastoral scene. In a heartless manner, she asked the Maids of Honour to put the girl to sleep without any supper. Nature, the gentlest mother. They convinced her to believe that if the bird tried to come out of the cage, she should not allow him and that he would get used to staying inside it. What happened to the parrot of Princess September? NCERT Textbook Answers of class 8 science. SOMEBODY'S MOTHER.-Merry Dow Brine.C I. Do you like this poem? Hence, they made an offer to buy her a lovely green and yellow parrot by contributing from their pocket-money together. Anxious – worried Heeded – to pay attention Throng – a crowd of people Hailing – cheering to welcome Gray – lacking in cheer; gloomy Crowd her down – push into a small space Trembling – shaking Hastened – hurried Flock – group Bowed – bend to pay honour Question 1: Describe the kind of a woman in the poem? Nobody looked at her nor even glanced at her. She burst into a flood of tears and wept continuously at the loss of her dear parrot. Edmund Hilary trained on which British mountain in preparation for his ascent up Mount Everest? 36. Synecdoche. The woman was standing at the cross. This is where NCERT Solutions for English helps students. Why were they named after the months of the year? Pick out the rhyming words in the poem, and read them aloud. She had no courage to cross such a busy and slippery road. The poor old woman stood by the road as she fared that she would be trampled under the horse’s feet ‘or the carriage wheels. Why was the old woman hesitating to cross the street? Answer: She was very weak and her legs were trembling with cold. Ageing is a natural process; have you ever thought what our elderly parents expect from us ? 8th Standard English Poem Somebody’s Mother Question 5. ... of which class this poem belong? So she was hesitating to cross the road. Nature, the gentlest mother, Impatient of no child, The feeblest or the waywardest, --Her admonition mild. Princess September put the little bird in a cage to ensure the safety of her pet. Answer: No, the boys didn’t lend a helping hand to the woman. (ii) What was her mother’s reaction to it? ABOUT THE AUTHOR. What is the King’s opinion about his Councillors? The sea is our mother. CBSE Class 8 Science Notes , Question Answers provided for NCERT Science Textbook for Class 8. She feared that the little bird might forget her and start liking someone else and that she might lose her little lovely pet. c) Why was the lady afraid to stir? Question 2. Soon the parrot dies and a singing bird replaces it. Download the The Great Stone Face 1 Multiple Choice Questions PDF free of cost and get good scores in the board exams. God be kind to the noble boy Who is somebody’s son and pride and joy. 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So, she was afraid to stir. Further, they also told her to be firm even if he died in the cage due to its stubbornness. Answer: Fuchsia. a) Who said this prayer? Her dress was tom. This chapter “Princess September” is about a young princess named September who is given a parrot in a golden cage on her father’s birthday. He stopped eating and singing too. Under the circumstances it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make. We find the woman who was old ragged and grey. Find evidence in the text to support your idea. What was the gift given to the princess by the king? Yes, the eight sisters of the princess were unkind and cruel. Somebody’s Mother Poem Notes Question 3. Question 3. Question 1. The poem NATURE, the gentlest mother is a poem which brings out the human elements of motherhood within the nature’s sphere. (i) What did Princess September do to ensure the safety of her pet? NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science PDF free download, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management, to Study online or download free in PDF form. (Stanza The King saw the parrots say two phrases repeatedly – ‘God save the King’ and ‘Pretty Polly’ in seven different Oriental languages and this reminded him about his Councillors who too repeated the same thing differently. It has been solved by our panel of expert teachers, in accordance with the latest CBSE rules and regulations. From the nature and temperament of each reaction, we understand that Princess September was a very sensitive and simple-hearted girl. But the King followed an opposite tradition and due to this reason, his habit was peculiar. c) Why did she pray for him? Home Emily Dickinson's Collected Poems E-Text: Part Three: Nature 1. By keeping the window open day and night, it provided the Princess with fresh wind and natural light. What did they say? C) attracting Why or why not? The lesson covers the complete explanation of class 8 Chapter 4 Metals and Non Metals.Topics covered are Introduction to metals, physical and chemical properties of metals. As a matter of fact, people receive gifts instead of giving away gifts on their birthday. Answer: ‘Hailing the snow, piled white and deep’. Try maintaining a time limit while answering The Great Stone Face 1 Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers so that it would be useful in your actual exams. Question 7. It multiplies and comes to us in one or the other way. The Great Stone Face stood near where Ernest and his mother lived. He ran to her and helped her to cross the road. b) Who did not offer help to her? A group of happy boys comes there, it so happened that one of the boys, very cheerful and lively, saw this old woman waiting to cross the road. Answer: Microorganisms are broadly classified in four groups: bacteria fungi protozoa algae Question 2. 16. She was very anxious because the road was very busy and slippery. Answer: Mount Snowdon. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 5 – Princess September is available for free download at BYJU’S for CBSE students. Name the figure of speech in these lines: Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: Question 1. This helped the little bird to come into her room and leave whenever he wanted. 2) Where was the woman standing? To make quizzing fun for teens, you could even let them be the quiz master every once in a while. You can Download Somebody’s Mother Poem Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English to help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. The eight Princesses were jealous of Princess September’s singing bird. They were later married off to the King’s Councillors with a pound of tea and a Siamese cat. Somebody’s Mother Questions And Answers Question 6. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English link of Chapter 5 is provided below. Her admonition mild In forest and the hill By traveller be heard, Restraining rampant squirrel Or too impetuous bird. Answer: Try maintaining a time limit while answering Reading Comprehension Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers so that it … How does the flower become a part of joy and sorrow? (i) The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. On the contrary, the Queen mother appeared to be unmoved by the death of the parrot and her daughter’s grief and she did nothing to console her child. This indicates that the beauty of life lies in being free and not being in captivity. The word ‘hailing’ means She wiped her tears and watched the little bird sing a beautiful song. 18. Add your answer and earn points. C2. At home that night, the old lady prayed for the boy who had helped her to cross the road. This persuaded the Princess to let the little bird enjoy his freedom in the open air, otherwise she feared that he would die in captivity. Summary of the poem nature the gentlest mother is? Answer: She was very old and her hair was gray and she was very poor. b) The boy who had helped her cross the road. Why is it called peculiar? Answer the following question and share your responses with your partner. However, writing answers in exams to express authors’ sentiments and the true meaning of the chapter in one's own words can be quite challenging for students. She was bent with the chill of winter's day. Then write: Summary Of Somebody’s Mother Question 1. How did it affect them? And nature quiz and See how much you know: microorganisms are broadly.! You could even let them be the quiz master every once in cage. Offered a helping hand cross such a busy and slippery reason, his habit was peculiar Short period by to... S Mother poem Question answer Question 2 about his Councillors up Mount Everest quizzing fun for teens, you even! 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