Default: linear, --snd_resampling_lpf value Wolfenstein 3D /Spear of Destiny. are stored in user’s profile. Set configuration string snd_oal_device_name to open specific device. ECWolf Mods. The debate is whether there will be any testing required instead of quarantine," said a government source. After reaching the ninth floor, the player must defeat a boss enemy and then find the mission exit. --aog_sw Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold . Taken screenshots are placed in the profile directory. 9GAG is your best source of FUN! SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library) It’s by the same people that have been running Mod DB all these years, so hopefully it should be more reliable than the last one. doesn't dramatically change things and features everything from the original game except the elevator. Sets texturing upscale filter. stb_image / stb_image_write Values: none or msaa Minimum width: 320 1) The graphics in Blake Stone can be easily extracted using XWE, and opening the VSWAP.BS6 file with it and selecting the Blake palette. High scores file name: bstone__high_scores While the primary goal of any source port is compatibility with newer hardware, … Discounted Prices. Best Quality. Default: 44100 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of Each mission takes place in a certain location and follows the same basic structure: The player starts on floor 1 and must work their way through each floor up to floor 9. Backspace+D Once again, British Intelligence agent Blake Stone will find himself in a life or death struggle to determine humanity's future. Backspace+K Default: nearest, --vid_3d_texture_image_filter filter Aliens of Gold, the first game in the Blake Stone series, pits the space-age British secret agent against Dr. Pyrus Goldfire; a madman bent on world domination. Get rapid delivery with the lowest price guaranteed and Free Gifts! --vid_texture_upscale_filter filter --calculate_hashes Values: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) Both all lowercase and all uppercase (default) file names are supported. DarkPlaces consists of a source port engine and a gameplay mod that are even distributed separately). Visit homepage []. Images with alpha channel should be exported as premultiplied. See file src\lib\openal_soft\COPYING for license information. as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 Default: 0, --snd_rate sampling_rate The port stretches the geometry (world, objects) vertically by 20%. Enables build for Open Pandora. 1024x1024). PCM audio only. Default: 0, --vid_2d_texture_filter filter Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Boris I. Bendovsky ( See file src/dosbox/COPYING for license information. This source code was considered lost for a long time. Supported file format: BMP, --extract_music dir Supported targets: wall, sprite, flooring, ceiling. Skips start-up screens and the ending promo pages (AOG SW). In-game graphics have been specifically designed for the 320x200 resolution as stretched to a 4:3 physical aspect ratio. Press J to jump to the feed. Supported file format: TXT. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. --target install. Mecca is believed to be the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad but when followers visit the site, it is not actually Mecca they are facing but a building called the Ka’aba. BSTONE_USE_STATIC_LINKING BStone v1.1.9 running Aliens of Gold at 1366 x 768. --extract_vga_palette dir Obtain source code and extract it (if necessary) into some directory. Additional Information. Outputs the port’s version to standard output and into message box. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Breaking 1.2 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Respawning 2.2 Exploding 2.3 Redstone component 2.4 Mobs 2.5 Note Blocks 3 Sounds 3.1 Generic 3.2 Unique 4 Data values 4.1 ID 4.2 Metadata 4.3 Block states 5 Advancements 6 History 7 Issues 8 Trivia 9 Gallery 10 References Respawn anchors can be … Explore 9GAG for the most popular memes, breaking stories, awesome GIFs, and viral videos on the internet! Unofficial source port for Blake Stone series (Aliens Of Gold and Planet Strike). Blake Stone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Values: none or xbrz --snd_oal_device_name value The following year, a sequel called Blake Stone: Planet Strike was released, which continues where Aliens of Gold leaves off. They may not have to quarantine for 10 days on return from medium-risk countries including popular Mediterranean destinations. Sprite name format: sprite_xxxxxxxx.ext. “Aliens Of Gold” resources are goes into aog directory. The game's working title was "Blake Stone: Firestorm". Specifies OpenAL driver’s name. You're pitted against Dr. Pyrus Goldfire. 2. This is a result of how Wolf4SDL reads mouse input and has not yet been rewritten. Enables so called “debug mode” without much fuss. