Ensure that each rhizome you cut has one foliage fan, and then plant them where you want a new plant. If you see vertical streaks in the leaves, then look for these pests and squash them! To improve drainage, they can be planted on a slope or in a raised bed. And while they will bloom in a wide range of soils, the #1 rule is that the soil must be well-drained — soggy soil will rot out those rhizomes faster than you can shake your fist. Bearded Iris are identified by the conspicuous "beards" on each of the falls (lower petals) of the blossoms. Iris Germanica - Bearded Irises : Exposure: Full Sun : Season of Interest: Spring (Late) Summer (Early,Late) Fall: Height: 2' – 3' (60cm – 90cm) Spread: 1' – 2' (30cm – 60cm) Spacing: 18" – 24" (45cm – 60cm) Water Needs: Average : Maintenance: Average : Soil Type: Loam, Sand : Soil pH: Acid, Neutral : Soil Drainage: Well-Drained : Characteristics In hot climates (zones 8-11), they will tolerate 4-6 hours of sun. These irises must be planted so that the top of the rhizomes is slightly exposed above soil level and the roots are spread out facing downward. If you see signs of rot in the rhizome, dig it … We recommend dividing irises every three to five years to prevent iris borer infestation. Work some organic matter into the top 2 – 3” of soil to improve your drainage, and you should be good to go. Ideal iris soil pH is 6.8 and soil should have average levels of nitrogen, but sufficient amounts of phosphorus too, the nutrient that helps plants form flowers. Bearded Iris offer an astounding array of colors and color combinations blooming in your garden from early spring to early summer. Replant the iris and spread out the roots in the soil. However, they are susceptible to the horrible Iris Borer which overwinters as eggs in spent leaves. Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8) Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35) Maximum recommended zone: Zone 9b. Underground structures: Rhizome. Ensure rhizomes open to the sun and not shaded or covered by other plants; Monitor Tall Bearded Irises during the growing … Most irises are surprisingly low-maintenance during the growing season, but all irises that grow in climates with cold winters will benefit from some form of winter protection. To propagate your Bearded Irises, dig up the rhizomes in the summer, preferably in August, and then cut them apart. They offer such a wide range of colors and shape of flower that planting irises can be quite the gardening adventure. Bearded Iris prefer at least 6-8 hours of sunlight a day. We hybridize and cultivate the whole range of bearded Iris, from the smallest Miniature Dwarf Bearded to the tallest Tall Bearded varieties. Many gardeners do not have the space for a dedicated iris border. Make sure your Iris get some shade during the day in hotter climates. Light/Watering: Full sun and well-drained soil are important for vigorous growth and flowering. Separate the roots so they’re ready embedded in the soil, but leave a few millimeters of the rhizome peeking out over the soil. Please note that Bearded Irises may not bloom the first year after planting. The rhizome is brown, while the rest of … Breeders have introduced a variety of reblooming Irises, which have a tendency to flower again from late summer into fall depending on climate and growing conditions. Bearded iris prefer full sun. An amendment of superphosphate, colloidal phosphate or bone meal applied in early spring can help plants develop blooms. Another reason for iris plants not flowering is overcrowding. After planting, water in thoroughly to pack the soil around the roots. Bearded irises are generally planted 30-40cm (12-16in) apart. You can mix Tall Bearded Irises successfully with other plants. Irises are deer-resistant and drought-tolerant. Bearded Iris prefer to be planted in well-drained soil. Do not overwater, as too much moisture in the soil can cause the … Place the base of the rhizome about 1 in (2.5 cm) or so into the soil. Iris blooms make every ounce of care worth the effort. Flowers: Showy.

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