the best in Ontario province Access inspires creativity, shares joy, and builds community. Donations are meant to serve as a reminder to the recipients that they are not alone. Used in good condition is acceptable for the charity. Hello! My wife passed away from cancer leaving large quantities of craft supplies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS, all our Magic Ball pick up locations have CLOSED. Volunteer Opportunities. Give a Knit. I was so inspired by their story, I started a lunchtime sewing group with students from my primary school and we called it the ‘snuggle bunny project’. The best place to start is Pinterest! UMNS photo by Sam Hodges The Women’s Fellowship at Poetry United Methodist Church, in Poetry, Texas, has twice been honored with a President’s Volunteer Service Award. The Snuggles Project accepts donations of “snuggle” pillows, blankets, toys, and even crafted baskets for animals to crawl into for comfort. Keep in mind that most charities need monetary donations more than anything. I am a retired NICU nurse and slightly handicapped so I would need someplace fairly close to my home where I can have someone take me to donate or someone to pick up. Snuggles Project is a program administered by Hugs Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to displaced and homeless animals. Envelopes are unnecessary, and cards can be mailed directly to the organization in bulk. I was discussing with some friends about what do they do with their finished projects. I have 170 Handmade from Costco Kirkland towels with t shirt neck ribbing I had made them for Niki preschool in Beaverton Or. The following organizations are more than happy to accept your relinquished craft supplies. The Detroit Old Newsboys Goodfellow non profit organization is comprised of a volunteer board of directors that wish to recognize all the men and women that make our mission of “no child without a Christmas” is fulfilled. The ethos behind Loving Hands is to bring together like minded crafters who band together to knit, crochet and sew for charities and groups from all over the world. is another great organization too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you want to take a break from long projects, charity knitting for premature babies is incredibly rewarding Sometimes, you just want to knit something small and something quick and have it ... Read More about Everything You Need to Know about Charity Knitting for Premature Babies This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We are all volunteers giving up our time to help others. There are several free patterns available, and the only criterion are that blankets be “homemade, washable, free of pins, and come from smoke-free environments.” Blanketeers are also encouraged to start local chapters and volunteer their time, if they can. Knitting and Crocheting for Charity is a non-profit organization. Thank you! Materials for the Arts accepts fabric and trim, paper, arts & crafts supplies, beads & jewelry, art books, paint, and more and distributes them to non-profit organizations and public schools across New York. Any suggestions? Since 1991, Warm Up America! If you’ve been a part of the craft world for awhile, chances are good you’ve already heard about Project Linus. We are always in need of your help to assist us in fulfilling our mission. Rather than resorting to using rags, mattress stuffing, banana leaves, feathers, and even cow dung, Days for Girls provides safe, beautiful, washable, and long-lasting alternatives along with vital health education. The website has a comprehensive list of all organizations, however, in my case, the two closest were very new and still in the process of organizing. If you’re sitting on a mountain of unused supplies, you can still help! Hello, I add a washcloth I knitted up. I’m having trouble finding anyone in SC to donate too. Love a thrift store near me because I buy dolls, create outfits but donate to another charity. Volunteers lovingly create hand-crafted, custom photo-transfer quilts and pillows to help children cope with the stress and sadness that comes with being separated from a parent during deployment., Hi Barbara, I did a quick Google search and found it:, Scrap is a non-profit art-craft-DIY source in San Francisco. Im hesitant of donating to some places because of personal gain. My local chapter was a big help. Our doll dressers will be so excited! They are dolls little chicks and bunny rabbits no detachable parts at all and I would like to close place to my home to donate I am 83 years old . if they have space to store them, they will be appreciated. Groups listed may or may not be involved in direct distribution of knockers. I know that they sent items to hospitals in Europe and in Asia. Your email address will not be published. Find your local knitting club and join in the fun with knit-a-longs, guest speakers and support with your knitting and crochet projects. