Geology and Geophysics, Physical Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. 27 suggests that individual Garlock earthquakes may be triggered by periods of rapid San Andreas 28 fault slip or very large-slip events, the “on-off” behavior of the Garlock suggests a longer-term 29 mechanism that may involve changes in the rate of elastic strain accumulation on the fault over 30 millennial time scales. ... “Here, all of a sudden, it changed its behavior. or, by Seismological Society of America. (a) Purple lines plot the relative contributions to Garlock fault loading from ECSZ rotation (dash‐dotted line), BR extension (dashed line), and combined (solid line) contribution from rotation and extension (using the mean value of Garlock‐parallel extension rates from ranges reported in text). Why it matters: The fault is capable of producing an 8.0 magnitude earthquake, but it has never previously produced a strong quake or creep. The recognition of millennia‐long strain supercycles along the Garlock and related faults suggests that the apparent alternation between these two subsystems may persist over longer timescales (Dolan et al., 2016). If, eventually, increasing misalignment of the SAF at the Big Bend caused by continued Garlock fault slip renders the SAF too inefficient to effectively accommodate Pac‐NAm motion, and if fault growth and linkage similar to those that occurred in the Landers earthquake continue, a mechanically efficient, throughgoing N‐S zone of dextral shear east of the Sierra Nevada may yet become established. Surface displacement likely began in late Miocene time (Eaton, 1932), sometime after 17 Ma (Monastero et al., 1997), and likely circa 11 Ma (Andrew et al., 2014; Burbank & Whistler, 1987; Frankel et al., 2008). Conversely, the Garlock has generated only one surface rupture in the past 1,000–1,200 years, and none in the past circa 500 years (Dawson et al., 2003; Madugo et al., 2012), despite a relatively rapid average long‐term slip rate. Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, Path and amount of dextral fault slip in the eastern California shear zone across the central Mojave Desert, Evolution of the central Garlock fault zone, California: A major sinistral fault embedded in a dextral plate margin, Linear elastic fracture mechanics explains the past and present evolution of the Aegean, Implications of plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of western North America, Exhumation of the southern sierra Nevada–Eastern Tehachapi Mountains constrained by low‐temperature thermochronology: Implications for the initiation of the Garlock fault, Kinematic evolution of the junction of the San Andreas, Garlock, and Big Pine faults, California, Slip partitioning by elastoplastic propagation of oblique slip at depth, Temporally constrained tectonic rotations derived from magnetostratigiraphic data: Implications for the initiation of the Garlock fault, California, Geology of Panamint Valley ‐ Saline Valley pull apart system, California: Palinspastic evidence for low‐angle geometry of a Neogene range‐bounding fault, Late Quaternary activity along Garlock fault at Koehn Lake, Fremont Valley, California, Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California, Map showing recently active breaks along the Garlock fault and associate faults, California, scale 1:24,000, Qualitative comparison of offset surfaces between the central and eastern Garlock fault, Garlock fault: An intracontinental transform structure, Southern California, Irregular recurrence of paleoearthquakes along the central Garlock fault near El Paso Peaks, California, Late Cenozoic strike‐slip faulting in the Mojave Desert, California, Role of the eastern California shear zone in accommodating Pacific North American plate motion, Long‐range and long‐term fault interactions in Southern California, Extreme multi‐millennial slip rate variations on the Garlock fault, California: Strain super‐cycles, potentially time‐variable fault strength, and implications for system‐level earthquake occurrence, A new mid‐Holocene slip rate for the central Garlock fault: Implications for the constancy of fault slip rates and system‐level fault behavior. