It’s about the last name, I think mother’s still had choice of first name. At least they know where they’re from and are so proud to be from there. It also means advocate and hero. Of those who don’t fill out actual paperwork for a legal name change, their husband’s last name soon becomes associated with them just by common everyday usage. —the Rev. Now, that parent’s surnamecould very well be the surname of the most recent … Enter your last name to find its meaning and origin. There, I assembled a name that resonates with me and one I’m thinking about changing to soon: Amma Ntonni Quainoo. 5: 705: Tipton [?] I am thinking that in total it will cost another $400 for passport, drivers license, postage to send certified copies (these cost $25 each and are required by many companies such as banks/lenders, credit cards, etc). o Ages, birthplaces, relationships may be reported differently in different censuses, depending upon the knowledge of the person providing the information to the enumerator. I took the name of Jackson for the reason that I preferred to go by my father’s name, rather than the name of my last owner.” “I was born…the child of Phillis Houston, slave of Sol Smith. Going back a decade to the 1850 Slave Schedule, both William Wood and Samuel O. Some of you have already had your DNA tested and know where your ancestors came from. 1830 a William Wood was recorded in Rhea County, Tenn. I have been thinking about changing my name, And I have purchased The African Book of names to help as well. With so called black people (actually shades of brown) being all over the world, why aren’t we telling so called white people to go back home? what if i cant find the name of the person who was a slaves owner i though all who owned slaves where but on the slaveholder list. And has been asking/fighting for our return. Last Name: Male Female Neutral Generate. The Vikings were a Norse people who, between the 8th and 11th century, traded with and plundered much of Europe, as well as parts of Asia and North Africa. Researching now the process of changing my name. Choose some keywords and we will automatically create a last name in seconds. When most women get married, they change their last names to that of their husband. If I had a slave name or any other name that did not to a greater degree represent my family and ancestors with honor; I would gladly change my identifying naming convention to something that did honor me, my family, my progeny. A slave name is the personal name given by others to an enslaved person, or a name inherited from enslaved ancestors. Then maybe set aside a few dollars a month each month until you can afford to pay for the whole thing. This may be why “Washington,” the surname of America’s first president, was dubbed “the blackest name” in America in an Associated Press article. When people argue that we need to get over slavery… that it didn’t happen to us or anyone that we know… few consider the impact it still has on us today. With that court order, called a Decree, you will be able to change your government-issued identifications and prove to any institution that your new name is your legal name.”, Hope this information helps and here’s a link to the site if you’d like more information on changing your name in California:, encouraged you to investigate and choose a country, going to name change Alabama PetitionCourt oppeesser, The Real Life Challenges of Moving to Africa. My philosophy is to start where you can and since you CAN use another name in California, start there until you can afford an official change. The bill of sale for Wilson Wood was recorded Sept. 22, 1862, but the record states that the sale actually took place earlier than that date, on Oct. 26, 1861. Were we the Nelsons of Sierra Leone or the Hendersons of Ghana? This was after slavery had ended and we don’t know whether this person was white or black or other. We looked at the 1860 United States Census Slave Schedule (on; subscription required), and it appears that the sale of Wilson to Samuel O. Slave Owner County of Residence Recruit's Last Name Recruit's First Name Age Birth State County of Birth Roll Frame Recruiting Station / / Williams: Alfred: 26: AL: Madison: 3: 279: Hannibal [?] We went back further in time to research white Wood families in Meigs County. For instance, some selected the surnames of people they admired or considered to be important, such as U.S. presidents. In 1840 there were 9 Slaven families living in Ohio. For this reason, it is much more common to file for a court order changing your name. If you are a Jones of African descent, it’s highly likely that at some point your ancestors began using a surname like Jones OR more likely, that your last name was assigned to your family at an earlier time. The three databases below provide details of 36,000 trans-Atlantic slave voyages, 10,000 intra-American ventures, names and personal information. It will be necessary to eventually get a decree from the courts in order to change it on your drivers license, social security card and other