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I was really confused about “being a part of a team” and having to purchase a “kit”. If you’re looking for a charity to support but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together a list of amazing causes looking for knitting donations as … We accept all kinds of sewing items: used machines in working order to re-gift, tools, notions fabrics and financial support. Do not want to donate to reseller or those who can afford. I actually did that this past year! There are charities looking for donations of craft materials as well. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Meetings SC Knitting Guild meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:45 pm at Interim Healthcare, 16 Hyland Road, Greenville, SC 29615. Warm Up America! Thank you so much. Sad. Knitting groups in Milton Here's a look at some Knitting groups near Milton. these groups all sound quite wonderful but i keep seeing something that bothers me greatly. I have yarn that I would live to give to someone who will use it for charitable purposes. Do you have a favorite charity for donating either handmade items or craft supplies that we didn’t list here? Fibre Forward’s mission of fibre arts access for all is grounded in equity & diversity. Nicole Haschke, Knitting for Charity, Do you have your ticket yet? There is "Call for Items" page on their website that specifies the types of knitted garments needed. Otherwise, almost anything goes. Crafters should stay away from anything that might detach from the card (glitter can be a problem) to protect the health and safety of the recipient. We are a group of people that meet once a week to knit and crochet items for the needy. Be sure they’re still operating and have maintained a good reputation among  donors and recipients. Crafts Accepted: Knit, spool knit, crochet, no-sew (hand-woven and worked fleece), sew blankets, pillows, mats, and toys. Little Dresses for Africa Home Programs Meetings Community Services Who We Are Membership. I am thinking myself to sew some blankets or simple clothing from scraps and would like to donate or even scraps can be donated like I saw “snuggles” in comments…. They offer affordable supplies for schools, art teachers and artists – their warehouse is amazing. Since 1898, during the Spanish American War, volunteers of the Seamen's… More (1 Votes) Bundles of Love Charity. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Finally, ask your local fire dept if they could use handmade blankets …. Operation Christmas Child also suggests re-usable menstrual pads and pillow case dresses can be included in their boxes. Flossie Arend is a writer and editor living in New York City. also accepts donations of yarn and needles. How can I get pillowcase dresses to someone for Africa. Knit for Syria says tens of thousands of knitted and crocheted items volunteers have … Volunteers hand-knit and crochet caps and neonatal blankets. Crafts Accepted: knit and crochet hats and baby blankets. Your email address will not be published. Look for names: creative rescue, stuff, inc or stuff redux, scrap….nearby public universities or colleges’ Art Dept & even Medical Schools with Physical or Occupational Therapy degree programs. Again, there are so many free patterns on the internet and numerous videos on YouTube. Thank God for Friday nights, We voted! Get more information here. . Shrugs are also mailed by request to homes of moms battling pediatric cancer with children currently undergoing treatment. Btw, my son went to MSU-CHM and lived in Grand Rapids for 3 years. “A Quilt For Mother’s Tears” This group presents quilts to mothers that have lost a son or daughter killed on duty as a police officer. Snuggles should be made with cotton or acrylic so that they are easy for shelters to clean. Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education to girls and women around the world. Membership is open to all skill levels and geographic locations. They organize and mail out the cards to shelters, hospitals, retirement homes, and other organizations in need. Scott I would also suggest you look into Hopes and Dreams for ALS sponsored by Quilters Dream battings . Mitcham Charity Knitting Group. And finally, let’s not forget our furry … Thank you, If you’re asking about Little Dresses for Africa then the dresses are to be sent to : Knit-A-Square Ruth Jenkinson / Getty Images This is a charity asking for eight-inch crocheted or knitted squares to be sent to South Africa where they are made up into warm blankets for the estimated 11.6 million abandoned children and AIDS orphans. Knit for Syria. Knit for Peace; This UK based charity began by knitting clothing for street children and orphans in India and Rwanda. Hi Cynthi, I think she’s referring to Days for Girls. Knots of Love handmade creations are distributed free of charges to hospital and treatment centers throughout the US. Located in Portland, Oregon, The Dreaming Zebra accepts art and