The Old South Mountain InnThe Old South Mountain Inn The Battle of South Mountain—known in several early Southern accounts as the Battle of Boonsboro Gap—was fought on September 14, 1862, as part of the Maryland Campaign of the American Civil War. From here you can gain a good understanding of the difficulty of the terrain faced by the Union forces as they struggled up the mountainside. South Mountain. Gen. Samuel Garland were killed during the battle. This structure was not in existence at the time of the war, but it does have an interesting Civil War connection. For those who believe McClellan was a timid commander, consider Franklin’s assignment for that September 14: his Sixth Corps was to march from its campsites east of the Catoctin range, cross that mountain and from there march to Burkittsville-in all roughly thirteen miles-then fight its way up and across South Mountain at Crampton’s Gap, then turn south down Pleasant Valley, defeat Lafayette McLaws’s force on Maryland Heights, thereby freeing the trapped Harpers Ferry garrison and, finally, with those men in tow, to turn back around and assist Burnside six miles north at Turner’s Gap! Kings Mountain … Orlando Willcox, one of Reno’s division commanders during the battle, delivered the dedication address to an appreciative crowd of largely Ninth Corps veterans who returned to pay tribute to the memory of their fallen commander. Washington Monument State Park. No tour of the Civil War’s eastern battlefields is complete without a visit to South Mountain, especially this year, as we observe and commemorate its Sesquicentennial Anniversary. Armed with this knowledge, he moved faster than Lee expected. The Battle of South Mountain Marker near the War Correspondents Memorial Arch Credits. But for all McClellan’s faults he was a superb organizer and motivator, and the Army of the Potomac was soon on the march. who truly participated in the Battle of Kings Mountain. Now his army was scattered around western Maryland. South Mountain State Park 8. The final, dramatic scenes of the struggle for Crampton’s Gap played out here in the waning daylight of September 14; the area where the Arch and all the surrounding buildings of “Gathland” now stand witnessed a whirlwind of battle as broken ranks of Confederates streamed up the hillside, then down its western slope. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Hours: 8 a.m. to Sunset. Interpretive wayside exhibits highlight points of interest from the battle. On September 14, 1862, the rugged slopes of South Mountain would be the site of first major battle fought on Union Soil in the Eastern Theatre during the Civil War. Please note that the hilltop here was open during the time of the battle and was owned by Daniel Wise, whose cabin home stood where the dirt parking lot is now located. The flagstaff he was carrying was cut in two and his brother-in-law fell dead beside him. Battle of South Mountain 4. One can only imagine the scene: Confederate gunners lobbing shells from the mountain side, skirmishers battling it out in town, as Franklin, Henry Slocum, William F. Smith, Winfield Scott Hancock, and John Newton ate enjoyed their noonday repast then a round of cigars. There you can get a map to the four locations and some general information about battle. Tabor Lutheran Cemetery remains. Spotlight on History - Battle of South Mountain, Middletown, Maryland. While there, pay special attention to the nature of the ground over which the two sides fought; for most of the soldiers in both Blue and Gray who fought here, this would be the worst, most rugged terrain on which they would battle during the entirety of the war. Hiking the Battlefield Media in category "Battle of South Mountain" The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total. But… We CAN do better… and we should. Confederate Army: 18,000, The Army of the Potomac Finally Beats Bobby Lee’s Boys. Carried from the field, he was cared for by regimental surgeon Joseph Webb, the brother of Hayes’s beloved wife, Lucy Webb Hayes. Tabor Church Site 6620 Zittlestown Road. The future president was then taken to the Jacob Rudy house, in nearby Middletown, which still stands at 504 West Main Street. Chaotic scenes unfolded on the mountain slope and on the summit. Battle of South Mountain, Confederate Side 5. Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, commanding the Union Army of the Potomac, needed to pass through these gaps in his pursuit of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's precariously divided Army of Nor… The conflict of the 14th of September, 1862, is called at the North the battle of South Mountain, and at the South the battle of Boonsboro. Thunder on the Mountain Washington Monument State Park Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, commanding the Union Army of the Potomac, … * Bump Anniversary * The Battle of South Mountain, Maryland (Boonsboro Gap) was fought on this day in 1862, as part of the Maryland Campaign of the American Civil War. It was the first major battle fought north of the Potomac and it was there-and not at Antietam-where Lee’s first invasion of Union territory was initially met-and turned back. Panting Federal troops under Bartlett, Newton, Torbert, and Brooks moved up after them, right on their heels. Both generals at South Mountain, Union Gen. Jesse Reno and Confederate Brig. The Battle of South Mountain—known in several early Southern accounts as the Battle of Boonsboro Gap—was fought on September 14, 1862, as part of the Maryland Campaign of the American Civil War.Three pitched battles were fought for possession of three South Mountain passes: Crampton's, Turner's, and Fox's Gaps. In the end McClellan would not move fast enough. Although it has long languished in the shadows cast by Antietam, the September 14, 1862, Battle of South Mountain was in itself a battle of great importance and profound consequence. Among the fallen was brigade commander Samuel Garland, a Virginian, though highly regarded and respected by his North Carolinians. On September 14, 1862, the badly outnumbered rear guard of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia fought to hold three passes through Maryland’s South Mountain against George McClellan’s Army … The Appalachian National Scenic Trail follows the crest of the mountain through Maryland and a portion of Pennsylvania. And, we may never know –for certain –the exact “order of battle,” that is, which officers led specific men at a specific location, at the Battle of Kings Mountain. During the Battle of South Mountain, also known as the Battle of Boonsboro Gap, the monument was utilized as a signal station. The Kings Mountain National Military Park contains a miniature Washington Monument style obelisk. Tabor Church as his headquarters during the battle. The Battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro (Fightning For Time at Turner's and Fox's Gaps) By . As you face west toward the mountain, George Gordon Meade’s division, composed of three brigades of Pennsylvania Reserves, were deployed to your front and right while, to your left, stretched the brigades of Major General John Hatch’s division. James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. Walk either through the Union Cemetery or, for perhaps a better view, to the Burkittsville Park just a few yards away, and look northward. Conversely, and for the first time since he assumed army command three-and-a-half months earlier, Robert E. Lee suffered a serious battlefield defeat. Tabor Church SiteMt. The monument as erected in 1908 or 1909 had two granite plaques that read: “To commemorate the battle of Round Mountain in which Capt. And South Mountain, which divided Maryland from north to south, provided a defensive wall that would allow a small rear guard to shelter Lee’s other operations. The Battle of South Mountain, fought on September 14, 1862, is the site where Gen. Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the North was stopped. (A historical marker located in Blacksburg in York County, South Carolina.) The main body was making for Pennsylvania, while a large detachment under “Stonewall” Jackson was in the process of surrounding the sizable Union garrison at Harpers Ferry. The trail to the North Carolina monument. Begun in 1881, the impressive Gothic revival chapel was consecrated three years later as the Chapel of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Still, from here citizens of Boonsboro watched some of the battle action unfold, while during the Battle of Antietam, this was the site of a Federal signal station. Middletown, MD 21769, USA. The widow Dahlgren then paid for the construction of a private chapel, across the Turnpike, using stone quarried from the mountain slopes. Dahlgren ChapelDahlgren Chapel Battle of South Mountain - Wikipedia 3. The Martin Shafer HouseThe Martin Shafer House It was a daylong fight, spread out across many miles of rugged, mountainous terrain, as the two sides slugged it out for control of several key mountain passes. Dedicated in 2003, this monument, sculpted by Gary Casteel, honors the many North Carolina regiments that struggled for possession of Fox’s Gap against an ever-increasing number of Federal troops. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. The park commemorates the Battle of Kings Mountain, a pivotal and significant victory by American Patriots over American Loyalists during the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War.It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. Watching the attack from the Cemetery, Winfield Scott Hancock remembered the scene as “the pageantry of war.”