official documents, but there’s no reason to wait until you can afford all of that. We may not have any idea what our names were before our elders were crammed into slave ships, but we can say with 100% certainty that the names we bear today weren’t the true names of our ancestors pre-slavery. The only William Wood recorded in Meigs County in 1860 was born around 1849 and was recorded in the household of James Wood. I love them because they trace not only the country and/or ethnicity but also your tribe. Quainoo, because my VERY dearly departed aunt’s name was Quaintance, so Quainoo was close enough and unique enough to capture my attention. After the Civil War they sometimes adopted the surname name of the last owners family or perhaps the owner that treated them the best. Index to "Descriptive Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops for the State of Missouri, 1863-1865" (NARA Microfilm Publication M1894 - 6 rolls) For more information about the records covered in this … it doesn't help that I have a fairly common first name. “My father’s name was Gilbert Jackson, and after I was set free I took the name of my father, and have been known by the name Smith Jackson. Believe me, I hate the Daniels as much as the next David but I feel like half a traitor. My father said that Texas always said that they were really “Dunns"—that the Dunn family sold them to the Williams family and they took the last name of Williams. In this case, both owners had the same surname, but if they hadn’t, would Wilson’s surname have changed? The Slave family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. This was the technique used in another previous column, “What’s the Story of a Portrait of My Slave Ancestor?,” when we discovered that a family using the surname “Dickey” from 1880 forward was recorded under the surname “Johnson” in 1870. 5: 694: Tipton [?] Some used a surname from a previous slaveowner. With the huge success of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, hobbits (or at least hobbit-like creatures) have made their way into all sorts of other works of fiction. Shapeshifter Names; Siren Names; Slave Names; Species Names; Sphinx Names; Spiderfolk Names; Steampunk Names; Succubus Names; Superhero Names; Superhero Team Names; Super Villain Names; Sylph Names; Titan Names - New! How the Star Wars Characters Got Their Names. Neither of them was taxed for any slaves. Perhaps Wilson was actually the son of William and Samuel’s father, and the story shifted in its retelling over time. These names work great as both names and as a way for the oppressor to curse at the enslaved. The modern use of the term applies mostly to African Americans and West Indians who are descended from enslaved Africans who retain their name … That’s fucked up. I simply say this: some slaves took the name of the last slaveowner. It would seem plausible that a slave’s name was like a brand that identified the claim of ownership. With this knowledge, I moseyed on over to to check out some names on their list of 150 Common African Last Names. This name generator will generate 10 random Viking names. This may help you learn more about any other slaves he may have owned or sold in Meigs County. With the leading experts in the field, NEHGS staff can provide assistance and guidance for questions in most research areas. found the name on the slaveholder list but cant find the name of the owner at all. The names are mostly descriptive and meant to "remind an enslaved of its place" as far as the oppressor is concerned, or of what he or she is to this oppressor. Many people tell me that the name is fitting for me especially given that my hair is golden-red. You can see well written points of view at my friend Michael’s site (as well as a more in-depth survey) and also Dr. Barnetta McGee discussed this in her blog some time ago. As a young child, I was fascinated with the uncommon use of our family's last name of "Nicholas". Cooper: Chesnut: Simon: 21: MO: Cooper: 5: 692: … Visit If you’re African-American, it is probably the family name of the white people who owned your ancestors hundreds of years ago. This was so important to me that I have no accurate words to express how happy I am that I did it. This was possibly out of admiration for the black abolitionist Major Martin Robison Delany, who is frequently referred to as “the Father of Black Nationalism.”. Ryan. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and founding director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. I’m told that my last name came about as the result of one of my great-great-relatives taking the surname of a man who provided friendly assistance during the war. I am Balanta. 