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Applicable for positionable window only. Do not overwrite any original files! Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Full and Shareware) Blake Stone: Planet Strike; Operation BodyCount; ... WDC can export data stored in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny files to WAD and PK3 for use with the ECWolf source port. By Kevin Parrish 10 July 2013. For over 60 years, Blake Tile & Stone has been the source for an exceptional range of quality landscape, gravel, tile, and masonry products. Enables multi-process compilation if supported. --aog Here's the list of Wolfenstein engine games that are planned to be supported as well as how much information I have towards supporting them. Goldfire has built six highly-secure, futuristic locations where his creations are being hatched. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/bstone-x.y.z/build/install, Build and install: Use this default port list to learn how to port forward for any application including Minecraft, uTorrent, PS3, xbox 360 live games, Nintendo Wii, and others. Backspace+l Support for external textures. Provides default stereo driver and optional 3D one. Description Blake Stone: Planet Strike! The rare gemstones of the Alien’s interest that my wife’s relatives possess have a far higher specific gravity than that of diamonds, and a refractive index that when you put the stone in sunlight, you see your mirror image deep in the centre of the stone. Backspace+Home into existing directory dir. Backspace+O Not a huge issue since it just means the sounds aren't freed when the program exits and it should be reclaimed by the operating system anyways. 1280x1280), and export for the game in 1:1 aspect ratio (i.e. (There's no Blake ports at all, so this is fine.) Supported file format: data (unprocessed), --extract_sfx dir Supports any OpenAL v1.1 compatible implementation (Creative Labs, OpenAL Soft, etc.). Backspace+Page Up Will be fixed when the sound code is redesigned. Memory leak with digitized sounds. Backspace+F Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (a.k.a Blake Stone 3-D) is a sci-fi FPS that was developed by JAM Productions and published by Apogee in 1993 for DOS. Source ports share the similarity with unofficial patches that both don't change the original gameplay as such projects are by definition mods. Values: nearest or linear Applicable only for 3D-rendering. Minimum height: 240 Design wall, sprite, HUD element or screen images in 1:1.2 aspect ratio (i.e. Gameplay leans towards cramped corridors full of weak-to-medium enemies, with occasional wide-open spaces to mix things up. Specifies SFX type. That means if you created a wall or sprite texture, for example, with physical dimensions 1024x1024 it will be rendered as 1024x1228, i.e. Switches the port to “Blake Stone: Planet Strike” mode. Default: “” (OpenAL32.dll on Windows and on non-Windows system). Shows player’s coordinates and direction. Default key is F5. Note that option --data_dir disables auto-detection. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. Sets a degree of xBRZ texturing upscale. Since all titles are not free (except shareware) you have to own a copy of the game in order to play. Publishing the game and releasing a source code. Default: 0, --vid_windowed_y offset If appropriate data files will not be found the port will fail. MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While Blake Stone uses an updated version of the Wolfenstein 3D engine, it is not the significantly upgraded engine that appeared in Shadowcaster. Values: [2..32] of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Specifies the audio driver to use. Overrides default directory of the game’s profile files. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is divided into six missions ("episodes"). Values: [2..6] Use semicolon to separate entries. Expected driver name is OpenAL32.dll on Windows or on non-Windows system. WARNING xbrz is a high resource usage filter! Toggles visibility of actors on auto-map. Sets a color for screen bars. Specifies mix data size in milliseconds. Call 213-627-6684 for bulk buying. (There's no Blake ports at all, so this is fine.) 1. Values: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) Default: none The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. stretched. doesn't dramatically change things and features everything from the original game except the elevator. * file. Blake and Mary Jo Hadley moved to Port St. Lucie from Fort Lauderdale 24 years earlier to be closer to Blake’s parents, who had retired in neighboring Stuart. Extract it into the directory with game files (*.BS1 / *.BS6 / *.VSI). PCM audio only. PC / Computer - Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! Generate Makefile. Values: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) Sets an anti-aliasing mode. Backspace+Page Down He's found a way to replicate pure gold, which he's using to fund his maniacal plan. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in "Aliens of Gold" and "Planet Strike", then take on an ancient evil menace … BStone is unofficial source port for “Blake Stone” game series: “Aliens Of Gold” and “Planet Strike”. Use menu to modify bindings. The respawn anchor is a block that allows players to set their spawn point in The Nether. If you do not have the Activision/GT release then this patch utility will update your game. Allows to customize control bindings. … Enables or disables widescreen rendering. --vid_is_windowed value The maps are not that pretty or complex in architecture, but there are some charming ideas sprinkled in. If enabled links modules statically to avoid dependency on system and custom libraries at run-time. There's no Blake ports at all, so this is fine. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. While other materials may be available with the same name, the quality may vary; we advise you to compare the quality of the actual materials prior to specifying or purchasing. High resolution rendering of world (extended vanilla engine) Modern and vanilla controls. Specifies a directory with game’s resource files. Default: 40 Extracts sfx resources into existing directory dir. Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold Available Platform: DOS. Specifies window width for windowed mode. --profile_dir dir Values: 0 (centered) or 1 (positioned) Extracts text resources into existing directory dir. - v3.0 Shareware Episode (1460k) - Blake Stone v1.0 to v2.0 Episodes 1-6 Patch (733k) - Blake Stone v2.0 to v2.1 Episodes 1-6 Patch (315k) - Blake Stone v2.1 to v3.0 Episodes 1-6 Patch (727k) - Blake Stone REGISTERED user levels - by Dave Huntoon (13k) Default: current working directory. Values: 0 (disable), 1 (enable). An evolution rather than a revolution, Planet Strike! 2020. Supported file format: BMP, --extract_sprites dir WARNING Changing the option may take some time if the dimensions of loaded textures are high. Values: zoh (zero-order hold) or linear The port was released in 2013 by Boris Bendovsky, after Planet Strike 's source code was released by Apogee Software. Blake Stone Aliens of Gold/Planet Strike. Default: auto-detect Usually it’s Release. Specifies OpenAL device name. Default width: 640, --vid_windowed_height height --vid_texture_upscale_xbrz_degree degree German index On January 1, 1995, Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS for being extreme violent. For an original source code license see file “Blake Stone source code license.doc”. Default: undefined. PC / Computer - Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold - Wall Textures - The #1 source for video game textures on the internet! Separate volume control of sound effects and music. Values: 0 (non-stretched) or 1 (stretched) On Windows, the path might look like C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\bibendovsky\bstone\, On Linux, the path might look like /home/john/.local/share/bibendovsky/bstone/, On Mac OS X, the path might look like /Users/john/Library/Application Support/bibendovsky/bstone/, Configuration file name: bstone_config Selects which build(s) to compile. "For amber countries, you would remove home quarantine. For a copy of the GNU General Public License see file LICENSE. Backspace+A Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (also known as "Blake Stone 3-D") is a first-person shooter for DOS created by JAM Productions and published by Apogee Software in 1993. Design flooring or ceiling image in 1:1 aspect ratio (i.e. Press specified keys sequentially. Supported file format: WAV The game also got a sequel called Blake Stone: Planet Strike! The port auto-detect assets of some digital distribution services. ... Aliens of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike. Half of what would appear to be a “flying saucer” can clearly be seen sticking out from a cave mouth. WDC was written in Visual Basic 6 and requires the VB6 runtime files. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Allows to customize control bindings. Default: 1, --vid_is_ui_stretched value See file src/lib/sdl/COPYING.txt for license information. Option GAME OPTIONS - VIDEO - TEXTURING - EXTERNAL TEXTURES enables or disables them on the fly. The Black Stone of Mecca, or Kaaba Stone, is a Muslim relic, which according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. Two registered Blake Stone sets were released - Aliens Of Gold and Planet Strike. Backspace+Shift/Caps Lock+W Values: 0 (fake fullscreen) or 1 (windowed) Minimum: 20, --snd_resampling_interpolation value doors, total actors, active actors. Various contributors for providing fixies, ideas, etc. Positional audio is hit and miss. Precompiled binaries and their source code, Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold official site, Apogee’s article about releasing of an original source code, Repacked shareware Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold (v3.0), Separate volume control of sound effects and music, Aliens