music supplies to distribute to schools, community centers, and other non-profit organizations and encourages volunteers to set up a ‘recycling bin’ in their office to collect items from friends and co-workers. Does anyone know a charity which can sell hand crocheted or knitted items. Thanks a lot. 100% of all sales directly support their mission. Age Uk. is another charity organization you’ve likely heard about due to its connections with one of the largest humanitarian organizations in America, The Red Cross. Sew Powerful is an outstanding organization. The Mother Bear Project sends … Instead of 68 pages. When you click on the Directory of Knitting and Crochet Clubs, you’ll be prompted to enter location information so the most relevant groups … The Wee Care program of the Smocking Arts Guild of America provides gowns to hospitals for babies born prematurely. If you’re an animal lover, then consider donating to this charity. 8590 Elmhurst Your hand knitted gifts will be donated to hospitals, homeless shelters and to others in need across the United States and abroad. The dresses and pads help to keep the girls from missing school during their monthly cycle and from being abused. They offer a free purse pattern that is filled with reusable hygiene products and given to girls in health class. I don’t want to just throw them out. Little girls dresses for Africa’s main headquarters is in Rockwood Michigan. For more information on how to have your donation picked up or dropped off, click here. Always bring your own materials and needles and make sure you understand the focus of the particular group that you are joining. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to get your whole family involved in a charitable act, as handmade cards are an accessible craft for even young children. Contact your local libraries. Since its beginning, this charity has grown to donate hand knit items to over eighty outlets including hospitals, to refugees, prisons, community groups… The supplies that MCC sends around the world offer comfort to families facing disaster or crisis. Thank you. Based in Costa, Mesa California, Knots of Love is a non-profit organization with the mission of warming the hearts and heads of patients experiencing traumatic hair loss. We are a non-profit community sewing center, teaching sewing for job skills and for community. Based in Costa, Mesa California, Knots of Love is a non-profit organization with the mission of warming the hearts and heads of patients experiencing traumatic hair loss. The parameters for Quilts of Valor are similar—cotton quilts should ideally be sized 60” x 80”, feature patriotic themes if not colors, and should be gently laundered. We’ve rounded up 12 charities that do, including some that accept craft supplies as well. They plan shipments carefully in order to meet local needs and to send high-quality items that can withstand the harsh conditions faced by people receiving the supplies. Very nice town! Handknit/crocheted shrugs are included in care packages that are donated to several children’s hospitals (including Memorial Sloan Kettering’s pediatric floor) for moms enduring long hospital stays alongside their children. A Little Something accepts donations of jewelry-making supplies such as 49-strand beading wire, sterling silver crimp tubes, crimp covers, all types of clasps, closed jump rings, Swavorski Elements-type beads, plain white and yellow beads, semi-precious stones, and alligator clips. Women’s Shelters have been created for victims of Sex-Trafficking along major US inter-state highways, these clients would love a quilt or knitted blanket. There is also a fun group of seamstresses on Facebook. I will pick up if you are within a reasonable distance from: 8590 Elmhurst, Canton, MI 48187. A lady in one of my Facebook groups buys dolls from the charity, make outfits and return the dolls to the charity. Patterns are available on the Knots of Love website. How can I get pillowcase dresses to someone for Africa. You can get involved by either joining a Days for Girls team in your area or starting your own. Knitting Giving is a charity group that has been established to provide… More (1 Votes) Christmas at Sea. Materials for the Arts prides itself on keeping materials out of landfills and putting them into the hands of those in need. Crafts Accepted: Knit, crochet, woven, sewn, fleece or quilted blankets. One of the brothers had been ill in hospital for some time, and the other brother noticed that the children seemed to like having their days brightened by handmade items being gifted to them. Volunteers hand-knit and crochet caps and neonatal blankets. Volunteers can also offer their time to sew afghan sections by emailing the WUA offices. She's worked for Stitchcraft Marketing for seven years. Cancer Hair Care. Francis House Children's Hospice. Each quilt is considered a metaphoric hug and a way to express gratitude for service to our country. Canton, MI 