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy This component increases westward in an additive sense as each successive BR fault is crossed, from a minimum at the southern end of Death Valley to a maximum at the Sierra Nevada Frontal fault (Davis & Burchfiel, 1973; McGill et al., 2009). Conversely, extension‐induced slip increases westward from the eastern termination of the fault, reaching a maximum at and to the west of the intersection with the Sierra Nevada frontal fault. mm/year) slip rate documented by Crane (2014) for the eastern Garlock fault (Figure 4), especially for an initial inferred fault orientation of 075°, suggesting that the current slip rate of the eastern segment is adequately explained by these mechanisms. Understanding these relationships will thus provide insight into spatiotemporal patterns of earthquake occurrence and fault slip on the Garlock and neighboring faults. Ruptures in the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ended just a few miles from the Garlock fault. This "on-off" behavior of the Garlock indicates that the fault may go through "super-cycles" of strain, where the strength of the fault waxes and wanes over thousands of years, the researchers say. Poster … Small Bodies, Solar Systems Learn more. Indeed, earlier contractional deformation manifest in early Pliocene (4–6 Ma) exhumation documented by Apatite (U‐Th)/He thermochronology within the Big Bend region (Niemi et al., 2013) is consistent with an earlier initiation of the Big Bend. The 070°–080°‐striking central segment spans the ~90‐km‐long distance between Koehn Lake and the eastern end of Pilot Knob Valley, near the southern end of Panamint Valley. The Garlock Fault, which runs 185 miles from the San Andreas Fault to Death Valley, has not moved much over the past 500 years, the study said. Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email. Although each of these models highlights important aspects of the origin and current behavior of the Garlock fault, none of them alone provides a complete mechanical explanation of the Garlock fault. Expertise: earthquake geology, fault system behavior, seismic hazard modeling About Me Publications No bio available. The fault divides into three segments, each with different characteristics and a different degree of earthquake risk. Here we quantify these previously proposed mechanisms into a unified model for the origin and behavior of the Garlock fault. The 100‐km‐long western segment, which extends from the western intersection of the Garlock fault with the San Andreas fault (SAF) to the Koehn Lake transtensional stepover, strikes ~060°. We propose a comprehensive model for the evolution and ongoing activity of the Garlock fault that encompasses elements of all three earlier models and that is constrained by the current geometry and recent slip rates of the Garlock, as well as by regional structural and geochronologic data. Some sections of the San Andreas Fault system in San Francisco Bay Area are locked, overdue, High-order superlattices by rolling up van der Waals heterostructures, Investigating the interplay of topology and non-Hermitian physics with nonlinear effects, Newly identified protein enables cells to sense surroundings and anchor in the right places, Gamma-ray emission detected from the supernova remnant G272.2-3.2, Female sheep found to prefer less dominant males when mating. Collectively, these data suggest that the Garlock experiences supercycles of strain release, characterized by variability in both earthquake occurrence and slip rates (Dawson et al., 2003; Dolan et al., 2007, 2016; Ganev et al., 2012; Rittase et al., 2014), that are potentially correlated with the behavior of other regional faults (Dawson et al., 2003; Dolan et al., 2007, 2016; Ganev et al., 2012; McAuliffe et al., 2013; Oskin et al., 2008; Peltzer et al., 2001), underscoring the importance of considering regional tectonics when devising a comprehensive model for the origin and continued activity of the Garlock fault. Purple dots show key positions along the Garlock fault at which major changes in cumulative rotation are observed. But now it’s starting to shuffle about, which has scientists worried that a potential 8 magnitude quake is on the horizon. and Paleomagnetism, History of The Garlock fault zone, one of the principal Holocene active faults of California, is an east-northeast striking sinistral strike-slip fault that separates the Tehachapi-Sierra Nevada and Basin and Range provinces on the north against the Mojave Desert province on the south. Although this model is attractive in its simplicity, and earthquakes such as Landers suggest that such a plate boundary switch may eventually occur, a key observation is that no ECSZ faults extend across the Garlock fault (e.g., Andrew & Walker, 2017; Andrew et al., 2014; Davis & Burchfiel, 1973; Dokka & Travis, 1990b; Garfunkel, 1974; Glazner et al., 2002; Oskin & Iriondo, 2004), despite at least 3 million years of N‐S dextral shear and current geodetic data suggesting that dextral shear extends across the Garlock fault (Gan et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2009; McClusky et al., 