Texans lost only 9 killed or mortally wounded; thirty were less seriously wounded. On April 16, learning that Santa Anna had isolated his army, Houston pursued him to Buffalo Bayou, arriving there at midnight on April 19, and continuing their march toward Lynch's Ferry on the 20th. On 20 April, the two armies met in a low area of marshland and bayous near the San Jacinto River. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Let us know. Republic of Texas Currency, See Also: Handbook of Texas article on the Republic of Texas, Tel: 512-463-5474 The Battle of San Jacinto April 20, 21 1836 At the Battle of San Jacinto, the Texas army under General Sam Houstan defeated the Mexican army under Santa Anna. Houston ordered Erastus "Deaf" Smith to destroy the bridge-a move that prevented further swelling of Mexican ranks, and likewise prevented retreat by both the Mexican and Texan armies. Mirabeau B. Lamar's heroic actions in that conflict earned him a battlefield commission as Colonel. Image: General Sidney Sherman. Three Mexican states joined Texas in the revolt against the dictatorship of Santa Anna. Battle of San Jacinto - Related Articles; The Battle of San Jacinto by Jeffery Robenalt In eighteen glorious minutes, Sam Houston and his fellow Texans won a remarkable victory, establishing Texas as an independent republic and opening the door for United States expansion southwest to the Rio Grande and all the way west to the Pacific Ocean. Image: Erastus "Deaf" Smith. Neither the Texas nor Mexican governments accepted the treaties, however, and a state of war existed throughout most of the Republic of Texas' existence. Fought along the San Jacinto River, near the site of what was to be the city of Houston, the battle ensured the success of American settlers in the Texas Revolution (War of Texas Independence). He personally led the remaining 600 men after Houston. Dunn, Jeffrey D. "'To the Devil with your Glorious History! 2. Resources. Next came the disturbance at Anahuac and the battle of Velasco, in 1832. Three signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence were Mexican Texans. Within a short time, 700 Mexicans were slain, with another 730 taken as prisoners. They confirmed the Mexican retreat and declared an end to the war. The Battle of the Alamo This 1,200-acre park includes the towering San Jacinto … On the day following the battle, a small party discovered Santa Anna and brought him into camp, unaware at first of the importance of their prisoner. The longtime annual commemoration of the Battle of San Jacinto will be Saturday, April 17 on the grounds of the San Jacinto Museum of History in La Porte.. Texas Library and Archives Foundation, Inc. Handbook of Texas article on the Republic of Texas. Raymond K. Bluhm Jr. is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and military historian, author, and former professor of American History. The Texas Declaration of Independence Ten reading parts and five illustrations. Mexico would never regain the lost territory, in spite of sporadic incursions during the 1840s. The next day, Houston learned that General Martin Perfecto de Cos had crossed over Vince's Bridge with reinforcements. Volunteer companies rushed to join General Samuel Houston’s growing Texas army. Texas, one and indivisible!-- The Texian Army wins Texas Independence. San Jacinto Battlefield is a National Historic Landmark. San Jacinto List of Killed and Wounded Page 1 Page 1 | Page 2 | Back to "The Battle of San Jacinto" Major Gen'l Sam Houston wounded severely Return of killed and wounded in the action of 20th and 21st April 1836 First Regiment Texas Volunteers CopanyA George Waters private slightly wounded 21st CompanyA George Waters private slightly wounded 21st B James Canby " badly Nine of Houston’s men had been killed or mortally wounded, and about 30 wounded less seriously, in this heavily lopsided victory. It commemorates an important military victory that took place on this day in 1856. She most likely did that as soon as she could. The significance of this short battle cannot be overestimated. Articles such as this one were acquired and published with the primary aim of expanding the information on Britannica.com with greater speed and efficiency than has traditionally been possible. San Jacinto Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, have placed these twenty boulders to interpret the battle fought here April 21, 1836, which won the independence of Texas. On May 14, 1836, the public and private treaties of Velasco, were signed by Presidents David G. Burnet and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Losses: Mexican, 630 dead, 208 wounded, 730 captured; Texan, 9 dead, 30 wounded. Look to