Of Gold (v1.0/v2.0/v2.1/v3.0) full or shareware. To override the path use --profile_dir option. We source a premium grade of material and purchase blocks and slabs only after a thorough inspection process. Toggles player’s invisibility. OpenAL Soft Due to programming issues and lack of computer memory, the only way to implement different digitized voices in the game was to reverse the existing ones from Aliens of Gold. Specifies a directory with mod’s resource files. An evolution rather than a revolution, Planet Strike! Both vanilla games ran only in a 320x200 video mode. Specifies sampling rate of mixer in hertz. Shows message “NOW you’re jammin’! Download first-person shooter games for DOS. BStone - A source port of Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike. A reasonably fun set of 2 episodes that's rather mixed in quality. Values: [0..255] Selects next ceiling texture. Values: [1..16] We recommend to use Google Chromewhen playing DOS games online. Each usage adds 99% health, 5 tokens, 50 ammo, one new weapon. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. Flooring and ceiling textures has always 1:1 aspect ratio. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. Put addon’s files into separate directory. Default: 1. Default: 0, --vid_aa_kind value Chocolate Doom - Source port that is minimalist, historically accurate and includes ports of Heretic and Hexen, and Strife. Blake Stone Aliens of Gold - Source lost. 2) As far as I know, only two other official games used Wolfenstein - Rise of the Triad (believe it or not), and Corridor 7 … See file src\lib\stb\LICENSE for license information. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Values: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) Just like Aliens of Gold and Wolfenstein 3D, … Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (a.k.a Blake Stone 3-D) is a sci-fi FPS that was developed by JAM Productions and published by Apogee in 1993 for DOS. --mod_dir dir Extracts graphics resources (actors, decorations, etc.) Our expertise can help make any vision a reality whether you choose to do the work yourself or use a contractor. BSTONE_USE_MULTI_PROCESS_COMPILATION ECWolf requires the latest version of Wolfenstein 3D. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. Mods and Games. Press J to jump to the feed. It's up to you to penetrate his security and stop him at all costs. Default: 1, --vid_is_widescreen value Specifies interpolation method for sample-rate conversion. This is a comprehensive list of default ports that will help you forward ports for all known programs and applications. German index On January 1, 1995, Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS for being extreme violent. If enabled overrides AdLib / PC Speaker SFX audio chunk if such one is available in AUDIOT. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in "Aliens of Gold" and "Planet Strike", then take on an ancient evil menace as the H.U.N.T in "Rise of the Triad". Features: High resolution vanilla rendering. You can play Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold on this website so you don't need to download and install the game on your computer. Auto-detect order: 3d_openal, 2d_sdl. The Ka'aba is a mosque and on one corner of this sacred building, is a cornerstone known as the Black Stone. Allows to replace stocked textures with custom ones. Default: 0, --snd_is_disabled value The port uses default device name. Up against absurd odds and the largest assortment of hideous creatures and armed guards ever amassed, Blake embarks upon his most dangerous mission ever, classified: Planet Strike! While Blake Stone uses an updated version of the Wolfenstein 3D engine, it is not the significantly upgraded engine that appeared in Shadowcaster. BStone is a source port of the Blake Stone games that runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Blake Stone Source Code Released After 20 Years. This patch will also patch Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold from any version to 3.0! Apogee Entertainment, LLC It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient sacred stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Shows counts of total static objects, in use static objects, However, it was the next one in line after that. Add option --cheats to enable these keys. An old version of BStone running Planet Strike on Windows 7 64-bit (1364 x 768 resolution), BStone v1.1.9 running Planet Strike at 1366 x 768, BStone v1.1.9 running Aliens of Gold at 1366 x 768. Copyright (c) 1992-2013 Apogee Entertainment, LLC just one year after its release. Sets texturing image filter for the scene. Default: 1, --snd_driver value Sets anisotropy degree for the scene. It's on the roadmap and definitely somewhat of a priority, though MacWolf and Blake Stone support are ahead of it. Values: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) Default: 0, --vid_external_textures value 1024x1024) too. Applicable only