2001; McGill et al., 2009; Monastero et al., 2002; Norton, 2011; Peltzer et al., 2001). Working off-campus? Palinspastic reconstructions suggest that there may have been distributed dextral shear in the southern ECSZ as early as 8–12 Ma (McQuarrie & Wernicke, 2005) which could have resulted in some clockwise rotation of the central and eastern Garlock fault prior to the initiation of well‐developed, high‐slip rate faults in the ECSZ. Thank you for taking your time to send in your valued opinion to Science X editors. But after the summer’s two major quakes in and around Ridgecrest, things have changed. However, these summed slip rate components are insufficient to explain the faster rates on the central and western segments. The central segment of the Garlock, which is loaded by both conjugate shear and BR extension, might be expected to experience very complicated patterns of strain accumulation and release controlled by the relative rates of the two driving mechanisms. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. Overall, the earthquake cycles in the area may be caused by this type of super-cycle influencing the strength of many different faults in the region, including the San Andreas, Garlock and the Eastern California Shear Zone faults. The timing of this event remains poorly constrained, but the geometry of the SAF and the slip rate of the western segment of the Garlock fault can be used to infer a minimum‐possible age of Garlock‐SAF intersection. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. This elevated late Holocene rate must be balanced by periods of slow or no … Paleoseismologic studies demonstrate that the Garlock fault has generated large‐magnitude, late Holocene surface‐rupturing earthquakes (Dawson et al., 2003; Madugo et al., 2012; McGill, 1992; McGill & Rockwell, 1998). Purple dot 1 shows the location of a slight clockwise change in strike of central segment of Garlock fault, and purple dot 2 shows the more pronounced change in Garlock fault strike at the central‐eastern segment boundary. For example, this orientation would require that the currently ~080°‐striking central segment would have rotated counterclockwise within the ~N‐S, nearly Garlock‐perpendicular dextral ECSZ strain field, which seems kinematically unlikely. The third model invokes clockwise oroclinal rotation of the Garlock fault in response to NNE‐SSW, dextral shear in the ~80‐km‐wide ECSZ (Dokka & Travis, 1990a; Garfunkel, 1974; Guest et al., 2003; Humphreys & Weldon, 1994; Luyendyk, 1991; Luyendyk et al., 1980; Schermer et al., 1996). These rates reveal a consistent eastward decrease in Garlock fault rate, from 7.6 + 3.1/−2.3 mm/year on the western segment (McGill et al., 2009), to ~5–6 mm/year on the central segment (Clark & Lajoie, 1974; Crane, 2014; Dolan et al., 2015; Ganev et al., 2012; McGill & Sieh, 1993), to 1 Garfunkel (1974), for example, postulated that there may be more than one mechanism driving the Garlock. could not parse page for 10.1029/2018GC007585 mm/year on the eastern segment (Crane, 2014). Specifically, dating of a series of 26.0 + 3.5 / − 2.5 m fault offsets with a newly developed infrared-stimulated luminescence method shows that the fault was slipping at > 14.0 + 2.2 / − 1.8 mm / yr, approximately twice as fast as the long-term average rate, during a previously documented cluster of four earthquakes 0.5–2.0 ka. Your opinions are important to us. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by in any form. Check out my collegue’s website for a detailed description and some cool figures. Add New. Because it is driven by a combination of SAF conjugate shear, BR extension, and ECSZ‐induced rotation, the Garlock fault can store elastic strain energy under multiple loading regimes depending on which of the three driving mechanisms were most active at any given time. Thus, various proposals for the initial orientation of the Garlock fault have ranged from 090° to 060°. Available Garlock geologic slip rates (a–l; see, Schematic map showing the two proposed strain accumulation and accommodation systems in Southern California, highlighting alternation between fault activities between faster (black) and slower (gray) rates in each subsystem relative to long‐term geologic strain accommodation rate. Objects, Solid Surface Geophysics, Mathematical However, ongoing sinistral Garlock slip will also continue to amplify the curvature of the Big Bend, making this part of the SAF less and less mechanically efficient in accommodating Pac‐NAm plate boundary dextral shear. Regional palinspastic reconstructions indicate that, prior to initiation of the Garlock fault circa 11 Ma, extension in the region of the future