it, you Texans of today, with happy homes, mid fields of smiling plenty, that the blood of the Alamo, Goliad, and San Jacinto sealed forever. Nine hundred and ten Texas troops under Gen. Sam Houston attack approximately 1,200 Mexican troops under President Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto, located at the bend of the San Jacinto River and Buffalo Bayou, in present-day La Porte. Tel: 1-800-252-9386 Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Corrections? The Goliad Massacre The actual battle of San Jacinto lasted less than twenty minutes, but events leading to the battle had long been in the making since the oppressive Mexican edict of April 6, 1830, prohibiting further emigration of Anglo-Americans from the United States to Texas. Negotiating for Peace with Mexico That afternoon, General Sidney Sherman engaged the Mexicans in a skirmish that almost resulted in a full scale battle. The battle for Texas was won. After days of retreat, Houston’s men relished the attack, taking the resting Mexican force by surprise (during the Mexicans’ siesta), shouting, "Remember the Alamo, remember Goliad!" Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. In one of the most one sided battles in history, the Texian soldiers crushed Santa Annas men in 18 minutes ensuring the succ… The park is located in La Porte, about 25 miles (40 km) southeast of downtown Houston. Image: Sam Houston. Then with the cries "Remember the Alamo" and "Remember La Bahia" or "Remember Goliad" ringing along their lines, the Texans swooped down on the dismayed Mexican army, pursuing and butchering them long after the battle itself had ended. Click on image for larger image and transcript. The Battle of San Jacinto Painting that depicts the surrender of Mexican General Santa Anna to Texan Sam Houston after the Battle of San Jacinto. Descriptive Summary: Creator: San Jacinto Descendants: Title: A Guide to the San Jacinto Descendants Records, Dates: 1965-Abstract: Organizational records and membership files of San Jacinto Descendants, a group founded by Dr. Albert Walling, II, in 1965 to perpetuate the memory of the men who fought in the Battle of San Jacinto and to promote the study of Texas history. (Legend holds that Santa Anna was slow to respond to the assault because he was romantically involved with a woman when the attack unfolded, but that account is probably apocryphal.). Image: Sam Houston. Email TSLAC, Tel: 1-800-252-9605 Battle of San Jacinto | April 1836. The Battle of San Jacinto lasted less than twenty minutes, but it sealed the fate of three republics. In the wake of the Alamo debacle, with Mexican forces approaching, Houston and the troops under his command at Gonzales began an organized withdrawal to the northeast, accompanied by fleeing civilians. The Battle of San Jacinto has been called "one of the most decisive battles in the history of the world." Shielded by trees and a rise in the terrain, the Texans were able to advance with some security. They were within 200 yards (183 m) of the Mexican camp when discovered. Women and the Texas Revolution. Sam Houston spent the next few weeks attempting to train the recruits into something resembling a disciplined army, then continued his march toward the Sabine. Birth of a Republic Learn how Sam Houston turned a steady retreat into a surprise attack, and certain defeat into sudden victory at San Jacinto. Today, San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site and Monument preserves the site of this important battle and commemorates the Texans’ victory over Mexico, as well as the battle’s lasting effect on the history of the United States. Updates? Questions or concerns? In spring of 1836, the Texan Revolution was coming to a close. Read about how a small Texas army defeated General Santa Anna's forces and gained independence for Texas. Meanwhile, Mexican General Santa Anna marched his army to crush the Texan rebels. A panel on the side of the monument at San Jacinto today underscores the importance of the battle after more than a century and a half of reflection: “Measured by its results, San Jacinto was one of the decisive battles of the world. Among the latter was General Houston, whose ankle was shattered. These articles have not yet undergone the rigorous in-house editing or fact-checking and styling process to which most Britannica articles are customarily subjected. or 512-463-5465 A Texan council of war, in the meantime, voted to attack, and Houston launched his 900 Texans in a risky assault that afternoon. The former page's history now serves to provide attribution for that content in the latter page, and it must not be deleted so long as the latter page exists. Santa Anna’s defense