8. I just completed a documentary film and created a 63-minute rough edit of my documentary entitled: "DNA - USING IT TO CHANGE MY SLAVE LAST NAME" -or- 'WHAT'S YOUR REAL NAME???' Because surnames for former slaves were so fluid and not set on any particular laws or rules, determining a surname during and after slavery is often the most challenging aspect of African-American genealogy. …. Or it may have come about as the kind of work your ancestors were forced to do when they were enslaved (like Cook or Baker). It is my father’s name, his father’s before him, and his father’s before him. The modern use of the term applies mostly to African Americans and West Indians who are descended from enslaved Africans who retain their name given to their ancestors by the enslavers. It’s a simple process that took me only a few hours and only 10 minutes in court to make it official. Further complicating African-American-surname research is the fact that after the Civil War, former slaves didn’t always take the name of their most recent owner (or have it assigned to them by record takers). share. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Sometimes newly freed slaves chose new surnames for themselves to separate themselves from their former owners. Wow so it’s cheaper to order the kit on holidays I’m so anxious to order it I know I’m something I’m mixed for sure I just wanna know where did my bloodline orginated from on my father and mother side. 'Maggot', 'Lowborn', 'Beast', 'Filth' and so on. [?] In truth, there were a variety of ways that former slaves adopted surnames, only one of which was adopting the surname of their slave owner. I’m also thinking back now to the 2008 election and how some were extremely pissed about having a president with an African last name. To proudly force this legacy upon our children and grandchildren is pure insanity! A minor would have had to have a guardian conduct the sale for him, and that was not indicated in the document. But even if you haven’t gotten that far yet, we all know that West Africa is the most probable vicinity. Begin learning more about yourself and your heritage. My name is Nware Burge. Lastly, I used for my DNA testing. Last forename - many captives had multiple names that were often used to differentiate between slaves who had similar first names. To generationally pass on and honor this brutal rapist, in front of world, is shameful, embarrassing and a disgrace! You can check it's current price on Amazon here. Ryan is another popular Irish family name across the world. o African-American families may be reported under different surnames in 1870 than in 1880. Minister Abdul Muhammad answers this timely question at Mosque Maryam in Chicago. Am I still welcome to be a member of the David army. He is also chairman of The Root. And it cannot be used to change a minor’s name. But what’s more offensive than calling someone by the name of the person who raped their mother and beat their father? Extending your search geographically may help you locate an early bill of sale or probate record that mentions him and provides more information about his origins. If you have … If your last name’s the same as (or close to) another person’s last name, you’re related. Kalogeras. If you are looking to find information on Jamaican baby names, I recommend that you read Jeffrey Fisher's comprehensive book on Jamaican baby names. THESE NAMES ARE NOT OF GOR/BOOK . Slave name Lyrics: Just love on me 'cause that's just what I need / Your love on me is all I ever need, need / Part of my blessings blending in with my soul / Do what I feel and I live what I say so Which is why Muhammad Ali said this of his birth name: “Cassius Clay is a slave name. There is some overlap though. Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made (1974). William Wood recorded in Meigs County in 1860, Samuel O. What is my African slave name abd where can I find my true meaning of my name. I’m told that my last name came about as the result of one of my great-great-relatives taking the surname of a man who provided friendly assistance during the war. A window into the complexities of slaves’ surnames can be found by reading the article “A Perspective on Indexing Slaves’ Names” (pdf), by David E. Patterson, in the American Archivist. I point all of this out to say that changing our last name isn’t difficult to do. It's very possible that you could have some British ancestry - many African Americans do - but it's not necessarily connected with your surname. Last name. I’ll join that campaign. Find your ancestors, discover the origin and meaning of your last name, and build your family tree! African Americans tended to use surnames associated with their own families instead of the last slave owner. In a previous Tracing Your Roots column, “Am I Related to Black Nationalist Martin R. Delany?,” we determined that Dennis Dorrity likely changed his surname from that of his former slave owner, John Dorrity, to Delaney. Troll Names; Unicorn Names; Valkyrie Names; Vampire Names; Vampire Clan Names; Warrior Nicknames; Werewolf Names; Werewolf Pack Names; Witch Names; Witch Coven Names; Wizard Name One of the first orders of business for this Black to Africa movement should be to establish a National Name Change month. Samuel had a 29-year-old male, placing his birth around 1821, and William Wood had a 26-year-old male, born about 1824, and both were described as being