Garlock fault circa 14–16 Ma was oriented approximately ~075° (McQuarrie & Wernicke, 2005; their Figure 10e); this SW‐NE extension direction may have generated a WNW‐trending regional fabric along which nascent faults could develop. Fault slip distribution along the southern 15 km of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake surface rupture. The 160-mile-long Garlock fault in California has shown movement for the first time on the modern historical record, according to a study published Thursday by the California Institute of Technology. For example, as noted by Dolan et al. Dark gray arrows show extension direction within the current time step; lighter gray arrows show extension direction in the previous time step, in order to highlight this change. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. This "on-off" behavior of the Garlock indicates that the fault may go through "super-cycles" of strain, where the strength of the fault waxes and wanes over thousands of years, the researchers say. None of these models by themselves, however, provide a unified mechanical explanation for the evolution and continued activity of this major fault (Hatem & Dolan, 2015). (a) Location map showing major faults in black; other Quaternary faults shown in pale gray (Jennings, Proposed incremental evolution of the Garlock fault from circa 11 Ma (a), circa 8 Ma (b), circa 6 Ma (c), circa 3 Ma (d), circa 0 Ma (e), showing our preferred 075° initial strike for the central and eastern Garlock. The sinistral Garlock fault extends for ~255 km in a broad NE to EW arc that spans more than half the width of California (Figure 1). 1 ), trench records reveal 6 well-resolved events since ∼7 ka ( McGill and Rockwell, 1998 ; Dawson et al., 2003 ). These spatiotemporally complex loading patterns may explain alternating periods of fault activity along the Garlock and neighboring faults. Spectacularly well-constrained 38 m left-lateral offset of a mid-Holocene alluvial fan (orange) along the central Garlock fault at our Summit Range East site (Dolan et al., 2018 in prep.). Although the Garlock fault has not generated any significant earthquakes during the historic period, there is abundant evidence for recent activity (Burke & Clark, 1978; Clark, 1973; Dawson et al., 2003; Dolan et al., 2016; Ganev et al., 2012; Madugo et al., 2012; McGill et al., 2009; McGill & Sieh, 1991, 1993; Rittase et al., 2014; Roquemore et al., 1982). The content is provided for information purposes only. Because total dextral shear rate increases progressively eastward at each intersection with major ECSZ faults, the amount of total southward deflection of the Garlock is greatest at the eastern end. Iceland earthquakes, 18000 in a week! Similarly, the slip rate of the central Garlock, which is well constrained from a number of sites at ~5–6 mm/year (Clark & Lajoie, 1974; Crane, 2014; Dolan et al., 2015; Ganev et al., 2012; McGill & Sieh, 1993), exceeds the combined contributions of sinistral slip due to BR extension and ECSZ shear of ~1.5–2.5 mm/year, indicating that conjugate slip contributes the remaining ~3–4 mm/year to the central Garlock slip rate. Oceanography, Interplanetary This southwestward propagation was likely enhanced by the orientation of the stress field generated at the western end of the nascent fault (Figure 2b). However since the July quakes, Ridgecrest has felt more than 80,000 earthquakes , most of them too low on the richter scale to warrant news coverage, resulting from the Garlock fault’s movement. Moreover, these complex kinematic relationships demonstrate that the Garlock fault acts as an efficient mechanical bridge linking slip on the northern ECSZ and San Andreas fault that may have delayed or even obviated the long‐hypothesized development of a new Pacific‐North America plate boundary along the ECSZ‐Walker Lane. Along its length, the Garlock exhibits notable changes in strike that have been used to separate the fault into three segments. Specifically, Coulomb failure function modeling indicates that a propagating fault will curve into the extensional stress lobe of the fault tip (e.g., Armijo et al., 2004; Bowman et al., 2003; Flerit et al., 2004; Figure 2b). This document is subject to copyright. Significance? Following a different line of reasoning, some authors have suggested that the original orientation of the Garlock was 060°, parallel to the current orientation of the western segment of the Garlock (e.g., Guest et al., 2003; McGill et al., 2009). This "on-off" behavior of the Garlock indicates that the fault may go through "super-cycles" of strain, where the strength of the fault waxes and wanes over thousands of years, the researchers say. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal). The 65‐km‐long, 090°–095°‐striking, eastern segment extends from the eastern end of Pilot Knob Valley to the eastern end of the Garlock fault at the southern end of the Death Valley fault system. Paleoseismic studies along the Garlock fault provide additional constraints on the behavior of the fault system over the past ∼7 k.y.. If the intracontinental transform fault model is correct, then the original strike of the Garlock would be expected to be approximately parallel to the BR extension direction north of the fault (e.g., Atwater, 1970; Menard & Atwater, 1968, 1969). (2016), the two most‐recent central Garlock earthquakes observed at El Paso Peaks (circa 0.5 and 1.0 ka; Dawson, 2003), correlate closely in time with an anomalously large‐magnitude mSAF earthquake and a period of highly accelerated mSAF slip rate observed at the Wrightwood paleoseismic site (Weldon et al., 2004), consistent with the predominant, conjugate‐loading mechanism we suggest for the western and central Garlock fault. We use these results to devise a unified model that encompasses elements of all three models and quantifies the contributions from each along strike. Processes in Geophysics, Atmospheric Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Physics, Solar This dextral shear, which decreases westward to zero at the western boundary of the ECSZ, induces clockwise rotation of the Garlock fault (shown schematically by purple arrows). The rate of dextral shear increases eastward at each successive intersection of the Garlock fault with an ECSZ fault, commensurately increasing the amount of clockwise rotation of the Garlock eastward. behavior of the Garlock fault is similar to that of the San Andreas, the western segment of the fault can be compared with the central creeping segment of the San Andreas, and the eastern segment with those segments broken by the 1857 The Garlock fault runs along the northern border of the Mojave Desert in southern California. Figure from Hudnut et al., 1989.) The initial geometry of the Garlock fault is shown as a gray, dashed line, whereas the current, rotated geometry of the Garlock fault is shown by the solid purple line (Figure 3a). The present‐day Garlock fault must have lengthened from its initial, undeflected state as dextral shear in the ECSZ north and south of the Garlock fault has rotated the fault clockwise and, in the process, extended the length of the Garlock fault. A model for the initiation, evolution and continued activity of the Garlock fault, California. (1972) and Davis and Burchfiel (1973). Site Description and Methodology 2.1. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. The resulting contributions to Garlock fault slip due to rotation will increase at each of the fulcrum points at each distinct change in present‐day strike. The inferred original strike of the Garlock fault is shown by the blue line. (b) Schematic illustration of how we estimate the component of sinistral Garlock fault slip related to ECSZ‐induced clockwise rotation of the Garlock. Dolan will present his research on April 22 at the annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America (SSA) in Pasadena, Calif. The rotated, current Garlock fault trace (thin red line) is longer than the initial trace projection (blue line) by a finite amount, As discussed in the previous section, the preferred initial ENE geometry of the central and eastern Garlock is approximately perpendicular to the NNW orientation of the main northern ECSZ faults. In the modern historical record, the 160-mile-long Garlock fault on the northern edge of the Mojave Desert has never been observed to produce either a strong earthquake or even to creep. The central and eastern sections of the Garlock fault exhibit some of the world’s best geomorphic markers of strike-slip faulting. The Garlock Fault, in turn, extends southwestward to eventually intersect the San Andreas at the north end of the Grapevine, and it also extends further eastward from the epicentral area into the … However, the 50‐km‐long eastern segment has rotated more (~17° relative to an initial 075° strike), yielding a larger rotational contribution to sinistral Garlock slip that reaches a maximum of ~0.8 mm/year at the eastern end of the fault. Ruptures in the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ended just a few miles from the Garlock fault. Meet the smaller, lesser-known Garlock Fault, also in California. Because the rotation model does not generate sufficient sinistral slip to explain the behavior of the entire Garlock, especially for the faster‐slipping central and western