Everyone at his school had done it and he was feeling left out, everyone had also described it as a great place which didn't help Chike at all. We’d love your help. Chike defiantly going to see the ferry becomes a heroe. Start by marking “Chike and the River” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Try Classifications Library of Congress PZ7.A174Ch 2011, PZ7.A174 Ch 2011 ID Numbers Open Library OL24604484M Internet Archive chikeriver00ache_0 ISBN 13 9780307473868 LC … Some of the canoes were houseboats; they had roofs of thatch over them. Chike's desire is rooted partly in the innocent ambition to explore and in his desire to fit in with other kids who have made the trek. As a child, I firmly held on to the belief of a white baby being prized. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. [1], Reviewing a 2011 reprint of the book, New York Journal of Books said: "In Chike and the River, young readers get an intimate look at African life, learn about the Niger River, and connect with Chike as if he is their own sibling. Would probably not read again, though. The tone of the book is rather juvenile, even for a children's story, and the ending ties up all loose ends rather too neatly for my likings. With the help of his friend S.M.O.G., he embarks on a series of adventures to help. It reads like a morality tale of both a coming of age and commentary on progress. Great and endearing story. Chike and the River, by Chinua Achebe, is released on Tuesday, August 9, by Anchor Books ($10). The writing is child-like and innocent in the best ways possible. He watched the fishermen in their canoes coming down the river or struggling up against it. It's a simple story, told in the style of boys' escapades and heroic entanglements with comic-book hoods. Chike, his mother and his sister lived out in the country side and then Chike has moved into the city to live with his uncle. And though I know the moral tale is a huge part of African lit, at least they usually have some fun with animals that speak and fuck and kill and humans who are evil or beautiful or unbelievably rich. More Author Information The world is complex and because of its complexities which is analogous to the complexities of human brain, one has to learn and un-learn at every step of their lives. He has to leave his beloved small village and his family behind and live with his uncle in the city Onitsha, on the shores of the Niger River, so that he can continue his schooling. show more Achebe gifts us with a short tale about Chike, a pre-teen, who is fixated on his desire to cross the river on a ferry boat. With the help of his friend S.M.O.G., he embarks on a series of adventures to help him get there. I am not a parent but I had once been a child who grew up to be an adult, an adult who has to make her way through the intricacies of the world with the help of written words. He requested money from his uncle, who refused. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. A few years after he published his great novel “Things Fall Apart,” the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe composed this children’s story called "Chike and the River,” but it wasn’t released in the US until 2011. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. Eleven-year-old Chike longs to cross the Niger River to the city of Asaba, but he doesn't have the sixpence he needs to pay for the ferry ride. A delightful and quick read - part children's story, part fable. Chike, his mother and his sister lived out in the country side and then Chike has moved into the city to live with his uncle. Loved it. ... Ian During the monsoon season, the river is more full. It it arrives at its conclusion a bit too abruptly, there is still a great deal of pleasure to be found in seeing this world through a young boy's eyes. But where would he get the money? I really enjoyed the African art that was included in this book. I was actually really surprised while reading this how well it matched up with the stories and sentiments he told me :). Release date: August 9, 2011. It’s a handsome paperback edition “for all ages” with woodcut illustrations by Edel Rodriguez, but Achebe’s reputation and a blurb from. In classic Achebe style, proverbs and folktales are peppered throughout the simple but well told story of a boy trying to make his way across the river and ultimately learning sometimes the grass isn't quite as green on the other side as one thought. Nice to see Chinua Achebe's work again, too. The reading and the way it is written is very straight forward. The latest reprint has a cover design by Victor Ekpuk. Chike’s circumstances in the novel are extremely harsh since he cannot even afford a ride across the river. Chike is a model to children to not give up and keep going, no matter the circumstances. OTHER BOOKS. Still, he hoped.Eleven-year-old Chike longs to cross the Niger River to the city of Asaba, but he doesn’t have the sixpence he needs to pay for the ferry ride. During the monsoon season, the river is more full. Interesting story that had that told around the campfire feel. And though I know the moral tale is a huge part of African lit, at least they usually have some fun with animals that speak and fuck and kill and huma, Though it has obvious references to Things Fall Apart this isn't really a worthy successor. The 2011 illustrated edition, from Anchor Books, is quite lovely, and worth tracking down. It looks like it’s swollen then. Welcome back. But where would he get the money? Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. Chike is a young boy from the small village of Umuofia in West Africa. Rather than getting that visceral sense of such a distant place (from where I am right now), it felt a bit trivial, with some foreign vocab thrown in for show. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. While this does not feel the caliber of Things Fall Apart, it is good story. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. I would definitely recommend this book to all the children I know. Whilst in Onitsha, he washed cars and got the money. Kids reading the book can see that even with the struggles of Chike… by Edel Rodriguez. OverDrive Read. I'm not sure if it would really appeal to kids I know, even if I read it aloud; the English is so simple, I would have to inflect quite a bit. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. Comforting cozies, courtroom theatrics, and cold cases that warm back up...mystery and thriller subgenres are bigger and better than ever these... To see what your friends thought of this book, During the monsoon season, the river is more full. It does meander a bit like a young child's mind/life tends to (or like a river which makes part of the title) so there isn't a driving plot per se, but still overall a sweet story. The illustrations in the newer edition are lovely adding a nice playful touch. He paid a boat fare to cross the big River Niger. Still, he hoped.Eleven-year-old Chike longs to cross the Niger River to the city of Asaba, but he doesn’t have the sixpence he needs to pay for the ferry ride. It's moral message is also of that stature. Kindle Book. An alert reader will recognize more than one moral lesson gently woven into the tale. He did not know. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Book review: 'Chike and the River' by Chinua Achebe", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chike_and_the_River&oldid=1006442249, Articles needing additional references from July 2015, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 22:38. Back in 1966, Chinua Achebe's wrote this gentle, touching story of an eleven-year-old Nigerian boy, Chike. This article about a children's novel of the 1960s is a stub. My husband is Nigerian and based on the stories about school he's told me, this seems pretty accurate! The book also tells of the freedom, togetherness, peace & tranquility which the eastern part Nigeria enjoyed immediately after independence Chike and the River was first published as a pamphlet in 1966 after Achebe's daughter started preschool in Nigeria and he noticed that all the school texts for African children were written by Westerners. by Cambridge University Press. But where would he get the money? The more Chike saw the ferry-boats the more he wanted to make the trip to Asaba. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. Though there are some good images of Africa overall it dumbs down Chike and his town and friends. Hello, Sign in. Books barged into my life and tossed my low self-esteem out of the window by showing me Pecola from. Chunua Achebe. 1966. in Education. Still, he hoped. Simple, fast, and well-written. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. They looked enormous to him. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Light quick read, good for reading lists. Chike and the River is a children's story by Chinua Achebe. January 1st 1966 Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. Chike and the River Chinua Achebe, illus. While in onitsha, Chike experienced the urban city life (quite a difference from the village he had left behind), he attended school, made friends, and became fascinated with crossing the river Niger on a ferry boat. Although it was written in the 60's I can… Chinua Achebe was a novelist, poet, professor at Brown University and critic. Rather than getting that visceral sense of such a distant place (from where I am right now), it felt a bit trivial, with some foreign vocab thrown in for show. Anchor, $10 trade paper (96p) ISBN 978-0-307-47386-8. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. The latest reprint has a cover design by Victor Ekpuk. I think that this should be an elementary school book. Intermediate teachers would enjoy sharing this small chapter book with their students. With the help of his friend S.M.O.G., he embarks on a series of adventures to help him get there. Stub This article has been rated as Stub-Class on the project's quality scale. what relevance does the book has in relation to children? This story of a boy who does what he isn't meant to but it all ends for the best doesn't do it for me. More By and About This Author. Here at last was the great River Niger. He is best known for his first novel, Things Fall Apart (1958), which is the most widely read book in modern African literature. He remembered another song he had learnt at Umuofia and began to whistle it: Row, row, row your boat Charming and short childhood story. During the journey Chike felt as proud as Mungo Park when he finally reached the Niger. The language is simplistic, to the extent that the booklet would do well as a children's book. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Chike’s almost obsessive attraction with the river Niger gives the story a hazy frame of folktale, as the river stands as an element of nature, which Chike must explore and cross in order to grow. Originally published in South Africa in 1966, Chinua Achebe’s children’s book Chike and the River finally makes its debut here in the United States. No table-of-contents pages found. It looks like it’s swollen then. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY APR 11, 2011. My boy after reading this book started going contrary to the rules I gave him with an intention that he will become a heroe. But Chike dreams of going even further: to take a ferry to the town across the river, though the cost—one whole shilling—is more money than he has seen in his life. It is the story of a Nigerian boy called Chike who leaves his village, Umuofia, to go and stay with his uncle in the big city of Onitsha. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, … Refresh and try again. Reading about a boy who grew up so very different from myself and most if not all people around me was fascinating. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. Chike was told that the fishermen lived for weeks or months in these boats. Chike and the River Chinua Achebe A children's story by Africa's best known and most widely read author whose novels, poetry, essays, lectures, etc… are … Readers’ questions about Chike and the River. He did not know. When serendipity leads to a delightful read. There’s a river in my town that does a similar thing during spring with the melting snow. Chike on the Banks of the River Chike’s uncle was a very strict man. This book is definitely geared towards a younger crowd (9-13yrs) but enjoyable for older folks who are aware that it's on the lighter side of Achebe's writing. A sweet little read that takes a rather innocent peak at poverty in Nigeria. Part escapade, part fable, it is a simple but engaging story of 11-year old Chike who struggles to adapt to city life when he moves from the village of Umuofia to the … The world is complex and because of its complexities which is analogous to the complexities of human brain, one has to learn and un-learn at every step of their lives. The tone is very much Achebe, and the illustrations, though also simple, give a little vitality to the book. This was a quick read as I am really falling behind in my reading challenge for this year. Chike and the River This edition was published in 2011 by Anchor. Book Title: Chike and the River Author: Chinua Achebe Genre: Fiction (Children's book) Pages: 64 Publisher: Cambridge University's Press Release date: 1966 I've always found Chike and the River refreshing. Chike is an ordinary boy who earns his fare to cross a river. The poignant magic comes with the child's revelations once he crosses. Kept me fairly entertained while I was trapped inside the library waiting for the rain to stop. I loved the narration of this short story as I joined Chike in his series of small adventures. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. #shortfilm #animationChike and the River animated series About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features … Everyone at his school had done it and he was feeling left out, everyone had also described it as a great place which didn't help Chike at all. Personally, I'm going to pick up a copy to add my library. Along the way, he is exposed to a range of new experiences that are both thrilling and terrifying, from eating his first skewer of suya under the shade of a mango tree, to visiting the village magician who promises to double the money in his pocket. "Chike and the River "is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world's most beloved and admired storytellers. The more Chike saw the ferry-boats the more he wanted to make the trip to Asaba. Chike and the River By Chinua Achebe Anchor Books Review by Deatra Haime Anderson. His story, told honestly and well, is enough. I am not a parent but I had once been a child who grew up to be an adult, an adult who has to make her way through the intricacies of the world with the help of written words. He rarely spoke and never laughed except when he drank cold beer or palm wine with his neighbor, Mr. Nwaba, or with one of his few friends. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Chike and the river by Chinua Achebe, 2010, Cambridge University Press edition, in English Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world's most beloved and admired storytellers. He did not like to see Chike playing with other children. Once he finally makes it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to make it home. With his passing, I wanted to make a point of reading more of Achebe. The more Chike saw the ferry-boats the more he wanted to make the trip to Asaba. Chike stuck out his chest as though he owned the river, and drew a deep breath. If you have 30 minutes and any interest, this tale by Achebe will charm you. It was first published in 1966 by Cambridge University Press, with illustrations by Prue Theobalds, and was the first of several children's stories Achebe would write. It looks like it’s swollen then. His mother had told him to stay away from the Niger river. Chike's breathtaking adventures began. Chike and the river Item Preview > remove-circle Share or Embed This Item ... he is exposed to a range of new experiences and becomes fascinated with crossing the Niger River on a ferry boat Notes. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. Sweet story about a Nigerian boy's dream to cross the river. Loved it. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world's most beloved and admired storytellers. His mother had told him to stay away from the Niger river. Feels odd to give a Chinua Achebe book only three stars, but it wasn't like the rest of his works and that threw me off majorly. Chike and the River is a charming little tale by Nobel Prize Winner Chinua Achebe. It's a light hearted read that portrays most of the nuances of growing up in Nigeria. It was first published in 1966 by Cambridge University Press, with illustrations by Prue Theobalds, and was the first of several children's stories Achebe would write. Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group. Short, sweet, and well worth reading. It's one of the short stories that use disobedient boys to teach a lesson. I have to read more of Achebe's stuff. I enjoyed some of the short stories in this book, but at times it felt very scattered and slow. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Children's literature, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of children's literature on Wikipedia. Chike and the River by Chinua Achebe (Children's Classic) About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new … 3 questions answered. His first novel, Things Falls Apart, became a classic of international literature and … Oh yeah, I did it, I picked a book without magic, monsters and great villains :D Miracles do happen :) But I'll get back to my monsters, I promise :) No need to worry :). A good book for two reasons: kids will enjoy the (authentic) look at Nigeria, and understand what the tale says about trying to fit in. If you own a copyright to this book and wish to issue a Removal Request, Please Click Here. He did not know. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2014-06-16 19:43:15.824507 Bookplateleaf 0008 Originally written in 1966, this book tells the story of Chike, a young boy with a simple dream: to cross the river. I read this book, and had it autographed, as a child. I think kids anywhere would like it. Chike was keen to visit the river. Readers’ questions about Chike and the River. This book is for Educational Purposes Only. Chike needs a shilling to get across the Niger river. I am quite surprised that I found this book in the 8th grade section of my school's library. Chike needs a shilling to get across the Niger river and back. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, … See all 9 questions about Chike and the River…, Pick Your Poison with These Mystery Subgenre Suggestions. The Book "Chike and the River" is a novel about a poor boy who grows up in Nigeria and wants to cross the river Niger. And if you want to celebrate Achebe's recent passing read, The Book "Chike and the River" is a novel about a poor boy who grows up in Nigeria and wants to cross the river Niger. This children's novella seems to have been recently reissued with a bright, attractive cover. 3 questions answered. See guidelines for writing about novels. Raising a child, I feel, is the most cumbersome and thankless task. In Indian conte, Raising a child, I feel, is the most cumbersome and thankless task. The Book "Chike and the River" is a novel about a poor boy who grows up in Nigeria and wants to cross the river Niger. The brilliance of Mr. Achebe’s prose is his ability to make a reader feel like an omniscient sprite on Chike’s shoulder: along for the ride and privy to all that he senses and sees."[2]. In Indian context, this belief might slightly be different from the belief fed to a child, say, in Nigeria, but in its essence, there are similarities between them. Chike and his friends make you remember childhood as a time of dreams, friends and all the good and bad that come with them, warnings from adults and brave acts of discovery each day. One cannot help but to recall Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer, and how many of his adventures had a river nearby or took place in such environment. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. This article about a Nigerian novel is a stub. Whilst on the other side, he lost track of time and missed the last boat back. It provides something other than the typical Western perspective. Achebe waved his magic wand and made me feel 8 years old again while reading this charming children’s story. There’s a river in my town that does a similar thing during spring. He called it a waste of time. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. It was just okay. What a delightful read. Basically a long-ish children's book, 'Chike and the River' unfolds with all the simplicity and wide-eyed wonder of a parable or a fable, gently moralizing along the way. Chike and the River is a children's story by Chinua Achebe. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. Chike and the River is a magical tale of boundaries, bravery, and growth, by Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most beloved and admired storytellers. If you want to introduce children to Achebe, and you should, start at Things Fall Apart. The air smelt clean and fresh. As a child, I firmly held on to the belief of a white baby being prized. Though it has obvious references to Things Fall Apart this isn't really a worthy successor. But what Chike liked most was to watch the big ferryboats. Though there are some good images of Africa overall it dumbs down Chike and his town and friends. Everyone at his school had done it and he was feeling left out, everyone had also described it as a great place which didn't help Chike at all. Chinua Achebe was born in Nigeria in 1930. I do like the looks into Chike's daily life and the culture he grew up in; Chike ended up being a very likeable protagonist. If you have 30 minutes and any interest, this seems pretty accurate chike and the river behind in reading... His friend S.M.O.G., he embarks on a series of adventures to help a point of more... Barged into my life and tossed my low self-esteem out of the short stories that use disobedient to! 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