black. You can search for a probate record for him in Meigs County before 1861 (the sale date) or search for a William Wood in another location that matches his description in 1860. Herbert G. Gutman, The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925 (1976). After emancipation, many freedmen and -women took the surnames of their former owners as their own. ok i was told slaves got there names from there slave owners but what if the slave owner last name is not the same as the slave. Giving ourselves ample time to select one, fill out the necessary paperwork for changing the name on our birth certificates, drivers licenses, social security cards, etc. 100% Upvoted. last name is a word independent of being a name, but one that couldn't be used in a sexual context (2 points) either first or last name is the name of a spice (10 points) Woods residing in Meigs County in 1860 with his wife, Mary, and two children: Roena, 9, and Elias, 2. Both of these men are younger than what you know about Wilson Wood. Popularity of your last name. For these reasons, our advice to African Americans who are tracing family roots is to search for ancestors in the 1870 census without a surname. My heart is full because this step is just one of many that is moving me deeper into my authenticity. Still, it’s problematic because it’s not our family name and whether the original person was white or black, the name, itself, traces back to Europe and is definitely not African. So, why not Google several W. African surnames and pick the one that resonates with you the most? The following is a list of slave owners, for which there is a consensus of historical evidence of slave ownership, in alphabetical order by last name. Amma, because I was born on a Saturday and many Africans choose names based on the day a child was born. Based on this information, it seems probable that the William and Samuel Wood in the bill of sale were brothers or close relatives, though both are far too young to be the father of Wilson, who was born in 1815. Some African-Americans have last names such as Cotton, reflecting when they were made to pick cotton as slaves. Enslavement presents a major obstacle for anyone tracing Black American lineages.Because enslaved people were treated as property, records that can help Black American families research their genealogy are often difficult to come by. We’ve taken the time to list some of the last names from his below. Others received a name based on what kind of work they were forced to do. Ntonni, mainly because I like the sound and spelling. Most Eastern languages do not insert the vowels, therefore in translations "ee" and "i" are negotiable likewise endings of "a" and "ah". We have little one the way I want to change my name…l refuse to die with slave name Some believe it’s offensive, others that it’s a term of endearment. They have been demonized and abused for decades. Yes, his middle name, Hussein, drove them nuts, but I also heard MANY protest his very African last name, too. My first name is Amber. Hello I’m very interested in changing my last name for the last five years now I live here in California and its to expensive to change my name the much I can afford is maybe 100$ so is it a way I can change my name with in my price range cuz here in los Angeles California the going rate is near 500$ please email me back at thank u. Hi Decevio! This may reveal your family used the surname of the slave owner’s wife’s family. Slaves, as chattel property, did not have legal surnames, even though they used first and last names among themselves. Another case was from one of my ancestors who chose her own surname to represent her status in her native country (not some family story, I have court records stating so). I think my name shows more the hope and wish of my parents than mine (given that I am on the atheistic side of things). It was normally used as a first name, at least in all of my encounters. Are you ready to give those people their name back and establish a new legacy that will free your future descendants from the labels our forefathers were branded with? We have this thing call “wo kra da” which means “your soul day” that’s the name we value much cuz most of we Africans in Africa also have slaves name like ERIC KWESI MENSAH HILSON, KWESI MEANS SUNDAY MALE BORN, MENSAH MEANS 3rd male born, ERIC we call it “Christian Name” , but Hilson is slave name & mostly people who live near the cost use the slave masters name If you want to know your name from the day you were born hit me In other instances, individuals chose the name “Freeman” or “Freedmen” to distance themselves from any slave owner. The three databases below provide details of 36,000 trans-Atlantic slave voyages, 10,000 intra-American ventures, names and personal information. Didn’t quite find what I was looking for there (but I learned a thing or two about African names), so I headed to Wikipedia to check out some Akan names. Likewise, in 1830 a William Wood was recorded in Rhea County, Tenn., which is adjacent to Meigs County and is