© 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Press Start on controller 2 to cycle through the Debug menu's. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour . The first blast wiped out your Space Center. Hunted to extinction by a century of alien attacks. CONFIDENTIAL. Zero Hour begins with Duke in a top secret military base. Duke Nukem 64 is the Nintendo 64 port of the first-person shooter MS-DOS PC game Duke Nukem 3D, with some major differences from the PC version. 3.2K views. (I always secretly felt like they would neglect that N64.) You can use the Control Stick, Control Pad or C Buttons to highlight an option, and then press A, B or Z to select it. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour was the first Duke Nukem game I played, and it was a perfect representation of what Duke was all about: Cool one-liners, fast action, and babes. It has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view. Players use the four camera (C) buttons to move around. At the end of the level as you are crossing the raised train tracks, to get to the signal transmtter, if you look down while moving across the tracks, you'll see a medkit on one of the roofs. THE BOYS ARE BACK AND READY TO DO BATTLE! The Goods Night vision for dark levels. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. In the third level, Nuclear Winter, you can unlock the hidden level, Wetworld. A Sound Will Confirm Correct Code Entry. The sluggish controls of Time to Kill were refined and curated to be snappy and responsive, in part thanks to Nintendo's 4MB Expansion Pak, a fluid control … ... Use controller two to control the debug options. When you start a normal game a Debug menu will show up at the top-left corner of the screen. The galaxy is being infested by the evil Mizar and his horde of Drones. On the title screen, enter the following: Contributed By: ElementalKnight, KasketDarkfyre, freakunique, Mr Xenomorph, and nearperfectgamer. At the Press Start Screen, press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B. Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist, Duke Nukem.Created by the company Apogee Software Ltd. (now 3D Realms) as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party developers.The first two games in the main series were 2D platformers, while the later games have been a mix of first … Zero Hour was another third-person outing for Duke Nukem, exclusive to the Nintendo 64. The game is a portable version of the PC and console Duke Nuke and features a story parallel to the game Duke Nukem II – with a few alterations to the story. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is set in four distinct time periods: Present Day, Post-Apocalyptic Near-Future, Wild West and Victorian Era (London, 1888). Proudly created with Wix.com. Mankind annihilated. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour at Amazon.com. Zero Hour's solid controls make you the Master of Mayhem. They're nicely tuned to .... Duke Nukem – Zero Hour Cheats. It seemed only a matter of time before Duke Nukem 3D cropped up on the Switch; after all, it'd be downright odd for him to miss a format. Use the buttons noted below to change certain values. The game uses a relatively large 32 megabyte cartridge and can also use the Expansion Pak to allow for better graphics but slowing down the frame rate. But mostly the one-liners and action. Here you can practice using the control system, test your speed over an assault course, and familiarize yourself with several weapons on the firing range. Jump onto the roof, then jump into the water and swim until you come to the platform and end-level icon. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. Sure, there was the surprisingly decent Nintendo 64 exclusive, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, but that was a third-person spinoff. Add file Duke in Zero Hour. Duke Nukem Zero Hour is a third person shooter adaptation of the popular adult themed Duke Nukem saga. Much like Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, this was the second game in the series to go third person. If you entered the code correctly, you'll hear a horse neigh. It took nearly fifteen years for Duke Nukem 3D‘s sequel, Duke Nukem Forever, to be released, only for it to become one of the biggest jokes in the history of gaming, right alongside titles like Daikatana. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Zero Hour utilizes a control scheme similar to that of the Turok franchise. You can access the Main Menu at … Press the 'B' button, and your health will slowly regenerate, and go back up. Kill everything on the Whitechapel Killings level. At the Press Start Screen, press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B. After probably near a record number of nominations and second place vote offs, The Duke has done it I never had the chance to play Zero Hour, but had Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The game uses a relatively .... Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for Nintendo 64 cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.. Find all our Duke Nukem Zero Hour Cheats for Nintendo 64. Already, the... Earth is dead. Added May 28th, 2012. Ice skins (enemies, Duke & breakable objects). This is a fast-paced action game that still stands as a distinctive, fun slice of Nukem. For Duke Nukem: Zero Hour on the Nintendo 64, GameFAQs has 43 cheat codes and secrets.. To unlock the hidden level, Going Down, obtain all of the time machine pieces before reaching the level, The Rack. The game uses a relatively large 32 megabyte cartridge and can also use the Expansion Pak to allow for better graphics but slowing down the frame rate. During gameplay, find a fire hydrant or toilet. Each time period has its own theme and weaponry. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Duke Nukem Zero Hour Time to Kill 's N64 follow-up was even better than its predecessor. Duke Nukem 3D: 20 th Anniversary World Tour brings classic Duke Nukem 3D , plus an ALL-NEW 8-Level fifth episode from the original episode designers, to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. ... Duke zero hour is an amazing game to hit the n64! After using the cyborg alien's head to unlock the door near the end of the level, there should be a second portal that has a fully built time mahcine in it, and this room should be adjacent to the first portal room. Digital pad up = Q For Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, I use Project64 1.6. Related Games. Press Start to cycle through the various lists of options. Duke can regain health by lapping up water from hydrants and toilets like a doggie. But don't spend too much time here - a helicopter is waiting to carry Duke into battle with the alien scum. Filename zerohour.zip Category Full Version. All Free. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shootervideo game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. Press the following buttons on controller 2 to activate these cheats at the appropriate menu:SFXL or R: FX down/up Left or Right: FX down/up by 10 B: First person view A: Third person view Z: Play SFX Level WarpL or R: Level down/up B: Skip level Z: Advance to selected level MidiL or R: Song down/up A: Play song B: Stop song Global Palette B or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up CheatZ: All weapons L: All items R: All keys A: Invincibility AI Debug Values B or A: GVAR 1 down/up C-Left or C-Down: GVAR 2 down/up C-Up or C-Right: GVAR 3 down/up FogB or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up Left or Right: NR down/up L or R: FR down/up Sky TopB or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up Sky BottomB or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up Clouds 1B or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up L or R: HT down/up Down or Up: AN down/up Left or Right: SP down/up Clouds 2B or A: Red down/up C-Left or C-Down: Green down/up C-Up or C-Right: Blue down/up L or R: HT down/up Down or Up: AN down/up Left or Right: SP down/up PlayerL or R: DN Down/Up (changes player's character) GFX(Values cannot be changed) AIA: AI 0/1 (set to 1 to stop enemies) L: Difficulty 0/1/2 R: Auto aim 0/1 Alpha PaletteB or A: R0 down/up C-Left or C-Down: G0 down/up C-Up or C-Right: B0 down/up L or R: R1 down/up Left or Right: G1 down/up Down or Up: B1 down/up. For example, Present Day has modern-day weapons such as automatic handguns, submachine guns and combat shotguns. It's a very fun game, one of the best shooters on the N64, standing next to … Cheat mode: Press Left, Left, L, L, Right, Right, Left, Left at the main menu to access the cheat menu in the NTSC version of .... 23 Oct 2016 - 303 min - Uploaded by zusaijDuke Nukem: Zero Hour Full Playthrough with Cheats (Nintendo 64). The only game they had was Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, a game that would eventually become one of my favorites. - Video plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 (this supports widescreen). The Vi… Releases. Next Generation said that the game was "in many ways a bold move for GT Interactive, 3D Realms, and N-Space. Get all of the babes in the Fallout level. Strategy Guide. Full. The Wild West has revolvers and lever-action rifles, and features Cowboy and Native American Pigs. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill received "generally favourable" reviews, according to review aggregator GameRankings. Duke Nukem: I'm gonna bust you into chops. Occasionally awkward controls aside, Zero Hour still feels very much in the spirit of earlier Duke Nukem titles; your primary goal is to blast aliens and make it to the end of each stage. Aside from Tomb Raider, references to The Evil Dead, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Back to the Future series and The Good, the Bad and the Uglyare also in this game. 33. 3 .... Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shooter video game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour FAQ Part 1. by TheGreatElBobo Updated to v0.1 on Feb 4, ... Getting the Control Key ENEMIES: 9-14/73 SECRETS: 2/7 BABES: 2 … Duke Nukem: Zero Hour - Nintendo N64 - Manual - gamesdatabase.org Author: gamesdatabase.org Subject: Nintendo N64 game manual Keywords: Nintendo N64 1999 GT Interactive Software Shooter system game manual Created Date: 8/24/2016 7:44:06 PM has a great story line and is fun as hell. Once again, our hero’s tossed into a spate of time-travelling shenanigans by pesky aliens, looking to wipe Duke’s ancestors off the planet. Get all kills on Hydrogen Bomb level *[in order to use, you have to start a new game.]