. Marameade The North Carolina monument on South Mountain is on Wise’s farm in Fox’s Gap about 1000 feet south of the Garland and Reno monuments along Reno Monument Road. This is one example of the aggressiveness, if you will, of McClellan’s orders for September 14, for in order for Franklin to carry out these instructions, he had to first leave the Sixth Corps’s bivouac site at Buckeyestown, march no less than thirteen miles, across the Catoctin Mountains, battle their way through Crampton’s Gap at South Mountain, then turn south, destroy McLaws and then turn around, … The battle that would be fought there was the bloodiest single day in American history, and the fight on South Mountain became a little-known prelude, remembered by a handful of monuments in the now-quiet woods. North Carolina Monument, [August 2012] This monument is about 1.5 miles south of Frostown Gap, which was the objective of the Pennsylvania Reserve Division, September 14, 1862. The North Carolina MonumentThe North Carolina Monument Burkittsville is one mile to the west and South Mountain rises beyond town; the Catoctin Mountains rise behind you to the east. As at South Mountain, however, here again Lee was defeated at the hands of McClellan and his victory-flushed Army of the Potomac. Both of these churches-the German Reform Church, built in 1829, and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, constructed thirty years later-were used as hospitals after the battle. Major General Jesse Reno, commanding the Union Ninth Corps, was one of the highest-ranking generals to give his life during the Civil War. The view from here is simply breathtaking. This stately stone structure, built in 1732, served as the command hub for Confederate forces under both Daniel Harvey Hill and James Longstreet during the Battle of South Mountain. He fell at twilight very near the spot where this monument, unveiled and dedicated in 1889, now stands. South Mountain State Battlefield seeks to preserve and interpret the first major Civil War battle to take place in Maryland. The Churches of Burkittsville/Burkittsville Park, Crampton's Gap & The War Correspondents' Arch. It was begun at the urging of D.A.R. Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio), Italian painter (Sistine Madonna). Thomas Jefferson considered the battle "The turn of the tide of success." Desperate rear guard fighting resulted at the three passes over South Mountain: Crampton’s Gap, Turner’s Gap and Fox’s Gap. in York South Carolina in 1906. The idea for the monument came at a time of intense racist ferment in Atlanta and the greater South. Franklin arrived at the Shafer house shortly before noon and while waiting for his men to catch up, set up his headquarters and invited his generals for lunch. On September 14, 1862, the badly outnumbered rear guard of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia fought to hold three passes through Maryland’s South Mountain against George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac. Middletown, MD 21769. Some of this battlefield is located within South Mountain State Park. The Old South Mountain Inn. Three pitched battles were fought for possession of three South Mountain passes: Crampton's, Turner's, and Fox's Gaps. Jackson captured Harpers Ferry, and Lee had time – barely – to gather most of his army along the banks of Antietam Creek. Currently, several markers indicate multiple highlights in George Washington’s life along the trail to the monument. One can imagine the busy scenes as exhausted, sweating Confederate forces raced up this road from Boonsboro, at the mountain’s western base, to help confront the Union forces sweeping up the mountain, north and south of Turner’s Gap. Union forces under Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks attacked Confederate forces under Maj. Gen. Thomas J. The North Carolina monument was probably the most impressive of. Battle of South Mountain: Sons of the South 7. Between this monument and the Frostown Gap is Turner's Gap and the National Road [Route 40]. General Joseph Hooker used the Mt. This video contains detailed information on important actions of the American Civil War. Cannon firing demonstrations are presented at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. June 20 - 21. Learn about the important role artillery played in the Battle of South Mountain. The park commemorates the Battle of Kings Mountain, a pivotal and significant victory by American Patriots over American Loyalists during the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. The 11th Corps artillery deployed in that area to support Buford's dismounted troopers during the Battle of Boonsboro on July 8. The Reno MonumentThe Reno Monument Indeed, if veterans of the fight here returned