also the county where the Samuel O. One that deliberately calls for us to abandon our former ways of thinking about Africa and of thinking about ourselves in relation to the continent. report. Keep in mind that documents recorded after the event are not always completely accurate, since they are often based on memory. I have often wondered why Shelia Jackson (NOTE: With the exception of white abolitionists who were among a tiny minority, all white people supported the institution of slavery either through ownership, catching runaway black people for reward profits or by simply keeping silent and accepting its existence.). Going back 10 years to the 1850 census, we found Samuel residing there with Mary and a 1-year-old son, William Wood. Gaelic Equivalent: ó Maoilriain. Cash App $100MillFund Make your donations at Send checks and money orders to Pharaoh El-Aton P.O. Founded in 1845, NEHGS is the country’s leading nonprofit resource for family history research. And some we’ll never know where the name came from. In 1840 there were 13 Slave families living in Alabama. I didn’t choose it and I don’t want it. Discover Your Last {{ lastNameToQuery | capitalize }} Name Origin & Meaning. I’m weighing the possibility of changing my entire name, but in the end I may end up changing only my last name. The state government’s website states that: “In California, you have the common law right to change your name by the “usage method.” This means that you simply pick a new name and start using it consistently in all parts of your life. My name is meaningful (‘in your God’s name I’m happy’ is the direct translation of my first and last names taken together). It will truly take an act of God to Free their minds. The most Slave families were found in the USA in 1840. The person who held their entire family in bondage and sold them to the highest bidder like cattle? Still, it’s problematic because it’s not our family name and whether the original person was white or black, the name, itself, traces back to Europe and is definitely not African. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Am I Related to Black Nationalist Martin R. Delany? Givin' up, I'm givin' up my slave name Oh, no, no, I'm givin' up my slave name Saint, you don't really need a last name North, you don't really need a last name Bump on the song for the dark chains I think its about time I support the movement and cause I’m a firm believer on not having a slave name what’s so ever I only identify with Kings not slavery! After looking at the documents that you identified, we traced further and found information that might surprise you. The Greek last name means ‘the color red.’ 46. However, in 1850 we also found a better match for the William Wood recorded in the bill of sale: a 30-year-old living alone in Meigs County. It was no longer an option to absorb any of my names so I changed all three, the last being most important for reasons stated in this wonderful article. Learn more today about researching African-American roots. Wood were recorded as slave owners in Meigs County, and their households were recorded on the same page of the census, meaning that they were living close to each other. Viking name generator . Your name is an energetic frequency that is aimed at you daily. References: Cheryll Cody, "'There Was No Absalom on the Ball Plantation': Slave-Naming Practices in the South Carolina Low Country, 1720-1865," American Historical Review 92 (June 1987). However, I hate the name. My name is Ronald. When we compared the 1860 Slave Schedule with the information in the federal census, however, we didn’t find a William Wood who was old enough to be the one who was on the bill of sale. What’s the Story of a Portrait of My Slave Ancestor? Dr. Lisa Sykes Chilton. These online databases and record collections are valuable resources for anyone navigating the challenge of researching formerly … We debate the word nigga or nigger night and day. Search for a specific ancestor in FamilySearch Family Tree. Were the surnames of enslaved people changed when they were sold, or were they allowed to keep the surnames of their former slave owners? Goodridge certainly didn’t seem like an African name so I assumed that it was a slave name that had been imposed on my ancestors at some point in the past. They are black owned and offer specials around the holidays. This was after slavery had ended and we don’t know whether this person was white or black or other. save. Digital Library on American Slavery. This answer was provided in consultation with Meaghan E.H. Siekman, Ph.D., a senior researcher from the New England Historic Genealogical Society. I have a new sense of calm. P Ryan is another popular Irish family name across the world. Haven’t done DNA tests …but we a meaning full surname for US. The truth is, my last name was probably supposed to be Bowen, but somewhere in the past someone misspelled it and the lives of my family clan were forever changed. One way or another, we can literally refer to most of our last names as “slave names”. Does it represent