. Get all of the secrets in The Rack level. … Kill every enemy on The Brothers Nukem level. ZONE II and Penthouse Paradise; As well as add-ons Duke it out in D.C., Duke: Nuclear Winter, Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach from Megaton Edition including recycled music for this edition and maps with corrected respawn points in the co-op Save all the babes on the Ailen Mother level. C-Up and C-Down … Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20 th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kicking alien ass and saving babes across the globe along the way. Settings: full screen resolution=1920x1080 32 bit 60Hz; always use texture filter; adjust game aspect ratio to match yours - Controller plugin: N-Rage's Direct-Input8 v2 1.80a (this supports the mouse). Still me and my cousin spent countless hour stuck on the beginning part of the game unable to figure out that pressing B opened doors. Press C-Up, Up, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Down, C-Right, R, A, B When "Press Start" Appears At The Opening Screen. Destroy it, and stand next to the flowing water coming from its remains. Get all of the babes in the Fort Roswell. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is one of my favourite N64 games, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be too well known outside of the N64 game scene. It is possible to replay this level to unlock the hidden level if time machine pieces are missed during a first play-through of the game. To use this feature, you need to be logged in to GameFAQs. Get all of the babes on the Up Ship Creek level. This code will enable you to do all kinds of codes such as invincibility and all weapons. Location Games: Duke Nukem 3D: Mods: Duke in Zero Hour: Files. Get all of the Time Machine Parts in the levels (except boss levels & from The Rack level to the last boss level). Duke It's Zero Hour add-on with a patch by NightFright; Add-ons Duke! Nab all babes on the Liberty or Death Level. 0600 hours: Tan forces captured Bravo Company Commandos. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third-person shooter video game in the Duke Nukem series, developed by Eurocom for the Nintendo 64. FACT: GT has not "dropped, cancelled, pulled support, or poo-poo'ed" any part of Prey. ... "The Brothers Nukem", to unlock the cheat option for maximum freezer ammunition. For Duke Nukem: Zero Hour on the Nintendo 64, GameFAQs has 1 guide/walkthrough. The X-Terminator is has more power than any other character. Duke Nukem is a classic 2D side-scrolling shooter video game that was released back in 1999 for the Game Boy Color (GBC) handheld pocket console. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (N64) will be the Duke Nukem focus and man, let me tell you what, it rocks! ... Duke in Zero Hour Duke Nukem 3D. Uploader TheUnbeholden. I love all the humor Duke brings and think it is A MUST HAVE for the n64! Please log in or register to continue. There is only one solution to free Santa from their control, and that’s by parking a … [1] It has a 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode that uses a first-person view. Duke Nukem 3D First Person Shooter Tags. Use Controller Two To Select The Debug Options. When you start Duke Nukem, you can chooseto start a new game, load a previous game, or access the options menu for more choices. Always bet on Duke. Down, A, Up, L, Z, R, Top-C, Bottom-C, B, Left-C, Enforcer,Enforcer Captain & Battle Enforcer, Down, Up, L, Z, Top-C, Right-C, Left-C, and Z, Marshall,Sheriff,Squaw,Survivor,& Kimberly Strokes, Pig Cop,Riot Pig,Road Hog,War Pig,Cowboy Grunt,Savage Grunt,Soldier grunt,& Capitalist Pig, Posh Duke,Battle Dress Duke,& Dogtag Duke, top C, bottom C, left C, right C, L, and R. Kill every enemy on the Nuclear Winter level. ©2023 by Grace Church. In this mediocre add-on for Duke Nukem 3D, the alien maggots have teamed up with the Feminist Elven Militia in order to brainwash Santa Claus and take over the world. Many fans skipped buying Zero Hour in wait of the true sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem Forever, but D.N.F was later delayed until 2004, and has seen its production halted due to … This title shows that the Duke Nukem series is capable of change and can do it successfully. Get maximum amount of the following to unlock the cheats that are descreibed in the following. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour continues the third-person shooting trend first seen in Duke Nukem: Time to Kill.The story of the game is as follows: Aliens are up to their mischief again, this time ruining mankinds history and trying to kill Duke's ancestors, cause they know Duke Nukem is going to try and blow them up anyway. We've been testing and tweaking it for 2 months and I see a million seller there. The gameplay and controls are very similar to those of Tomb Raider, a fact humorously referenced throughout the game. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour . Sarge and the Bravo Company Commandos managed to foil the Tan Army's first ... Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Sure, there was Bulletstorm: Duke … : Jabo 's Direct3D8 1.6 ( this supports widescreen ) can do it successfully ' button, and features and. To use, you 'll hear a horse neigh Realms, and nearperfectgamer menu 's to Start a game! 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