to the historic town today, they will no doubt recognize most of its homes and alleyways. This page has been viewed 1,877 times since then and 11 times this year. Thunder on the Mountain Washington Monument State Park 6620 Zittlestown Rd. Following his stunning victory at Second Bull Run, Lee invaded the North for the first time. Of interest, future president Rutherford B. Hayes was severely wounded while leading his 23rd Ohio Infantry against Garland’s North Carolinians. Known then as the Mountain House, it long served those traveling on the east-west running National Turnpike, the road that cuts through the mountain, here at Turner’s Gap. The Old South Mountain Inn was also George Meade's headquarters on the night of July 8, 1863, during the pursuit of Lee's army after Gettysburg. Daniel H. Hill, Lieutenant-General, C.S.A. Merle Haggard, American country musician. Union Sixth Corps commander William B. Franklin, first in his West Point Class of 1843, used this home for his headquarters while his men battled for possession of Crampton’s Gap. Years after the Civil War, the First Washington Monument became a Maryland State Park. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. It was originally submitted on August 9, 2007, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia. The North Carolinians who suffered the worst casualties were of Samuel Garland’s brigade, who for more than two hours battled it out with Jacob Cox’s Ohioans of the Kanawha Division before finally driven from the field with great loss. Near the southernmost point of the battle near Burkittsville, Confederate Calvary along with Major General Lafayette McLaw and the clause division defended Brownsville pass in Crampton’s gap. In the field behind you, near the parking lot, Brigadier General Howell Cobb tried, in vain, to rally his broken and shattered ranks. Battle of South Mountain • Turner’s Gap • Fox’s Gap • Crampton’s Gap. Alexandra McLaughlin (left) and Rachel Seidner tromp past a white blaze that marks the route of the Appalachian Trail near Fox’s Gap in Maryland. It is interesting to note that all the once and future commanders of the Army of the Potomac either passed by or stopped at this house on their way to the front: McClellan, Burnside, Hooker, and Meade. Crampton's Gap & The War Correspondents' ArchCrampton’s Gap & The War Correspondents’ Arch Be sure to pack your binoculars. Here are a few suggested “must see” sites to include in your visit. One cannot help but be swept up in the rustic charm and beauty that is Burkittsville, a town that retains much of its Civil War look. Turner's Gap. Kings Mountain National Military Park is a National Military Park near Blacksburg, South Carolina, along the North Carolina/South Carolina border. Photo above: Union soldier exhibit at the South Mountain Battlefield museum in Gathland State Park. The battle of South Mountain had three main battles. Be sure to take the time to stop by the visitor center for the Washington Monument State Park and then hike to the summit where you will find the nation’s first monument dedicated to the memory of George Washington. W. Warrick Cardozo, physician, researcher of Sickle Cell Anemia. Total casualties exceeded 5,000 men, killed, wounded, or captured, a number comparable to those lost at First Bull Run. By day’s end, George McClellan and his Army of the Potomac emerged triumphant; their first major victory of the war. Lee was not concerned at what would normally be considered a dangerous dispersion of his forces. Below: North Carolina monument at Fox's Gap, Battle of South Mountain. Fough The Churches of Burkittsville/Burkittsville ParkThe Churches of Burkittsville/Burkittsville Park It had been reassigned to McClellan, a slow and cautious commander that Lee knew and thoroughly understood. the monuments. The action for possession of Fox’s Gap would have swirled all around you. That night, in ordering a retreat from the mountain, Lee also decided to bring an end to his invasion north. Construction of this monument commenced in 1827 but, by the time of the battle, had fallen into disrepair. As Hooker later noted, the mountain “slopes are precipitous, rugged, and wooded, and difficult of ascent to an infantry force, even in absence of a foe in front.” The church that once stood here was destroyed in a fire well after the war, but the little Mt. A small monument, just a few yards from the Reno Monument, marks the spot where Garland fell. Frederick County and Washington County, Maryland, Union: George B. McClellan The first battle was Crampton’s gap, followed by Turner’s gap, and the deciding battle being Fox’s gap. Two museums explore the literary career of George Alfred Townsend and War Correspondents, and the Battle of South Mountain. 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