48187, Please mail it to: If you would like to discuss let me know. The COVID pandemic health restrictions have limited our usual methods of celebrating their efforts, this year we are hosting a small outdoor jamboree and would like to include a “swap” table to encourage and support the amazing creativity of these volunteers. Knitted Knockers UK. Hi Cherri, The Mother Bear Project. Comfort for Critters – Blankets to comfort animals in shelters. The cards are used by nurses, counselors, parents, and volunteers to write messages of encouragement and love to people in need. Full requirements for Quilts of Valor can be read here. She likes to read (sci-fi, fiction and non-fiction, true crime, horror, and comic books), write (see previously stated genres), knit (selfishly), play video games (obsessively), and watch television and movies. Basic patterns for the rectangles are offered on site, with the general number needed to complete different sizes. Where are you located? Visit their website: or email Mary at with questions. b. Crafts Accepted: knit and crochet hats and baby blankets. I recommend looking for a non-profit in your community that collects donated knitting/crochet, fabric, drawing supplies, et al. Rockwood, MI 48173 I received your box today with not only yarns, but threads and notions! We always need children’s cotton fabric, thread, cutting supplies, supplies for washing the completed pillowcases and baggies to deliver them. But, for those instances when you’d like to actually donate handmade items here are a variety of regional and national charities that accept in-kind donations of handcrafted items. Little Dress for Africa does not require you to be a part of a team and their patterns are free to download. Visit the website for Item acceptance list: They are located at 801 Toland St., San Francisco, CA 94124, Just contacted my local chapter for “Days for Girls”. I live in Tucson, Arizona and can drop these items off to you here. Launched in 1995 in Missouri, Project Linus now operates local chapters in all fifty states. We’d love to hear about it in the comments. If you scroll to the bottom of the Lion Brand Yarn homepage, you’ll find the Directory of Knitting and Crochet Clubs. Honestly I did research but many times ended up on US sites….just want to save on postal fees… Required fields are marked *. (I just got mine!) I e-mailed them to express my desire to join, so we’ll see what happens. To donate a blanket, “blanketeers” are encouraged to locate their state’s chapter for local drop-off sites. One way to use your crafting talents to support a charity of your choice it to sell or auction off a handmade item such as a quilt or afghan and donate the proceeds. All rights reserved. Cards for Hospitalized Kids accepts both holiday cards and general cards, and the guidelines are simple. So he started an organisation where handmade art and toys could be sent and they would redistribute to children in underpriviledged hospitals around the world. Knitting for charity is the perfect way to do something kind all year round, plus it’s a lovely way to spread the joy of beautiful knitwear. The kit consists of three components and lists the skill level as intermediate; the DfG shield, liner and drawstring bag. Our mission statement is to promote interest, appreciation, education, and fellowship in the art of knitting. By continuing to use this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Eponymously named for the Peanuts character who was never without his trusty blanket, Project Linus provides homemade blankets to children in hospitals, shelters, and social services. These cookies do not store any personal information. 107 likes. Bundles of Love Charity is an all-volunteer non-profit organization,… Did you ever get an answer to your question? Spent some time this weekend recording the first v, I've been so inspired by all the people releasing, How is everyone doing? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I am hoping someone here may be able to help me. We meet the third Wednesday of every month at the Advanced Learning Library in downtown Wichita. Quilters can request a destination for their finished quilts to find a service member in need. 21805 Woodruff RD I have crocheted a beautiful vintage skirt which can fetch good money on eBay. It accepts blankets, aka ‘snuggles’ to … Cathy Coulter and Tish Cavalier aren’t so much looking for knitters to make things, … Can you use these items as I can not do this.kind of work anymore? Not knitting and fabrics. share a favorite knitting/crochet magazine or book; share a favorite project idea; Ways to solidify your group: a. has accepted hand knit and crochet donations of all kinds, from hats to scarves, baby clothing and more, but their largest and most well-known project involves the simple 7” x 9” knit or crochet rectangle. But not all charities accept handmade goods. 