It is important to note that shamans believe that despite their great accessibility to the spirit realm, all healing is self-healing. Laughter will heal your bones faster than sitting in a situation you find to be depressing. Depression causes physical changes in the body that you can see. With June being the sixth month of the year, it’ll look like: 6 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 33. If you need help finding a mental health care provider, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Online Therapy to call, message, or video chat a certified therapist online. I’m not a religious person, but I am a very open-minded, spiritual person. The diet for helping to prevent and correct depression is based upon Biblical insights: Increase the consumption of fiber-rich plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and raw nuts and seeds). One of my absolute favorite parts of mental health management lies in getting to the deep inner workings of my soul, also known as shadow work. But with proper treatment, depression does not need to keep us from feeling the … It is important initially to be with the darkness without fixing it, to offer empathy and nonjudgment, and—when the person feels and trusts your nonjudging presence—to hold out hope … Dealing with depression can be difficult, especially when it affects our spiritual lives. Expanding my spirituality has really helped improve my mental health in so many ways I never thought were possible. However, in some cases, seeing a doctor for depression is no different than seeing a doctor for an injury. If you need to wallow, wallow — but do so constructively These are the most straightforward ways. The chart above represents the Western Pythagorean Number-and-Letters Chart, where each number represents a letter. To find my favorite oracle decks for shadow work, head over and see my favorite Oracle Decks for Deep Inner Shadow Work. Readers are advised to take up any spiritual remedy for healing depression at their own discretion. Author of The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook and Healing Fear, Edmund Bourne describes four specific ways spirituality can help in the recovery process: 1. Trusting the Lord through Anxiety and Depression. 10 Mind-Blowing Free YouTube Tarot Reading Channels, 10 Healing Crystals for Soothing Depression Symptoms, 10 Mind-Altering Mental Health Podcasts to Subscribe to Now, The Ultimate Spiritual Morning Meditation Routine, 10 Powerful Healing Crystals for Anxiety Attacks, 17 Soothing Meditations for Overcoming Social Anxiety, 10 Totally Free Guided Meditations for Anxiety, 5 Deeply Spiritual Ways to Help Heal Depression. Eventually, her continued dedication to attending church and the temple, reading her scriptures, and praying daily helped her to finally discover the spiritual healing she needed. Let the Old Die. Prayer can heal emotional wounds by offering a safe way to vent the anger and anxiety that depression produces. Speaking of shadow work, I talk a lot about shadow work on my podcast. But with proper treatment, depression does not need to keep us from feeling the comfort and guidance of the Spirit. She describes how she felt unworthy of God’s love and inadequate in her church callings. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ sermons on depression offer a ray of hope—the grace of God—in what can otherwise be a very dark experience. Sunshine will blow away old cobwebs around your spirit if you spend some time in its warmth. Emotional remoteness. You feel more hopeful. For more, check out 10 Healing Crystals for Soothing Depression Symptoms. To find your soul number (who your soul desires you to be so you can feel content and complete), you’ll add up all the vowels in your full birth name. Spiritual health is possible and this book explains how everyone can grasp it for themselves. Spiritual depression is real, and it can affect even those who have a strong Christian faith. Modern science still does not understand the underlying causes of depression and much about this life-sapping condition remains a mystery – but for those of us on a spiritual path a better understanding of the psycho-spiritual causes of depression can help us to heal. Sunshine will blow away old cobwebs around your spirit if you spend some time in its warmth. But how is it to be depressed? I knew, on some level, that what was falling away was no longer needed. Gives so much hope. Some type of spiritual framework, a belief in some order or power greater than ourselves, can help us maintain hope even when the road is long. For this reason, I have adopted four spiritual healing techniques to help me both in need and in my daily routine. Posted Feb 21, 2019 This research should not be taken to mean that magic mushrooms could cure everyone’s depression. After you break down all the numbers, Mary’s Destiny Number is 7. Relationship with the infinite forms of reality. ⭐ Surrounding Space: Place them around your home, especially on nightstands, window sills, desks, and by electronics. The main thing to note is to use crystals with intention. Spiritual healing and depression are often a question that comes to me. I learned that depression is a lifelong battle and that, like addiction, relapse is always a possibility. But as she continued to follow her treatment plan of medication and counseling, she also focused on keeping the commandments and honoring her covenants. When you’re out in nature, the sun, the rain, the clouds, the grass, the trees, rivers, lakes, and oceans…they all help ground and make us feel connected to the earth. ⭐ Meditate: Hold them during meditation or hold them when you feel depressed or stressed. The only reason you wouldn’t break the number down into single digits is when you get 11, 22, or 33 because these are master numbers! For this reason, I have adopted four spiritual healing techniques to help me both in need and in my daily routine. However, others may respond by turning inward, finding and following a path of personal and spiritual development. How can I let go of my current situation? Some people may respond to this spiritual crisis by attempting to find more fulfillment through material things; others may react by using drugs or alcohol to numb their feelings of frustration and depression. There are several spiritual paths that you can choose but the easiest path to natural healing is through meditation. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 5 Deeply Spiritual Ways to Help Heal Depression 1. Cleanse Your Energy If you feel you have a large build-up of density and negativity in your energy field, it may take multiple attempts and an ongoing effort to … The Berean Bible Society desires to have a variety of articles in the Berean Searchlightthat cover a range of topics from doctrinal to practical Christian living. You think of things that are hidden and not seen. Even 5 minutes a day makes a difference. One can find plenty of information on these emotional and physical effects. What I love about Online Therapy is that there are several life-changing options and therapists available, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home. It’s one of my favorite spiritual ways to help manage my depression (and anxiety). This article will offer insights that may help erase the stigma associated with depression and to see it in a new light. ⭐ Life Path is who you are, your life purpose, and the path you will walk on in this life. I encourage you to move your body as often as you can. How to Heal Spiritual Depression. But in accordance with the Personality Numbers Meanings, I’m a Master Healer – meaning my life purpose is to help heal others and lift them up. Try to find peace in your current situation, say to yourself that feeling this way is okay. But with proper treatment, depression does not need to keep … Medicine can attempt to treat the physical effects and other symptoms of depression, but it cannot begin to heal the spiritual causes and effects of depression within the soul. And like I said before if you’re totally lost, head to for more insight! Love the quote from Elder Holland. However, there are so many wonderful spiritual podcasts that can help motivate you and open your eyes to endless possibilities. The more you think you know what life is about, the more you suffer. Not only are crystals and stones incredibly beautiful, but they can also be powerfully healing. Wear them as a necklace or bracelet. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be extremely useful in counteracting depression and is based on the principle that certain ways of thinking can trigger certain health problems, such as depression. I listen to meditation music every day throughout my day as a way to remain as balanced as I can. SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses. After doing spiritual practice for healing depression under the guidance of SSRF for 4 years, I am now a very different person. Discover biblical answers to the question of spiritual depression in the sermons below. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. “It seemed as if my soul, all that was uniquely me, had come under attack.”. I like to think of crystals as bringing nature inside. So in short, yes, healing can help positively if you have depression. After a while, she figured out what the real problem was—she had depression. Presence is perhaps the most healing spiritual energy for depression. Get our latest posts and monthly newsletter in your inbox. The Bible has much to say about depression; interestingly, the causes and solutions are not what are commonly thought in Christian circles. The key to self-treatment for depression is to be open, accepting, and loving toward yourself and what you’re going through. You’re more than welcome to use an online numerology calculator to get your numbers. The symptoms of depression are fairly recognizable: apathy, sadness, guilt, lethargy, insomnia, loss of appetite, and so on. Dealing with depression can be difficult, especially when it affects our spiritual lives. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). There are several personality numbers, but these are some of the most important. Page 1 of 2 So in other terms, numerology is the study of the relationship that numbers and letters have with our personality and life events. Online Therapy is a complete online therapy toolbox. I won’t be using my full name on here, but let’s use Mary Anne Smith for example. Numerology can help you discover your purpose and your path in life, which is wonderful for when you’re trying to recover from deafening depression. A Spiritual View of Depression There remains a vast gap between the current way of treating depression as an entity - clinically, chemically, and in terms of the body - and the way of treating depression as an energy related to consciousness. I learned that depression was a lifelong battle and that just like an addiction, relapsing was always a possibility. Having been in therapy for about 2 years, I knew that taking control of my mental health was not the finish line. Try for 15-30 minutes of safe sunlight each morning. We’ll use my birthday as an example: June 14, 1993. It can be difficult to feel the Spirit when dealing with depression. My destiny number is 9, The Compassionate Humanitarian, if you’re curious! I may also receive compensation from Online Therapy or other sources if you purchase products or services through the links provided on this page. Dealing with depression is different for everyone, there are so many different types of depression in the world, no two cases are alike. The power of sunlight isn’t only protective. Get 20% off your first month with my exclusive link. Depression is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. While I’m not saying spirituality has 100% cured my depression, it sure makes it easier to manage it. A Spiritual View of Depression There remains a vast gap between the current way of treating depression as an entity - clinically, chemically, and in terms of the body - and the way of treating depression as an energy related to consciousness. The three lowest chakras are the root, the sacral, and the solar plexus chakras. Spiritual healing addresses the root — the spiritual — problems that cause dis-ease. Read Camilla Stimpson’s experience with depression in her Mormon Insights article “Trusting the Lord through Anxiety and Depression.”. Love and light offer powerful protection and assistance dispelling the darkness of spiritual depression to its rightful place. Depression can sometimes be caused by a physical disorder that needs to be treated with medication and/or counseling. DO SHADOW WORK. I could seriously go on and on, because we all have areas to improve on. 2. There are spiritual questions that, in many ways, identify us as human beings.’ Depression affects our spirit man - our deep center which communes with Father God Click To Tweet. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. BALANCE LOWER CHAKRAS. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Freedom From Depression is a biblical plan with the mission of bringing emotional healing to the depressed-of-heart through spiritual health and wholeness. Healing depression with a spiritual remedy SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses. Now, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. Healing Spiritual Depression By Latter-day Saint Insights May 11, 2017 June 9, 2017 Daily Bread. You will emerge into the light and see life in a completely new way. You can learn more about chakras in this enlightening book. To find your destiny number (who you’re destined to become), you’ll need to write your full, original birth certificate name and match the corresponding numbers to each letter – so first, middle, and last name. Spiritual Depression diagnoses the causes of the ill feeling that many Christians experience. DISCLOSURE: I am not a mental health professional. It prescribes the practical care that is needed to lift people's spirits and bring them freedom, power and joy. The bouts of depression happen very rarely and even if they do, they last for a relatively short while, from 2 days to a week. I want to share with you three of the most profound lessons I have learned in my spiritual journey that have helped me heal from 30 years of depression and anxiety. And yet simply seeking medical assistance did not entirely help Clayson find the spiritual healing she needed. Healing by using various spiritual techniques helps to calm the mind and relax the body. What depression really is and the sneaky/subtle ways it shows up; Why common depression treatments don’t work for everyone; A guided group energy therapy session to help participants release stuck emotions and outdated beliefs such as “I don’t matter” and “I’m unable to heal” Note: This program will be offered online. Having attended therapy for about 2 years, I knew that getting control of my mental health was not the finish line. So much depression comes from a rejection of relationship. ↓. A spiritual health assessment is sometimes necessary as part of any mental health assessment. She’s destined to become The Contemplate Truth Seeker. But the premise is…what currently needs some attention in your life? The premise is everything in the universe has an energy vibration – and numbers are no different. MY AE I = (1+7) = 8 | (1+5) = 6 | 9 → (8+6+9) = 23 → (2+3) = 5. This post contains affiliate links. Bringing crystals indoors helps bring these healing properties into your environment and surround you with their benefits. Having been in therapy for about 2 years, I knew that taking control of my mental health was not the finish line. By setting out on the path to find the real you, you will accomplish more than healing your depression. The moonlight helps shine a light on these gritty inner workings of our thought patterns, decisions, and actions. That being said, shadow work and emotional health go hand-in-hand. Author of The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook and Healing Fear, Edmund Bourne describes four specific ways spirituality can help in the recovery process: 1. When the root cause of a problem is spiritual in nature we have observed that the inclusion of spiritual healing remedies generally gives the best results. Welcome the Darkness. While I did take walks, I didn’t take them often enough. We talked a little bit about crystals in the Balancing Your Lower Chakras section, but let’s dive a bit deeper. Dealing with depression can be difficult, especially when it affects our spiritual lives. Crystals won’t work fully for you unless you allow them to. Read another Mormon Insights article, “Making Sense of Mental Illness,” by Jessica Staples. Participants who describe a highly spiritual or personally meaningful experience with psilocybin mushrooms were more likely to have reductions in depression scores, according to one study. Mary’s Soul Number is 5, The Freedom-Loving Adventurer. It is important initially to be with the darkness without fixing it, to offer empathy and nonjudgment, and—when the person feels and trusts your nonjudging presence—to hold out hope and a gentle challenge to actions that promote recovery. Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. 12 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Depression (or the Dark Night of the Soul) 1. This might sound confusing, but I promise it’s a lot easier than it seems! I enjoy listening to these when I’m feeling down, unmotivated, and unsure of my life or my future. When seen correctly, there is no more stigma o… Mary Anne Smith = (4+1+9+7) = 21 | (1+5+5+5) = 16 | (1+4+9+2+8) = 24 → (2+1) = 3 | (1+6) = 7 | (2+4) = 6 → (3+7+6) = 16 → 1+6 = 7. It is common for a depressed person to say that nothing longer matters. We’ll use Mary Anne Smith for this example as well. To find your life path number, you’ll need to add every number of your birthday together and break it down until you reach a single digit. Rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, practice good self-care and be more aware of how your thoughts affect you in a physical way. Depression is a very important Christian-living topic. I know there is talk that spirituality helping depression is unreachable, unrelatable, and unempathetic. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants; also avoid foods that cause allergic symptoms. (There are multiple different systems of Chakras, but I personally use the Western Seven Chakra System.). I realized this too late during my spiritual depression. Healing means to return to wholeness, and returning to wholeness is purely an inside job. Only using vowels, her name is MY AE I. You can read my full disclaimer. Go to an amusement park, join a drum circle, get a dog, take that dog to the park, and the list goes on. Read an article on about ways to manage mental illness. When you think of nighttime, you think of darkness. Throughout her struggle, Clayson felt distant from God and had difficulty feeling the Spirit. Here are 5 deeply spiritual ways to help heal your depression. I highly recommend reading up more about Numerology in Numerology Made Easy. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you enjoy it. In addition to spirituality, talking to a therapist might help you break through your depression. However, the spiritual side effects of depression are sometimes ignored, though they are definitely there. I found this description of depression to connect the dots between our spiritual … Healing by using various spiritual techniques helps to calm the mind and relax the body. Head to to discover what all of these mean! Presence is perhaps the most healing spiritual energy for depression. Depression is a mind disease and the path of spirituality helps you to gain control over your mind. But as we seek medical help and continue to keep the commandments, the Savior can heal the spiritual wounds depression often causes. Once she discovered what her problem was, she realized that trying to handle the depression on her own wouldn’t work. 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