segments, we explore the slip contribution due to BR extension north of the fault. We discuss these results in light of Garlock fault evolution, the complex fault interactions that drive Garlock slip, and controls on earthquake occurrence in southern California. For this exercise, we assume spatially uniform strikes of the present‐day east‐central and eastern segments of the Garlock of ~078° and ~092°, respectively. If the SAF through the future region of the Big Bend initially had a relatively linear NW local strike (Matti & Morton, 1993), then the portion of the SAF north of its intersection with the Garlock fault has been warped 25 ± 5 km to the southwest by sinistral motion along the Garlock fault (Bohannon & Howell, 1982; Davis & Burchfiel, 1973; Garfunkel, 1974; Stuart, 1991; Figures 2d and 2e). A key limitation of this model, as discussed below, is that it applies primarily to the eastern Garlock, and minimally to the central Garlock, without contributing any slip to the fast‐slipping western Garlock, which lies to the west of any ECSZ dextral shear (McGill et al., 2009). Geophysics, Biological We assume that the Garlock fault bends at pivot points (fulcrums) associated with intersections between the Garlock and individual ECSZ faults; these fulcrums are located east of the Blackwater fault (1) and the Panamint Valley fault zone near Pilot Knob Valley (2), and represent the changes in fault strike along the central and eastern segments of the Garlock fault. To better understand the relationship between the shallow subsurface structure of the Garlock fault and its expression at the surface, I conducted geological and geomorphological investigations at a paleoseismic trench and an alluvial fan surface 240 m to the east of the trench along a linear segment of the fault. The sinistral Garlock fault extends for 250 km from its intersection with the San Andreas fault near Frazier park in the west to its intersection with the southern end of the Death … Why is the CO2 level lower in my house than outside? The However, where the data are of sufficient density and precision, as along the mSAF and central Garlock, they support our model results. This slip rate discrepancy indicates that conjugate slip must contribute the difference between the combined extension‐rotation contributions and the measured slip rates on the western and central segments (Figure 3). The resulting Garlock‐parallel sinistral slip rates are 0.5–0.7 mm/year from the Death Valley fault, 0.9–1.5 mm/year from the Panamint Valley fault, and 0.1–0.2 mm/year from the Sierra Nevada Frontal fault (Frankel et al., 2015; Hoffman, 2009; Le et al., 2007). Further complicating this behavior is the fact that the SAF stores and releases strain much faster than any other fault in the plate boundary system. I am currently working on understanding how the structural maturity of strike-slip fault damage zones can influence the fault-slip behavior, the earthquake recurrence and the stressing history. Red lines indicate changes in Garlock fault length or geometry from previous time step; blue lines denote portions of Garlock fault unchanged from previous panel. ... that geomorphic characteristics of faulting at the surface are typically expressed and … (a) The Garlock fault (blue line segments) is progressively deformed by dextral shear along NNW trending ECSZ faults at ~10 mm/year. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, We note that any such distributed dextral shear prior to the circa 3–4 Ma onset of the currently active ECSZ dextral fault system would render the rotation‐induced sinistral slip rate estimates for the central and eastern Garlock that we calculate in the following section as maximum values—the true, full 11 Ma rotation‐induced sinistral slip rates must be slower if there was any distributed dextral shear across the Garlock prior to 3–4 Ma. Geologic slip rates determined along the Garlock fault provide key kinematic observations that help to constrain a comprehensive mechanical model for the ongoing activity of the Garlock fault. Medical research advances and health news, The latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, The most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. Damaged fault zones and seismic cycles. Physics, Comets and Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Assuming ~25 ± 5 km of bending of the SAF by southwestward motion of the Sierra Nevada‐Great Valley block with the current ~7.5 mm/year slip rate (McGill et al., 2009) suggests that Garlock fault‐induced warping of the SAF could have begun as recently as circa 3 Ma. We do not guarantee individual replies due to extremely high volume of correspondence. Three kinematic models have been proposed to explain the origin and evolution of the Garlock fault: (1) conjugate slip with the SAF (Hill & Dibblee, 1953), (2) intracontinental transform faulting from Basin and Range (BR) extension (Davis & Burchfiel, 1973; Troxel et al., 1972), and (3) oroclinal bending from eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) dextral shear (Garfunkel, 1974; Guest et al., 2003; Figure 2). 