2. host card making events or refer a child in need,,, Be a virtual volunteer | Lifenotes by Foresters Financial. FROM NOVICE TO MASTER KNITTERS Sharing knowledge and experiences to become better knitters. Last year, I read about an organisation that was set up in the US by two young brothers. I prefer to donate to a place where the yarn may be used to CREATE FOR A NEED, not to create and sell for self gain. Warm Up America! and while its no fault of the charities that help internationally it seems the girls & women of our own country arent in many of these charity sites (other than limited local ones).. am sorry i dont understand how people can prefer to help those across the world yet seemingly ignore issues here at ‘home’ first.. Hugs through Shrugs is a non-profit based in New Jersey, whose mission is supporting moms with critically ill or injured hospitalized children. I wouldn’t want any miscommunication regarding “Little Dress for Africa” nor for any organization. The women have sewn some 30,000 items for charity … This is how I ended up finding out about the 3 groups I’m a part of. 8590 Elmhurst Participants meet monthly to learn new techniques, choose supplies, and turn in finished work. The quilts are presented in Washington DC during National Police Week in May. I’ve are a national nonprofit called RyansCase for Smiles! The list of fabric combinations is almost endless. Thanks, Hello, I have a non profit that provides clean drinkable water access to villages in certain 3rd world countries and I’d like to open an Etsy shop that I can sell crafts that I make to people and put 100% of the profits towards the non profit. Creating handmade items for charitable causes demonstrates our compassion and our hope for one another. PLease is here anyone who would know about the places in Canada? People knit for us locally and all around the country. . (Well, technically we shared a vote. Detroit Goodfellows c/o Annie Nickert Members have made numerous blankets, hats, scarves and sweaters for different charitable organizations in the County. I will like to donate Handmade Christmas ornaments, and I also have handmade jewelry (earrings and necklaces) it will be great if someone guide me where to send them. I’m not sure what organization you are referencing. What about the tax implications of donating handmade goods to charity?, Operation Kid Comfort provides quilts and pillows to military children of deployed active duty service men and women. I would be happy to pay for shipping or even pick up if you are located within a reasonable travel distance. The Dayton Knitting Guild membership is open to all. Knitting and Giving - This charity provides warm hand knit or crocheted items to those in need. Also, most local children’s hospitals can use knitted or crocheted blankets for the neonatal units to brighten up the isolettes for the babies. (Become a member of Craft Industry Alliance to access this checklist.). Check your area for a Creative Reuse center (can find a list of many at These very talented people use their personal “stash” to dress over 10,000 dolls for little girls in the Detroit area every year since 1924. This website and its content are the copyright of Craft Industry Alliance LLC- © Craft Industry Alliance 2020. Quilts of Valor is another charitable organization accepting quilted blankets for former service members. Our blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources. All the material, yarn and notions are donated or from each crafter’s “stash”. If you need kits or want to get on our contact list, please email Leslye Borden at This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Paper crafters with a surplus of stamps, ribbons, stickers, pattern edge scissors, gorgeous paper, and paper folding skills will love Cards for Hospitalized Kids. We will send you more information on how to help. I learned how to knit in 2013 and crochet in 2014. Fred M. Packard Center 4022 Hummer Road All fabric, including the backing, is pre-cut and sent to the volunteer for piecing. Charity Knitting & Crocheting. We’ve covered those here. The mission is to keep girls in school all month. Hello, I am an art teacher in Perth, Western Australia. Thanks for clearing that up. I brought 75 kits with me to Kenya. I was told that most people give there stuff away to friends and/or family and/or sell them. I am looking for an African American charity to support with knitted items. We make everything from burial items for tiny babies who do not survive, to knitted 'bo Hi. My dilemma is that I have lost the contact details of the organisation, and am trying to reconnect, but have had no luck when searching Google. Crafters understand the care and consideration that goes into making things by hand. Do you know of any organizations like yours in the Grand Rapids, Holland area, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) provides comforters, bags and sewing kits, as well as kits for infant care, school supplies, and girls needs. 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