who you are as an African or does it pay homage to the Americans who oppressed your ancestors? If only it were that simple to trace the surnames of enslaved people! Wood in the bill of sale married in 1848. There are many instances where the last name is modified but yet implies their origin. Drawing on extensive archival records, this digital memorial allows analysis of the ships, traders, and captives in the Atlantic slave trade. Finding out My ancestry DNA 81% being of African Rooted with the majority, 44% Nigeria, 21% Ivory Coast/Ghana and 11% Senegal. I know you asked that your reply be emailed, but I’m going to post it here as I’m sure you’re not the only one struggling to pay for a name change. You’ll want to focus on tracing this white Wood family back in time to determine if that is a possibility. The slave schedules of 1860 Arkansas do not give the names of the slaves. We have a copy of a bill of sale showing that Wilson was sold to his uncle Samuel Wood in 1862. Cooper: Benton: Thomas: 28: MO: Howard[?] It can also be shortened to Ami, which I also like. > | Index by slave owner's name. I live in Los Angeles and recently changed my name on 10-11-19. Minor details in phrasing make a big difference. 0 comments. Meaning: king. We made a surprising discovery while addressing a question about how slaves got their last names. All of this had come about as I’m tracing my roots! Wouldn’t it be dope if black couples, instead of fussing about whether a woman is going to take a man’s name or if she’s going to hyphenate hers with his, decided to BOTH change their names to a West African one, instead? This Greek last name means ‘black John.’ 48. I've rarely met anyone, with our last name, who was of African descent. The belief is that Wilson Wood’s father, William W. Wood Sr., sold him to his uncle Samuel Wood. Kouris. And some we’ll never know where the name came from. Also, are there any additional details of Wilson’s early life that you can find? To be clear, we’re not changing our last names just to piss racist white folk off… that’s just a natural bonus! I will send you the documentation that we have for him. And let’s make doing so a priority, shall we? Your last name can give you clues into who you are and where you came from. There are many reasons why this would have occurred. The Blacker the Content the Sweeter the Truth, Henry Louis Gates Jr. and NEHGS Senior Researcher Meaghan E.H. Siekman, FENTY BEAUTY by Rihanna Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter. I've never understood until recently why I hate my name so much other than the fact that hearing it literally makes my ears buzz and ring. Lee would not want to change her name. It could have been that my ancestor chose the name because their relative, maybe a parent, was sold off to somebody with that last name,” she told me. We also found 42-year-old Samuel O. What is a Slave Name? We may not know where we need to go “back” to any more than we know our ancestral names, but we know the vicinity. The clock is ticking, so mark your calendars for November 30th and let’s get it done before then! And you will also need a court order to get a new birth certificate or a passport in your new name. Samuel had only two slaves: the man that could be Wilson and a 42-year-old woman. With the whole world pushing this back to Africa thing, which began in the racist 18 century, in which our people couldn’t read our write (major majority) how can you be so sure that ALL black people are from Africa, when the Americas are the oldest land mass, with the oldest bones found and the highest mountain ranges (Andes – Ecuador)? Ryan. George Lucas named the characters in the original Star Wars trilogy by steering away from science fictional words and instead trying to create ones that sounded indigenous and had a … Each man had only one slave in his household in 1850. I feel reborn and free. In 1964, the boxing legend who told the world he was “The Greatest” changed his name to Mohammad Ali, dubbing his former alias, Cassius Clay, “my slave name”. Slave Name Ship Age Sex Class Slave Residence; Abigail: Edgefield: 34: … It also appears by the wording of the bill of sale for Wilson Wood that William Wood was either deceased or was no longer in the area at the time that the sale was recorded, since it states that the clerk John T. Russell “was personally acquainted with the said William Wood.” He was not available in some capacity, since he was not present for the recording of the document. Greetings! This name generator will give you 10 random names for hobbits, halflings, and anything else based on Tolkien's work, without actually being Tolkien's work. Might surprise you took place years to the Americans who oppressed your ancestors came.. This answer was provided in consultation with Meaghan E.H. Siekman, Ph.D., a senior researcher from the England! Roots to TracingYourRoots @ was a slave name, American politician,,... Meaning and origin still welcome to be from there Irish family name across world. 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