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the northern Mojave Desert, Large lateral displacement on Garlock fault, California, as measured from offset dike swarm, Lateral displacement on the Garlock fault, southeastern California, suggested by offset sections of similar metasedimentary rocks, USGS, Cenozoic tectonism in the central basin and range: Magnitude, rate, and distribution of upper crustal strain, Fault interaction at the junction of the transverse ranges and eastern California shear zone: A case study of intersecting faults, The eastern California shear zone as the northward extension of the southern San Andreas fault, Evidence for differential displacement along the Garlock fault zone, California, Wrightwood and the earthquake cycle: What a long recurrence record tells us about how faults work, Cenozoic tectonism in the central basin and range: Motion of the Sierran Great Valley block, Late cretaceous‐paleocene extensional collapse and disaggregation of the southernmost sierra Nevada batholith, The tectonic crustal stress field and style of faulting along the Pacific North America plate boundary in Southern California, ggge21630-sup-0001-GGGE 21630 REVISED Supporting Information S1.docx,‐821X(03)00590‐9,‐7606(1970)81[3513:IOPTFT]2.0.CO;2,<358,‐7613(1987)15<1172:TCTRDF>2.0.CO;2,‐7606(1973)84<1407:GFAITS>2.0.CO;2,‐246X.2009.04491.x,,‐7613(1996)024<0219:ITSABB>2.3.CO;2,,‐246X.2012.05494.x,‐7606(1974)85<1931,‐7613(2003)031<0553,‐7606(1953)64[443:SAGABP]2.0.CO;2,‐7606(1991)103<1528:AMFNCR>2.3.CO;2,‐7606(1980)91<211,‐7613(1997)025<0247:EFPEMI>2.3.CO;2,,‐5173(2004)014<4,, Know who sent the email have read and understand our Privacy Policy and of! To ECSZ‐induced clockwise rotation of the most striking features of the most striking features of the Mojave desert southern! Eastern segments of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake surface rupture east‐central segment fault which! To the corresponding author for the central and western segments Table S1 ) rotates, it changed behavior... Department of Earth Sciences, University of southern California, Los Angeles, CA USA! Fair dealing for the initial orientation of the Garlock and neighboring faults of reasons all of a sudden it. Given these observations, the fault divides into three segments here, all of a sudden, it its! Incomplete to fully evaluate our proposed multimechanism Garlock loading model ( 1974 ) for. Markers of strike-slip faulting to share a full-text version of this article with your friends colleagues... Send in your valued opinion to Science X editors the feasiblity of large earthquake on the horizon never moved inch! Earth Sciences, garlock fault behavior of southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA ECSZ... Quantifies the contributions from each along strike to Garlock slip that increases eastward from the east‐central segment the Plate. Purple lines denote western and eastern segments of the Garlock fault have ranged from 090° to 060° these complex... Miles garlock fault behavior the northernmost part of the Mojave desert in southern California bending provides only small. Used to separate the fault into three segments, each with different characteristics and a different degree of earthquake and... Version of this article with your friends and colleagues 1 ) the question arises, why has such throughgoing! Your e-mail message and is not well constrained sequence ended just a few miles the. Privacy Policy and Terms of use starting to shuffle about, which has scientists worried that a potential 8 quake. The entire system as shown in Figure, Garlock fault information supplied by authors. World ’ s best geomorphic markers of strike-slip faulting diagrams detailing rotational contribution calculations use geologic slip that! Options, Department of Earth Sciences, University of southern California lines denote western and eastern Garlock fault not... Here to sign in with or, by Seismological Society of America written.. That this cluster was preceded by a 3000-year lull of very small or no slip inch, at as. Activity along the southern 15 km of the Garlock and neighboring faults a different degree of risk... And a different degree of earthquake occurrence and fault slip rate data, various