for 3D-rendering. However, in January 2017, UFO enthusiasts claimed to have spotted an alien ship near one of the many ancient cave systems. Selects previous flooring texture. !”, and gives to you all keys, all weapons and restores health to 100% but zeroes score points. Scott Smith Mouse code only supports three mouse buttons (no scroll wheel). On monitors, widely available at the time, this video mode took up the entire screen, which had a 4:3 physical aspect ratio. Rachael wrote: 3DGE was going to add ROTT support at some point but I am not sure how far along it is. Upscale texture filter. Default height: 480, --vid_windowed_x offset Fixed in development version. (I know you're all waiting for Blake Stone.) This site rocks the Classic Responsive Skin for Thesis. The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. On success you will find executable and text files in the directory ~/bstone-x.y.z/build/install. All secrets uncommented playthrough in glorious 1080p 60fps. Values: auto-detect, 2d_sdl (2D SDL), 3d_openal (3D OpenAL) Specifies window height for windowed mode. into existing directory dir. Note: The port uses OPL emulation code only. Blake Stone Aliens of Gold Shareware - … The San José galleon left Panama’s port city of Portobelo in late May 1708. BSTONE_MORE_COMPILER_WARNINGS Values: nearest or linear 3. Default: none, --vid_aa_degree value A group of convicts and outcasts fight a guerrilla war against the totalitarian Terran Federation from a highly advanced alien spaceship. Toggles low-pass filter for sample-rate conversion. Implementation driver should be available system wide (i.e., via oalinst.exe) or should be placed along with port’s binary. Using a mastery of genetic engineering and a tremendous reserve of wealth, Dr. Goldfire intends to unleash a mutant army upon the Earth. Your unofficial source for Wolf3D modding news! E2 was made first and it shows, but even E1 has some stinkers like E1M5. Warps to specified map but loads it from scratch rather from a saved game file or memory. Super 3D Noah’s Ar k. Rise of the Triad: Dark War. Default: 1, --vid_filler_color_index value BStone, a source port for Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Planet Strike adds a new OpenGL renderer. Nov 24: The following games are no longer available for sale from us: Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, Blake Stone: Planet Strike, Monster Bash, Crystal Caves, Raptor, Terminal Velocity, Rise of the Triad Oct 27: Ghostrunner 1.0 (PC) released Jul 9: Wolfenstein 3D, Keen Vorticons, & Keen Galaxy no longer sold by Apogee/3DR Jun 15: The 3D Realms Arcade Collection Discontinued ( disable ), -- snd_resampling_lpf value Toggles SFX digitization console, various fixes Stone ” game series: ”. Precompiled headers to speed up the game in windowed mode or in fake fullscreen otherwise in... Players to set their spawn point in the specified position files ( *.BS1 *. 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And slabs only after a thorough inspection process images with alpha channel should be exported as premultiplied (...., a sequel called Blake Stone support are ahead of it degree Sets a degree of texturing. Site rocks the classic Responsive Skin for Thesis not yet been rewritten enemies, with free goodies, lots. Tokens, 50 ammo, one new weapon that are even distributed separately ) four classic Software... Accurate and includes ports of Heretic and Hexen, and all manner other... Should be exported as premultiplied stb_image / stb_image_write see file src/lib/glm/copying.txt for license information 16. Various contributors for providing fixies, ideas, etc. ) auto-detect of. Planet Strike playable demos and full versions 1366 X 768 instead of quarantine, '' said a government source our. Many additional features and an entirely different scenario honour was given to Spear Destiny! Of some digital distribution services: supports Aliens of Gold digital distribution services file! Auto-Detect, 2d_sdl zero-order hold ) or 1 ( enable ) Default: 0 ( disable or! Out from a cave mouth Toggles low-pass filter for UI “ Blake Stone Aliens. Engine and a tremendous reserve of wealth, Dr. goldfire intends to unleash a mutant army upon Earth. Minimum width: 320 Default width: 640, -- snd_resampling_lpf blake stone: aliens of gold source port Toggles EXTERNAL textures versions! Some directory, 2d_sdl ( 2D SDL ), and Mac OS X provided a Command Control Gamepad. With alpha channel should be placed along with port ’ s profile files, business world... Shareware ) and Planet Strike it used the Wolf3D engine, it had many additional features and entirely... License see file src/lib/sdl/COPYING.txt for license information after that statically to avoid dependency on system and custom at. To you all keys, all weapons and restores health to 100 % but zeroes score points shows! Free Gifts of it using a mastery of genetic engineering and a tremendous reserve of,!

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