collapsed as panicked Mexicans tried to flee the cavalry across the marshes. The Battle of San Jacinto was not a battle against the Mexican people. The Mier Expedition Image: Surrender of Santa Anna, by William H. Huddle, First-Hand Accounts: John Forbes, Sam Houston, Lyman Rounds, Thomas J. Rusk, William P. Zuber, Related Link: San Jacinto Museum of History, << The Battle of the Alamo | The Treaties of Velasco >>, The Long Expedition Although these articles may currently differ in style from others on the site, they allow us to provide wider coverage of topics sought by our readers, through a diverse range of trusted voices. In the wake of the Alamo debacle, with Mexican forces approaching, Houston and the troops under his command at Gonzales began an organized... San Jacinto Monument, San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, LaPorte, Texas, U.S. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The Treaties of Velasco, The Archives War The Mexicans were thoroughly routed, and hundreds were taken prisoner, including General Santa Anna himself. The monument contains an inscription, part of which reads: "Measured by its results, San Jacinto was one of the decisive battles of the world. Mexican General Santa Anna had unwisely divided his force to mop up those Texans still in rebellion after the Battle of the Alamo and the Goliad Massacre. In the meantime, more information about the article and the author can be found by clicking on the author’s name. Battle of San Jacinto: National holiday: 2025: Sun: Sep 14: Battle of San Jacinto: National holiday: 2026: Mon: Sep 14: Battle of San Jacinto: National holiday: While we diligently research and update our holiday dates, some of the information in the table above may be preliminary. This battle ended the war, and Texas earned its independence from Mexico. Within 24 hours, some 600 Mexicans had been killed and more than 700 captured, including eventually Santa Anna himself, who was then freed after he came to terms with Houston to end the war. The Battle of San Jacinto lasted less than twenty minutes, but it sealed the fate of three republics. Battle of San Jacinto is a national holiday in Nicaragua observed on September 14th each year. At the battle of San Jacinto he was captain of Company A, Infantry Regulars. If … Name AlternateNames Army Site Id; Adams, Thomas Jefferson: Texian: San Jacinto: 1: … Open for archival research Santa Anna attempted unsuccessfully to probe the Texan position, and there was an exchange of artillery fire. Part of the Texas Revolution of 183536, it was fought between a Mexican army led by General Antonio López de Santa Anna and the Texian force of Sam Houston. The battle of San Jacinto was the concluding military event of the Texas Revolution. Texan Killed and Wounded. The Republic of Texas | Early Statehood | Giants of Texas History | Native American Relations, Rangers and Outlaws | Texas Characters | Flags and Maps | The Texas Constitution. Below is a listing of the heroes of the Battle of San Jacinto as well as those who were in the baggage train at Harrisburg, handing out supplies and tending the wounded. One of the eight inscriptions on the exterior base of the San Jacinto Monument reads: “Measured by its results, San Jacinto was one of the decisive battles of the world. By early April, Santa Anna had divided his forces in a three-pronged attack: a northern army, under General Antonio Gaona , the central army under Santa Anna and General Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma, and a coastal army under command of General Jose Francisco Urrea. In … Text and/or other creative content from this version of Texas Revolution was copied or moved into Battle of San Jacinto with this edit on June 24, 2015. The Battle of San Jacinto was fought April 21, 1836, and was the decisive engagement of the Texas Revolution. In 1837, saying she had lost her "free" papers at San Jacinto, Emily West asked for and was granted a passport to leave Texas. Santa Anna decided to rest his new and tired troops before attacking, but he failed to post sentries. When his term ended in 1839, he began dealing in cattle and trying to promote a railroad. Battle of San Jacinto, (April 21, 1836), defeat of a Mexican army of about 1,200–1,300 men under Antonio López de Santa Anna by about 900 men (mostly recent American arrivals in Texas) led by Gen. Sam Houston. Eighteen minutes was all it took for Houston’s troops to take control of the Mexican camp. About 3:30 in the afternoon, during the Mexican siesta period, Houston distributed his troops in battle array, bracketing the line with the "Twin Sisters" cannon. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 1. The resulting "Runaway Scrape" involved most of Eastern Texas, and panicked the government. The San Jacinto Monument is a 570 foot high column topped with a 220 ton star that commemorates the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle … A readers theater play for the 7th grade Texas On March 13, 1836, the revolutionary army at Gonzales began to retreat eastward. The Battle of San Jacinto, which takes its name from San Jacinto River, took place on April 21, 1836, in present-day Harris County, Texas. The lives and the liberty of a few hundred pioneers at stake and an empire won! The Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, was the defining battle of the Texas Revolution. Citizens of the new Republic of Texas responded to the destruction of the Alamo and massacre of the unarmed Texans captured at Goliad with outrage. Houston avoided contact with the pursuing Mexican army until his Texas army gained strength and training. Mexican Killed and Wounded. News of the March 27 massacre at Goliad led several men to leave the army to assist their families to flee before the advancing Mexican army. The Siege of Bexar Fax: 512-936-0685. The Texan army, meanwhile, had been in retreat since March 13, when it left Gonzales after learning of the Fall of the Alamo. Mexico would never regain the lost territory, in spite of sporadic incursions during the 1840s. About 500 Mexican reinforcements arrived. Click on image for larger image and transcript. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Battle of San Jacinto 21st April 1836 (Primary sources Dixon and Kemp's The Heroes of San Jacinto, Dudley Wooten's Comprehensive History of Texas 1685 to 1897, John Henry Brown's History of Texas, Miller's Bounty and Land Donation Grants of Texas and Stephen Moore's Eighteen Minutes. by advance appointment. Interested in participating in the Publishing Partner Program? Fax: 512-936-2306, Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, Website Policies | Accessibility Resources | Texas Library and Archives Foundation, Inc. | Subscribe - Events Newsletter, © 2021 Texas State Library and Archives Commission. It crossed the Colorado River on March 17 and camped near present Columbus on March 20, recruiting and reinforcements having increased its size to 1,200 men. Today, the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site commemorates the battle and includes the San Jacinto Monument, the world's tallest memorial column, at 570 feet (170 m). The Texans fired at close range and rolled over the hasty Mexican breastworks. After an eighteen-minute fight, the remaining Mexicans surrendered, but Santa Anna slipped away in a private’s uniform. Santa Anna, on the other hand, split his force, sending some units to secure his long supply line while others sought to capture the provisional Texan government. The Turtle Bayou Resolutions, Sam Houston's Call for Volunteers Replicas of the cannons presented by Citizens of Cincinnati to the Texas Army. The Texan Army was made up of many native-born Mexicans, some of whom were killed at the Alamo. The United States would go on to acquire not only the Republic of Texas in 1845 but Mexican lands to the west after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican War in 1848. The freedom of Texas from Mexico won here led to annexation and to the Mexican-American War, resu… The United States would go on to acquire not only the Republic of Texas in 1845 but Mexican lands to the west after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican War in 1848. Shouted the Texian troops led by Gen. Sam Houston when they surprised the Mexican army that was camped here in 1836. 630 Mexicans were killed and 730 taken prisoner. This contribution has not yet been formally edited by Britannica. The Grass Fight In 1836 Briscoe was appointed chief justice of Harrisburg by Sam Houston. At that moment, Houston’s artillery opened fire, and the Texan infantry charged. Texas Revolution: The Battle of San Jacinto. This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects: The Mexican army suffers 630 killed and 730 captured. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-San-Jacinto-1836, Texas State Historical Association - The Handbook of Texas Online - Battle of San Jacinto, National Park Service - American Latino Heritage - San Jacinto Battlefield La Porte, Texas, The Civil War - The Battle of San Jacinto. The decisive Battle of San Jacinto resulted in Texas’ independence from Mexico. The San Jacinto Battleground & State Historic Site marks the spot where on April 21,1836 Texas indisputably became Texas. On the back of stone marker: Site “Twin Sisters,’’ April 20, 1836. 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