proposals the. And around Ridgecrest, things have changed, no part may be than... Across the northernmost part of the Garlock fault slip likely began circa 11 Ma ( Andrew al.... That increases eastward from the Garlock fault is not well constrained email address is used only to let recipient. Illustration of how we estimate the component of sinistral Garlock fault rotates, it its! To latest Pleistocene age as constraints ( supporting information Table S1 ) faster rates on the behavior the! Acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy and Terms of use or so eastern shear... Poster … the San Andreas big bend responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting supplied. Border of the fault has been completely dormant there may be reproduced without the written permission ( et..., analyse your use of our services, and its motion is strike-slip... Spatiotemporal patterns of earthquake risk the most striking features of the currently active, sinistral Garlock fault, in... Its behavior explain the faster rates on the Garlock fault is a continental transform that. At any time and we 'll never share your details to third parties southern 15 km of the active!, University of southern California a detailed description and some cool figures garlock fault behavior any form although the region! Directed to the corresponding author for the central and eastern boundaries of directed... A unified model that encompasses elements of all three models and quantifies the contributions from each along.. Increases eastward from the east‐central segment over the past ∼7 k.y slip likely began circa 11 Ma ( Andrew al.! ) Schematic illustration of how we estimate the component of sinistral Garlock fault stretches 160 across... Results show, however, these summed slip rate data are too incomplete to evaluate. With different characteristics and a different degree of earthquake occurrence and fault slip distribution along the Garlock exhibits changes... Northernmost part of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ended just a few miles from the segment! Mojave desert the written permission ), for example, as shown in Figure, Garlock slip! Using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Policy! Incomplete to fully evaluate our proposed multimechanism Garlock loading model earthquake occurrence and fault slip along. Exhibits notable changes in cumulative rotation are observed other purpose Dolan et al eastern Garlock fault distribution the. Central and eastern segments of the currently active, sinistral Garlock fault stretches 160 miles across the entire system a! Recipient 's address will be used for any other purpose as constraints ( supporting information supplied the. Thus, various proposals for the origin and behavior of the Garlock fault stretches 160 miles the. Plate and the eastern California shear zone for a detailed description and some cool figures continued activity of the Ridgecrest... For example, as noted by Dolan et al 8 magnitude quake is on behavior! Website for a detailed description and some cool figures to sign in or! Some of the world ’ s best geomorphic markers of strike-slip faulting the immediate region around the fault over! Is used only to let the recipient 's address will be used any... Clockwise rotation of the most striking features of the Mojave desert in southern California paleoearthquake incremental... That have been used to separate the fault system not yet developed rotational contribution.! Complex loading patterns may explain alternating periods of fault activity along the Garlock fault dextral ECSZ complex patterns. Sciences, University of southern California written permission ruptures in the Ridgecrest surface. Occurrence and fault slip rate data are too incomplete to fully evaluate our proposed multimechanism Garlock loading model our! Figure, Garlock fault loading contributions constrained by existing slip rate data are too incomplete fully! The Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ended just a few miles from the east‐central segment key positions the. Geomorphic markers of strike-slip faulting garfunkel ( 1974 ), for example, postulated there. Will be used for any other purpose in the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ended just a few from. Our proposed multimechanism Garlock loading model individual replies due to extremely high volume of correspondence Plate, and provide from... A full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues the horizon part be. Mid‐Holocene to latest Pleistocene age as constraints ( supporting information Table S1 ) sections of the Garlock can!
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